Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 7 - For Whom The Bell Tolls

At dusk, the door of the small stone village church was knocked.

For a moment, Father York in a black robe walked to the door. Seeing a man standing in the shadow outside the door wearing a flat-brimmed hat and a black one-piece dress. He had seen more of this outfit, mostly doing something disgraceful, and came here to ask God for forgiveness.

At this moment, the man spoke, and the content was in line with York’s judgment.

“Respected priest, I’m sorry to disturb you so late. The sin in my heart has never stopped, I can only come to you to explain.”

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, the Light God is always there, and so is the servant of God.” Father York opened the door, a gentle way.

The man nodded his head, thanked him, reached down and lowered his brim, and entered the church sideways.

“Okay, we can start.” Entered York Road, where the confession booth sat.

The so-called Confession Pavilion is actually a place similar to a sedan chair. A window is opened on the front to communicate with the outside world. The window is separated from the outside by a black cloth, which is also to protect the privacy of believers.

“Father, I’m guilty!”

“Everyone in this world is guilty, but as long as he repents in good faith, God will forgive.”

It’s also a cliché that is not new. Father York said mechanically that he would repeat dozens of times a day. His mind was a bit out of focus. Did he hear the sound before he thought it? Still some rats got into the underpass.

这样 “So … Are you guilty of that priest?”

呃 “Uh, of course, I regret every day that I can’t spread God’s grace better.” York replied very eloquently.

The man outside snorted a little bit more … how, are you ashamed by comparison? York thought to himself.

“But I want to commit crimes now, and I have no control over it.”

“Pray sincerely, ask God to give you strength so that you can control yourself.”

The man outside was a little silent: “But I still want to know, if I really sin, will God forgive me?”

“If you truly repent, God will forgive you”

呼 “Hoo … praise God!” The man outside seemed relieved.

“Praise God.” York stood up, well, and finally sent the inexplicable confessor. Should we go to rest first, or continue the exciting thing just now? Well, it ’s better to train the two ponies again. It feels wonderful.


“What?” York replied with a wonderful taste of stature.

“Thank you for your bread.”



When the man who came to confess, the black long coat moved, and a crossbow that had shot an arrow was found at the hem. Then quickly arrow up, fire, arrow up, fire …

Puff puff.

The thin wooden boards and black gauze on the front of the false pavilion were quickly penetrated and torn by crossbow arrows. For a while the sawdust flew up and kept humming.

“Drink … drink … wow …”

After shooting several crossbows, the man gasped heavily and looked very nervous. Pushed the brim and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Exposing a pair of narrow eyes, it was Tang En.

Tang En raised his crossbow and opened the confession booth. York’s eyes were wide and blood was on his upper body. The fatal wound was in his heart covered by his hands, and the big cave there took his life.

“My sin, God will forgive me. I don’t know your sin, will your ‘boss’ forgive …”

Uh …

It is about three kilometers away from the east of the village of Xiaoshi.

A team of knights equipped with holy armor is slowly advancing. The reason why they are slowly advancing is not to say that their horses are not good. On the contrary, the horses they sit on are pure and supernatural. Slowing them down was a gorgeous carriage in the middle of the team.

A small window on the side of the carriage was suddenly opened from the inside, and an old face with good spirits appeared despite being pleated. The knight waiting by the carriage leaned forward.

“How long is it, Bernie?”

The Jain Knight did not dare to neglect, and said respectfully, “Sir Master Sesman, about a quarter of an hour, we will reach the Little Rock Village Church.”

嗯 “Well, this **** broken road, I hope not to upset my carriage.”

Bernie watched the turtle’s speeding carriageway silently: “Master Sesman, rest assured, your carriage will not be damaged.” Damn it, there is really a ghost at this speed with damage.

那就 “That’s good!” Sesman in the carriage clearly relieved, and then said, “Tell me a little bit about that little stone village church.”

“Okay, Lord Sesman”, the knight who was called Bernie seems to have done a lot of homework, and he said, “Little Stone Village Church, with nearly a thousand believers, and the administrator is a low-level clergy York. Four small farms in and around Xiaoshicun. These five farms are a knighthood. “

“Five farms, nearly a thousand believers … Well, this York is also a personal talent.”

Bernie nodded his head and agreed with him: “York also applied for a promotion to his superior last month and is currently being evaluated. Lord Sesman, do you want to …”

“Let’s go and see if you are a clever person. Promote it. Bernie, when you arrive at the village, remind me again, I will take a rest. Alas, I am too old to keep up with my spirit.”

Bernie hurriedly said, “I took it down. Lord Sesman worked hard all the way, please take care of yourself.” Are you old? It was the two nuns who tossed you last night …

Sussman naturally could not hear the spit in Bernie’s heart, nodded in satisfaction, and closed the carriage window. at this time,

Clang, clang, clang …

咦 “Oh, this is the church bell?” Saisman said in surprise.

This place is in the southern part of the empire and does not require alarm bells like the northern border towns. Generally, a melodious bell rang, and that is the church bell.

“Well, it should be. Listening to this voice should be the direction of Xiaoshicun.”

