Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 2 - Rookie Killer System

“Killer system?”, Tang En, who was in a state of sorrow, was rectified by a series of prompts in his head, and the subconsciously meditated the somewhat familiar name in his heart.

Suddenly, Tang En spent a moment in front of his eyes and found himself standing in an empty hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is a rigorous old man wearing a flat tuxedo and silver hair combed. This dress made Tang En think of the British housekeeper in the old Western movies.

The old man dressed as a steward put his right hand in front of him and bowed a half to Tang En’s standard: “Welcome to you, a new generation of system killers. What do you call?”

“System killer?” Tang En looked behind him, pointing suspiciously: “Do you mean me, do you recognize the wrong person? I’m Tang En, what is this place and who are you?”

“Hello, Tang En. You can call me the old housekeeper.” The old man calmly said: “This is the killer system space. Specifically, we are now in your mind.”

“Scared, in my head?” Tang En was startled. Then he thought of the familiar origin of the name Killer System, not the game he was going to play before crossing.

“Nashu was a mustard, have you heard of it? It’s almost like that.”

Tang En nodded and said that he had heard of it. After all, I have seen a lot of online novels before and knew the definition of space.

“What does this killer system do?”

“Train you to be a killer.”

呃 “Uh, train me to be a killer?” Tang En was stunned. “You’re kidding me, I haven’t even killed a chicken or a duck.”

“The killer doesn’t need to kill chickens and ducks, just kill.” The old housekeeper looked up and down Tang En. “And, you have the initial talent to be a killer.”

呃 “Uh … I still have this talent?”

“Yes, you look ordinary, that’s good.”

“Oh, thank you for your compliment!” Tang Enpi snorted without a smile.

“You’re welcome.” The old housekeeper didn’t care about Tang En’s sarcasm and continued, “Unfortunately your eyes are a bit narrow and highly recognizable.

I have no eyesight price, this is Dan Fengyan okay. The labor and capital all over the body, relying on it to shine … Tang En’s heart shouted.

“But this is not a big problem, we can do it by disguising …”

等等 “Wait! First of all, I thank you for your approval, but …” Tang En gestured a pause, and said firmly, “I won’t kill! I won’t be a killer!”

“There are not many killer options. Since the system has chosen you, you must become a killer.” The old housekeeper did not care about Tang En’s strong opposition, and was obviously very confident in the system.

“Oh, huh …” Tang En disagreed. Killing such a **** and dangerous thing, I will learn? Are you funny?

The old housekeeper said very earnestly: “Yes. And take a step back, at least the killer system will not let you starve to death now.”

Alas … Tang En thought for a moment, then thought of her current situation. I just passed through this unfamiliar world, and it seems that there is a great possibility that I may be starved to death.

“Is this killer system still for food and drink?”

Old housekeeper: “Of course not. But the system can teach you how to get food. For example, the south of this small stone village is a grove. The system can teach you how to hunt.”

Tang En’s heart moved: “Can you see the outside?” Just now he seemed to see a large tree in the corner of his eye.

当然 “Of course, you can see what I can see. However, if you do not enter the killer system space, we cannot communicate.”

Tang En nodded and said, “Tell me how to hunt.” The problem of eating was a big thing. Tang En didn’t want to starve to death as soon as he passed by.

“I’m happy to help. But before I teach you, I advise you to go out and find a place without people. You must know that your body has been standing by the well for a long time.” Said in a hurry.

“Uh, how to exit.”

“Mut your mind to quit the killer system.”

Exit the killer system …

Tang En’s eyes bloomed, and he returned to the well in Xiaoshicun.

I looked at the strange eyes of the peasant woman around, Tang En touched her nose, and quickly left.

The area of ​​Qixiaoshi Village is not large, about 200 people. The only characteristic building in the village is the chapel. On the pointed roof of the church stands a statue of a handsome male with a torch in naked hands. Tang En watched a little and determined that the goods were not **** and his elderly man crucified.

After a short while, Tang En left the farm and went straight to the south woods. Looking for a remote corner on the periphery of the woods, Tang En leaned on the trunk, secretly whispering the killer system.

