Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 21 - Family 1

In the early morning of the next day, Tang En rolled up with his eyes open, and his whole body suddenly crackled like a crackle.

“Fuck!” Tang En lifted his lower back for a while and grinned: “Is Nima’s shrinking bones? Half of his life has shrunk!”

Because Tang En’s total vitality has already reached the conditions for learning some skills, he was interested in learning skills last night.

After looking up and down, he decided to learn how to shrink bones first.

Tang En still remembers that the old housekeeper had shown him the effect of shrinking bones, “click, click, click”. The old housekeeper, about six feet tall, instantly became a child, just like a Transformer.

But it was his turn to “click, click, click”-Nima was broken …

According to the old housekeeper, Tang En’s bones have been shaped, and the best time to learn this skill has long passed. Now want to learn, it is inevitable that bones are broken and reorganized.

Every time the bone is broken too badly, the old housekeeper cleanly daggers his body and reorganizes his body. Well, come again …

So within about two hours, Tang En’s bones were spent in a cycle of interruption and reorganization, during which the pain was not tolerable by normal people. Fortunately, Tang En has received special training for pain. Although he has been miserable, he has no mental breakdown after all.

As soon as two hours passed, Tang En fainted in the system space, and felt dawn.

Than En changed the bandage on the wound. The injuries on his back have not been good, but according to this trend, it is a matter of two or three days.

When he went out, Tang En asked the hotel owner about the situation of buying a house in Laiyan City and was told that it could be handled at the City Affairs Department.

Wucheng City Hall is located in the middle of Laiyan City. After explaining the intention, the lazy city affairs official raised his finger and pointed at the direction of the wall, and instructed Tang En to see for himself.

A lot of notes were posted on the walls, and it was clear what was written on it, the house size, location, and price were all available.

After Tang En watched it, he couldn’t help but utter a tongue. The cheapest house above is one hundred gold coins, and the most expensive house in Dongcheng District is priced at 200,000 gold coins. And Tang En also had a dozen gold coins in total, none of which could be bought.

Anyway, the house prices are not cheap … Tang En touched his nose and sighed.

“Sir, buy a house?”

“Huh?” Tang En turned his head suddenly, and saw a half-big boy with a smart whole body looking at him with a smile.

但是 “But house prices are too expensive, aren’t they?”

Seeing Tang En’s bow, the young man said quickly: “The houses sold here are counted with one hand, believe me, the masters of the City Affairs Department have never been expected to do business. I was the mayor of Laiyan since I was young Big, familiar with everything here. If you trust me, I will help you find the right house. Afterwards, you only need to pay me 3 silver coins. “

Tang En said unwillingly: “How do you make me believe what you say?”

“Sir, you can ask me. I know almost everything in Laiyan City.”

Tang En moved: “I heard that a noble was assassinated yesterday …”

“Yes, sir. The dead man is called Delk Vinson, the eldest son of the Viscount Drek family. The assassin is the first assassin of Laiyan City, ghost face.”

Tang En opened his mouth and looked at the half-big boy in front of him: “How do you know?”

The boy took out a stack of gray paper from his pocket and handed it over: “Sir, if you are interested, there are some details on it.”

Thann took it and opened it. On the paper, “The oldest son of Viscount Delk was assassinated and died.” Below are some specific contents, including the assassin’s ghost face, some aspects of the Delk family, and some traces of the assassination. At the bottom of the page, there is also a black and white picture drawn of an assassin wearing a grimace mask inserting a dagger into the opponent’s chest.

“what is this?”

“Laiyan tabloid, sir.”

报纸 “Newspaper?” Tang En stunned, a ridiculous sense of crossing came to mind. This kind of thing that he had never seen before, now makes him have the urge to burst into tears.

“Sir, sir … how about, have you decided to use me?”

“Okay, it’s up to you.” Tang En calmed and pointed at the newspaper, “But you have to tell me first, where can I buy this?”

“Of course no problem.” At this time the teenager looked very excited, and said quickly: “Every morning, it is sold in the dock and Dongcheng District. The price is 10 copper coins, so generally only the aristocrats in Dongcheng District and the merchants in the dock Will buy. “

After a pause, the young man looked up proudly and said, “This content is mainly about the business situation in various places and the city’s news. I would rather buy it every day when I’m hungry. I know that this information will one day bring wealth to me . “

“You will definitely be an outstanding businessman.” Tang En said with emotion as he watched this smart boy.

“Thank you, my name is Allen.”

“Arthur …”

Uh …

A residential area in the southwest corner of Balaiyan City, in front of a small two-story attic.

“Mr. Arthur, this is it. This house has been around for some years, but it is well maintained. The area is not large, but there is a yard behind it. If it is not for the owner to rush, ten gold coins will definitely not be bought here of.”

As I spoke, Allen went up and knocked on the door.

For a moment, an old woman who was a little bit coy opened the door. Seeing that it was Allen, I wasn’t surprised, let them in.

Alan said hello to the old woman, and took Tang En to walk inside: “This is the owner, her son wants her to move and live with them, so he sold this old house.”

Tang En nodded, walked up and down the attic, and then went back to look at the yard.

To be honest, the house is just ordinary. Although it is two floors, the area is relatively small. However, Tang En is very satisfied with the terrain here. This is located in the southwest corner of Laiyan City, which is relatively remote, which is very suitable for him to live.

Howling …

As Tang En looked around in the courtyard, a sound of paper turning came from the courtyard of the adjacent room on the right.

纸张 Originally, the sound of the paper being blown by the wind was very light, but there seemed to be hundreds of large sheets of paper blown up in the yard next to it, so the sound was loud.

Alan explained on one side: “There is one beside, uh … painter, this is probably drying his painting again.”

恍 Tang En nodded suddenly.

“This artist is not easy …” Alan said mysteriously.

哦 “Oh, what famous painter?”

“I do n’t know if he is famous, what he paints is so scary. What I said about UU reading www.uukanshu.com is that his identity is not simple. His name is Robert Beth, but the eldest son of Earl Robert, our Lord of Laiyan!

嗯 “Huh? It’s him …” Tang En hesitated. At the Vinson party, when the Bevin suddenly arrived, he heard the aristocratic youth talk about this man, as if he was not liked by Count Robert.

“Oh, I can’t figure it out. A good count’s eldest son is inappropriate. What kind of painter …” Allen apparently dismissed Beth’s actions.

“He lives here?” Tang En asked curiously. This elder eldest son is too miserable.

“Mr. Arthur isn’t we in Laiyan City? Everyone in Laiyan City knows this. This bass is a idiot, and he paints some weird things. The Lord of the City wants him to take care of family affairs, and he ignores it. The adult tore his drawing in anger, and ended up in trouble. Later, Beth moved out of the Robert family to live here, and he didn’t go out every day. He just thought about painting, and heard that the adult Lord of the City wanted to sever his father and son. “

“It’s really strange …” Sure enough, literature and art is a disease!

After a small episode, Tang En finally decided to buy the house.

The old lady simply did. When she collected the money, she gave the house title to Tang En, but Tang En had to wait until tomorrow to move in. After all, the old lady’s things needed to be packed.

Out of the door, Tang En took five silver coins to Allen with an excited look and asked him for his address. Tang En also sees that Allen is really familiar with Lai Yancheng and can’t help but have something to ask him one day.

Although there are still a few silver coins left in the pocket, Tang En’s mood is pretty good, anyway, there is a family!

(No doubt about the character of the raccoon cat, I am a raccoon cat who is determined to be on the rookie list. Keke … Collection, recommendation … Cat’s broken thoughts ~!)

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