Urban Inventor

Chapter 30 - Change the world and create the future!

Unknowingly, the car has driven to Tsinghua University.

Zhang Wei got out of the car and walked toward the principal’s office.

Ning Wei is not far behind Zhang Wei, it seems to be no different from the ordinary passers-by, but he has been watching the surrounding environment with vigilance, carefully observing everyone close to Zhang Wei.

Soon, the two came to the principal’s office, the door of the office was closed, Zhang Wei knocked several times and did not respond, he quickly made a phone call, only to know that President Liu is going to Shanghai on business today, and is now in The airport is waiting. Helpless, I can only thank you in person next time.

However, instead of returning to the factory, Zhang Wei found Liu Hai’s phone and called it.

“Ahai, come to the Wutong Restaurant at noon, brother, I have a big event to find you, it’s a big event for our future life … I’m going, what’s the matter … You’re so crooked, I actually slept with you in a dormitory Four years … well, no more bullshit, you must come at noon! “

Then dialed Qin Xiaobu’s phone.

“Xiao Bu, I succeeded … It’s the technology you said, it’s inconvenient to say too much on the phone … You will come to the Wutong Restaurant at noon, and Ahai will also come. I find you have something to talk about.”

“Lying ~ Slot! You … wait for me, I will come over immediately!” Qin Xiaobu’s shocked voice came from the phone, and then hung up.

After making a phone call, Zhang Wei twirled around the school. After more than eleven, he came to the Wutong Restaurant to open a private room. As for Ning Wei, he also opened a box, which was near Zhang Wei’s box. If Zhang Wei was in danger, he could arrive as soon as possible.

Soon, Qin Xiaobu also came to this box. As soon as he came in, Qin Xiaobu looked and looked at Zhang Wei, his eyes glowing brightly.

“I’m going! What do you look like buddy!” Zhang Wei looked at Qin Xiaobu’s eyes and felt a chill, and then this kind of eyes only appeared when the sister saw the heart-moving sister.

“My Dawei ~ Brother, scientists all over the world predict that it will take at least ten years to perfect anti-gravity technology. You have said that it will take five years, but it will be successful in less than three months. You are going against the rhythm of the sky! “

Qin Xiaobu asked again, “Are you going to build an anti-gravity flying vehicle next?”

“I have built an anti-gravity flying vehicle, right in my laboratory.” Zhang Wei said with a smile.

“You … you are not a person!” Qin Xiaobu looked at Zhang Wei with his mouth open.

“The flying vehicle is 3 meters long, 2 meters high, and 1.7 meters wide. It can take off and land vertically, with a maximum speed of Mach 3 …” Zhang Wei briefly introduced the parameters of the anti-gravity flight vehicle.

“Fly in the air? Mach 3 maximum speed? Unmanned? If I go, then can I use the unmanned function, and then do some shy things with my sister in the sky, this … Mach is 3675 kilometers an hour … … his … this is a real day! “Qin Xiaobu’s expression looked forward.

“You’re the one! Don’t say I know you!” Zhang Wei was completely defeated by Qin Xiaobu’s rich imagination.

“Okay, stop telling these jokes.”

Qin Xiaobu put away that lascivious expression and looked at Zhang Wei with a straight face, “Dawei, Mr. Marx said long ago, once there is a proper profit, the capitalist will be bold; 5 percent For ten percent of the profits, it takes risks. For one hundred percent of the profits, it dares to trample on all the laws of the world. With three hundred percent of the profits, it dares to commit any crime or even risk hanging on the gallows.

The benefits of anti-gravity technology are too great. For this technology, there will definitely be people who will use any means to seize it! Those super consortia and governments are also part of these people!

You have not yet the ability to protect this technology. You must draw a group of powerful allies, form an interest alliance, and share the benefits of anti-gravity technology. This is the proper way. In this matter, my dad can match you up, he is familiar with many top domestic forces. However, you will most likely have to give up most of the benefits. “

“Relax, I have already prepared. Last night, I had negotiated with the No. 1 head. The country is my ally, the country is my backer, and it can completely cover me.” Zhang Wei said.

“Brother, I have served you! With the technology beyond the times, coupled with such a strong backer, you are unreasonable if you are unsuccessful! Compared with you, I am completely a second generation of mixed death!” Qin Xiao Cloth froze for a moment, then raised his thumbs.

“I must be successful!”

Zhang Wei said confidently, and then looked at Qin Xiaobu with some expectation, “Xiaobu, as the saying goes, a fence has three piles, a hero and three gangs. I want to do a career, and I am alone. No. I need you, are you willing to help me? “

He is very clear that the three good buddies in the dormitory are very capable, otherwise it is impossible to enter Tsinghua University, one of the ten thousand, with their strength.

