Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 7 - Magic and Fight

“Are you interested in taxes?”


On this day, while Tang En was scanning the book, Josiah came to the library to chat with him again.

“But you have the Empire’s tax regulations in your hand.”

“Uh, I just flip this casually”

Johsia blinked and said, “Oh, but this book is just a look. There are more than fifty types of taxes in it, but there are nearly one hundred kinds of taxes in Rhine City!”

这样 “So, I think there is a hearing or something about taxation, let’s discuss it …”


“Just choose some taxpayers to negotiate, so it looks democratic …”

Josiah’s eyes brightened obviously: “Oh, democracy … the word is good. Does it mean that the people are free to decide?”

“Uh, this word has a wide meaning, and I can’t explain it at a short while, you should take a good look yourself first.” Tang En looked inscrutable. Fuck, Fudge is overdone … how does this make me answer you, I have taken a small copy into the examination room from my childhood to the big ideological and political exam …

“Well, I know what you mean, and you will understand it more deeply, right?”

“Yes.” So ah, you need to find smart people when talking about such things. When you can’t connect, the other party will make up for itself.

Josiah undoubtedly has him, solemnly saying: “Thank you, thank you. I really benefited a lot from talking to you. The day before yesterday you said it wasn’t from this school, I’m curious, what do you do? Your thinking is good It ’s profound, none of the college teachers can match. “

Alas, Tang En froze, his brain spinning quickly: “Oh … I, I sent someone to another place …”

Josiah frowned and thought: “Send someone to another place … Captain? Driver?”

“Driver … Well, read thousands of books and walk thousands of miles!” Tang En breathed a sigh of relief.

“Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles … I have learned again, Don, you are really insightful.” Josiah looked sincerely admired.

“Oh, okay, okay … then what do you do, student?” Tang En smiled, and quickly switched the subject.

“Yes, don’t look down on me, I’m still a junior wizard.”

“Magician?” Tang En moved: “It’s amazing. I’m curious about magic. But there don’t seem to be many books here.”

“The important magic books are all on the second floor. Generally only teachers can go in. I can go in, but I can’t take you …” Josiah embarrassed.

“That’s okay. I’m just curious. Just tell me a little bit.” Tang En rarely took the opportunity to understand magic, naturally he didn’t want to miss it.

Joshia: “No problem with this, you have given me a lot of pointers these days, how do I want to repay you …”

He paused for a moment and then said, “A magical element exists around us at all times. And the magician …”

呃 “Well, wait, what is the magic element?”

“Have you heard of magic elements? Well, I’ll tell you from the beginning.”

Uh …

Joshia is undoubtedly a qualified teacher. After a few hours of detailed explanation, Tang En finally got a preliminary understanding of the magic of the other world.

According to the other world, the air here contains a lot of magic elements such as gold, wood, water, fire and soil. If someone feels this element, congratulations, you have the potential to be a magician.

Then, through meditation, these magic elements are brought into the body. After a certain amount of magic elements are gathered in the body, the magic can be performed through specific spells and gestures.

In summary, magic does not seem difficult to learn.

But first of all, you must know the status quo, that is, it can sense the magic element. Among 10,000 people, there are only a dozen people, and the probability is almost one in one thousand.

And after crossing the first threshold, it is necessary to successfully introduce magic elements into the body. The probability of this is higher, about one-half.

In general, it is five people among 10,000 people who can truly become senior magicians.

Because of the scarcity of magicians, the selected five or six people will have a bright future regardless of their origins.

Any country and aristocracy will entertain them with the greatest sincerity.

If a high-level magician is willing to work for which force, and build a mage tower in its territory. Then in the life of the magician, this force will have a strong layer of protection. It can be said that there are absolutely no problems in the generations of blessings.

I took Johya as an example. She came from a small noble family. Clan business is not good. By the time of her father’s generation, it was unavoidable to fall apart. If nothing else happens, her family aristocratic title will be taken back by the empire in the next generation.

But since Josiah has been proved to have the potential of a magician and has successfully become a junior water magician. The major families in the Rhine city have thrown olive branches one after another, her family status has rapidly risen, and she has now become a rising star in the aristocratic circle of the Rhine city.

And the reason why magicians are so valued is that the power of magic is fundamental.

According to Josiah, if a large magician is given enough distance and time, he can destroy a hundred-man cavalry by waving his hand.

The great magician is certainly not the highest state of the magician. In the realm, the magician is divided into 8 levels: magic apprentice, junior magician, intermediate magician, senior magician, great magician, magic teacher, and magic teacher. , Holy Magister.

