Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 9 - Advanced system tasks

In the evening, the door of a noble manor in Dongcheng District, Laiyan City.

A few men in green cloth giggled hello and greeted the guard and entered the manor through the side door.

No one noticed that a man in black stood silently in the dark place tens of meters away from them.

This is exactly what Tang En followed.

These Tsing Yi people did not stop Tang En at the hotel, but he took the opportunity to counter-track and found it here.

Looking at the Viscount badge of the Delk family on the main entrance in the distance, Tang En shook his head silently,

I really was Vinson …

I know the object, the reason is naturally easy to think. Probably these days, Josiah finds himself a lot, and the library is not a secret place, and it gradually passed to Vinson’s ear. That’s why today’s tracking.

Hong Yan woe, Tang En suddenly felt like lying down …

But anyway, for Vinson, he already had the intention to kill.

No one wants to be followed, not to mention that Tang En is still a killer.

Tang En walked a long circle around the Derk Manor, half a ring, and disappeared into the night.

当然 Of course he can’t rush in now to kill, without any preparation, the guards here are not strict, nor is it a good place to start.

The aristocratic manor is not comparable to that mistress’s house before. If you sneak in casually like this, there is a high possibility that you will die before revenge.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ---

The next day, Tang En came to the Thieves’ Union early, putting on hermit’s cloak.

Unsurprisingly, the task has been confirmed to be completed.

Tang En told the union staff the task number and received 4 gold and 50 silver.

I went out and quickly found a hotel and entered the system space.

叮 “Ding, congratulations to the killer Tang En for the task of tracking the nobility.”

“Mission Difficulty: Fˉ, Complete Evaluation D”

“Get experience: 25 points”

Alas … Tang En was relieved. The experience value obtained for this task was really low. It just happened to reach the upgrade standard.

“Ding, meet advanced system standards.”

“Enable advanced missions-dagger training ground. This mission is open for an unlimited time, is it open?”

Dagger training ground? what……


花 A flower in front of Tang En’s eyes changed the scene instantly.

I saw myself on a platform of about 1 square meter, surrounded by a brilliant nebula map, very dreamy.

“Mission Begins 3, 2, 1 …”

Squinting the corner of his eyes, a white light flashed. Tang En turned his head and avoided it.

Draw a knife across the throat.

Xu Wei waited for Tang En to understand that another dagger stabbed from the front in the nebula picture.

“Ding”, Tang En flexed his arm and ejected the dagger, and opened his face.

Silently and silently, two small swords protruded again.

“Ding, Ding …”

Alas … Tang En felt a pain in his heart, looking down, and a black dagger appeared on his heart.

The two small swords just caught my attention just now, and the black dagger took the opportunity to attack from the side.

Boom … Body collapsed. Tang En appeared in the system space.

“Task failed. Do you want to start the task?”

Uh …

恍 Tang En suddenly understood that the so-called dagger training ground is to allow himself to avoid or attack all the attacks on the high platform and survive.

Yes, it’s that simple to survive.

But it is not easy to achieve this. Tang En is not a rookie who has no vision at all, knowing that the task has a very high difficulty factor.

If it is on a plain, Tang En is still a little sure of asking himself. Some attacks can be avoided if they cannot be blocked.

But on a platform with a maximum size of 1 square meter, the space to dodge can only be within two small steps, which greatly increases the difficulty.

However, the conditions are established, the system will not bargain with you, Tang En has no choice but to confirm again.

“Mission Begins 3, 2, 1 …”

Relying on … Tang En quickly ejected the dagger, and Fei flew a small sword that pierced his back from the side.

Damn, this mission is still alive …

This made Tang En, who was still thinking about remembering the law of attack, completely disheartened.

“Ding, Ding, I hide …”

“Ding, I flash … oops!”

“Task failed, do you start the task?”


Rely on …

Fuck …

Fakke …

As repeated missions failed, Tang En’s confidence was hit again and again.

He originally thought he was fast enough, but his repeated attempts in the heart and throat made him understand that he was still slow, too slow …

And as more and more daggers were opened, Tang En also found that the fantasy nebula map was so annoying.

Because in the later period, Tang En dealt with daggers in all directions, and his spirit was already highly tense, but these flickering nebula maps were constantly disturbing his vision.

Tang En has a lot of tricks, that is, when the star map flashes, the dagger succeeds.

Danima …

Needless to say, Tang En failed again.

