Urban Inventor

Chapter 10 - Shark fishing

In order to complete the system tasks, Zhang Wei had previously formulated a very simple plan.

The first step of the plan is to publish the antigravity formula as soon as possible, and it is recognized by the whole world, so that it can gain huge reputation.

Now it can be said that the first step of the plan has been perfectly completed.

The next step is to make the anti-gravity device, and this requires a lot of money. If most of the equipment can be rented for free from other places, as long as one or two million is enough. If all equipment and materials need to be purchased by themselves, I am afraid that 100 million is not enough. However, renting and using equipment from other places is a very troublesome thing, and it is also easy to be constrained by others. Zhang Wei doesn’t like trouble, nor does he like being constrained by others, so he tends to buy all the equipment and materials by himself, and then engage in R & D without interference.

However, Zhang Wei is a brute force, only a few thousand pieces all over his body, and his parents are not local tyrants, so he must get his own money.

However, Zhang Wei did not worry about money from the beginning, because he knew that as long as he and his antigravity formula were recognized worldwide, money would naturally come to the door. The anti-gravity formula was invented by him, and the most critical singularity data was conceived by him, so he is the person most likely to advance the anti-gravity technology to the practical stage. what does this mean? Means huge benefits! In order to take a slice of these benefits, businessmen with a keen sense of smell, and even governments of all countries, will pounce like **** sharks.

And Zhang Wei has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai at this time, he is going to catch those sharks.

Now, there is already a shark hooked.

Toyota Motor, a well-deserved leader in the automotive industry, has a market value of more than 100 billion US dollars. It can be said that it is quite rich, and it is a good choice.

However, this is a Japanese company.

And Zhang Wei did n’t like Japan, there was no reason, he did n’t like it, and he had wayward capital, so he said indifferently, “Miss Keiko Yamaguchi, I know your intention, but, I refuse.”

Refuse? Reject your sister! I haven’t explained it yet. Moreover, you are so straightforward to refuse a beautiful woman’s invitation, is it really okay?

Keiko Yamaguchi is very speechless, but she did not persuade too much, but directly quoted the price, “Zhang Jun, we can invest 100 million US dollars to support your research on anti-gravity technology. If the research is successful, we are willing to pay 1 billion US dollars. Technology buyout costs, and you will get a 5% stake in Toyota. And we promise you that as long as you cooperate with us, no matter what you need, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do it for you. “

This proposal sounds very attractive. As long as Zhang Wei nodded, he would immediately receive US $ 100 million in research costs. If the research is successful, the US $ 1 billion technology buy-out cost and Toyota ’s 5% stake will be acceptable. Let him instantly become a billionaire billionaire.

However, Toyota did not pay much. If the anti-gravity technology research fails, they only lost 100 million US dollars. For the wealthy Toyota, this is just a drizzle. If the anti-gravity technology research is successful, they can completely occupy the automotive market, which is a trillion-dollar wealth.

This is a businessman, always thinking of getting the most profit with the least cost.

However, Keiko Yamaguchi did not know that no matter what price she paid, even if she gave half of Toyota’s shares to Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei would not promise her.

“Sorry, I still refuse. In addition, I still have things, goodbye.”

Zhang Wei turned and left without leaving a face to Keiko Yamaguchi. He didn’t want to waste his precious time.

“Zhang Jun …” Keiko Yamaguchi shouted, seeing that Zhang Wei had no intention of stopping, she had to give up. She understands that catching up now can only make Zhang Wei hate her more, which is not a wise choice.

“This guy is really … it’s very difficult to please.” Yamaguchi Keiko’s eyebrows are slightly curled, and her silver teeth are tight ~ bite, “However, my Yamaguchi Keiko will not give up so easily!”

She took out her mobile phone from her small handbag and dialed a call, “Send me Zhang Wei’s parents’ information, and I will visit them immediately.”

Hanging up the phone, she sneered, “Chinese is the most filial piety, Zhang Wei, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to cooperate with us. As long as I get your parents, let your parents accept our checks and benefits, I have the same way to let You can’t get rid of us. “

Zhang Wei didn’t know that Yamaguchi Keiko was hitting his parents’ attention. At this time, he was going to the cafeteria for lunch.

But he just walked two steps, but was stopped by two people, a tall foreign middle-aged man and a beautiful quiet Asian girl.

“Is this Mr. Zhang Wei?” The middle-aged man asked in English.

The Asian girl said it in Chinese at once, and after reading this posture, she knew it was a translator.

“I am.” Zhang Wei replied in English.

Translator’s sister shrugged, she knew she didn’t need to translate next.

“I’m the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk.” The middle-aged man said, “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I have important things to discuss with you. I’m already in an international hotel I ’ve made a reservation, and you can visit me. “

“Elon Musk?”

Zhang Wei looked at the middle-aged man curiously. Although he didn’t know Elon Musk, he also heard the story of this legendary figure.

The cowman successfully designed and sold a video game at the age of 12, received $ 500, and then started his awesome life. Up to now, he has had a dazzling entrepreneurial experience: PayPal (Bay Bao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The world’s largest online payment company), SpaceX (space exploration technology company, the company completed the world’s first sea-recovery rocket, some space technology has exceeded China), Tesla (Tesla company Its Tesla electric cars are popular all over the world). This is a real self-made life winner, known as the reality version of Iron Man by the media, and has a great reputation all over the world.

If Zhang Wei did not obtain the system of great inventors, I am afraid that he would not even have the qualification to meet Elon Musk, but now the situation is completely different. The anti-gravity formula Zhang Wei invented has a great effect on Elon Musk. Big impact.

First is SpaceX. Once the anti-gravity technology is successfully developed, the two industries of space shuttle and rocket will be completely eliminated, and SpaceX will face the crisis of failure.

Followed by Tesla Electric Vehicle Company, once faced with the competition of anti-gravity flying cars, it will also be wiped out.

This is a huge crisis for Elon Musk. Crisis represents both danger and opportunity. As a keen businessman, Elon Musk knows this very well, so after learning the news, I came to Beijing for the first time, hoping to reach a cooperation with Zhang Wei and share a slice of the anti-gravity technology in the coming wave. He is very optimistic about Zhang Wei, and believes that Zhang Wei is the person who is most likely to improve anti-gravity technology first, and one step ahead in technology can build patent barriers and completely monopolize this huge market.

(Seeking recommendation ticket support, the recommendation ticket is still in single digits, which is too embarrassing. In addition, the book has actually been signed, so you can rest assured.)

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