Urban Inventor

Chapter 32 - Newly released flying car

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In the following period, with the joining of Qin Xiaobu and Liu Hai, Zhang Wei’s company, that is, Future Technology, began to gradually get on track.

Qin Xiaobu spent a high price to find an excellent Chinese designer Chen Ang from Bentley Automobile Company, and then recruited a group of designers from China, and established a design department with Chen Ang as the core. Everyone signed strict confidentiality After the agreement, the design of the first generation of anti-gravity flying vehicle began. After witnessing the anti-gravity flying car flying into the sky, these designers are all shining eyes. They are very clear that this is a flying car destined to make a sensation in the history of the world, and will bring great honor to these designers. And interest, so they all worked hard to take the initiative to work overtime and overtime, and strive to design the most perfect model.

Liu Hai also recruited hundreds of retired special forces through family relations, and hired a retired Zhongnanhai bodyguard to train these special forces and turn them into qualified security personnel. After finishing this work, he rented several offices in the office building, and then began to form the company’s personnel department, finance department and other departments to establish the company’s basic framework. In this process, he has demonstrated the qualities that a good manager should have, which also makes Zhang Wei consider whether to make him the CEO of the company.

Zhang Zhijian also came back from the United States. He has nothing to do for the time being. Zhang Wei gave him a lot of technical materials related to mechanical engineering and automation for him to learn. When Zhang Wei started to study robotics technology, Zhang Zhijian could help. Although Zhang Zhijian is a student in the physics department, he has a solid knowledge base and a strong learning ability, coupled with enough hard work, he also quickly started.

As for Zhang Wei, he called Qin Fei first and told Qin Fei the current situation. Qin Fei rushed over by plane that night, and then talked to Zhang Weishang late at night. After this negotiation, Zhang Wei gave Qin Fei the sales rights for the anti-gravity flight vehicle in Africa that he did not value very much, and Qin Fei provided Zhang Wei with 1 billion yuan, and another 1 billion yuan was loaned to Zhang Wei. , The interest is the same as the interest on the bank loan. In addition, at the request of Zhang Wei, Qin Fei helped Zhang Wei to purchase a large number of production equipment, and went to Zhongyun City to help Zhang Wei buy 1,000 acres of land not far from the seaside and begin the construction of the first phase of the factory. As for why choose Zhongyun City? In addition to Zhang Wei’s hometown, Zhang Wei actually has other considerations.

Then, Zhang Wei began to solve the defects of the anti-gravity flying vehicle.

Safety issues, issues that cause physical discomfort during acceleration and deceleration, material issues, navigation issues … There are more than a dozen of large and small issues.

Some of these problems are difficult for many large companies to solve, but in front of Zhang Wei, these problems are pediatrics, he quickly found a solution to overcome these problems one by one.

After finishing this work, Zhang Wei was not idle. As a person who is not very safe, he has been worried about the safety of his anti-gravity flying vehicle. Even with the protection of the state, he still can’t rest assured because the person he believes the most is himself. This is also the motto he believes in life: “People must rely on themselves!”

For this reason, Zhang Wei decided to make some weapons that can protect himself at a critical moment.

The weapons must be portable and powerful.

Pistol? Taser? …

Zhang Wei rejected the dozen weapons he came up with, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He remembered that the movie “Iron Man” he saw seemed to have a nerve-type sonic weapon, which can emit sound waves. The central nervous system of human beings has a paralyzing effect, and it cannot act for a long time.

Since this movie was watched a long time ago, the impression was not too deep. Zhang Wei watched it again online. After watching it, he confirmed that the gadget used by the villain Obadi Stan in the movie was what he wanted He wanted the weapon, and he was fully capable of making it.

It took him five days to create this gadget, which looks like an ordinary mobile phone pendant, but when it is activated, it emits sound waves that can paralyze the nervous system in a small space Especially effective. However, when using this weapon, he must also wear special headphones that can absorb this sound wave, otherwise he will hurt himself by mistake, which is very embarrassing.

After completing this weapon, Zhang Wei turned his energy to Beidou again. He added a set of blade servers to Beidou, and added many new features to Beidou. At the same time, he also let Beidou collect information on the network and learn by himself. , Self-evolving, during this time, Beidou’s growth rate is huge, both analytical and data processing capabilities have been greatly enhanced, but it soon encountered a bottleneck, this bottleneck is not software, but hardware Limitation, which means that the server currently equipped for Beidou cannot exert its true capabilities. This also made Zhang Wei desperately want more money, to configure several supercomputers for Beidou.

