Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1034 - Tribute end

Three years ago, in the wedding room, Tang En, who had long waited for Becky not to come, entered the killer system under boringness. This is the first time he has entered since the First Battle of the Temple Association …

Unsurprisingly, as soon as I came in, I heard a series of system synthesized sounds.

“Ding, get five points of blood …”

“Ding, get ten o’clock …”

“Ding, get 2,500 points of blood …”

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Some are almost equal to nothing. Killing is equal to not killing. It is really boring. Even Winsling, who has entered the air-level threshold, is not small, and the value has been reduced in a large area. From this, the rich results of tens of thousands of points have become a few thousand tasteless chicken ribs today, and the gap is obvious.

Of course, characters such as the Pope and the Grand Prince are more powerful. Although the former seems to be easily awarded by Tang En, the latter is even more sparse, but the blood value obtained after killing them is more than Winsling. many. This is because both of them have the effect of power addition, both are the masters guarded by thousands of people, so the difficulty of assassinating them cannot of course be generalized according to their level of strength. It is also reasonable to gain so much.

In addition, killing the two, especially the former pope, brought Tang En more than just blood …

“Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the long-term mission, Bright Twilight-Overthrowing the Temple of Light, collapse the faith!”

“Get 50,000 experience points and upgrade the system.”

“Get the Medal of Honor, Lord of Darkness!”

For a moment, Tang En stepping into the system space suddenly became one of them.

Don’t get me wrong. The reason why you are shocked is not because of this system reward. Tang En has already retired at this time, so even if the system rewards are rich, it is not very attractive to him.

He was shocked by the sight before him.

A few stars, a half moon, and a dark background like a curtain, a beautiful ball half blue and half yellow is suspended in the air, as if it had been there since ancient times, mysterious and remote …

The space background of the system can change according to the mind of the old housekeeper. Tang En naturally knows it. He had also seen woods, beaches, luxury manor halls, and even hospitals here before, and it was no surprise. But this time is different, because the ball, which is mostly seawater and little is land, is too familiar to him, and the long-lost intimacy can’t stop rising in his heart.

“Oh earth …” sighed softly. Tang En shook his head back and looked at the old housekeeper, “If the system does not read this function of my memory … Old housekeeper, I admit that you are not smart.”

The old housekeeper calmly replied: “Of course I am not, I have already answered this question.”

“But you never explained it in detail.”

“That’s because the time is not up, you know it’s useless … want to know?”

With a slight shock, Tang En raised an eyebrow: “It’s time now?”

“Look at your choice.” The old housekeeper gave Tang En a profound look. Then he waved a transparent light curtain and said, “God blasphemer, Thousands of people, deceivers, big-name butchers, and now including this newly acquired dark master … Remember, I told you before that when you set When you have five medals, you can ask the system for a reward, now … “

A moment’s pause, pointing to the light curtain with three options appearing silently beside him. “It’s time you chose to pick it up.”

Tang En didn’t go to see the transparent light curtain, but shook his head: “Old housekeeper, I’m going to retire, so I don’t want to reward anything.”

The old housekeeper looked unmoved: “After retirement, say, make your choice first.”

Tang En shuddered, then shrugged indifferently, raising his hand to the light curtain. Ready to choose one at will, but Yu Guang’s first option couldn’t help but let his arm pause in the air,

“Go back? What does this … mean?”

“You should understand.”

Hesitated. Tang En took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and looked at the old butler who looked indifferent tentatively and then asked, “Choose this, can I return to the original world? This world?”

The old housekeeper did not answer directly, but just asked, “Would you like to go back?”

Opening his mouth, Tang En was silent.

Would you like to go back? Nonsense, Tang En dreamed of going back, but that was only before …

If Tang En was given such a chance one year ago or even half a year ago, he would be hesitant, but at least 60% of the people who want to come may choose to go back, because there is his familiar world and there is him Parents … but it ’s different now, he is about to get married here, and he has children, he has become a father himself–

So how does he choose?

Silently, Tang En looked up horribly: “Can you take someone else back?”

This is undoubtedly the best of both worlds, but unfortunately the old housekeeper shook his head relentlessly: “You are the sole host of this system, and naturally you can only go back when you go back.”