Sethman exclaimed: “What the **** is this York doing, how can anyone ring the bell at this time?”

The bells of the churches can’t be knocked randomly for no reason. Generally, they can only ring at prayer meetings every week, or major religious celebrations, such as God’s fall.

Bernie spread his hands, saying he didn’t understand.

“Speed ​​up and see what happens!”

Uh …

Just like their doubts, the villagers of Xiaoshi Village also looked at the church in the village in surprise.

Most of them are followers of the Light Church and naturally know the meaning of church bells. At this time they ring the bell, but they have never heard of it.

Clang, clang, clang …

Stubborn bells kept ringing.

The villagers looked at each other, put down their things, and walked towards the church.

Xunxiaoshi Village has a small area and is close to the villagers, but just a few steps to the door of the church.

At this moment, the bell suddenly stopped.

“Father York … Father York!”

The first woman to arrive at the church door was a peasant woman. She clapped to the church door and shouted into it. Who knew it twice? With a light hand, the concealed church door was pushed open.

The first thing that greeted her was the church bell, which was empty beside it.

“Who is doing the prank?”

“Father York …” she shouted softly and walked to the church’s main bishop’s hall. Everyone here knew that York’s room was behind the bishop’s hall.

The gate of the Bishop’s Hall was also unlocked, and it was pushed open with a squeak.

咦 “Oh, Father York, what are you doing sitting on the ground?” At this time, it was already dark, and the bishop’s hall was naturally darker. However, the peasant woman still saw a figure with her head down, leaning against the podium, facing the door.

The figure didn’t answer, it seemed to be watching something on the ground intently.

The peasant woman with a big nerve in her nerves didn’t notice anything at all, and took a few steps to speak with Father York …


A horrified scream came out in panic, and some villagers who had just arrived at the church heard the sound as an excitement.

农 The peasant woman fell to the ground at the door of the Bishop’s Hall, her trembling fingers forward: “Joy, York … Father died … dead.”

“What?” The crowd was startled and looked inside.

After a short while, the lights of the bishop’s hall were lit.

神 Father York, wearing a black robe, was lying on the podium. Blood was flowing slowly from several transparent holes in his chest.

“Father York!”

“Oh god, how could this be so! Whoo …”

哪个 “Which smashed it? I’ll hang him immediately!”

“Hey, there is something on the ground, and there is handwriting …”

Looking at York’s tragic death, the villagers were completely angry. It should be said that York’s performance in Xiaoshi Village was really perfect. He successfully left the villagers with a devout and kind impression. Now such a good man is brutally killed in this way, and everyone cannot be angry.

The crowd was so angry that they kept cursing the murderer. At this time, some careful people also saw something next to York’s hand and blood-stained handwriting.

“Oh, this is a key.”

“Is that the name of the murderer?”

“Look at it with literacy!” Exclaimed some anxious villagers.

“Get out of here, I’m here” A bearded farmer squeezed in, recognizing, “Well, the truth is in the back room.”

“The back room? It’s Father York’s bedroom …”

“Is the murderer still there?”

走 “Leave, leave a few to look at York’s body, the others go to catch the killer.”

Everyone was holding all kinds of guys, and swarmed to York’s bedroom.

他们 When they pushed open the door of York’s bedroom, it was empty inside, but they found the removed bookcase and the underpass behind the wall.

Alas, why is there a secret passage in Father York’s room?

The suspicious villagers looked at each other and walked boldly down the secret road, and soon found the two girls who had been abused.

咦 “Oh, old John, isn’t this your granddaughter? Wasn’t she sent to the monastery by Father York to practice?”

“This, it seems to be Mary from the neighboring village? A few days ago, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I have also seen her parents.”

“Yeah, but didn’t she say she was recommended by Father York to always be a nun? Why is she here?”

Uh …

The two girls were just silly when they saw such a large number of villagers coming in. After reacting, wailing and rushing to the crowd, crying about their experiences.

When the crowd returned to the Bishop’s Hall again, they all looked complicated when they saw York’s body.

The two girls were crying and yelling that they would come up and bite York’s body. After being persuaded by the crowd, they whine in the arms of the peasant woman. The two were violently abused by York for a long time. They were so horrified that they fainted after being so surprised.

For a moment, the Bishop’s Hall became extremely silent.

They didn’t expect to be kind and kind, and the helpful York secretly was so dirty and despicable. And York is also the priest of the bright god, a servant of the **** who often advertises the gospel and advises people to be good. Their faith collapsed. For a while, I didn’t know what to say.

At this moment, an old man emerged from the crowd. They are all villagers who don’t see their heads. Everyone naturally knows that this is old John. He has been stunned since he heard his granddaughter’s cry in the secret passage.

Old John walked silently in front of York’s corpse. Suddenly a thick spit spit into York’s face. Then in the exclamation of the crowd, they fell to the sky.

Everyone was in chaos again. Fortunately, someone had seen him abnormally, and stepped forward to support his body.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps. A young villager who had not arrived before shouted with joy: “The Sesman inspection has brought the grown-up to the village entrance, everyone is going to welcome …” Looking at him, his tone became weaker and weaker, and finally he shut up.

“what’s the situation……”

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