Ultimate Female President

Chapter 1588 - Breakthrough

Avril Lavigne also needs to stay in the center of the Kowloon Group to ensure that anything can be dealt with in the first place.

After leaving Hainan, Hou Liang asked Fang Ping, who was sitting next to him, about the shipment.

Fang Ping is not very clear about this matter, but the news from the delivery person there is that the truck fell into the cliff when passing the cliff road.

The driver suffered several casualties. After passing through some villages, the drivers will be robbed by the villagers. The main reason is that the goods pulled by the truck did not cover the rain cloth, revealing the goods.

Fang Ping guessed that the mountain people there were relatively poor, so after seeing the goods, he scrambled without scrutiny. As for the other missing goods, Fang Ping did not know, because the Kowloon Group was also investigating at this time, and did not draw anything Useful news.

After hearing everything he said, Hou Liang had some understanding in his heart.

As for the specifics, we need to talk about it after arriving in Jiuchuan Province.

The car moved quickly, and it took two days to reach Jiuchuan province.

Compared with Hainan and Jiuchuan provinces, Hou Liang did not let the team continue to move forward when he arrived, but found a nearest hotel to stay there, and then led people around to explore.

Here, they are unfamiliar with life, and it has nothing to do with the underground forces here. All he can do is ask the nearby businessmen for news. They run back and forth all the year round and naturally know the rules of this place.

The main question was to ask the truck drivers who ran long distances. At this time Hou Liang finally heard about the situation here.

The drivers who fell into the cliff are because the roads here are all Panshan Roads. After all, there are many mountains in Jiuchuan Province, and the roads that are repaired are not very smooth. In many places, the lanes are relatively narrow.

If you don’t know the path, you can easily break the guardrail at the sharp corners and fall into the cliff if you catch the road all night. This kind of accident happens every year. This thing is considered an accident.

But what happened to those villagers who robbed the goods was not so normal. After all, it is now a legal society. Even if people from the public security bureau come to manage them in remote places, they will not risk doing anything illegal.

This thing must have been done by some people’s instructions. If so, then the missing goods will be explained.

All this was instructed by others, so that the goods sent by the Kowloon Group to the Tianhua Group could not be reached at all.

It seems that Tianhua Group is premeditated. Hou Liang thought silently in his heart. At this time, they had been staying in this place where the two sides meet for a day.

At this time, Fang Ping came to Hou Liang’s office and said that the office is actually a separate room. There is no star hotel in this place, so I found a hotel to make up for, but Hou Liang’s room It is a single room.

After entering, Fang Ping said, “Chairman, everyone is waiting for you to speak. We have been here for a long time. If the time is long, we will be known by the people of Tianhua Group, then we will be passive. It ’s better to go directly to them for a surprise attack, maybe they will have a certain advantage when negotiating. “

After hearing what he said, Hou Liang rang it and posed

The hand said: “Don’t be busy first, come and sit down first.”

Fang Ping didn’t know so he sat down in front of Hou Liang. At this time Hou Liang explained some of his guesses to him, because when he asked the truck drivers before, Fang Ping led people to do things, so he was right These things are also very clear.

After hearing Hou Liang ’s guess, Fang Ping nodded and said, “I think it ’s like this, but there is no way. Now we are indeed in breach of contract. If we do n’t negotiate early, there is no way to get this done. . “

Hearing his words, Hou Liang shook his head and said, “I do n’t think so! As a veteran group, Tianhua Group can become the largest group in the country, and it must have its own credit. I am afraid he will be instructed to do so made.”

After hearing Hou Liang’s words, Fang Ping immediately said with a loud voice: “Why do you have other ideas, Chairman?”

At this point, Hou Liang nodded and said, “I suspect that the people of the Zhao family affected Tianhua Group to do so, but as you said, things have reached this level, and the other party cannot be forced because of it. We should compensate them for 3 billion.

This matter must find a way to minimize the loss, do you know some of the components of Tianhua Group? For example, who is their chairman and what relatives of the chairman are in the company. “

Hearing his words, Fang Ping thought for a moment, then thumped his hand in his palm and said: “Chairman, you remembered this. I remembered that the person who came over to sign the contract last time was the son of the chairman of the Tianhua Group. It ’s called Ouyang Zhentian! I did n’t think I ’d wait until our company breached the contract. Miss Avril asked me to check the details of this guy and found that he was actually a playboy. The scourge of those good-natured women moved people to say nothing.

