Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 318: The Show Is Over

A flame pillar shot through Ryan White's body. The body arched up as it was blown away by the impact.

The body shot upward for ten meters in the air before it fell down.


The body was not moving and it was accelerating down.

To everyone's surprise, Heero did not catch the body when it passed him. There was no significant movement either and it kept falling down.


Ryan White crashes onto the main arena. The body was not smashed into a pulp but a small crater formed with the body in it. Dust rose up and covered the body as the Dome Hero fell into an eerie silence.

"He killed him?" After a momentary silence, Zhan Ling's wavered voice broadcasted.

Her voice awakened the spectators. Most of them rubbing their eyes as they wanted to believe the thing happened before their eyes were not real.

The fight between the two certainly opened a new window to them. But they never expected the fight would result in one of them dying.

While all the spectators were in a trance by the result, Heero landed next to Ryan White's body. Everyone's eyes followed him right at the center of the arena.

"Don't worry, I did not kill…" Before Heero could finish his words, Ryan White's body flipped out.

It caught everyone by surprise as the dead body suddenly moved. Not only the dead body moved, but it also attacked Heero.

With his fist shrouded in crimson flame and the eyes that turned red, Ryan White delivered the punch toward Heero's face.


The explosion engulfed the two figures in the arena. At the same time, the whole Dome Hero shook by the impact of the explosion. Fortunately, the flame of the explosion did not reach the spectator seats. The flame only covered the arena.

As soon as the flame, it also disappeared immediately. By this time, they were no longer sucked by the sight. The same as before, the flame was sucked into one spot, into Heero's hand once again.

And just like that, Ryan White's sneak attack was neutralized easily. Heero remained on his spot, catching the fist that was about to hit his face.

On the side, everyone could see Ryan White's sorry figure. With his disheveled hair, dusty face, and a hole on his martial clothes on the belly part.

Thanks to the camera for zooming his expression. Everyone could see Ryan White clenched his teeth hard with his bloodshot eyes. As everyone could see, they finally witnessed Ryan White struggle for the first time.

"You are good, but there's something off about you…" Heero muttered in a low voice as he met with Ryan White's eyes.

Before this battle, he had read and heard all tales regarding the strongest hero. Based on this information he found out that Ryan White was quite decent. His records were clear and people looked up to him.

But in this fight, Ryan White repeatedly tried to kill him. If Ryan White's opponent was not him but his disciples instead. The result would be disastrous. People's lives would be in danger because of how wild Ryan White was.

'Is there something with his bloodline that affected his mind?' Heero questioned himself inside.

Divine Crow was a rare but strong beast race. They were known for their nasty temperament and unreasonably strong power. Each Divine Crow would inherit different powers. Based on his understanding, Ryan White inherited the Divine Crow bloodline with the power of the flame.

But aside from that, Heero knew nothing about Divine Crow. He only heard those things from hearsay and read the record his Master wrote.

He needed something to investigate this, 'Ah, that Old Dragon is out of his nest. He must know something about this, but for now…'

"You have gone too far, I have to punish you a little… You like to play with fire, right?"

All his attack carried toward him was pretty dangerous. He could tell that he attacked him without considering the spectators' safety, at all.

However, there was truly something off with Ryan White. He did not listen to Heero and raised his other hand. The hand was shrouded in the flame as well and he threw another punch to Heero's chest.

The same as before, Heero caught this hand too pretty easily. There was no explosion this time. The flame disappeared as soon as Heero caught the punch.

Now Ryan White's hands were locked by Heero. The former tried to break away but all his efforts were in vain. He could not break free from Heero's grasp.

"Then enjoy my flame now!" As soon as those words came out, Heero's feet discharged a bright flame. The flame covered Heero's whole body at first before the flame reached out to Ryan White.

From the screen on top of the arena, everyone could see a big change in Ryan White's expression. The madness and bloodshot eyes were gone and it was replaced by a pained expression.

While everyone looked closely at the screen, a flame pillar shot up to the sky. A flame with five meters in diameter pierced toward the sky.

Everyone's eyes followed the flame pillar and they could not see the end of the flame pillar. It was as if the flame pillar truly pierced toward the sky to outer space.


A scream broke the quiet arena and everyone immediately turned toward the source of the scream. It was the bottom of the flame pillar where Heero and Ryan White were.

They could tell the scream belonged to Ryan White from the voice. They immediately turned toward the screen but nothing could be seen but the bottom part of the flame pillar.


The scream continued over ten seconds. The three referees did not take any measure to save Ryan White from the flame pillar.

Melvin White, the current mayor of Star City panicked. He stood up from his seat yelled, "Stop the battle now! STOP! STOP THE BATTLE RIGHT NOW!!!"

He was commanding the guards who wore purple leather armor. But the Purple Mountain Tribe people did not heed his scream, they shook his head, indicating they could not stop the battle.

Without caring any bearing of a Mayor, Melvin White rushed out of the VIP room and screamed toward the arena.


Ryan White was his only son and also the main pillar of the White Household. He could not afford to lose his son. He screamed with all his might.

Despite the scream, the flame pillar still brightly blazed on the arena. Aside from Melvin White's scream and Ryan White's pained scream, the Dome Hero stayed still.

Wu Shitian signaled his eyes toward his two friends to stop Heero. However, his two friends responded with a shake of their heads.

Just like that, thirty seconds passed by. At this point, Wu Shitian grew restless. Ryan White definitely deserved to be punished a little, but he felt this had gone too far for a little punishment.

Just as he wanted to make a move to stop Heero. The flame pillar disappeared by itself. At the same time, Ryan White's scream also stopped.

Melvin White also stopped screaming and had his eyes toward the arena. The spectators in the Dome Hero also had their eyes at the arena.

Soon, two figures came into their sight. Heero certainly stood straight still on his original spot but it was different from Ryan White.

As soon as the flame pillar was gone, Ryan White's figure fell forward toward Heero. The latter caught the falling body on his embrace and covered Ryan White's naked body with a black cloak.

That was right, Ryan White's martial clothes were burned by the flame pillar while Heero's martial clothes were fine. Not only that, Ryan White's hair was completely burned, nothing left behind on his head while Heero's hair was perfectly fine.

As for the cloak that covered Ryan White, no one knew where it came from and it was not something they should focus on.

Ryan White's condition, everyone wanted to know his condition after bathing in the flame pillar.

The camera immediately directed toward Ryan White's face who was sleeping soundly on Heero's shoulder.

Yes, that was right. Ryan White was having an expression of someone who slept soundly. His breathing was stable as well. It was not like someone who just came out from the flame pillar while screaming out to the top of his lungs.

The spectators were dumbfounded by such a scene. The two were more like a couple right now rather than an opponent who just finished their battle.

"What the F***!" Zhan Ling, the pretty host let out an f word for the first time in her career life as a host.

"Woopsie, I am sorry. I did not mean that but it just…" She looked at the screen once again but no words came out.

She was left speechless by the scene in front of her. No one blamed her though as everyone saw Heero carefully covered Ryan White with a black cloak and also put the body down carefully.

Heero then turned toward the spectators. He cast a kind smile and made a closing statement.

"Even though it was just a bit dangerous, I hope you guys enjoy the show. Thank you for coming," Heero bowed his head toward the spectators.

"Ryan White is fine, nothing serious at all. He just needs a little help from me and a few weeks to recuperate. That's all!"

After that, he picked Ryan White and put the body onto his shoulder.

"Alright, guys, the show is over. Thank you for supporting the show and goodbye!"

After that, Heero headed toward the exit.

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