The unexpected answer also made Tang En more entangled and helpless. After a pause, he sighed and swept at the other two options at will, dipper killing, avatar outside …

“What are these two again? Skills?”

This time it was the old housekeeper’s turn to remain silent. Tang En was surprised to see that the former was just a spread out: “The system stipulates that you can only choose by yourself, and no one else can interfere.”

“It does n’t work to explain the meaning? Well, it really does n’t work? This doesn’t force me to be blind.” Looking at the old steward, he acquiesced, Tang En couldn’t help laughing and shook his head. … “

There is no doubt that the Big Dipper kill was the first to be ruled out. The reason is beyond him, because it looks more like a skill, a killing skill. And Tang En now, this skill is the least needed. Then the incarnation outside the body, well, it should be a physical skill, it seems that it does not need it. But come back …

It should have been a tangled decision, but in fact, Tang En did little to think about it. After just ten seconds, he touched the light curtain: “I choose an avatar.”


“Okay!” A moment later, Tang En left his mouth slightly bitter, “I didn’t have to choose, didn’t I?” There really was no choice, as long as he could make a decision not to go back, after excluding the Big Dipper kill, the rest This is the avatar that looks like a physical skill.

The choice is arbitrary. But who knows what is wrong with Tang En’s heart? He has a feeling that this opportunity has not been seized, and this life is destined to return to the original world … So, it is naturally deceptive to say that the heart is not struggling, but Tang En does not regret this choice!

He is no longer the bachelor stranger who has just arrived in the realm, here. He has a group of friends, brothers, relatives, children … with care and sustenance. That is, I ca n’t go back …

But when he was relieved to make a choice, Tang En didn’t notice the rare and complex expression of the old housekeeper in front of him. He was relieved, happy, relieved … It seemed that he was also relieved, and passed away. The original poker face was restored.

He waved the light curtain and whispered: “Once the choice has been made, then we will talk about retirement. Well, you know what retirement means to a killer?”

Tang En frowned: “Is this system still not letting people get away?” This is the main reason for Tang En’s reluctance to enter the system after thinking about retirement. The system of icy machinery is not an old housekeeper, it has no likes and dislikes, and there is no room for negotiation. If it throws out a task that it can’t complete, it will kill it. Don’t even think about living a stable life in this life … Fortunately,

The old housekeeper waved his hand: “Retirement has nothing to do with the system, this is just a platform for training killers.”

Tang En couldn’t help but be pleased: “So I want to retire, the system will not come out to stop it?”

“No.” The old housekeeper must reply, and then let out a hand, “On the premise that you have to kill me.”

Quiet and cold.

After a while, “… hehe. This, this joke is not funny, really!” Tang En was frightened, completely, so after a while he looked serious and unprecedented!

“I never joke, this is a fact.” The old housekeeper is still the calm and indifferent look, but Tang En now hates this kind of calm and indifferent, “The killer is no way back all the way. As long as I step on, I can Few are dying … “

Cruelly interrupted, “Go to the special killer! Very few to the special!” Tang En stared at the old housekeeper, staring at the teacher and friend who taught him to accompany him for years in the world. Pulling on the neck collar, he hurriedly said, “What you just said, the system will not prevent me from retiring!”

“The system does not prevent you from retiring, but the system cannot be without a guide.” The old housekeeper’s mouth slightly raised, and a rare smile appeared. “As you often say, if you think of the system as a game, players come and go It doesn’t matter, but after all, it is indispensable. “

The metaphor is very vivid and well understood. Tang En answered immediately after hearing the words: “Then you continue to do it … wouldn’t it be nice to be an old housekeeper?”

He shook his head and sighed with regret, “Let you read more books in general. For a few years, your IQ still seems to have not made much progress … You are going to retire, so if the game has no players, so why does it exist?”

The old housekeeper broke the truth and immediately spread his hand. “For the present, there are only two feasible ways. First, you kill me, get rid of system control, and successfully retire. Second, I kill you, and then the system chooses A host came in and continued to train the killer. “

Choice! See you again!

