Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 66: Sharing Achievements

"So… there's nothing wrong within my body, right? Right?" Hong Yu asked nervously.

Even though Heero said there was nothing wrong with her body, she was quite uncertain about that.

At first, she felt that her body was somewhat sticky, she felt it during her sleep. However, she thought her body sticky was because of last night's exercise, the sweat.

Hong Yu ignored the uncomfortable feeling until at 6 am, she woke up and realized her hand was turned black. Not only her hand, but she also checked her still naked body and found everything turned black. It shocked her which caused Hong Yu to scream out loud.

"No, you are fine. That dried black substance is the form of harmful energy in your body." Heero tried to assure Hong Yu who was still half nervous and half scared.

Yes, the black substance which covered her body was the gray energy she absorbed. As the cause, it was of course because of last night's intercourse. The essence Heero released inside her body contained his pure Ki and it would automatically discharge the harmful gray energy out.

Heero thought the harmful energy inside Hong Yu's body would evaporate, but he did not expect it would turn into a black substance and came out through her pores.

Because of Heero's explanation was quite vague as the terms of Ki was foreign to Hong Yu. She did not know about it and Heero's explanation was like a novel thing, leading her to doubt it.

"It's okay, you can wash it away with water…" Heero's words trailed off as he thought of something.

Heero got his head closer to Hong Yu's and whispered with a salacious smile, "If you don't believe me, let's take a bath together. I will wipe the black substance for you,"

"What are you talking about? My sister already wakes up at this time…" with that said, Hong Yu climbed down from the bed and took her pajamas. She did not wear panties and bra, but just pajamas. She picked those by her hands and had blanket covered her body, after that she scurried away from the log cabin.

Heero looked at the closed doors as he shook his head. He was currently happy as a clam. Last night was a great breakthrough between them and he would soon get married.

He stood from the bed and opened the window. He looked at the sky with happiness on his face, "Father, Mother, Grandfather, I will get married…"

*** ***

At 8 am, Heero, Hong Yu, and Han Ying gathered downstairs. The shop was closed for today because Hong Yu and Han Ying planned to establish a nursing home for the elderly yesterday.

Opening a nursing home was easy, but it was hard to get a permit from the Central Government. Even though their intentions were good, but it was not necessarily approved by the Central Government.

"So, we will rent the neighborhood building and use that as the nursing home. As for the caretakers, we will hire the previous caretakers."

Hong Yu voiced her idea and received an agreement from Heero and Han Ying. It was easy to set up the nursing, the problem was the permit. They must have a permit from the Central Government to establish a nursing home.

"Then, we will go to the commerce region to submit the file to the Central Government. I hope they can approve this as soon as possible, so the elderly could move here as soon as possible."

Hong Yu let out a sigh as she was pessimistic regarding this permit. She shook her head and moved her hand to Heero, "Give me your ID Card, we will use your name as the owner of this nursing home."

However, Heero did not know what his girlfriend asked for.

"ID Card? What's that?"

This was the first time he heard the terms of ID Card, he knew VIP Card that used to enter the Vermillion House, but the rest, he did not know. He did not even know the card given by Blacksmith Huang yesterday.

Hong Yu and Han Ying were surprised at first, but when they remembered the man before them was Heero. Both nodded in acknowledgment, a man who did not even know the chopsticks to eat noodles, so it was normal if he did not know more complicated things like ID Card.

"Then we can't get the certificate today, we have to make an ID Card for you first," Hong Yu's corner lips raised and formed an amusement smile.

"Certificate?" Han Ying asked in confusion as she still did not know her sister wanted to get married today.

"Yes, I and Heero will get married soon~ But because we are busy to establish the nursing home, we intend to get the certificate first~" Hong Yu stood up and pounced to Han Ying with a big smile on her face. She hugged Han Ying and rubbed her cheeks to her sister's.

Han Ying was surprised as she did not expect she would receive this news today this morning. It was a surprise, but then she smiled as she remembered the groom. She was truly happy for his little sister who finally found her man.

"Good Morning!" "Good Morning~"

A sonorous rough voice and a pleasant child's voice resounded at the same time as the door opened. The voice interrupted the happy moment between the two sisters.

Heero turned his head to the door, Butcher Wang, Butcher Wang's wife Wang Mi, Lan Lan entered the shop even a sign closed was stuck on the door. Behind Butcher Wang and Lan Lan, Sun Zhou Yi and Xiao Xi followed.

"Master~ Good Morning~" "Good Morning~"

Sun Zhou Yi and Xiao Xi greeted Heero, Hong Yu, and Han Ying.

"Why do you guys come this earlier?" Heero asked.

Lan Lan was the first one who replied. She approached Heero and handed her head to him, "You forgot to give me candy yesterday, So I am here to collect the debt."

Heero did not get annoyed by Lan Lan. He was happy the old Lan Lan was back, he happily took the sweets and gave it to Lan Lan.

"We come here to help. You want to establish a nursing home, right? We come to help~" Wang Mi voiced out their purpose of coming here.

