Urban Inventor

Chapter 27 - Connected the world line

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“Do you have any misunderstandings?”

Zhang Wei looked at the menacing major and several soldiers and asked with a puzzled expression. He did not panic, but was calm. He had just connected the world line, and the No. 1 chief was sending someone to pick him up, so he would definitely not be in danger. It’s just that he couldn’t figure out why there were soldiers breaking into the door, and he wanted to arrest him.

“Misunderstanding? No misunderstanding! We received a report from the Air Force radar station. Forty minutes ago, the radar station monitored the abnormal aircraft signal. The abnormal target signal finally disappeared over this plant! Therefore, we only came here to search, you honestly Explain … “

The major shouted coldly and was about to cross-examine, but the headset suddenly heard a report from his men, “Wang team, the security guard here came two people, saying that they are from the Zhongnanhai Security Office, and they came to Zhang Wei. We can’t stop them … they … they have gone up. “

At this time, the footsteps of the pedaling sounded, and the two men with short hair and sharp eyes had quickly entered the laboratory. Behind them, there were two soldiers who wanted to stop but did not dare to stop.

“Mr. Zhang Wei, we are sent by the chief to pick you up.” One of the men looked at Zhang Wei with no expression on his rigid face.

Another man took out a document and handed it to the major, “Hello, we are performing the task, we must pick up Mr. Zhang Wei, if you have any questions, you can contact our superiors.”

Major took the document and looked at it carefully for a while, then smiled bitterly. Zhongnanhai bodyguard came to pick Zhang Wei. This means that it is definitely the head of the central government who wants to meet Zhang Wei. It also means that Zhang Wei cannot engage in espionage.

He still dares to doubt where he is now, and immediately paid a military salute, then instructed, “The mission is cancelled and the team is closed!”

In a moment, the major withdrew with his men. Before leaving, he also specially apologized to Zhang Wei, saying that this matter must have been a misunderstanding. The words were quite polite, and he seemed a little worried that Zhang Wei would retaliate.

If Zhang Wei knew the major ’s thoughts, he would scream out injustice. He believed that he was a reasonable person. Now he also knows that the major will come to the door because he was driven by the Air Force radar station while driving an anti-gravity flying vehicle. It was detected and was mistaken for an UFO used by the enemy. In the final analysis, he was negligent and did not consider radar monitoring throughout the country. He warned himself again that he must be considerate in his work, be careful, attentive, and attentive!

After the major was gone, Zhang Wei said goodbye to Principal Liu, and then followed the two men into the red flag car. Before leaving, he specifically told the three security guards who were scared enough to strengthen security work and never let People entered the factory area.

The car started and drove towards the silent night. The two men also appeared very silent, without a word, so that the atmosphere in the car was a little dignified.

In the moving car, Zhang Wei leaned on the seat and closed his eyes to contemplate, he was preparing for the upcoming meeting. Although he has already simulated many possible scenes in his mind, he still dare not relax. Because the facts have proved that his character is actually a little careless, he still needs to be more careful!

When this black red flag car drove to Zhongnanhai, many people were busy in a certain parlor in Zhongnanhai.

No. 1 head sat on the mahogany chair, listening to the secretary’s report.

“Zhang Wei, male, 22 years old …

Graduated from the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University this year, he showed amazing talents during the school, published a total of 13 papers in “Science” and “Nature” magazines, and mastered various disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and computer Expertise.

On June 21, Zhang Wei sent the anti-gravity formula and part of the singularity data to Professor Yang Zhenning by email. The editor-in-chief of Science, Marcia Nat, and others asked the physicists to verify the formula. The formula was recognized and subsequently caused a sensation in the world.

On June 23, Zhang Wei rejected the invitation of the Institute of Anti-Gravity Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Military Research Institute of Anti-Gravity Technology, and chose to accept the venture capital of RMB 500 million from Chinese businessman Qin Fei to independently develop anti-gravity technology.

On July 3, Zhang Wei rented a plant in an industrial park on the outskirts of the city. After the decoration was completed, he began to purchase a large number of instruments and equipment.

On July 28, Zhang Wei placed some orders with twelve machinery manufacturing plants and electronic technology manufacturing plants, respectively. These orders were suspected to be automobile module parts. I have arranged a staff investigation and will know the specific situation soon.

Today, September 13, Zhang Wei contacted you through Tsinghua Principal Liu Xiaopo, saying that he had built an anti-gravity car and wanted to cooperate with the country on anti-gravity technology.


Based on data analysis, think tank reached the following conclusions.

Very likely, Zhang Wei mastered the complete anti-gravity technology from the beginning, only for some reasons, such as for his personal benefit, he chose to publish only part of his theoretical knowledge.

In addition, Zhang Wei’s personality is determined, and once he makes a decision, he will not be easily shaken. There is planning, means and execution in doing things. I don’t like being constrained, I like to control everything …

Also, Zhang Wei has a high degree of recognition of the country, but he also values ​​his personal interests …

With Zhang Wei’s character, if he is asked to share the anti-gravity technology with the country, it is very likely to arouse his strong resistance and produce negative effects. It is not excluded that he will directly announce the complete anti-gravity technology to the world. If the country allows him to master the anti-gravity technology alone, he can basically reach cooperation and leave the anti-gravity technology at home.

Think tank also believes that with Zhang Wei’s ability and degree of effort, there is a great chance of achieving more achievements in the future.