Liu Hai was born in the red family. Since childhood, he has received ~ elite education. His ability in all aspects is very good. He is particularly good at dealing with interpersonal relationships and is most suitable as a manager. Zhang Zhijian has a firm character, is calm in his work, works extremely hard, loves technology, and can also be in interpersonal communication. After experience, he can be responsible for managing the technical department. Qin Xiaobu is the second generation of wealth. He has also received elite education since childhood, and he is quite familiar with and good at business matters. After years of experience, he is absolutely capable of becoming a company manager.

The most important thing is that with these four years of getting along and friendship, Zhang Wei can trust them.

Moreover, Zhang Wei did not want to put his energy on company management. His dream was to become the greatest inventor in human history, not to become a big entrepreneur. Therefore, he needs a few trusted and capable people to help manage the company, and these three buddies are his best choice. As for himself, as long as he has a good grasp of the general direction.

“What? Dawei, are you serious? But my old man wanted me to take over the family business in the future. If I knew I was going to do it with you, it would break my legs. And, life is short, I Now I just want to spend a few years in a good manner, and then a few years later, I will be busy with business matters. “Qin Xiaobu looked at Zhang Wei with embarrassment.

“Xiaobu, you can rest assured that I can help you convince your uncle, and I can guarantee that as long as you come over to help me, your future achievements will certainly surpass that of your uncle. As far as life is short, you do n’t have to worry about it. I ’m working on a brand new technology, genetic evolution technology. When I research successfully, we will be the first batch of users. Increase, you can have enough time to be smart. “

Zhang Wei looked at Qin Xiaobu seriously and said, “Remember what I said to the three of you before graduation? I said I hope that one day we can all get together again and work together! The time was not yet ripe, now It’s time, I hope the three of you can help me and join me in changing the world! “

“Changing the world? Oh, Dawei, your ideal is really ambitious, but I like it!”

Qin Xiaobu stretched out his right palm and smiled, “Since you need the help of a few brothers, then I will follow you! I don’t seek to change the world, I just want to surpass my old man in my career, so I don’t have to spend a lifetime Living under the shadow of his old man. In other words, having a very successful Lao Tzu is both lucky and unfortunate. “

“It’s not to follow me ~ It’s our common cause! You can rest assured that I didn’t talk big, you can definitely surpass your uncle in your career, and we can definitely change the world.” Zhang Wei also extended his right palm, Qin Xiao Cloth patted **** the palm of his hand.

After high-fiving, the two laughed and laughed. Qin Xiaobu suddenly asked the thief with a smile. “Dawei, can the genetic evolution technology you study improve that ability?”

Zhang Wei is also speechless. Qin Xiaobu ’s ability to connect any advanced technology to men and women is also a skill.

Ten minutes later, Liu Hai also came to this box.

Zhang Wei and Qin Xiaobu went together to persuade Liu Hai.

Liu Hai also agreed happily, laughing, “The family always wanted me to be in politics, and even paved the way for me, and even found me a marriage partner. But I don’t want to live this kind of arranged life, I I have thought about my own life, but I have n’t figured out what I want to do in the future. Now Dawei, you need our help, and I ’m too lazy to choose, and work with you. As you said, change the world and create the future! “

After Liu Hai agreed, Zhang Wei called Zhang Zhijian who is far away from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ told Zhang Zhijian about the fact that he had built an anti-gravity flying vehicle, and then invited Zhang Zhijian After returning to China to help him, Zhang Zhijian hesitated for a while and immediately agreed, saying that he would return to China within a week at most.

“Zhi Jian also agreed, and now the four of us will gather together.” Zhang Wei raised his glass, “Come on, let’s have a toast and celebrate!”

“Damn it, I can’t wait any longer. After I go back, I leave the entertainment company that I used to play tickets to others to deal with, and then concentrate on the things here. However, I sacrifice so much. On the Dawei, you have to let me play the anti-gravity flying car first. With such a cool flying car, all the sports cars in the world can be thrown away. “Qin Xiaobu raised his wine glass and said with a look of expectation. .

“This can be done! When I solve the defect of the anti-gravity flying car, let you try it for the first time!” Zhang Wei laughed.

“Dawei, I can’t wait to see the anti-gravity concept car in your laboratory now!” Liu Hai also said with a look of anticipation.

“Of course no problem, we will pass after eating.” Zhang Wei said confidently, “The anti-gravity flying car is just the beginning. In the future, I will invent more technological products beyond the times, build our technological empire, change The world, create the future! “

“Change the world and create the future!”

Liu Hai and Qin Xiaobu also shouted with excitement.

Of course, the two of them are just looking forward to it, and Zhang Wei is convinced that he can do this!

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