Ultimate Female President

Chapter 1575 - Golden paint

As long as the rich merchants who can threaten the Zhao Group still have various forces, as long as they can be eradicated, they will never be soft-handed, paving the way for the development of the family.

The Kowloon Group is now a roadblock in front of the Zhao Group. At least they affect the development of the Hainan Zhao Group branch, so it must be eradicated to prevent him from becoming a monster.

Hou Liang didn’t know anything about it. After he slept, he started to deal with some things in the group company as usual.

When he got up the next morning, Hou Liang first went to the living room to eat, but I didn’t find Avril at this time.

After knocking Zhao Fan down, Avril’s relationship with him eased a lot.

After all, because of having a common goal, and Hou Liang’s compliments to Avril Lavigne in recent days, her attitude towards Hou Liang has also changed a lot. At least he can have breakfast with him in the morning.

At this time, I didn’t see Aiweier’s person, so Hou Liang still felt a little strange, and after asking the servant who was waiting next to him, she knew she was dealing with the company’s affairs, so she left early.

At this time, Avril Lavigne was very attentive to her work and directly turned into a workaholic. Hou Liang admired it very much.

If he was asked to go to the company to deal with affairs early every day, he would never be able to do it.

If he slept too late, he would not get up at all.

At that time, the maid said again: “When the lady is leaving, let me tell you, Secretary Jiang wants to invite you to sit with him.”

After hearing this, Hou Liang immediately rejuvenated.

Jiang Chengtao is here in Hainan, but he is like a government official in Fengjiang. He must not be offended. He has just established a good relationship and must keep it well. This may help the Kowloon Group in the future.

I do n’t know what happened to Jiang Chengtao ’s call to himself this time. Hou Liang was also puzzled about it. It stands to reason that after dealing with the matter about Zhao Fan, there should be no communication between the two parties. He originally wanted to find something, such as Say to get closer by visiting Jiang Cheng and their daughter.

Unexpectedly, he had not made a plan yet, and Jiang Chengtao had already called him to sit down.

At this time, after mixing with Xu Lai, Jiang Chengtao has already existed in Hainan, and he is not afraid of what others say or what others know.

Therefore, Hou Liang was able to drive directly into the government compound.

Probably because he was instructed, he didn’t get blocked when he entered, and drove all the way to the courtyard of Villa No. 1, before he stopped.

Instead of going in directly, he stopped at the door and went to visit the courtyard in person.

Jiang Chengtao was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. When he saw Hou Liang coming in, he immediately got up and greeted him warmly.

Seeing the expression on his face, Hou Liang put it down a bit.

It is estimated that Jiang Chengtao had something good to find himself, otherwise his face would not be so happy, and he immediately put some of the presents on the table in front of Jiang Chengtao.

Like a person like him, naturally valuables cannot be placed.

When he came over, Hou Liang just took the local specialty of Hainan and it was not expensive, and there was not much money, so Jiang Chengtao did not refuse to let him let go.

After that, he poured him a cup of tea. At this time, Hou Liang said, “I don’t know what Secretary Jiang came to see me?”

After hearing Hou Liang’s words, Jiang Chengtao said: “In fact, it’s not a big deal. I heard that the Kowloon Group had mixed on the road before.”

Hearing Jiang Chengtao’s words, Hou Liang immediately shook his heart, and then said: “Where did this Secretary Jia hear from? I’m afraid that the intentional person is going to speak forward to you.”

Hou Liang was afraid that Zhao Fan ’s associates would not die, and he wanted to secretly engage in the Kowloon Group.

After Hou Liang finished his speech, Jiang Chengtao smiled and waved his hand and said, “You do n’t have to be so nervous. The Kowloon Group is innocent. I know this and there is no tax evasion. For your company, I am Very satisfied. “

After hearing Jiang Chengtao’s words, Hou Liang’s card was deeply mad.

If Jiang Chengtao directly grasped the matter of the gang force of the predecessor of the Nine Dragons Group, then Hou Liang would not know how to answer the call today.

And it is possible that Jiang Chengtao wanted to deal with the Kowloon Group.

Now that Jiang Chengtao doesn’t care about what the Kowloon Group has done before, it means that he doesn’t want to bring down the Kowloon Group.

Now Hou Liang carefully poured a cup of tea to Jiang Chengtao and said, “I don’t know what instructions Secretary Jiang has?”

