Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 10 - I want to be a killer

Wow …

I watched the stone tablet break into a small stone, and Tang En put his axe blankly.

The axe was given to him by the old farmer, but now it has become the only thing that Xiaoshi Village exists in this world.

Don En secretly vowed that when he caught Sesman, he must first use his axe to smash his bones into pieces, and then chop to death.

Tang En entered the killer system and said blankly, “I want to be a killer.”

Tang En is not stupid, just dazzled by anger, and then eager to find Sesman desperately. But in the smashing of the stone monument, he recovered his mind, knowing that with his current strength, he wanted to get revenge, which was just a foolish dream. Not to mention the others. Take the scorched soil in front of you for example, the coverage area is larger than when some shells exploded.

I want to increase strength, the only thing he can rely on now is the killer system. As for killing? Then kill it …

The old housekeeper said with relief: “Okay.”

“I want the strictest training.”

“as you wish!”

Uh …

“Ding, the revenge quest is on. Target: Killing Sesman. Quest time: unlimited.”

Uh …

恩 On the advice of the old housekeeper, Tang En packed his things and left the wooden house and headed east along the road.

After all, no one knows whether the group of people in Sesman will think of anything, and then come back to see. By that time, they found that the stele had been destroyed. Even if stupid, they knew that something had changed.

In the next few days, except for eating and sleeping, Tang En devotes all his time and energy to the system space.

He was eager to absorb all kinds of knowledge, and the camouflage and killing techniques he had previously refused to learn were true. And because of his most stringent training, he is now suffering even more in space.

An old housekeeper wearing a white coat and a scalpel: “As a killer, you must know all parts of the body inside and outside the human body. Although it is an unknown world, according to my observations these days, the human body has not changed. Yes, below, I will take you to dissect various types of body. “

Tangen: “…”

“The fatal part of the human body is mostly in the upper body. Temples, eyebrows, throat, heart, etc. are the top priorities, but these places are also the most defensive places. When these places are difficult to start, the aorta is also a good choice. Hold this thigh first. “

Tang En took the shattered thigh with trembling. I kept telling myself, “Fake, all fake! Everything in front of me is an illusion. It is an illusion from the old housekeeper. Hold on, but you want to be the man of the killer king.” But, shouldn’t Nima be so realistic, bloody.

看 “Look, this is the artery”

You are all illusions …

“You just need to make a gentle stroke, now the fountain comes out.”

It’s all fantasy … 噗! Tang En, covered by the “Fountain,” retreated.

………… (Considering light taste readers, about 500 words are deleted here, oh, unfortunately ~!)

“This is the cold weapon era, so melee weapons are essential. The dagger is the killer’s best friend. Below I will teach you how to hold the dagger.” The old housekeeper demonstrated the forehand and backhand dagger in slow motion: Don’t be disapproved, the correct posture of the dagger can ensure the dexterity and full force of the dagger. “

It’s not easy. I still can’t take pictures of cats and tigers? Tang En learned the gesture of the old housekeeper and held the dagger.

Old housekeeper: “Are you sure you clenched?”

Tang En nodded.

When the old housekeeper reached out, Tang En’s dagger reached the old housekeeper’s hand. Cross-cutting, the dagger slid across his throat. Tang En’s “ah” body collapsed and reorganized a few meters away.

“You’re already dead.”

恩 Tang En felt a little embarrassed and groaned in his throat: “What are you doing?”

The old housekeeper said faintly: “In space, you are immortal. This is to impress you, this time is a friendship reminder. If you die once, I will give you pain from grade 1 to 9 depending on the situation. Feel. Believe me, it’s wonderful … “

When I was here, the old housekeeper smiled rare. Of course, in Tang En’s heart … a perverted smile!

“Well, come again. Are you sure you clenched?”

“Uh, hold … Ah!”

恩 Tang En wailed and collapsed again.

But this time a feeling of pain in the bone marrow reached the bottom of my heart. After Tang En recovered, he curled up together, and burst his tears back into his eyes.

“Humble, despicable, you, steal, attack …” The severe pain made it difficult for Tang En to bite words.

Old housekeeper: “Congratulations, you have initially realized the meaning of the killer.”

“What’s the joke, how can there be any mystery”

“Vile and sneak attack!” The old housekeeper said calmly, then hooked his hands: “Well, stand up like a man, that’s just first-degree pain.”

Tang En’s body suddenly, this is the first degree of pain in Nima?

“Are you sure?”

