Ultimate Assassin System

v2 Chapter 14 - Bad Dog Buster

“Ah … I’ll kill you!”

Bei Qi looked mad at everyone’s unclear meaning.

She understands the circle of nobles too much. If this kind of “love between the driver and the noble lady” is true, it will probably spread to the whole Laiyan City in one day. After a few weeks, the northernmost part of the empire may mention her. first name……

希 Johia begging Beki holding Zhangyawujiao with tears of laughter: “Don’t joke anymore.”

Tang En spread his hand and stopped speaking.

The group of young men and women greeted by the gate of the manor finally came back to life, and the women came forward to help persuade the crazy Becky. The rest looked a little hesitant looking at Tang En …

The aristocratic circle of Balai Rock City is so big, there is basically no problem of not knowing it. Can come with Josiah and Becky, it should be a noble. But Tang En did look jealous, and was he really a coachman in this costume? But is there such a bold coachman …

Guess quickly got the answer, someone got information from Becky, this guy is really a coachman.

A driver who dares to tease a noble lady? It was really good enough. For a time, these aristocratic youths were very speechless to Tang En.

怎么 “Why are you all gathered at the door? 咦, Hia, here you are!” A slightly excited voice came from the door of the manor.

Tang En’s heart moved, and his eyes looked, he was an acquaintance …

Phnom Penh lapel coat with handsome face, today Vinson is obviously dressed carefully, looks very spirited.

“Come in, come in, but this time I specially invited the harp master to play for our party.”

Jaina Becky finally calmed her excitement under the comfort of everyone.

At this time, when I heard Vinson greet, my eyes moved quickly, and suddenly I said to Tang En, “Hey, would you like to go in with us for insight?”

“Huh?” Johia glanced suspiciously at Becky, and whispered, “What idea do you want to make?”

“Well, Tang is your friend, then naturally it is my friend, what’s wrong with bringing friends to see and see.” Becky made a look of being wronged.

Tang En watched Becky’s expression of a fox entering the henhouse, knowing that the girl was not at ease. But looking at Vinson with a slight change over there, he smiled, “Okay, I just want to see what the aristocratic party looks like.”

“Eun, let’s go in.” Becky couldn’t wait to drag Vinson inside.

Town slapped his lips and entered the manor with Josiah. Naturally, he didn’t attend the party to see what Becky did. His main purpose was Vinson.

The last time he was tracked in a hotel, the result of his anti-tracking was exactly the family estate where Vinson was.

The importance of real identity is self-evident. If Tang En doesn’t want to end the street mouse, it is necessary to kill some scourges in the bud.

Going forward, Becky pulled Vinson whispering, not knowing what to say, and after a while, he left the crowd aside. When she passed a front yard, Becky disappeared.

After turning around a corridor, suddenly,

“Haha, come on!”

Wang Wang, Wang, Wang …

“Ah! Ah …”

“Be careful!”

In the screams of the women, the two giant black dogs suddenly came out.

Suddenly the incident happened, and here was another corner, everyone just looked at the giant dog and rushed to Tang En.

“Wait here, my little girl’s heart is kind of dark …” Tang En stood blankly, his knees flexed slightly, and he was about to jump away.

He could dodge the dagger from the stabbing disease, not to mention the two dogs. If he wasn’t afraid of revealing his identity, Tang En dared to guarantee that when the two dogs approached, they would be nailed to death by his dagger.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, Tang En at this time is a look of horror, and soon will be dog kissed.


“Whimper …”

Uh …

I was just when everyone was about to close their eyes and couldn’t bear to see.

Suddenly the two aggressive giant dogs suddenly stopped, the legs clasped their tails, whimpered, and drew back grayly.

Geng Lengchang …

“Stop … Stop … Stop.” Becky murmured unconsciously as she looked at the scene in front of her.

Everyone looks like a big mouth.

“Becky!” Josiah took a breath, frowned, and looked a little angry. “You’re too funny.”

“Oh, um … Vinson said it’s okay … Besides, it’s not aroused.” Becky came back to her and whispered.

The audience was relieved, knowing that it was all Becky wanted to scare the driver. Thinking of this, the crowd turned their eyes to Tang En, and found that the latter stood on the spot with no expression, and it looked really frightened. How pathetic …

恩 Tang En was staring at Vinson standing in the distance with a surprised look. When the evil dog struck just now, Tang En swept Vinson to make a slight wave, and he didn’t care.

But now combined with Becky’s words, he understands that the person who actually caused the giant dog to attack is Vinson. Becky was only shot by him. The two giant dogs were raised by Vinson, and Becky couldn’t hold it.

As for the reasons for the withdrawal of the giant dog, Tang En also thought about it.

Evil Dog Buster!

With this title, the ordinary watchdog retreats.

This is the first title that Tang En got after killing the watchdog ten times in the space game. I didn’t expect such a tasteless title to be used here.

Although she was shocked, Tang En’s intention was even worse. This is him today. If you change into an ordinary person and get bitten by the two giant dogs on the neck, how can you still have a life?

After this episode, Becky looked a little scared, and wriggled her lips along the way, as if preparing to apologize to Tang En.

However, when Tang En saw her approaching, she stepped aside and ignored it.

This made Becky a little bit more grieved, and finally apologized and couldn’t explain it.

A moment later, Vinson and the others finally entered the party hall.

Soft carpets, elegant string music, delicate knives and forks, delicious desserts … the gathering of the nobles is really enjoyable. UU reading books www. uukanshu.com

Because it’s just an ordinary party, everyone is very casual. Holding a glass of wine, they are looking for someone to chat with, to exchange recent interesting news, and there are also guys who like money to take the opportunity to discuss some business cooperation. Of course, more people are still around some beautiful noble ladies.

聚会 Gathering like this, almost every day in the aristocratic circle, the nobles call this social.

Of course, it is not known how much social experience is gained, but after the party, the two fiery young men and women found a quiet place to communicate with each other.

Josiah and Becky, the two unmarried and very beautiful noble ladies, are naturally the focus of the crowd. The two were surrounded by a number of hormonal aristocratic youths on the inside and the outside.

Tang En naturally will not go to make up for the excitement, at this time he is walking around with a wine glass, as if watching the beautiful decoration around the hall.

The identity of Tang En’s chauffeur is well known to everyone. The cultivation of the aristocracy prevents them from showing offensive traits to Tang En. Of course, it is impossible to make active associations.

Some poor aristocratic youths in the city government couldn’t help shirking when they saw Tang En’s move. “A hunk is a hunk. I haven’t seen it before. I want to remember something and go out and find someone to brag about.”

Tang En is indeed remembering something at this time, of course, not the closet decoration, but the environment here, and some conditions outside the hall.

The Derek family manor is tightly guarded and not a good place to start. If the investigation is clear here, it may be a choice of assassination site …

Vincent was standing upright next to Josiah with dedication, where could he know he had put in an assassin who was choosing a grave for him.

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