In addition to magic, Tang En took the opportunity to learn from Josiah.

Josiah’s understanding of fighting spirit is not as systematic as magic. She only knows that there are many warriors who cultivate fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit is inspired by the continuous exercise of the body. If the learning is successful, when the warrior at the ground level is reached, he can motivate external forces and turn it into his own use.

The power of rampant fighting is also good, with an explosive power. If it is within close range, the magician dares not despise.

Combat and magic are also divided into 8 levels: apprentice warrior, junior warrior, intermediate warrior, senior warrior, prefecture warrior, air warrior, sky warrior, and martial saint.

Finally, Josiah compared the magician and the warrior.

Generally speaking, in the early stage, magicians of the same level have a great advantage over samurai.

When the magician reaches the intermediate level and can support the magic shield, the close threat of the samurai is weakened, and this advantage is even greater.

Only when the samurai arrived at the advanced level did he have a vengeance to launch this long-range attack. And senior magicians of the same level can already perform flying. After reaching a certain height, the samurai can only be the target.

The real threat of the samurai warrior to the magician is the realm of air-level warriors, which can stand up in the air. In the battle with the magic society, will not be in a clear disadvantage.

Generally speaking, the advantages of magicians are more obvious.

Of course, the magician must keep in mind that it is best not to let the samurai approach.

Uh …

After listening to Josiah’s remarks, Tang En’s heart was upset.

的 The various killing techniques he is learning are aimed at ordinary people. He doesn’t know if these killing techniques will work in the face of warriors and magicians.

Even if it works, it must be discounted … So, what does he rely on to kill Sesman? Tang En was lost in thought.

“Hi Josiah, you are here, so I can find it easily.” A well-dressed, handsome young man came near the library door.

“Hi, Vinson.” Compared to Vinson’s enthusiasm, Josiah seemed a little flat.

“Oh, is this?” Vinson asked with a smile on his eyes when he saw Tang En beside Josiah.

“Tang En”, although it is easy to see that the smile is very fake, but for the sake of riding a ride, Tang En responded politely.

“Oh, hello, Don. My name is Dirk Vinson, and just call me Vinson.”

Joshia: “Vinson, are you doing anything to me?”

“Nothing, I’m here to invite you to lunch …”

“Well, you talk first, I have something to do, so I won’t bother.” Nodding with the two, Tang En left the library.

Tang En didn’t rush to leave the academy, he found a lonely stone chair and sat down, whispering the killer system in his heart.

Inside the puppet space, the original empty hall now has rows of antique bookshelves. The old housekeeper was lying on a rattan wooden chair at this time, holding a reading glasses, watching the book intently, and a small teapot of red clay next to it.

When Tang En came in, the old housekeeper covered the book on the wooden table next to him, took the teapot and sipped tea.

Sweep at will, “Bard Poems” …

Tang En was suddenly confused, and he couldn’t connect the old housekeeper and the poet who were proficient in killing techniques. UU reading books www. uukanshu.com

But he doesn’t have time to think about these questions now, he hurriedly said, “Old housekeeper, did you hear the words of Josiah just now?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Tang En frowned. “Isn’t it obvious, the power of magic and fighting is too strong, even if I am proficient in all killing techniques, it won’t work. You can’t tell me to use a dagger to get a shield. Mage … “

The old housekeeper put down the teapot and said, “I thought what was the problem, you are too underestimated. After you upgrade, everything will be clear.”

真的 “Really? Did I upgrade to have this kind of power? Well, it will not be internal strength … Jiuyang Divine Work? Jiuyin Shintra? Anyway, as long as it is not a sunflower book, I can’t be greedy …”

The corner of the old housekeeper’s eyes drew: “You have read more YY novels, and you should look at the poetry collections when you have time to cultivate yourself.”

“Uh, you can’t finish reading so many books?” Tang En looked at the rows of bookshelves, which was his hard work over the past few days.

The old housekeeper said faintly: “If you are referring to the text, then you have finished reading.”

“Scared!” Tang En was startled, rolled his eyes instantly: “You blow it all the time, I haven’t seen you turning pages of a collection of poems for half a day, so many books have not been read yet?”

“Every time the system enters a book, the text in it will be transmitted to me as soon as possible. But it is only text. You must know that some texts not only describe things, but also contain deep meaning, which requires careful taste.”

比如 “Like a collection of poems?”

“Yes. Alright, you go out and find a way to complete the task, don’t disturb me to read.”

After saying that, the old housekeeper waved Tang En out of the system.

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