Urban Inventor

Chapter 25 - Awkward first flight

Seeing that President Liu was hesitating, Zhang Wei was also anxious. If President Liu could not get through this path, he would only have Xu Jian left.

“Do you want to give President Liu some benefits?”

He also had this idea in his mind. After all, most of the people in this year are unprofitable and early.

At this moment, President Liu said, “I will do you a favor, but I have to look at the anti-gravity flying car you invented first.”

“Thank you.”

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, President Liu is willing to support him, and he is worthy of his gratitude. With this gratitude, he will temporarily put it in his heart, and he will naturally have the opportunity to return in the future. As for President Liu’s request to take a look at the anti-gravity flying car, this is also a normal reaction. After all, there is no justification, and seeing is true.

Soon, Zhang Wei and Tsinghua Liu left Tsinghua together and drove to Zhang Wei’s laboratory.

Looking at the anti-gravity flying car parked in the center of the laboratory, President Liu was surging. He walked over in two steps and stroked the cold metal body. His eyes were full of love and emotion, “This is Anti-gravity flying car, I have only seen it in movies before, but I did n’t expect it to become a reality so quickly. I have to say that the development of technology is really too fast. I really want to experience it myself, but unfortunately, I ’m too old to learn How would you fly a flying car. “

“This car has a driverless function, you can experience it today.”

Zhang Wei said with a smile, “But it’s daytime, it’s too shocking to go out, it will cause unnecessary trouble, or wait until night to experience it again. As for the waiting time, I will introduce this to you A car. “

With Zhang Wei’s introduction, President Liu’s understanding of the car gradually deepened, and the shock in his heart became more intense. Flying in the air, Mach 3 speed, new driving force, unmanned driving, these functions are concentrated in the same car. He can’t find any adjectives perfectly. He can’t wait to fly this car to the sky.

At the same time, President Liu also had infinite emotions in his heart. A 22-year-old young man achieved such achievements in just a short time, and after his success, he continued to work hard as before. Such young people are real The pillars of the country are at least one-hundred years old. The country needs such people, and the country must treat such people well, and he is willing to help such young people, and also looks forward to the future of such young people!

Unconsciously, the night has come quietly.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Zhang Wei unloaded the window on the window. This window is 2 meters wide and 2.5 meters high, which is enough for the anti-gravity flying vehicle to enter and exit.

Then, Zhang Wei and Principal Liu opened the door and got into the anti-gravity flying vehicle.

Zhang Wei sat in the driver’s seat and started the flying car. This time it was manually started. There was no summoning Beidou. After all, there were outsiders.

After flying out of the window, the flying car slowly rose to a high place. The speed was very slow at first, and then it became faster and faster. It did n’t take long to climb to the stratosphere. The status display also showed the flying car. Information about where you are now. Looking down through the window, you can also see the dotted lights, that is, Beijing under the night.

“A real flight is about to begin.”

Zhang Wei was a little excited. He said to President Liu that he carefully controlled the flying car to fly. At first, the speed was quite slow, and gradually he increased the speed, Mach 0.5, Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3 , More and more hi, and then he also played a stunt in the air in a flying car, drawing one giant circle after another. During the flight, he also saw many planes flying under the flying car.

At this moment, President Liu asked abruptly, “The flying car is so fast, in case it hits the plane, wouldn’t it just be over? Have you designed any safety system?”

“This …” Zhang Wei froze abruptly, his forehead cold and sweating, and he realized that he had ignored the safe driving of the flying car. The speed of the flying car is so fast, once it collides with other flying cars or aircraft, there is no possibility of survival.

Principal Liu also sighed in the back, realizing that he seemed to pass by death before, he glared at Zhang Wei, “Your kid is too sloppy, such important safety issues have not been considered.”

“I have always considered improving the functions of the flying car, and ignored the safety issues. This is my fault.”

Zhang Wei also had a fearful expression on his face, “I have thought of a solution. After I go back, I will add a radar scanning system to the flying vehicle to detect any flying targets within a radius of 100 kilometers, which is displayed on the display and automatically Avoid and avoid collisions in the air. In addition, during this flight, I also found many other problems. Before the official launch of the anti-gravity flight vehicle, I will solve all these problems. “

After knowing that his behavior was actually dangerous, Zhang Wei had no intention to continue driving the flying car. He cherished his little life.

So, the first flight of the anti-gravity flying car returned awkwardly in less than two minutes, and Zhang Wei also drove the flying car back in the same way as the navigation route on the display.

What Zhang Wei did not know was that he had been monitored by the radar of the Air Force radar station not long after he flew into the sky in an anti-gravity flying vehicle.

After learning that the radar monitored an abnormal target, Yi Ping, a station leader of an air force radar, immediately rushed to the monitoring room to understand the situation. After he arrived, the radar soldier on duty immediately began to report the specific situation to him. It suddenly appeared more than a few minutes ago and began to accelerate after ascending to the stratosphere. The maximum speed reached Mach 3. Our fighter has taken off and has 5 minutes to reach the target area. “

“Tell the fighters to get in touch with the other party as much as possible, and force the other party to land, if the other party does not listen to the advice, shoot down directly.”

Yi Ping said coldly, however, he was suddenly surprised, because the target was descending rapidly, and quickly landed at a very low altitude below 100 meters. In the ultra-low-altitude range, there are many ground clutters that affect the detection of radar waves and it is easy to lose signals. Sure enough, after a while, the target signal completely disappeared, and then never appeared again. At this time, the fighters were still far away.

However, Yi Ping was very curious about this anomalous target and was unwilling to give up on it. He immediately commanded, “Contact the ground troops and let them send someone to search in the area where the target signal disappears. Be sure to find the target.”

At this time, Zhang Wei had returned to the laboratory in an anti-gravity flying vehicle. When he got out of the car, he and Principal Liu were a little soft feet, and they were afraid of it.

Zhang Wei looked at President Liu, who was still a little bit green, and kept apologizing. After all, he neglected himself. He didn’t even find such a big security risk. At the same time, he was also examining himself. The hacking incident some time ago was caused by his negligence. UU reading www.uukanshu.com anti-gravity flying vehicle’s huge safety hazards were also caused by his negligence, which shows that his character has Problems, carelessness! He secretly admonished himself that there were only three things, and he could no longer allow such things to happen in the future. He must do things carefully, carefully, and carefully!

Principal is not a person who likes to care, so he didn’t blame Zhang Wei too much. After relieving him, he comforted Zhang Wei not to blame himself, as long as he knew what was wrong and he could change it.

After comforting Zhang Wei for a few words, President Liu carefully looked at the anti-gravity flying car for a while, and praised it, “I thought about it for a while, and I think that anti-gravity technology is more and more great. With this technology, our country will It is an economic interest to occupy a dominant position in the automobile, aircraft and other markets. We can develop advanced weapons such as anti-gravity tanks and anti-gravity aircraft. This is a military interest. We can also start to truly develop lunar resources and even build Lunar base, this is a future benefit. As long as we keep anti-gravity technology at home, we can get too many benefits. “

Then he looked at Zhang Wei meaningfully and said, “I know what you are worried about. You can rest assured. With my understanding of the country and politics, I can tell you clearly that the country still attaches great importance to young geniuses like you. You should also be willing to pay attention to you, especially when your anti-gravity technology is in the national interest. Since you have chosen to cooperate with the country, the country will certainly give you stability and protect you from interference by certain forces. , Concentrate on developing your own business. “

Said, President Liu took out the phone and dialed a number very carefully.

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