As for Ouyang Zhentian ’s eldest son Ouyang Tian, ​​he is an authentic old fox. They have been working from a small company for 30 years now. “

Speaking here, Fang Ping took a look at Hou Liang, and there was another sentence added there: “Of course, this speed is not the same as the speed at which you improve our company’s status.”

At this time, I didn’t forget to pat the horse fart. It can be seen how Fang Ping’s temperament is. Hou Liang didn’t pierce. He smiled and said, “We are doing very well. I am afraid our breakthrough will be placed on this Ouyang Zhentian.”

Fang Ping leaned forward, looked at Hou Liang and said, “What do you think the chairman should do?”

At this time, Hou Liang tilted his fingers slightly on the table and said, “Go and I will give you ten people. You secretly went to investigate that Ouyang Zhentian. He turned out to be a playboy, so there will definitely be some handles exposed.

This guy relied on his dad Ouyang Tian ’s right to be powerful and powerful, and he must have no worries. This is the best time for us to investigate him. Those negotiation teams are all sent to the Tianhua Group to disturb him. Their eyes, and you secretly investigate, I am here with the remaining good hands to wait for the news, we contact via mobile phone. “

After hearing Hou Liang’s arrangement, Fang Ping thought that his eyes were shining brightly and said, “This is so good, I will arrange it!”

This time Fang Ping was acting as the deputy captain, he pointed out

Those who waved to do specific things, and Hou Liang summarized the overall situation, at this time under his command, Fang Ping split everyone.

The negotiating team directly entrusted one person to Tianhua Group for negotiation, and the remaining 20 bodyguards were left by Hou Liang. Of course, Hou Liang divided ten people to Fang Ping and asked him to investigate about Ouyang Zhentian. He also set off immediately, and did not stay at all.

Now Hou Liang is thinking about making a time difference. On the one hand, he will let the negotiating team go to Tianhua Group. This situation should be within the expectation of Tianhua Group. Some people will definitely be sent to pull the skin and delay the time.

This is exactly what Hou Liang wanted. He sent Fang Ping to take someone to investigate Ouyang Zhentian. I am afraid that no one would think of it, so there was a sudden attack.

Fang Ping was also a little **** before, and it is not a trivial generation to be in this position, so it is no problem for him to do this.

Fang Ping led ten people to the city where the Tianhua Group of Jiuchuan Province was located first. At this time, the Tianhua Group heard about the dispatch of the Jiulong Group, and hoped that the team ’s affairs would be taken care of and all the elite forces were placed Tianhua Group’s internal response to the negotiating team was known, while Fang Ping was quietly dispersed into the city with ten men.

And Ouyang Zhen’s daily life style is very high-profile, and he will soon be able to inquire about his residence, which only cost a little money.

After that, Fang Ping took the two to follow Ouyang Zhentian. One time, he suddenly discovered that Ouyang Zhentian actually walked into Ouyang Tian’s wife’s room. This situation made Fang Ping’s eyes shine immediately and took someone to record. Video.

All this was contacted with Hou Liang in a single line. After getting the video, Hou Liang was overjoyed and took him to the place where Fang Ping was located to meet him.

“Chairman, this time we can bring a big fish, this Ouyang Zhentian is so rebellious, dare to move his dad’s woman.”

After hearing Fang Ping’s words, Hou Liang smiled and looked at him, saying, “The hungry ghosts in this color do such a thing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It’s not surprising at all.

Actually, I also inquired before you, knowing that Ouyang Tian was widowed when he was young. Ouyang Zhentian was his son, probably because he missed his deceased wife, and he did n’t have any other children. Ouyang Zhentian has been doing this in Jiuchuan province.

And this Ouyang Zhentian turned out to be a hungry ghost in color, so Ouyang Tian married a beautiful wife, he would not let it go, and the two hooked together to wear a green hat for their own son, such a thing is also interesting. “

After the brush, Hou Liang couldn’t help but laugh, and Fang Ping laughed a few words after hey, then took out the U disk, and showed all the videos he shot to Hou Liang.

When he saw the lingering picture of Ouyang Zhentian and his stepmother, he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Things here are easy to handle. Zhang Fangping called Ouyang Zhentian to come out to meet, of course, he couldn’t see his face, so Hou Liang let a bodyguard next to him who was usually invisible go to meet Ouyang Zhentian. .

After seeing one of the clips in that video, Ouyang Zhentian was very scared.

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