Changing from one of three choices to one of two choices seems to be less difficult, but in fact the degree of entanglement is even greater. In other words, there is no choice at all …

Moreover, the old housekeeper apparently did not give Tang En the time to consider the reaction. When he fell asleep, he turned his hand to show the dagger, and looked at Tang En with a calm eye, and said indifferently, “Go ahead. No one wants to die. I wo n’t keep it, neither will you. ”

The intention of killing spread, kicking and kicking, Tang En saw three steps subconsciously, apparently a flustered look that hadn’t returned to God: “Wait, wait, I need time to think about it, after this … Besides … “

It was said later, but after Tang En had planned to go out, he would no longer enter the system space in this life, even if he could not retire for this reason. Hands on with the old housekeeper? Do not make jokes! Although in strength … well, this is not a matter of strength at all. Tang En couldn’t accept it and could not imagine treating the old housekeeper as an enemy, never!

“You’re running away!” The old housekeeper frowned suddenly when he saw this, and he couldn’t argue. “Don’t you understand? You’re a killer, when you’re ruthless. Go wherever you go, run away. Run away? How long can you run away? ? “

“How long can you escape, you can’t control it.” This is a rogue …

“Cut out! Otherwise you die!”

“Dead to death, you have the ability to kill me. I really don’t believe it … lie down!” The blade of light flashed away, Tang En flashed aside dangerously, stroking a ray on his face Bloodshot, suddenly thundered, “Hands on? Old steward, do you really get hands on ?! You …”

Tang En was angry, very angry. There is quite a kind of betrayal that I would have turned my heart to Mingyue, but Hemingyue Zhaozou ditch. Originally. Even if your old housekeeper wants to start regardless of his emotions, he still has to say a few lines. Everyone expressed his unwillingness to hesitate and hesitated, and finally was forced to do it. This makes sense, but now you are so decisive. meaning?

“Okay. Shut up!” Interrupted with a raised hand, the old housekeeper put away the dagger, “I’m kidding.”

“Tell you nothing to say … Uh? Just kidding?” After returning, Tang En was completely dumbfounded. “You you you … you lied to me?” With an incredible look on his face, he immediately jumped again. . “Don’t you, don’t you say you’re never kidding ?!”

“I’m a killer. What a weird thing to do to deceive people for the purpose.” Compared to Tang En, who was about to be played a few times, the old housekeeper is still calm, “What’s more, what I said before is not too much. Lie to you, that’s what the system says. It’s just that you choose an external avatar and everything becomes different. “

not angry! I’m not angry … Tang En took a long, deep breath, forcibly suppressed the urge to throw a fist and collapse the poker face in front of him, and asked, “What a different method? Incarnation … isn’t it a physical skill?”

“Who told you that this is a physical skill?” The old housekeeper seemed to be innocent. “This is the Supreme Magic …”

Then the detailed explanation of the old housekeeper finally made Tang En understand everything.

First of all, the old housekeeper did not lie to him. If Tang En is going to retire, there are only two options.

Kill or be killed by the old housekeeper.

But after Tang En chose to be an avatar, everything was different. This is indeed a magical power of the gate, which can be transformed into an avatar identical to Tang En. So those two seemingly insane options. There is also a hole to drill in-the system cannot exist without a guide, but the guide may not necessarily be an old steward, it can also be … Thann! Anyway, he now has a avatar, which can make the body retire. Comes as the system guide.

As for the old guide butler, of course, it is naturally retired like Tang En’s ontology. After all, he has completed his mission and successfully trained Tang En as a killer, and he has a perfect account of the system.

Note that it is retirement, not death.

This topic is related to the existence of the old housekeeper. He is really not intelligent, but a clone. As for the ontology, like Tang En, they are all living people, all from the earth on earth, and they were all caught by the system somehow.

The only difference is that the old housekeeper was the ultimate killer in this world, so he was a system guide after he was arrested. And Tang En, a little rookie, can only be a hard host …

Oh, and one more thing. The system can only have one guide, so after Tang En took office, the old butler who retired was destined to leave.

Parting is always something that is hard to be happy with, but compared to the hard choice of either you dying or my life, it is undoubtedly much better. So when the countdown to the farewell came, whether it was Down or the old housekeeper, there was not much sadness.