At the same time, he also conceived a plan that he named “Skynet”. This is an ambitious plan. The ultimate goal is to allow him to grasp the information of all people in the world, and can identify and track any one at any time. .

In this plan, he prepared to let Beidou secretly invade the citizen information databases of various countries, the user information databases of major Internet companies, communication operators, and telecommunications operators, get a lot of information data, and establish a human information database; then let Beidou Secretly control all the networked surveillance cameras in the world, even the cameras on mobile phones and computers are included; in the end, he also wants Beidou to secretly invade the computer systems of all satellites to control all satellites above the earth and control the satellites. , He can let Beidou monitor everyone’s calls and use satellites to monitor the entire earth.

After the “Skynet” project is completed, he can basically find any person he wants to find, unless the person does not surf the Internet, does not make calls, can avoid all surveillance cameras and all satellites in the sky.

In addition, whenever someone mentions Zhang Wei on the Internet or on the phone, they will be discovered by Beidou, and then analyze whether there is a threat to Zhang Wei. If there is a threat, Beidou will report to Zhang Wei and let Zhang Wei handle it.

However, this plan is too large and requires Beidou to have strong enough hardware to support it. Now Beidou ca n’t do this, so this plan can only be temporarily stranded, waiting for Zhang Wei to have a set of supercomputers for Beidou. At the time, he is likely to really start this plan.


In the busy work, time passes quickly, unconsciously, more than a month has passed.

October 19, at 9:30 in the evening.

The five people Zhang Wei, Qin Xiaobu, Liu Hai, Zhang Zhijian, and Ning Wei stood in the factory yard, and in front of them, parked three newly-made anti-gravity flying vehicles. These three flying vehicles perfectly realized their design. The idea, the sci-fi sense of high-end atmosphere that rushes into the face, so that everyone can’t open their eyes, coupled with its powerful function, it will definitely allow those local tyrants to throw a lot of money, and it will also make ordinary people with no money in their pockets. People envy jealousy.

This also made Zhang Wei feel that his face was a bit hot. Compared with these three flying cars, the flying car he designed before was simply unsightly and definitely a stain on his life. Well, he has decided to destroy the flying car he designed, and he must not destroy his wise image.

“Still stunned, hurry up and see such a cool flying car, don’t you want to try it?” Qin Xiaobu smiled and pulled Zhang Wei, then rushed into a flying car excitedly.

Zhang Wei recovered, and quickly walked to a flying car, opened the door and sat up.

Ning Wei also opened another door and sat up.

“This time it will not be as embarrassing as the first flight. The functions have become perfect and I have reported it to the military. This time, I must enjoy the fun of flying!”

Zhang Wei smiled and started the flying car.

The flying vehicle flew vertically, slowly ascended to high altitude, the speed gradually accelerated, and soon climbed to the stratosphere, the entire process was smooth, and the body did not feel any discomfort.

“Haha, it’s time to show real skills!”

Zhang Wei got excited, and smiled at Ning Wei who was always a poker face.

Ning Wei was still expressionless, but there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes. As a young man, he is also looking forward to the feeling of flying in the sky, but his long-term training has made him hide his true emotions ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ will never show any emotions.

Speed ​​up! Mach 0.5! Mach 1! Mach 3! This speed of breaking through the sound barrier, this speed of exceeding the limit, made Zhang Wei’s adrenaline rush, and the whole person was agitated. Spin, dive, draw circles, play various stunts on the sky!

At this time, the satellite phone on the flying car rang. After it was connected, Qin Xiaobu’s incoherent voice came from the phone, “Dawei, it’s so cool, it’s much cooler than playing a racing car. With the flying car, Those sports cars are completely unnecessary. No, I ’m almost refreshing ~ I ’m going to get a climax … I ’m going to find a girl to experience what it ’s like to travel thousands of miles a day … “

“You guys, hang on the girl’s belly sooner or later, slack!” Zhang Wei scolded, hung up the phone, and continued to fly in a flying car.

Suddenly, he accidentally found that the navigation showed that he had come to the sky above his hometown of Zhongyun City, and his heart moved. He has been in contact with his parents through the phone for more than half a year. I have n’t seen them in person for a long time, and then the emotion of thought in my heart Just like the flood of the floodgate, it came out and could not be stopped. There was only one thought in my mind, that is to go home immediately and see my parents and say a few words with them.

He immediately reduced the speed of the car, and then set his home address as the destination. The navigation system immediately planned the route. He could not wait to fly to his home according to the navigation route.

The anti-gravity flight vehicle has been completely perfected and will be released soon. The company is on the right track. He has finally been idle. It ’s time to do some personal things ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The fastest and hottest serial works are available at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ mobile phone users, please read.

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