Urban Inventor

Chapter 49 - Agency auction

(Thanks to “Look at 86”, “Ayong Ayong” for the reward, thank you for your recommendation ticket.)

It is an era when wine is fragrant and scary of alleys. For any company, marketing and promotion is a very important job. Enterprises spend a lot of money every year to publicize companies and products. Even Microsoft, which is in a dominant position in the operating system field, spends more than $ 1 billion in marketing and promotional expenses each year.

Future Technology Company also attaches great importance to publicity work. In the case of anti-gravity flying vehicles that can be fired without publicity, the company has invested more than 300 million yuan in publicity work.

However, there is a degree in everything. With the current popularity of anti-gravity flying vehicles, it is a waste to immediately invest funds for large-scale publicity.

Therefore, everyone feels that the new round of propaganda plan that Zhang Wei said is temporarily unnecessary.

Liu Hai said immediately, “Zhang, I think our main job now is to expand the production capacity of flying vehicles. A new round of large-scale publicity work can be started after the popularity of flying vehicles decreases.

Others also echoed, “Yes, flying vehicles are now in short supply, and expanding production capacity is the primary task.”

Zhang Wei looked closely and found that everyone was opposed to his new publicity plan, and no one was in favor.

However, he was not angry at all. On the contrary, he is quite happy, because it shows that everyone is seriously considering the company’s interests, and the company needs such employees.

However, happy to be happy, in order to complete the system tasks, the new large-scale publicity plan still has to be implemented.

Zhang Wei looked at everyone and said in a calm and powerful voice, “I have decided that the new propaganda work is imperative, as long as everyone discusses how to implement it.”

The meeting room was immediately silent, this is the first time Zhang Wei has behaved so strong, and he has to do something regardless of everyone ’s opposition. However, since Zhang Wei has made his position clear, it makes no sense to oppose them. After all, the company’s boss is Zhang Wei. Or as the boss said, discuss how to promote it together.

More than two hours later, with the participation of everyone, a new publicity plan was drawn up. Future technology companies are expected to invest 6 billion to launch a new round of publicity activities around the world. The focus of the publicity is anti-gravity flying vehicles. And Zhang Wei, and the goal is to let more people know that a person named Zhang Wei invented the anti-gravity flying vehicle.

After the meeting, everyone got up and left the meeting room one after another. In the process, everyone seemed a little bit cautious, not as casual as before.

This also made Zhang Wei realize that after he strongly promoted this propaganda plan, his relationship with everyone had a slight gap, and even the relationship with Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu and Zhang Zhijian was not as close as before.

Thought for a while, he wanted to understand that this is what will inevitably happen. His identity is leadership, and others are subordinates, these two identities doomed everyone to be intimate. However, he still has some emotions. As long as his identity with Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu, and Zhang Zhijian does not change, they can no longer have the pure brotherhood as before, and they will still be mixed with some other things.

Stayed alone in the meeting room for dozens of minutes before Zhang Wei packed his mood, and then began to prepare for the auction of the foreign agency of flying cars in the afternoon.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

The auction of the foreign agency rights for the flying car of the future technology company officially began. More than 200 merchants from all major countries around the world sat quietly under the stage, watching Zhang Wei who was confident and calm on the stage. Can’t help being nervous. Whether they can obtain the right to sell anti-gravity flying vehicles is entirely up to the young man on stage.

Zhang Wei looked around the audience and smiled, “I launched the anti-gravity formula more than four months ago, and then there are many businessmen from all over the world who want to invest in my research on anti-gravity technology. I said a word with them, as long as If they can cooperate with me, their investment will definitely be very profitable, with a return of hundreds or even thousands of times. However, the proposal they gave did not satisfy me, so I did not choose them, but accepted Mr. Qin Fei. An investment of 500 million yuan. Mr. Qin Fei proposed two conditions at the time, one condition was to let his auto parts company become my supplier, and the other condition was to become an anti-gravity flight vehicle sales agent.

Over four months passed, I officially launched the anti-gravity flying vehicle, and also fulfilled my commitment to Mr. Qin Fei. The auto parts company under Mr. Qin Fei has become one of my suppliers, and has obtained the right to sell flying vehicles in the African market.

The reason why I said these words is very simple. I just want to tell everyone that I am an honest and trustworthy person, and those who choose to work with me can get generous rewards. “

The voice just fell, and thunderous applause rang out from the audience. Everyone looked at Zhang Wei excitedly, just like watching a glittering Jinshan Mountain.

Zhang Wei made a silent gesture, and the audience immediately became quiet. He continued, “I will tell you about the sales of the flying car again. The flying car was officially released at zero today, and three thousand flying cars were in one second. It was sold out within the clock, that is to say, our company’s revenue is as high as 45 billion yuan in one second. Is there another company in the world that can do this? There should be no.

This sales situation fully shows that the market has a great demand for flying cars. As long as you get the agency sales rights of flying cars, it is equivalent to getting an inexhaustible Jinshan! “

The audience immediately applauded, and the businessmen were as if they had hit chicken blood, and their eyes were red. Why didn’t they come here thousands of miles away? Isn’t it just for money?

Zhang Wei continued, “Let me talk about the specific details of this auction.

First, the foreign agency rights of flying cars are auctioned by region. As for the division of regions, everyone should have a table of world region divisions distributed by the staff. We divided the regions according to this division table. In addition, the agency of Africa has been handed over to Mr. Qin Fei, which is not within the scope of this auction.

Second, this time we only auction regional agency rights for five years. In addition, we implement the payment to delivery policy, and the delivery order is also arranged according to the payment time.

Third, this auction adopts the form of sealed bidding auction, everyone writes and seals his bid in writing, and then hands it to the staff.

Finally, I have to mention my requirements for agents. First, the agent must be able to clear legal obstacles for the sale of flying vehicles; second, the agent must fully cooperate with the promotion work of future technology companies.

Okay, I will talk about it here. Let’s start writing proposals. “

After speaking, Zhang Wei went down to the main table. Those businessmen picked up the pen and wrote it. Sometimes people talked in a low voice or called out.

Has been busy until about 8 o’clock in the evening, and this agency auction has officially ended.

The foreign agency rights of flying cars were auctioned to 12 billion ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Among them, the North American agency rights were 3 billion, the European agency rights were 3 billion, and other regions such as Southeast Asia and South America added up to 6 billion. In addition, although the future technology companies currently have no inventory at all, these agents still call more than 20 billion in advance. In other words, through this auction, future technology companies will receive more than 32 billion in one go.

Not only that, Zhang Wei also formed an interest alliance with some powerful consortia through this auction, such as the Rockefeller Consortium in the United States and the Max family in the United Kingdom. As long as the flying car can bring huge benefits to these consortia, they will become Zhang Wei ’s loyal allies. When Zhang Wei is in trouble, they will be happy to help Zhang Wei for their own benefit.

It can be said that this agency auction was a complete success. With the help of these agencies, anti-gravity flying vehicles can quickly go to the world.

However, the agents also put forward a requirement that the future technology company’s official website cannot accept orders from foreign customers in the future.

Zhang Wei thought about it and agreed to it. In the future, any user who logs in to the official website of Future Technology Company with a foreign IP cannot submit an order. In addition, the receipt address on the order must be a domestic address.

After the auction, Zhang Wei took a large group of company employees to the largest seafood restaurant in the city to hold a celebration party.

At the celebration party, all employees were cheering happily, and Zhang Wei was the same, but he was still anxious in addition to his happiness. Perhaps there was a trace of pessimism in his character. He has been worried that he could not complete the system task ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Welcome all readers to read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all available at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Mobile phone users, please read.

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