“咦 …”, Tang En opened his mouth and looked at the dense woods in front of him.

老 The old housekeeper standing beside him calmly said, “Without fuss, the system space can be ever-changing.”

After saying that, the old housekeeper waved his right hand, and a light blue light curtain appeared out of thin air.

“This is your killer system panel, let me introduce you as a whole.”

Tang En has been immune to the light curtain appearing out of thin air. The forest can be rectified, let alone this …

He looked up at the dense print on the light curtain, and Downton felt the pressure was great.

System level: Novice

Killer Code: Tang En

Experience value: 0

Blood gas value: 0

Skill tree: layout, hiding, camouflage, killing skills, status.

The densely packed small characters on the light curtain are mainly concentrated under several skill trees. Tang En was dazzled. Fortunately, the old housekeeper started to introduce it.

“The so-called layout means that before killing, you need to determine the hands-on scene and complete the prior arrangement. Draw up more than one attack and retreat line. Of course, this is only a preliminary layout. You should not underestimate these trivial tasks and smart layout methods Can kill invisible. “

“Hidden. Now you can only learn how to borrow and hide, and make good use of various obstacles so that they are not found by the target.”

“Camouflage, well understood. You only need to learn basic camouflage and become another person in appearance. Including children, women, the elderly …”

“Wait a minute” Tang En raised his hand to interrupt the introduction of the old housekeeper, “I can understand it by pretending to be an old man or even a woman, pretending to be a child is too much, that physique is obvious … uh!”

Click, click, click …

Although the old housekeeper is old, he is still upright. The two stood together. The height of the old butler was ten centimeters higher than Tang En’s 175. But now his body twisted a few times, his body crackled, his body suddenly shortened by more than half, to only Tang En’s thigh.

Then the old housekeeper waved his hand and changed into a piece of children’s clothing with cute animals. His body jumped lightly. That figure, Tang En faintly saw the children on the side of the road carrying small schoolbags bouncing to school.

“Are there any questions?” The old housekeeper waved back to the original state.

“No, no …”

“Very good, the next one is the killing technique. This one is more complicated. Now there are long and short weapon mastery, melee combat and poison making. I suggest you learn the crossbow first, easy to make, simple to operate, and powerful. The key is attack The distance is long, even if the target cannot be killed, there is still a chance to get away. “

“As for the state, a killer with a peak state is horrible. You don’t have access to this level yet, so I’ll skip it for the time being.”

“The above five skill trees, you can only access some basic skills at this stage. After you upgrade the killer system, you can learn more powerful skills. The skill levels are beginner, master, proficient, proficient, realm, master, Grandmaster. “

Tang En listened fascinated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com nodded again and again: “How do you upgrade the system?”

The old housekeeper said: “Achieve a certain amount of experience value, and then complete the upgrade task to upgrade. The killer system will occasionally perform some tasks, complete the experience value of the task, and kill the blood value.”

“Blood gas is very important to the killer. It involves the power of the killer skill tree. The more people you kill, the more blood gas you have. These blood gas will be in your body, and when you fight, it will increase your lethality. Consumed Blood gas will recover in the early hours of the day. “

Tang En quickly shook his head and said, “Yes, it’s going to kill again. Let’s talk about how to get food.”

可以 “Yes, this involves the wild survival skills in the layout. I suggest you now learn how to build a wooden house, fire a fire and make a simple crossbow in the woods.”

“Okay, no problem.” It’s a matter of survival, and Tang En behaves very well.


“Don, you’re building a wooden house, not a bird’s nest!”

“Well, it’s big enough. But if you sleep in, you might become an iceman overnight.”

“This time is good, it looks like a wooden house. If you don’t worry about falling to death at night, you can consider living.”


“Tang, if you are drilling for fire, you may need to drill until tomorrow.”

“Don, if you make a fire here, this forest will be lit by you.”

“Don …”

“To shut up!”

“Oh! Keke …” Tang En coughed with red eyes and gray face, and kept exhaling black gas in his mouth.

The old housekeeper regretfully spread his hand: “Sorry, I just wanted to remind you that the angle you used to make a fire is not right.”


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