Butcher Wang, Sun Zhou Yi, and Xiao Xi nodded their heads in agreement, "Master, let me file the documents to the Central Government. If it's me who file the document, we will get the permit soon."

"Yes, if it's a hero, the officer would give immediate approval."

Before Heero could ask, there was a voice explained it for him. Everyone looked at the door and found Feng Bian in a blue suit entered the shop. Feng Bian was not alone, he was accompanied by a middle-aged man in a black suit as well.

"Good Morning everyone~" Feng Bian greeted with a big smile.

The middle-aged had a refined look with a noble ambiance surrounded him. As soon as he entered the shop, the refined middle-aged man scanned the shop. He was looking for someone and only stopped when his eyes caught Sun Zhou Yi's figure.

He scanned Sun Zhou Yi for a moment. Then he turned around at Feng Bian and asked with his toneless voice, "Is he?"

Feng Bian returned it with a smile and nodded his head, "Yes, it's him. Uncle, let me talk with them, can you wait for a moment?"

"Hmm, but quick, Head is waiting." The middle-aged man nodded his head. Before coming out of the shop, the middle-aged man looked back at Sun Zhou Yi once more.

After the middle-aged man went out, everyone inside the shop turned their heads to Feng Bian who was still had a smile on his face.

Feng Bian ignored the inquiry gazed thrown at him. He approached Sun Zhou Yi as he unlocked the luxurious smartwatch in his wrist. He opened Star Web and showed it to Sun Zhou Yi, "Have you watched this?"

Sun Zhou Yi looked at the thread with an eye-catching title "Nameless Sword God Stopped Level 10 Calamity!!!"

Sun Zhou Yi shook his head, he was rarely opened Star Web. So he still did not know his heroic moment was recorded by the journalists and already became a hot topic on Star Web.

Feng Bian opened the thread and played the video attached to the thread. Soon, roars of the beasts resounded inside the quiet shop.

Sun Zhou Yi's eyes glued to the smartwatch as he watched himself fighting against the beast horde on the smartwatch. He did not know his battle against the beast horde was recorded.

Feng Bian paused the video after a minute play. The smile on his face vanished as he asked in a solemn tone, "The person in the video, you are that person, right?"

Sun Zhou Yi subconsciously nodded his head with his eyes glued to the smartwatch. He was charmed by himself as he still could not believe he was so cool in the video.

Feng Bian relieved after he got the confirmation from Sun Zhou Yi himself. He closed the thread and opened a new thread. It was a thread posted by the famous media, Royal Media.

"Nameless Sword God's Identity Revealed!" It was the title of the thread posted by Royal Media. There was a video attached to the thread.

Feng Bian touched the video to play and show it to Sun Zhou Yi. The video played and the first picture appeared in the video was a man laying down on the bed, topless but he had his body wrapped in gauzes.

Beside the bed, there was a beauty with short hair holding a mic. In the first few minutes of the video was an introduction, the beauty was the famous host in Royal Media, Ruo Xue and the man laid down on the bed was Yuan Chang, Gold Class Hero - Rank 9.

"... So, Hero Yuan, are you the famous Nameless Sword God that people talked about on Star Web?" Ruo Xue got into the most important part.

Yuan Chang smiled modestly as he waved his hand, "No, I am not Sword God!"

"Huh!?" Ruo Xue seemed to be surprised when she heard Yuan Chang's answer. She opened her smartwatch and showed it toward Yuan Chang, "So you are not the person in this video?"

Everyone who had read "Nameless Sword God Stopped Level 10 Calamity!!!" thread would know what Ruo Xue showed to Yuan Chang.

"I am that person, but the thread is too exaggerated. I am not a Sword God, there are still many things I need to learn," Yuan Chang explained with a modest smile.

"I see~ I see~" Ruo Xue nodded her head in acknowledgment and threw a compliment to Yuan Chang with a charming, "You are so modest Hero Yuan~"

When the video reached that part, Feng Bian stopped the video.

Feng Bian locked his smartwatch and voiced his purpose, "I know the person in the video is you, so I come here to talk with you."

I presume you already know Yuan Chang's identity and his background, right? Even if you file a complaint to the Hero League, you can never get the results you want."

So, I am here to help you. With the help of Feng Family, you can get your achievement back and I am sure you will get a big promotion. You can enter the top 10 of Gold Class with the achievement."

Feng Bian paused for a moment and he scanned Sun Zhou Yi's expression. Surprisingly, he found Sun Zhou Yi could keep his calm even after he showed the video about Yuan Chang.

"So what do you want in return?" Butcher Wang blurted out.

Feng Bian frowned in displeasure. It was clear he talked with Sun Zhou Yi, not him. However, he knew Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi had a close relationship, so he did not rebuke Butcher Wang. He ignored Butcher Wang and spoke about his true purpose.

"However, in return, I want you to share your achievement with the heroes of Feng Family. We need your confession that Feng Family is helping you to stop the Level 10 Calamity. How is it? It's a win-win situation for us, right?"

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