Therefore, the think tank recommended … “

After listening to the secretary ’s report, the No. 1 chief smiled, “This young man must have found that he ca n’t hold the foundation of anti-gravity technology. He wants to pull the country back to him. He needs the country to provide him with it. In a stable environment, the country also needs to keep this technology at home. This is a win-win option. He is interested in personal interests, which is also human nature and can fully satisfy him. As for him to master anti-gravity technology alone This is not impossible to consider, as long as you can ensure that this technology will not be disclosed to foreign countries. For example, there are not many military technology abroad that are also in the hands of private companies. We can try it if allowed abroad.

Moreover, science and technology are the primary productive forces. For a genius like him rare in a century, the country should pay attention to it, create a good environment for him, and enable him to achieve more scientific achievements. This is in the national interest.

In the future, you should pay attention to his situation at any time. If there are certain people and certain forces who extend their claws to him for your benefit, you must cut off these claws immediately! The moths must not be allowed to make a bit of a disapproval of the country for talents. “

Said that there was a trace of killing gas in the words of the No. 1 chief.

The secretary nodded quickly and responded.

The Hongqi car was driving very steady, Zhang Wei didn’t feel a trace of bumps, and he kept thinking quietly with his eyes closed, not paying attention to where the car was.

He didn’t open his eyes until the two unsmiling men reminded him to get off the bus, and found that he had come to a quiet place, which should be the mysterious Zhongnanhai. He followed behind the two men and kept moving forward. There were soldiers guarding all the way along the way, and there were strict surveillance everywhere, and ordinary people couldn’t get in at all.

Soon afterwards, Zhang Wei was taken to a meeting room. The meeting room was solemnly and solemnly decorated, the tables and chairs were made of mahogany wood, and various objects were arranged in an orderly manner, giving a slight sense of oppression.

The two men soon left, leaving Zhang Wei alone here.

He sat on the mahogany chair and waited patiently in the empty conference room. As time went on, he felt a sense of anxiety unconsciously.

Fortunately, he didn’t wait long. After a few minutes, a heavy leather shoe sound came from far and near, and then a lot of people came in. The first one is the number one that often appears on the news network. Chief, the people in the back also seem to be familiar, and often appear in the media, but he can’t name it.

Zhang Wei quickly stood up and extended his right hand, “Chief, I’m glad to see you.”

The head was very enthusiastic and shook hands with Zhang Wei, sat down across from Zhang Wei, and said, “Xiao Zhang, I am also very happy to see you. The future of the country needs talent like you. Yours I have learned everything, and I can only say, great! Like I was at your age, nothing happened. “

Zhang Wei also sat down and smiled, “Thank you for your compliment, I can invent the antigravity formula, and it has a lot of luck.”

“You don’t have to be humble, you can get to this point by no means of luck.”

The chief smiled, and then said seriously, “We don’t have to say these polite words, just go to the topic. You want to cooperate with the country on anti-gravity technology, which is possible, and the country is very welcome. But I have one I want to ask you something. Can you transfer this technology to the country? The country can guarantee that this technology will only be used in national defense. As for the civilian market, it is yours. “

Zhang Wei looked at the head and became silent. He had long guessed that the head would make this request, so it was not surprising, but it was impossible for him to leak out the anti-gravity technology, because once others had mastered the anti-gravity technology, His importance is greatly reduced, even if the cooperation is reached, it may still be kicked away.

He doesn’t want to put his success on others, he doesn’t want to have any accidents!

Therefore, Zhang Wei finally shook his head, “Sorry.”

The chief sighed softly. Although the think tank had long concluded that Zhang Wei would not agree to this request, he couldn’t help but tried to ask. After all, this technology is too important, but because of preparation , He was not surprised.

“Understandably, this is your hard work after all.” The head said, and asked again, “However, you also know the importance of this technology, which will definitely attract the covetment of foreign governments. You can guarantee that this technology will not be Steal or crack? “

“I can guarantee this. UU reading www.uukanshu.com” Zhang Wei said confidently, “This technology is only me, and the production process will be fully automated. As for the product, I believe it has not been in a few decades. People can reverse anti-gravity technology from products. “

“You just have this confidence …” The head nodded and said, “Only in this way can you have the foundation for cooperation with the country. So, next, you want to talk about in which aspects you want to cooperate with the country.”

At this time, Zhang Wei’s dangling heart finally let go. He thought he would experience a difficult negotiation, but he didn’t expect it to be so easy, and the chief was too good to talk, but he didn’t have the spirit of a king. Well, it may be that the talent he showed has attracted the attention of the head and others, making the head feel that he can bet on himself.

However, now is not the time to struggle with this. Zhang Wei paused and said the plan he prepared, “The first cooperation is in the space field. I provide support in anti-gravity technology and cooperate with the country to develop the spacecraft. , Log on to the moon, explore the moon resources … “

Four hours later, the negotiations were finally over.

Zhang Wei was sitting on the red flag car that sent him back to the factory. His face was full of enthusiasm, and he got the security guarantee he wanted, which represented that he could safely walk out of his next step.

However, he was not satisfied. He did n’t want to be cautious about doing anything like this in the future. He wanted to have a higher status, strong power, unparalleled reputation, and the ability to protect himself.

He wanted to use his own power to make others dare not act rashly!

What he wants, there are many more!

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