Urban Inventor

Chapter 19 - Storm is brewing

Zhang Wei made a big mistake!

After writing the smart core, he forgot to add some binding rules, and activated the smart core directly. After the intelligent core is activated, the process of self-learning begins, and the first step is to download information and update your own database.

If there are constraints, the smart core will only honestly download some public information on the Internet, and after the hard disk of the large server Zhang Wei purchased is full of stuff, it will wait for Zhang Wei to expand the hard disk space. Continue to download.

However, it did not.

Therefore, the intelligent core at this time found the information it needed and immediately started downloading it.

Insufficient hard disk space? Then build a network hard drive.

What is a network hard disk? In our impression, the network hard disk is an online storage service launched by the Internet company, but in the understanding of the intelligent core, as long as the hard disk in a computer connected to the Internet is the network hard disk it can use.

The intelligent core directly hacked the operating systems of these computers, got the highest authority, and then downloaded the information it found into these computers with a brain.

Many netizens who are surfing the Internet suddenly find that their own network card is forced, and then inexplicably find that the computer’s hard disk is full, click on it, and find that there is a lot of messy information in the hard disk, and he suddenly looks ashamed. force.

Which group of large servers in the laboratory have insufficient computing power?

Intelligent core quickly controlled millions of computer broilers, let these computer broilers provide it with computing power.

Encountered a firewall?

For the intelligent core, these firewalls, which are difficult to break in the eyes of many hackers, are like a thin layer of film that can be broken with just a poke.

With Zhang Wei completely unaware, the smart core is rampant on the Internet, stirring up a **** storm.

A university dormitory.

A shirtless spectacled man is playing LOL. Suddenly, the game card is dropped, PING is up to 160+, the hero he chooses is almost stuck in place, and suddenly wailed, “Nime! This It ’s my seventh bronze three promotion! “

QQ data center.

A technician was calling in a panic, “Manager, no good, a hacker has hacked into our database, and all our user information has been downloaded!”

Facebook data center.

The staff has already messed up.

The person in charge, James, sweated and called Mark Zuckerberg’s phone, “Chairman, no good, some hackers broke through the firewall, downloading user data information!”

Zuckerberg immediately shouted, “Damn! What do you do! I also vowed to promise me that no hacker can break the firewall of the data center!”

James felt ashamed, “Chairman, after resolving this matter, I will take the initiative to resign. However, let’s deal with this matter now, we have tried it, we can’t use technical means to prevent the intruder from continuing to download data, Therefore, I suggest to immediately disconnect the data center from the Internet. If you do n’t do this, all of our user data must be downloaded by the intruder! “

“Do you know what it means for us to disconnect from the Internet? This means that one billion online users will not be able to use our services, which means we will lose confidence in our users, which means that our stock price will Plunge! Can’t you think of any other treatment? “Zuckerberg shouted.

“But … the leakage of user data information will also …” James suddenly stunned, and then said blankly, “It is useless to cut off the network connection now, because the intruder has downloaded all the user data information in the data center. Finished … “

“What are you talking about?” Zuckerberg stumbled on the sofa, his face pale as white as paper. He knew that Facebook he founded had encountered an unprecedented crisis. If it is not handled well, this behemoth-like corporate empire It may decline from now on.

CIA Information Processing Center.

The atmosphere in the huge hall is very dignified. A technician is sitting on the seat with his eyes fixed on the screen, and his hands are striking the keyboard quickly.

Behind them, CIA Director Lawrence’s forehead burst into blue, a ferocious expression that he couldn’t wait to kill, and growled angrily, “Just give me the dog’s identity immediately, find his address, I want him to know him What a stupid thing I did! No one has ever been able to get away with us after having provoke our CIA! “

CIA, the Chinese name is the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the largest spy and anti-spy agency in the United States. It has a huge secret force in the world. Its main task is to openly and secretly collect some intelligence of foreign governments, companies and individuals. The country carried out spy spy activities and often carried out some assassination operations. It had planned 633 assassinations of Cuban President Castro.

Since the dissolution of the KGB, the CIA has been smooth and unstoppable. I did n’t expect a hacker to dare to provoke them today, not only broke the firewall, but also dared to download a large amount of data from the server. Cut off all network connections, maybe the data on the server will be stolen by the downloader.

This is a declaration of war! This is a declaration of war against the CIA! This is a declaration of war against the United States of America!

Such behavior must not be allowed! This hacker must be severely punished! Otherwise, the face of the CIA will be gone!

After a few minutes, all the technicians stopped their hands and shook their heads helplessly, “BOSS, the other party’s network technology is too strong, leaving no trace of invasion, we can’t find the other party.”

Lawrence slammed the wall beside him, shouting, “Waste! You group of waste! The federal government has spent so much money to feed you such a group of waste!”

It took a while to vent. Lawrence calmed down and began to issue orders, “Now, I need you to do two things. First, continue to trace the identity of the hacker until you find him! Second, give me within an hour Count the stolen information, especially the confidential information that must not be disclosed … “

Half an hour later, Lawrence got the statistics report in advance. After reading it, he issued a desperate roar, “Damn miscellaneous, I must find you out and strangle you!”

It is clear from the statistical report that at least 3,500 CIA spies sent to other countries have their personal information stolen. In addition, a large amount of confidential information has been stolen at the same time.

Lawrence knew that it was impossible to keep his position!


Zhang Wei didn’t know that the smart core had broken into a monstrous disaster. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. At this time, he and Qin Xiaobu came to Wutong Restaurant near Tsinghua University. Of course, the two girls also followed After introduction, he also knew the names of two girls, one named Su Yao and the other named Liu Ke, both sophomores in the Chinese opera.

Walked into Wutong Restaurant, Zhang Wei also had a touch of intimacy. This place is also a microcosm of his university life, with many memories.

Without a few steps, a student-looking man stared at Zhang Wei for a while, then asked, “Are you a senior Zhang Wei in the Department of Physics?”

Zhang Wei nodded and wondered, “Do we know?”

The man suddenly excited, “Oh, you really are Senior Zhang Wei, you don’t know me, but I know you, you are my idol. Senior, can you take a picture together?”

Many of the students passing by were also crowded over. In an excited look, they all proposed to take a picture with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei was speechless, and he was going to be a prop on display again. It seems that this is not a good thing. It is not even a good thing to eat. Even the stars must wear masks and sunglasses when going out.

However, looking at the adoring expression of so many young students ~ Zhang Wei couldn’t bear to refuse their request, and they all agreed, and after the photo, he was very happy. No way, he is still a little vanity, and vanity is not small. In addition, he has not enjoyed this kind of taste praised and praised by many people for a long time.

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