Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 2 - Thieves\\\' Union

The Thieves’ Union was not established in a remote corner like Tang En had thought. It’s actually in a good location, right on the main road. The double-daggered union logo is also very eye-catching, shining in the sun.

Tang En has changed a set at this time. He was covered with a black hooded cape and a black veil covering his rim.

This was bought by Tang En at the grocery store next to him. According to the boss, this is called the hermit cloak, 50 copper coins, and a triangle face towel was also presented as a gift.

After buying the hermit’s cloak, Tang En bargained with the boss, and finally spent 2 silver coins and 20 copper coins to buy what he really liked, an iron dagger.

This is the first dagger owned by Tang En. Although it is the poor quality of two silver coins, Tang En doesn’t care. The old housekeeper had a teaching, which was a thin piece of iron, which was also a killing weapon in the hands of the killer.

Assassination guidelines, once you get a weapon, you must become familiar with it.

全长 The length of this dagger is about 7 inches, single-edged, and the handle is ordinary bakelite. Tang Enshi grasped the dagger in the forehand and the backhand, and he was considered to be a hand, not as comfortable as that dagger in the system space.

This is also inevitable, because in the system space, Tang Enna’s dagger was customized according to his hand characteristics.

Tang En turned his hand to hide the dagger in his sleeve, staying in the forearm close to the elbow, flexing his arm and extending his hand when needed, the dagger would protrude like a snake.

This technique is handsome. It was Tang En who learned from the old housekeeper. For this reason, his arm was scarred and horrible, that is, in the system space, Tang En might not dare to learn this way.

After entering the gate, the thieves’ union hall. At this moment, the hall was bustling and very lively. Tang En habitually looked around. The interior of the thieves’ union was a little dark, in contrast to the bright facade on the outside.

However, this also fits Tang En’s preconceived impression. Rogues, of course, are used to walking in the dark.

The layout of the hall is relatively simple. There are more than ten office windows similar to modern banks. On the side of the hall, there are many small compartments. Looking from the open door, there is only an ordinary table with a crystal ball-shaped thing on it.

Tang En’s costume is not eye-catching here, because many people wearing hermit cloaks pass him by from time to time. Of course, the mainstream outfit here is leather armor. Occasionally I see some female thieves. The light leather armor reveals their curvaceous figure.

Compared to these slender female thieves, male thieves of the same body are much thinner and more cumbersome, and this type of male thieves is not ordinary.

Tang En’s body is adhering to his usual mundane principles. He is neither fat nor thin, only moderate. But here, Tang En just found a feeling of majestic power.

After observing for a moment, Tang En came to a union window. Behind the window was a young woman in a white uniform.

The woman smiled and said, “Hello, what can I do for you?”

The sound of Qingling’s pleasant sound made people feel very comfortable, Tang En also laughed: “I want to join the guild.”

“Okay, five silver coins for the membership fee.”

Alas, there is a membership fee? Tang En took a moment, then took out five silver coins and passed them.

“Okay, please wait a moment.” The woman took out a crystal ball with a diameter of about one centimeter from the back and handed it to Tang En: “Well, Mr. Thief, this is your logo crystal ball.”

Is this over? Five silver coins for a small ball …

Tang En took a closer look at the flip after receiving the crystal ball, but still couldn’t see why. I had to ask, “What’s the use of this?”

“Mr. Thief, have you never seen this thing?”

“Uh, no.”

The woman explained patiently: “This is the logo crystal ball, which is the combination of magic and alchemy. This crystal ball is now in its initial state. You need to take it to the side compartment and place it in the union crystal ball. Above. In this way you can enter your information and receive various tasks, of course, you still need to come to me to receive the bounty to complete the task. As for the specific steps, the union crystal ball is there, you can follow the instructions. “

Tang En nodded and understood, thanked the woman and left the window.

“The product of alchemy and magic”, Tang En was curious looking at the crystal ball in his palm, which was an area he had never heard of.

No matter, try it first … Tang En finds an empty compartment, walks in quickly, and brings the door in hand.

Just above the big-headed union crystal ball, Tang En found a small round groove. Needless to say, Tang En stuffed the logo crystal ball he just got.

“嘀 …”

The crystal ball of the guild issued a soft sound, emitting a soft light, and a nebula-shaped array appeared inside the crystal ball. A line of small print appeared in the nebula,

“Because there is darkness, there are thieves. Those who come out of the darkness really understand the value of light.”

