Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Huge Improvement

But Tang Yi was very disappointed.

Before the star palm was 30/100 proficiency, look at this time, it is still 30/100, and there is no change.

In other words, just using the star palm once did not add 1 proficiency to Tang Yi.

Frowning, this made Tang Yi very tangled, secretly his guess was wrong?

Didn’t the Star Palm increase your proficiency by 1 use once?

Is it used twice? 3 times?

Thinking that, in order to confirm the improvement of proficiency, Tang Yi did not discourage, continued to turn around for a while, and killed several first-level monsters.

Finally, the proficiency of Star Palm changed.

Open the panel again, the proficiency of Tianxing Palm has become 31/100……

Added 1 point.

Tang Yi counted a few times, he just used the star palm to kill five first-level monsters.

That is to say, every time you use the star palm, you can increase the proficiency of this point!

This is not slow.

I don’t know if it’s in my heart. After adding 1 point of proficiency, Tang Yi felt that this skill has a lot of jerky feeling, and the power seems to be so much higher. It’s just not very obvious. That’s it.

Maybe it’s just a matter of heart.

Although the improvement of proficiency is quite slow, but it can always be improved. Other skills Tang Yi also tried it slightly. In addition to the high-level sword skill of the Xuan Order, “Heart Guide”, it is difficult to upgrade. You must kill ten monsters to upgrade In addition to the one-point proficiency, other martial arts, whether it is the palm of the star, the landslide, or the blade of the wind, basically kill five monsters to increase the proficiency of one point.

This is probably the law of proficiency.

Now that he understood how to improve his proficiency, Tang Yi no longer wasted time, and went straight into the depths of Fengyue Forest.

Just now Tang Yi was only doing an experiment, fearing that there would be any danger in the middle, he killed some monsters in the periphery safely.

In fact, it is the right way to go into the depths to kill advanced monsters. While upgrading, improve the proficiency. The two are carried out at the same time, which can not only save time, but also improve the use of martial arts skills.

The combination of the two can achieve the result with less effort.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not want to waste time on the lower-level monsters.

Avoiding the lower-level monsters all the way and crossing the area of the third-level monsters, Tang Yi went directly to the area of the fourth-level monsters.

This area is already close to the center of Fengyue Forest, and the level of the monster is four, and its strength is already comparable to that of the human warrior, which is very powerful.

Tang Yi is also the strength of the five-star war spirits. In the face of the fourth-level monsters, although it is not easy and comfortable, but with advanced martial arts and a body that eats pills with unknown properties, it is not difficult to kill.

Legend has it that Fengyue Forest has monster monster level monsters, but Tang Yi came to the area of monster monster level 4 and felt that this rumor was somewhat unreliable.

The area of level 4 monsters has already reached the center of Fengyue Forest, according to the increasing level of strength.

In the center of Fengyue Forest, it should be the area where Level 5 monsters live. This is already the strongest monster in Fengyue Forest.

If there are strong monsters, then the strongest and strongest should only reach the level of six, and there will be no monsters of eighth level.

And if there are six levels, the number of six level monsters will not be too much, maybe one or two at most.

Eighth-level monster, this rumor must be groundless, and it should not be true.

Level 6 is already the limit of Fengyue Forest. If you have level 8 monsters, then it is impossible to be Fengyue Forest. Perhaps, as Tang Yitian, the father of Tang Yi said, the barren valley outside the Jiuji City, the main office of the Western Government, may be There will be monsters of this level.

Three days later…

Fengyue Forest Level 4 monster area, in this area a little circle, you can find a lot of monster bodies, these are Tang Yi’s record.

At this time, his strength went up one level and was promoted to one level, reaching the level of the six-star war spirit, and the improvement can be described as quite fast.

In three days, Tang Yi has not only been playing monsters and upgrading, but also training the proficiency of martial arts. For the past three days, he has only used one skill, that is, the star palm!

After three days of hard work, killing countless monsters, the proficiency of Star Palm has changed from 30/100 at the beginning to 100/100, and the proficiency has reached the level of slam.

At this time, Tang Yi used the Star Palm, not only very skilled in use, but also varied and exquisite. He can often give palms from various tricky angles, which is unpredictable. It is no longer like the beginning. , There is no sense of jerky, just like arm-driven, very skilled.

In addition, the power of this martial art has nearly doubled!

If it is said that against a fourth-level monster, the previous star palm can only kill the monster half, then now that it reaches 100% proficiency, the first star can directly hit the fourth-level monster. Dead, and powerful.

It can be seen how terrifying the power is ~www.ltnovel.com~.

This result made Tang Yi very happy. He secretly said that his guess was indeed correct, and his weak power was due to his proficiency. His three-day efforts were not in vain.

In these three days, in order to first raise the star palm to the level of 100% proficiency, Tang Yi played nearly a hundred palms every day, killing hundreds of monsters and beatings.

It was the palm that came and went, making Tang Yi almost tired. Of course, he also tried various changes with this palm during the period, but after trying it, he was still tired.

Fortunately, the proficiency of Star Palm now reaches 100%, and there is no need to practice anymore.

In addition to the star palm, another one with 100% proficiency is Phantom Walk.

Tang Yi is using this method every day, and his proficiency has also increased rapidly.

Of course, after 100% proficiency, the gains are huge.

The speed has increased again!

If his original speed is one hundred yards, then it is now two hundred and fifty yards, which has been increased by nearly twice the level of the gods boots.

Earthshaking changes have taken place.

Not only is the speed faster, but the figure is as weird as it seems. The shadow is three more, reaching the level of seven shadows.

Once in operation, the seven figures are looming, making it more difficult to distinguish.

This mastery has reached a hundred percent, which has increased Tang Yi’s strength several times!

Next, Tang Yi began to improve the proficiency of landslides…

Another three days passed…

Rest when you are tired, and continue to kill monsters after the rest. The landslide has also been used hundreds of times by Tang Yi. The proficiency has finally reached 100%. The power has also been improved as expected, and I have more Changes make Tang Yi more skillful and subtle.

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