Unlimited Skill Points System

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - The Female Cultivator on the Flying Sword's Mosaic

Without hesitation, Jiaang Lin set off in a particular direction. But after just a couple of steps, he realized he had no clue how to get to the Jiaang family's place. “System, what's the way to Cloud City?” he inquired, having come to understand the system's vast knowledge.


The map of the Profound Fire Kingdom has been fully uploaded into the host's brain!

”Absolutely perfect!” Jiaang Lin felt a sudden influx of information in his mind. After closing his eyes and focusing for a moment, the once unfamiliar road ahead became clear, as though he had traversed it countless times before.

Moreover, a three-dimensional image of the Profound Fire Kingdom materialized in Jiaang Lin's mind. Whenever he thought of Cloud City, the image pinpointed its precise location. In Cloud City, a small red dot indicated his current position.

”Perfect! Truly perfect!” Now with the map of Cloud City etched in his memory, Jiaang Lin confidently strode along the familiar path.

But he had only covered a few hundred meters when the sound of rushing wind from behind startled him. The initially faint noise grew louder, as if it were right on his heels.

Turning around, Jiaang Lin spotted three figures in the distance, gliding on flying swords towards him with the speed of shooting stars. Realizing they were heading straight for him, he didn't hesitate to bolt.

”Halt, kid!” A voice rang out. A woman and two men, each astride a flying sword, suddenly blocked his path. The tips of their swords, which held them aloft with ease, were now aimed threateningly at Jiaang Lin's neck from three different directions.

Just then, the system's voice chimed in Jiaang Lin's head:


[Skill acquired: Sprint.]

[Sprint: Run rapidly.]

[Maximum level effect: Supersonic speed.]

[Sprint level: 1/10.]

“Do you want to upgrade the skill to maximum level?”



Jiaang Lin was ecstatic, bursting into hearty laughter within his heart!

With the system at his fingertips, the world was his for the taking!

He couldn't have gained this skill at a better time!




Your skill {Blink} has reached maximum level!

Current {Blink} skill level: 10/10.

Maximum level effect: Triple the speed of sound.

Jiaang Lin felt as light as a feather. Not even the most skilled movement grandmasters or light-footed experts could compete with him now!

Jiaang Lin had this sensation that with a mere thought, he could appear anywhere within a thousand meters just by moving his feet!

Such a divine technique was nearly on par with teleportation!

Armed with this divine technique, Jiaang Lin lost all sense of fear.

He was now utterly confident that he could escape a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye, even as an enemy's sword aimed for his throat!

“Do you need something?”

In that moment, Jiaang Lin affected a relaxed demeanor, though his right leg was coiled like a spring, ready to unleash his sprinting skill at a moment's notice!

As soon as Jiaang Lin spoke, he felt the tips of three flying swords simultaneously pressing against his neck. The female cultivator facing him inquired, “Tell me, why did you run when you saw me earlier? Do you know something?”

It was only upon hearing her speak that Jiaang Lin remembered to look at her.

And when he did, he was momentarily spellbound.

The woman was strikingly beautiful, reminiscent of the female superstars from his previous life!

As Jiaang Lin looked up, a gust of wind fortuitously swept by, lifting the front of the woman's long dress. As it fluttered down, it momentarily draped over Jiaang Lin's head, causing a stir among the onlookers.

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