Urban Inventor

Chapter 1 - I want to be a great inventor

In classroom 6C301 of the sixth teaching building of Tsinghua University.

Zhang Wei, who had just finished his graduation thesis defense, thanked the respondent teacher first, and then walked off the stage excitedly.

Of course, he was not excited by the successful completion of his defense. This was just a small case for him. The real reason is that he heard the prompt sound of the big inventor system.


“The host completes the mission” Demon “, rewards anti-gravity theory knowledge and technology for manufacturing anti-gravity devices.”

After the system sound, Zhang Wei noticed that something suddenly appeared in his mind. These things are related to the anti-gravity technology rewarded by the big inventor system.

“The task is completed! It took me four full years to complete the second task! However, it also surprised me a lot. I actually completed the task two years in advance. The deadline given by the system is six years. time.”

“In addition, the reward of the mission is also very powerful. This is anti-gravity technology! Humans have mastered anti-gravity technology and can start a new era-the interstellar era! And as the inventor of anti-gravity technology, I have The status is absolutely comparable to that of Newton and Einstein! Then would n’t I be a great man remembered by mankind? With such a thought, the effort and effort of these four years seems to be very cost-effective. “

Zhang Wei muttered to himself, and then gave a praise to the big inventor system in his heart: the system is so great!

Thank you for the meteor shower in the second year of high school that gave me the great inventor system. Thanks to the system for giving me a different life …

Looking at the classmates in the classroom who were slightly nervous because of the upcoming graduation thesis defense, Zhang Wei smiled slightly and walked out with great confidence.

When walked out of the teaching building, the system’s prompt sounded again.


“The host has a new mission: the attacking great inventor.

Mission: Complete a sensational invention within one year and start the road of great inventors. If the mission is successful, the technology of genetic evolution fluid manufacturing will be rewarded. If the mission fails, the memory of the host will be erased, and the system will also choose a new host … “

Since Zhang Wei got the big inventor system in the second semester of high school, the system has only released three tasks so far. The first task is called “The Counterattack of Learning Slag”, which requires Zhang Wei to save the college entrance examination in the second year of college entrance examination. The top score was admitted to Tsinghua University. For a school scum, this task is difficult and quite difficult, but with the help of the system and his own efforts, Zhang Wei successfully completed this task.

The second task is called “Demon School”, and Zhang Wei is required to master the professional knowledge in the fields of physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, electronic engineering, automation, etc. within six years to become a demon in the school, and lay a solid foundation for becoming a big inventor. The basics. In order to complete this task, Zhang Wei lived like a classroom for almost four years, and lived three to one-point lives in the classroom, dormitory, and library almost every day. With the help of the system, this task was completed in advance. Only the effort made is known to me.

This task is the third task, and is the first time the system has let Zhang Wei complete an invention. In Zhang Wei’s view, it may be that the system feels that his knowledge reserve is sufficient, and now he can start the road of great inventor.

The reward of the mission is very attractive, but the punishment after the failure of the mission is also quite serious. If the mission fails, it is equivalent to knocking Zhang Wei back to its original shape! This price is too great!

However, Zhang Wei did not panic, but seemed very calm.

Because the punishment after the failure of this mission is the same as the punishment after the failure of the previous two missions.

In addition, he has just received the anti-gravity technology rewarded by the system. As long as he makes an anti-gravity device and promotes it, he can definitely make a splash in the world and successfully complete the task. Moreover, as long as he operates it well, he can not only become a world-famous inventor, but also be able to reap huge amounts of wealth, and he no longer needs to be forced. To be honest, although he has obtained the system of great inventors, he still has a pretty decent life in college in recent years.

Thinking about it, Zhang Wei only felt hot in his heart and was full of expectations for the future!

For a long time, Zhang Wei’s excited mood slowly returned to calm, while studying the anti-gravity technology rewarded by the system, while habitually walking towards the library.

After studying in the library for a while, Zhang Wei suddenly remembered that the graduation party in the class seemed to be tonight!

Almost forgot!

Zhang Wei secretly said badly, quickly packed up things, trot all the way back to the dormitory.

Back to the dormitory, the three people in the same dormitory are only Qin Xiaobu. This is one of Zhang Wei ’s few friends in school. He is a well-off tall and handsome man. His biggest hobby is sultry. Chat with a curly-haired girl in front of the computer.

Zhang Wei glanced and raised his middle finger, “Xiao Bu, you guy, changed it again in less than three days. I despise you, it’s too bad.”