After hearing his words, Jiang Chengtao nodded and said, “You still have eyesight. In fact, according to the relationship between the two of us, I don’t want to turn the corner. Today I will tell you directly because the Zhao Group’s branch in Hainan He has done a lot of illegal things. Although Zhao Fan has been arrested and brought to justice, most of his men are out of control, but they cannot dive.

I think that your Kowloon Group has been here in Hainan for many years and they know them well. I hope you can cooperate with the government and clean them all up. Can you understand what I mean? “

After hearing Jiang Chengtao’s words, Hou Liang immediately moved his heart, and then a happy look appeared on his face, saying: “Secretary Jiang, you can rest assured that I will deal with this matter properly. I will come back to you again at that time!”

Hearing what Hou Liang said, Jiang Chengtao also nodded happily and said, “I can rest assured if you have this sentence. If you have any difficulties with the Kowloon Group, please tell me directly. I will give you a green light all the way.”

“Then thank Secretary Jiang.”

While speaking, Hou Liang took the initiative to pick up the tea cup and touched Jiang Chengtao, and sipped it out.

After that the two spoke for a while, and Hou Liang left.

Jiang Chengtao, as the local leader, suddenly yelled at him to say these words, as long as people who are not too stupid understand the meaning.

Because the Kowloon Group was formerly a triad, it was also a period of hard work here in Hainan. They knew the dark forces underground, and even had inextricable links.

Jiang Chengtao is absolutely aware of this. As long as he achieves his political achievements, he will naturally not want to slowly clean up these evil forces, and he will definitely think of destroying them all in the shortest possible time.

But because Zhao Fan still had Xu Lai’s things, he was panic-stricken in the officialdom. Now, when he wants to appease his subordinates, he can’t do much, so Jiang Chengtao thought of Hou Liang.

It is up to him to get rid of the local gangster forces and let Hainan return to calm, so that he can free his hand to carry out the next plan.

Hou Liang cleverly understood his intention.

Immediately after returning to the house, Hou Liang happily called Avril, who was dealing with the company’s affairs. After receiving Hou Liang’s call, he was slightly dissatisfied that he disturbed the work efficiency.

And when Hou Liang explained to her what Jiang Chengtao called him to say in the past, Avril was also happy.

This is equivalent to giving them a golden paint arrow, which can completely cover the local dark forces with no care.

Of course, according to the situation of the Kowloon Group, it is impossible to collect those triad members together, and all they can do is to disrupt them and even destroy them directly.

Anyway, the Kowloon Group will not contaminate these illegal activities of the underworld. What they are doing now is to control the underlying forces, but they will not touch the illegal activities. Only in this way will it last for a long time.

After receiving the call from Hou Liang, Avril hurried back to the mansion.

She was accompanied by Fang Ping and several other senior executives of the Kowloon Group. They were all people who survived Hou Liang ’s cleansing. Loyalty is naturally needless to say, and their ability is very strong, and they followed When Xiahoushan was strong in combat.

In their hands, they each have some connection with the underworld forces.

Of course, the most important elite power is still in the hands of Avril Lavigne. This elite power is the security company established under the name of Kowloon Group.

Among them, the former elite of the Kowloon Group were gathered. Their fighting power is very powerful. After being trained together by special veterans, they are even more powerful.

Take Hou Liang who was rescued on the construction site and a group of migrant workers before, for example, his combat effectiveness is evident.

And at that time, they did not show all their strength, and they only played their normal ability very smoothly against those gangsters.

If the excellent equipment is improved ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ plus the real strength during training, then the general black forces in Hainan can’t really resist.

The reason for setting up a security company was Xia Houshan’s own consideration. He didn’t want to let his followers eventually disperse in such a bland way to give a sum of money.

He is also a kind of old-fashioned person, so he only allowed those who fought with him to have a meal. After all, if these people were dismissed directly, they could only return to the society by killing, killing, and killing. Maybe it will be slashed to death by someone else, it is better to get a decent salary and do what you like.

On the way over, Avril has told Fang Ping Pingren all the things agreed between Hou Liang and Jiang Chengtao.

They all fought and rubbed their hands. Although they have been trying hard to whiten themselves into serious men in these years, they also have a mixed atmosphere in their bones.

Of course, this is not to say that they are eager to return to their previous lives, but because they used to live that kind of life, and they miss it more. Now they can have the opportunity to participate again, which is naturally more exciting, and this time see Hou Liang Fang Pingdi again. One patted his chest and said: “As long as you say something to the chairman, I immediately let my younger brothers go to calm down the gangsters in Hainan, so that the entire Hainan is the only one of our Kowloon Group.”

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