Yes, just a few unsolved doubts …

“I’m a guide now, who will do the hosting?”

“The system will send someone, but it may take some time.”

“how long?”

“I don’t know. I waited for you for two years.”

“Ahem, why do I feel that your words are weird … Well, still come to this world? Nishizawa mainland?”

“No, the domain that has already been conquered, it does n’t make much sense to conquer it again. The system also has avatars. The three thousand worlds come at random. Maybe the host you want to teach will appear in the world of ancient martial arts, or the world of science fiction. Who knows? “

“But I haven’t touched the gun. If I really traverse into a sci-fi world and need to teach him to fire a gun, then my master is not blind?”

“At that time, you will. For example, I have never seen your dagger skills before coming to this realm, but after you arrive, you will naturally become familiar. This is a small benefit of the system. After all, Bring the host, and always teach the guide first. “

“Understand, it means that when I came out, I was at level 99, full of talents, full of skills, and then returned to Xinshoucun with a little rookie who didn’t understand anything?”

“You can understand it this way …”

“Okay, the last question.” The old housekeeper who watched his body diminish. Tang En spread his hands slightly sadly. “It’s a bit embarrassing. The old housekeeper and the old housekeeper called you for a few years, but I don’t know your real name …”

“The name is just a code …”

“I would like to know!”

Tang En’s eyes dropped slightly, and he didn’t seem to want to see the next scene, but his expression was extremely solemn. The old housekeeper smiled. Nodded: “White night … or call me Gu Jiaming … you can …”

“Gu Jiaming … Oh, it’s so earthy …”

Laughing softly, Tang En’s trough level continued to stabilize, but this time, he never heard the sharper poisonous tongue response in the past.

Silence, silence …

(PS: Gu Jiaming, the protagonist of the book “Hidden Kill” written by Angry Banana. This is a tribute to Tanuki. Please read this summary for details.)

“Ding, the killer system is activated, the host data is loaded …”

In the clearing hall, Tang En raised his hand and nodded his head, sighed with sigh, “It’s been three years and finally came …”

“It’s been three years, and I also found that I shouldn’t be here.” He sighed. Philip looked at Tang En inexplicably and speechlessly, a depressed expression that he could not chat happily together.

“Hah, you should come or not.” No matter which world the system space came down to, this time there are avatars in the town anyway, Tang En will be able to suppress the curiosity to go and see , Mainly to try to feel like being an old steward in person … smile at Philip. “A family evacuation is ready?”

After hearing a word, Philip smiled bitterly: “I still can’t hide it from you.”

In that year, the Temple General Assembly battle, Wooding in exchange for the death of two conditions for Tang En, one of which is to clear the portal. Kill Winsling. The second is that once the empire is destroyed, his family is protected. The former Tang En has been completed, and the latter is now teetering in the Bran Empire. Although it can barely dying for several years, the discerning person can see that Bran’s anger is exhausted, and it is a matter of time before it collapses. In this way, Philip’s purpose of coming here through the middleman role is easy to guess …

Without hesitation, Tang En nodded and promised, “You don’t say I will do this, you don’t need to hide me. Well, David, you know how to contact them, as long as your family is ready, you can contact them safely. Evacuation … “

As soon as the voice fell, the floor was slammed, and the wooden door was cleared open. A young man dressed as a street hawker sweating rushed in and said in a panic, “Where is Brother Tang? Not good, Brother Tang … “

“Wayne?” Tang En looked surprised, as if he knew the young hawker. It’s normal to think about it. After all, it belongs to the same small town. All day long, we don’t see our heads down. Basically, everyone in the town knows his good-tempered boss who drives a weird pub.

“What’s so panic?”

From the perspective of the young hawker, it was a joy first, and then he hurriedly said, “Father Salsa is in danger … Franny Cindy took her to buy new clothes, but a group of black tiger gangs just happened to go to the clothes shop. The money was collected, and the attitude was very arrogant. After seeing it, Father Cindy came out and stopped, and the two sides held it together, as if they were going to do it. Brother Tang, please take someone to see … “


“Which little priest does not open his eyes, dare to take care of our black tiger gang!”

