Urban Inventor

Chapter 51 - mission completed

(Thank you for “Ayong Ayong”, “Silent Achen”. Thank you for your recommendation.)

As more and more users receive their own flying cars, drying flying cars on the Internet has become a new way of showing off.

This has also stimulated many people who can afford a flying car, making them desperately want to own a flying car, but the flying car can not be bought if they want to buy it. The next round of sales will have to wait for a month, and still It is a limited sale, which means that it is not necessarily available.

The rich but unable to buy a flying car has caused many people to complain, and these people have tweeted on Weibo and strongly requested future technology companies to expand the capacity of flying cars in Weibo so that they can buy flying cars early. .

Abroad, there are also many local tyrants who are calling for flying cars to go on sale as soon as possible, which also makes the agents who have just obtained the sales rights of flying car agents excited, immediately started the public relations work, and strive to clear the law for the sale of flying cars in the shortest time. obstacle. And then placed a batch of orders for the future technology company, the total amount of more than 60 billion.

Faced with this situation, the future technology company immediately held a press conference. Liu Hai spoke on behalf of the company and announced that the company is starting construction of new production lines day and night. These production lines can be put into production in three weeks. From the current 10,000 vehicles per month to 40,000 vehicles per month.

At the press conference, Liu Hai also revealed another news. The research and development process of the mid-range flying car is very smooth, and it may be put on the market in advance, which immediately attracts a cheer. However, this news is bad news for luxury car manufacturers and domestic real estate companies. The luxury cars in the world can hardly be sold anymore, and luxury car manufacturers can only watch themselves. Of companies went bankrupt.

The sales volume of commercial housing in first-tier cities in China has plummeted, almost to the point where no one is interested. People who originally intended to buy a house have chosen to rent a house, leaving the money to buy a flying car. This made real estate developers grin their teeth at Zhang Wei and future technology companies, and then contacted each other to prepare for a meeting to discuss how to deal with the crisis.

In addition to this matter, there is another thing related to the flying car that has been fermenting over time. It has become more and more noisy. That is the controversy caused by the navigation map of the flying car.

At the beginning, this incident was only spread on domestic Weibo. Domestic netizens all applauded and praised the future technology companies’ practices.

Later, someone forwarded Chen Yang’s Weibo content and pictures to forums in Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and also did some translation work. Then, netizens in these countries immediately exploded and protested on the Internet, severely condemning the wrong actions of future technology companies, and demanding that future technology companies immediately revise the navigation maps of flying vehicles. Later, the media in these countries also reported this incident, causing a sensation among the people, and some people organized marches and protests, calling on everyone to boycott the future technology companies and resolutely not buy flying cars.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, and the governments of these countries ca n’t sit still anymore, issuing a public statement, strongly protesting and severely condemning the future technology company, demanding that the future technology company immediately apologize immediately, and immediately revise the navigation map of the flying car, Otherwise, it will consider prohibiting the sale of flying cars in their own country.

Contrary to these countries, domestic public opinion is one-sided support for future technology companies. Netizens have left messages on the official website of future technology companies to express their support. People’s Daily also published a commentator article saying that fishing ~ fish ~ island, Huangyan Island and other places have been Chinese territory since ancient times.

Zhang Wei goes online every day, of course, he knows this matter, but he is too lazy to ignore the protests in these countries. Protests will protest. If it’s a big deal, don’t want these markets. However, when he inadvertently saw the order received by the company, he was surprised to find that the Japanese flying car agent had already ordered 500 flying cars, and he continued to place orders.

With so many orders, the company’s development situation is very good, everyone is enthusiastically devoted to the work, as the boss, Zhang Wei originally had a lot of work to deal with, but he threw these jobs to Liu Hai to deal with, himself Responsible for the global publicity plan he planned. For him, this is the most important thing. Many people in the company are puzzled about this matter, and everyone has discussed it, but it was all discussed in private and did not let Zhang Wei hear it.

With the cooperation of the agents, the promotion plan went smoothly.

Internet, TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and other media platforms in major countries around the world are frequently reporting anti-gravity flying vehicles, even if you don’t leave the house, you can’t avoid this overwhelming publicity. Moreover, Zhang Wei also deliberately increased the propaganda in the underdeveloped areas of the media industry in Africa, Arab countries, and strived to let those black uncles and Arabs who did not know a big character know about anti-gravity flying vehicles.

As time goes by, the company is getting better and better. Not only has a large number of elite talents been recruited, but new factories and new production lines are also under construction. All employees of the company have smiles on their faces and they believe in their future It can definitely get better and better as the company grows.

However, as the company’s boss, Zhang Wei was not very happy, he still did not complete the system tasks, and there was always a trace of anxiety in his heart.

On the evening of the eleventh day after the start of the publicity plan, two o’clock in the morning.

Zhang Wei was lying in bed ~ for several hours, but he couldn’t sleep anymore, thinking about system tasks all the time. He took a deep breath, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com calmed himself down and began to think about what to do next.

Just then, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind, making him completely excited.


“The host completes the mission” Advantage Inventor “and rewards the genetic evolution fluid manufacturing technology.”

Before Zhang Wei responded, the system sounded again.


“The host completes all the novice tasks, and the system can be upgraded after passing the test of the system. Will the host start the upgrade immediately?”

After listening to Zhang Wei, he jumped up from the bed ~ excitedly and shouted, “Haha! I’m done! I’m done! …”

His voice awakened Ning Wei, who was resting downstairs. Ning Wei rushed up and knocked on the door. “Boss, what happened, do you need help?”

Zhang Wei woke up from the excitement, shrugged, and said, “It’s okay, I just upgraded while playing the game, so excited. You go back.”

“Okay, I’ll go down first.”

Ning Wei responded, then went downstairs, muttering while walking, “The boss never seems to play games.”

After Ning Wei left, Zhang Wei also remembered the system prompt sound just now. It seemed to say that the system could be upgraded. He quickly meditated on the “Big Inventor System” three times in his heart, and then looked at the virtual screen that appeared in front of him.

There are two big characters glowing on the screen: upgrade.

He clicked **** these two words, and then he heard the system prompt sound in his mind: “Confirm, the system starts to upgrade!”

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