“Learn to believe your perception.”

In the distance, the old butler who was quietly holding most of the books suddenly heard a sentence.

“Believe in your own perception?”

Tang En thoughtfully.

Entered the dagger training ground again.

boom! “The mission failed. Do you proceed?”

Uh …

“Idiot!” The old steward pouted his lips: “I want you to believe in perception, not to close your eyes. Who do you think you are?”

Alas … Tang En blushed.

Then he was wronged. He clearly remembered seeing it in movies and novels. Those protagonists often felt suddenly when they were miserable, then closed their eyes, and suddenly their strength and character broke out and they beat their opponents to seven. Sporadic. How come it doesn’t work for me …

For the next three days, Tang En forgot the library, Josiah and Vinson. Put all your mind on the dagger training ground.

Than En can’t remember how many times he failed, he just keeps confirming and keeps entering the training ground.

If it is said that being abused is also a talent, this talent Tang En is undoubtedly full value.

As long as he is in the dagger training ground, Tang En can quickly enter the state, orderly open, dodge the dagger, and be killed.

With the increase in the number of kills, Tang En can support longer and longer,

From the first 10 seconds, 30 seconds, to nearly three minutes now.

恩 From the perspective of an onlooker, it is easy to see Tang En’s progress clearly.

正 Noon this day,

On the small high platform, Tang En transformed into a figure, and Teng Ni flashed between the sizes. In the meantime, the cold mang flickered, and in a tinkling sound, small trumpet swords were scattered on the high platform.

There are countless hidden swords in the nebula around you, or gap-seeking attacks in front or in the dark.

Nebula flickers, “Ding, Ding, Ding”

Immediately, Tang En’s expressionless Yan Fei flew three black daggers close to his throat, temple, and heart.

This is a huge improvement. You must know that Tang En has been planted this time N times.

However, Tang En is still unhappy, he knows that a greater test is coming, which is the threshold for him to never succeed after touching this day.

Suddenly, the nebula was shining brightly.


Tang En leaned forward, his legs were tight, and his arms dropped naturally, like a cheetah ready to attack.

For a moment, Tang En’s eyes were full of incoming swords.

The back of the puppet was like a needle against his back, tingling slightly, and he knew that behind the invisible body, there were so many attacks.

Dumb …

Tang En’s dry throat rolled out of an unpleasant growl,

来 “Come on, I’m the king of this small area, you all get me out of here !!!”

Suddenly, Tang En shook his body from side to side, his figure turned into a drowsy drunk man.

However, if a careful person can see that no matter how his body shakes, one of his toes is always nailed in place, like a compass.

In this case, many rushing swords were avoided, or hit the swords behind him, and the sound of the two clanged each other. After a round of attacks, Tang En found the dagger decisively,

“Ding, Ding, Ding …”

Suddenly, like a rain hitting a banana, UU reads www.uukanshu.com.

Hurry up! No sooner! Hurry up!

武 The world martial arts, all invincible, but fast.


寒 The cold stars around are suddenly rising again,

Perception, perception …

Tang En turned sharply according to his body’s instincts, and kept adjusting Han Mang to the worst attack point. Occasionally he missed it and flashed it in an instant.

I’m fine, that’s how it feels …

Tang En knows that the opportunity is coming. At this time, he is undoubtedly the best time. Success or failure is here.


In the roar of, the sword mang rose again, and under the streamer’s rotation, the attacking swords were crushed into slag, and the broken blades were shining.

All of a sudden, Tang En was swept away. Grunt … grunt …

I couldn’t wait for him to be happy, and suddenly there was wind in my head, and my scalp was slightly numb,

Hmm … impossible.

Tang En, who succumbed to the spirits, felt that he felt the problem for the first time.

There was only one dagger in that direction, and I had broken it. This is where the attack came from.

But this slight tingling sensation can’t be wrong, there must be something behind my head.

I don’t think about it in a hurry. Take a half-step forward, turn your head, open your mouth, and creak softly.

Uh …

In a jingle, Tang En spit out a half-moon blade with an arc of curvature.

Suddenly realized!

恩 Tang En was angry, Nima, really **** insidious, and hiding a boomerang.

I’m so bad that your uncle has practiced, or else you won’t be overcast?

As this boomerang is broken, the system synthesizer sounds,

叮 “Ding, congratulations to killer Tang En for advanced tasks!”

Uh …

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