Tang En heard his frown frown, and he rose up instantly, but before he stepped out, an angry roar came suddenly, but it was the black tiger who helped to collect the moon money.

“What are you going to do?” Seeing that Tang En got up and seemed to move, the big man first looked at the young hawker fiercely, and then he glared at the bull with a fist in his hands and looked poor. “I advise your kid to be here Stay, or blame Uncle fist … “

Before the words were finished, the gurgling, banging bang, the young hawker only felt a sudden gust of wind rolling over him, rushing out of the door, subconsciously holding his head to look, and saw the stern shape that was just evil Dahan, at this moment, was lying down in a large pit on the street. His head seemed to be slapped into his chest, showing only a short hair.

Turning his head, the good-natured shopkeeper, Brother Tang, did not know when he had come to the Biaoxing Dahan Station just now, and withdrew his palm expressionlessly in front of him. “Gum …” He swallowed his throat and swallowed.

“Uh …” Philip blinked in silence, and looked at Tang En striding toward the door with amusement. “Don’t you say you won’t kill for many years?”

“Yeah.” Tang En made a move with a rattle, a picture frame on the wall next to the door shattered by itself, the blade of light flashed away, a dark dagger came into the palm of the hand, stroked twice, and trembled with joy. Not only, “But for the sake of children, I don’t mind breaking the ring once.”

“Oh, sin …”

(So ​​far, the final chapter. The strongest killer system, the book is over!)

Some unknown world.

“Ding … the killer system is activated.”

“Data loading……”

“Ding, the world data is abnormal, please host to add it later …”

“Collect system host data … Loading …”

“Ding, loading is complete …”

“Kill, killer system?” In the empty hall, a dark-haired young man scratched his head with a dull look, confused, “What’s the matter? Am I not playing a slot machine? Where is this … uh, who are you?” “

Black hair, yellow skin, Mandarin, Southern accent … Well, isn’t the system always a person from the earth this time?

Tang En looked up and down at the dark-haired young man, raised his eyebrows, and immediately met the doubtful gaze of the other side, his mouth slightly raised: “Welcome to you, what is the name of the new-generation system killer?”

“Li, Li Mao.”

“Tacis? Polite?”

“… Li Mao, Muzi Li, Maoshan’s Mao.”

“Oh, hello, Li Mao, you can call me old … well, housekeeper.” Tang En grinned slightly, then spread his hands and introduced, “Here is the killer system space. Specifically, we are now in your In your mind. Maybe you think it’s incredible and you don’t know much about it. But … “

From my own perspective, thinking about the shock and panic of my first visit to the other world and the first time I saw the system, Tang En felt it necessary to explain in detail to the rookie Mantou Qing, but,

“Crossing? Isn’t it crossing!” Surprise interrupted, and the young brunette shook his face with excitement and laughed, “Haha, the legendary crossing with a lower probability than the lottery ticket actually hit me! Haha, Finally, it was my turn to attack Li Mao as the protagonist! “

Tang En froze. It seems that something is wrong …

“Infinite? Honghuang? Or the golden ancient yellow world? No, you said the killer system … Golden Finger is a system? Is it a system! Is it a stream !?” The young brunette came and walked with his fist in place ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ The excitement overflows in words, “The system flow is good. Although this stalk is a bit older, it is better than the classics and easy to use. Wait. Let me think about how the system flow novels I have seen before are written. of……”

Don En felt suddenly a bit uneasy, what a mess?

“That’s right!” What seemed to come to mind suddenly, the dark-haired young man suddenly looked up, looked at Tang En with a strange look up and down, and touched his chin. “If the system is flowing, you are the system elf. Here, you It should be ever-changing, right? “


“That little elf, let ’s discuss it. First of all, let ’s reiterate that I ’m not doing basics. Of course, even if you do, the image you transformed into is frustrated … I personally prefer the second element It ’s cute, so hey, do you know Sister Gunner, Shana, Asuka, Ling Boli, Hatsune Miku … give some reaction, big brother! Hey, how have you gone, have n’t you heard of it? It ’s not scientific Ah … Hey, don’t go. Some people can discuss it with cherry balls. “

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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