“Dawei, you are wronging me. My hobbies are still very specific. The three elements of curly hair, big breasts, and long legs are organically combined and are indispensable, and I only love this one. Unswerving. “

Qin Xiaobu turned off the video window, turned around, and looked at Zhang Wei with a smug face, “Dawei, as far as I know, you are still a man ~ Male … Shu ~ Male … Shu ~ Male, don’t think Is there any regret in college life? Although you are a monster in the school bully, but in the aspect of the girl, I think I still win you. “

“Yeah, it’s not enough to say it again, you have to say it three times.” Zhang Wei’s old face turned black, angrily angrily said, “You guys, I want to expose your true face online, so that your front row All my girlfriends come to the door. “

“Dawei, I was wrong. I was waiting for you in the dormitory, you must spare me.” Qin Xiaobu thought of the terrible scene, only to feel cold sweat, and quickly divert the topic Said, “Oh, you have to change your clothes quickly, and then we are going to set off immediately. Tonight our class graduation party, it’s not good to be late.”

Zhang Wei looked at the clothes that were soaked in sweat ~ wet, nodded, took off his clothes and thrown them into the washing machine, then went into the bathroom and took a cold shower.

When the cold water washes on the body, Xu Ning remembered Qin Xiaobu’s previous ridicule and couldn’t help laughing. The so-called gains and losses must be lost. After getting the big inventor system, he has been studying various majors under the system Knowledge, from the scum to counterattack into a school bully, and is the top school bully among the school bully, and even published many papers in world-class academic journals such as “Science”, “Nature”, etc. One of the most talented students.

All of this comes at a price. He spends almost all of his time studying. There is no time to sorrow his sister. He hasn’t had any contact with his sister until the university is about to graduate.

However, Zhang Wei did not regret it. In his view, all this is worth it. If he does not get the system, he is likely to have picked countless girls like Qin Xiaobu, but he is destined to live only the lives of ordinary people. With the system, he can see his infinite future!

In short, in Zhang Wei’s mind, the system is more important than the girl.

After taking a bath, changing clothes, the sky darkened, Zhang Wei and Qin Xiaobu hurriedly set off to attend the graduation party tonight. The meeting place is called Wutong Restaurant, and there is a short distance from the dormitory.

Of course, Zhang Wei and the two did not go there on foot, but took Qin Xiaobu’s super run to get there. This red super run is quite popular, and is Qin Xiaobu’s artillery artifact.

Although it was not the first time to watch Qin Xiaobu drive this supercar, Zhang Wei was a young man after all. It was inevitable that he was still a little excited. There was no way. He actually had a heart that he wanted to pretend. If he had money, he would buy one, no, at least two.

However, although Zhang Wei has no money right now, he is very confident and money is readily available to him. When he starts to turn his knowledge into wealth, a supercar is nothing, and even a yacht can be easily owned. As for the curly-haired girl with long legs and big breasts, that is definitely not a problem.

Indus Restaurant is a class restaurant near Tsinghua University, which is very popular among students.

Normally, who has a birthday, there is something happy to celebrate. Everyone always loves to come to this house. Now they are graduating, and the graduation party is also here.

Zhang Wei and Qin Xiaobu were actually not too late when they arrived at Wutong Restaurant, but it took a long time to find a parking space. After they parked the car and hurriedly entered the box, they found that the students had already arrived. , The two of them came the latest.

Zhang Wei didn’t talk about self-punishment for three cups, completely refreshed his impression in the minds of his classmates. Everyone realized that Zhang Wei was not the kind of solitary, cold, high IQ, and low EQ in their impression, but a very bold guy.

Drinking wine, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com eating vegetables, gradually, many students drank high, crying, smiling, and recalled a good college life together, and then chatted about their respective future.

Some students will go to MIT, Princeton and other well-known foreign schools for further study. The future is inestimable.

Some students have chosen to continue studying for degrees in domestic universities, and it is also worth looking forward to in the future.

A very small number of students have chosen employment or civil servant examinations, and they have already determined their whereabouts, and their treatment is also acceptable.

There are also families with good family conditions like Qin Xiaobu. They need to go back to the family business to go to work in preparation for taking over the family business in the future.

Although everyone has different choices, everyone’s eyes are full of confidence and ambition. They seem to be quite satisfied with their choices and full of confidence in their future.

After eating, everyone came to a nearby KTV to drink, sing, and commemorate this lost youth.

Parting soon, everyone after drinking high is crazy, sings out-of-tune songs like a ghost, hugs regardless of men and women, and then shouts his dreams loudly.

Someone shouted that after my marriage, I must ask my wife to give me a football team.

Someone shouted, I want to become a big entrepreneur, I want to unspoken rules XXX.

Someone shouted, I want to be the greatest physicist.

Qin Xiaobu ghost shouted, I want to complete a thousand people before the age of thirty!

Infected by everyone’s atmosphere, Zhang Wei, who was drunk, jumped onto the sofa, ripped off his jacket, raised the beer bottle to his mouth, and shouted, “I want to be the greatest inventor in human history, no one! “

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