Uh …

Finally, after Tang En had enjoyed three first-degree pains, the old housekeeper nodded reluctantly and recognized Tang En’s dagger holding posture.

“Well, after holding the dagger, the following is the use. The dagger is short. If it does not hit the key, the power is limited. As for the key point, I have taught you in human teaching. The attack method of the dagger is general There are stabs, cuts, cuts, picks, cuts. I will demonstrate them one by one. Your task today is to do each action qualified a thousand times. “

Uh …

Tang En sleepless all night, maybe you think that wielding a dagger a thousand times, this is nothing. But the focus is on the word “qualified.” The old housekeeper’s dagger demonstration on the mannequin left the parameter data. Those who do not match the data are considered unqualified.

恩 Tang En’s initial swinging of the dagger was all luck. Later, I gradually found some feelings, and the passing rate continued to rise.

The arm started to have fever, to soreness, to numbness, and finally lost consciousness. The mind began to muddy, and in the end only the robot was waving its arms.

Take out the dagger, um, it’s light …

Take out the dagger and pass.

Take out the dagger, um, it’s a bit heavy …

Take out the dagger and pass.

Take out the dagger and pass.

Uh …

Tang En, who was stunned, didn’t know, at this time his pass rate was the highest.

In the end, Tang En himself didn’t know when to complete the target. I only heard the old housekeeper say “OK”, he said “Oh”, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The next few days, while Tang En was learning other skills, he had to complete such a dagger once a day.

Finally, on the fourth day, Tang En couldn’t help this boring practice, and proposed to learn the skills of using a dagger.

The old housekeeper glanced at Tang En: “You are learning now.”

Tang En’s depressed: “I’m not referring to these, I mean moves and the like.”

哦 “Oh? You already know the basic usage of the dagger?”

Looking at the calm eyes of the old housekeeper, Tang En nodded dimly.

“Well, then use the basic dagger to see it in action.” The old steward turned his hand and showed the dagger: “You come to attack.”

恩 Tang Enliang clenched his dagger and bent his arms to prepare for the attack. Suddenly hesitated: “Are you immortal?”

The old steward said, “I don’t think it is necessary to answer this question.”

In a calm tone, strong self-confidence was revealed.

“Uh … it’s really a good hand to pretend to be B”, Tang En’s belly was slandering. Bend your arm straight and target your heart.

“Too light”, the old housekeeper blocked Tang En’s piercing hand. “Weak attack, after being swayed, the one who greets you is … death!” The old housekeeper’s dagger suddenly accelerated and inserted directly into Tang En heart.

Boom, “Uh!”

Needless to say, Tang En, who reorganized his body, once again experienced a level of pain.

“Come again”, I have to say that when you have experienced more, the pain can be used to it. After Tang En screamed, he stepped on the ground and stabbed at the heart of the old housekeeper again.

“Heavy.” A faint voice.

The old housekeeper simply wrapped around Tang En’s back: “Killing is also an art. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will master the power and speed, and let the other party enjoy the due pleasure of death …”

Tang En only felt that his neck was cold, and his ears seemed to hear the hissing wind, and the blood in his throat sprayed like a thin curtain.

I’m so pretty …

“Uhhh …” Painful voices reappeared, and the instant literary and art cavity off-line was awoken by first-degree pain.

The old butler clapped his hands, and the dagger disappeared without a trace: “Continue to practice.”

Uh …

“Hold on, call … Hold on …”

In the space, Tang Enhan was carrying a fifty-pound backpack under the rain, walking deep and shallow in the desert.

Desert? That’s right, it’s a hot desert.

Tang En’s goal today is to reach his destination within three hours.

The old housekeeper said that this was the method of special forces training strength and endurance in a certain country.

But … **** it, where is this destination? How do I feel like I’m spinning around!

In fact, Tang En’s feelings are not wrong. If overlooking from a height, Tang En’s path can be drawn as an irregular ellipse.

“It seems that some motivation is needed.” The old housekeeper touched his chin.

Then, Tang En suddenly found that there was a large scorpion behind him.

I swallowed hard and spit, “Old housekeeper, you must not die … ah !!!”

The old housekeeper supported a sun umbrella in the desert and took a sip of cold wine. “Well, the gas is enough. It seems that one is not enough. Then add a few more.”

With a wave of Xin Xin, three big scorpions rushed to Tang En in the distance.

“I rely, old housekeeper, me, me …”

“I’m wrong!”

Uh …

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