After the inscriptions disappeared, the double-dagger Rogue Union logo appeared.

“A bit interesting …” Whether it was the image appearing inside the crystal ball, or the slogan of the thief. Tang En thought it was very interesting.

At this time, handwriting appeared in the crystal ball,

请 “Please enter the name of the identification crystal ball.”

“Uh, how do I type?” Tang En was puzzled, at least you gave a keyboard or something …

The crystal ball naturally will not answer Tang En’s question, but Tang En soon discovered that as his finger slides on the sphere, the corresponding symbol appears in the crystal ball.

“I rub it or touch the screen? It’s advanced!” Tang En is now more and more interested in alchemy and magic.

As soon as Min was thinking, Tang En entered the “killer”.

“Name available, please enter password.”

Password? Hmm … “Old Steward”, Tang En viciously lost the name of the old steward.

“Successfully established. Please save your logo crystal ball.”

Alas, it’s kind of humane. Tang En pouted.

With the disappearance of the success prompt, a box interface named task appears in the crystal ball.

The mission interface is mainly divided into treasure hunt, assassination, and other three categories.

Needless to say, this is a job that all thieves are willing to do, and the tasks in it are basically linked to treasures. Some clients give treasure maps and seek cooperation. Some specify that some kind of treasure is needed, that thieves need to find it by themselves, and so on.

The other taskbars are more ridding, and a variety of weird tasks emerge endlessly. For example, stealing the underwear of the lady in the city, and tracking and investigating a certain noble …

After Tang En casually read it, he focused on the assassination taskbar. He is now eager to improve his strength, but the old housekeeper is limited to his current system level and cannot teach advanced things.

唐 And Tang En wants to upgrade the system level, can only be constantly killing people.

However, when Tang En clicked on the assassination mission, the interface reminded Tang En that he could only receive missions at the current level. After Dunn unlocked his level, he found that he was now a small assassin. Can only receive 1-5 gold coins assassination mission.

You can get one point for completing a task. When you accumulate ten points, you can upgrade and you can pick up a task with a higher bounty.

Tang En was not surprised by this setting. In fact, if a young assassin just debuted to kill a big man, that would be a joke.

After Tang En opened the first-level assassination mission, he began to search for the assassination target. That’s right. Tang En is now ready to start. Leaving aside the enhancement of system strength, Tang En now needs these assassination bounties more.

He is really poor now, borrowing ten silver coins from bad gamblers, but for a moment, he has spent 2 silver coins and 30 copper coins.

The strange money system Tang En heard from the old farmer that there are three currencies: gold, silver and copper. The exchange rate is 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins = 10,000 copper coins. Ordinary civilian family 10 silver coins can maintain food and clothing for a month.

Tang En is just the primary equipment for the thieves, and the funds are already stretched. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Not to mention tomorrow, Tang En will take 20 silver coins to redeem the old farmer’s axe.

Fortunately, there are really many assassination missions in the first level. Tang En continuously slides on the crystal ball, and finally chooses a mission to assassinate the villains.

简单 A brief description follows each task, which will briefly introduce the identity of the task target, bounty and so on.

The objective of this mission, the introduction given by the union crystal ball is as follows

Task number:

Target: Little boss of an underground gang

Client request: kill

Bounty: 5 gold coins

Is really concise, but the gang leader is not a good guy … Tang En chose to accept.

“嘀, the task was successfully received. The following are the target details.”

Target name: Bart (nickname, tyrannosaurus)

七 Seven feet tall, with wide body, black skin, and black beard. The axe helps little bosses, and one-handed axe is used, often appearing at Pier 68 in Nangang.

After the task is completed, please submit it in time, and the union will investigate and determine it within one day.

Uh …

Looking at the prompts for the successful receipt of the task, Tang En’s heart was a little complicated. So did his journey to the other world killer begin? I used to say that I would not kill people for money …

Tang En shook his head and dispelled the thoughts in his head. After looking around, I went directly into the system space.

“Ding, found the killer organization outside, the data is being loaded …”

“Successfully loaded, this information will be incorporated into the killer system.”

叮 “Ding, congratulations to Tang En, the killer, on completing the task of finding a killer organization in another world.”

“Mission Difficulty: F”

“Get experience: 100, blood gas 100”

Uh …

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