Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 204: King of Cars Schrödinger


Accompanied by a powerful roar, the F1-type war vehicle, temporarily dubbed the Cat-Dog-Mouse Car by Bai Song, raced through the narrow alleyway at a breakneck speed. The velocity was astonishing, so fast that Bai Song was almost unable to discern the swiftly receding surroundings.

However, Bai Song didn't have the luxury to pay attention to such trivial matters, because he was currently hurtling through an extremely narrow alleyway at a speed that could only be described as insane.

"Darn it, Tom! Don't slam the accelerator so hard!" With hands moving as fast as playing a game of mahjong, Bai Song continuously turned the steering wheel left and right, all the while shouting at Tom to ease up on the gas pedal. The fear visible on Bai Song's face was nearly tangible.

The most expletive-worthy aspect was that the vehicle Bai Song was driving was only about two meters wide, barely wider than the twisted and winding alley itself. Occasionally, there were slightly wider sections that could accommodate about three meters. For Bai Song, this was truly an adrenaline rush. The combination of the incredibly narrow path and the breakneck speed made it more thrilling than being thrown into a labyrinth to drive.

Bai Song almost began to suspect whether he would crash into a wall and meet his end in the next second.

Fortunately, the only thing he could be thankful for was that perhaps his survival instinct kicked in, because despite careening through this impossibly tight space, Bai Song miraculously managed to avoid scraping against anything.

Yet, even without any actual scrapes so far, Bai Song didn't dare to relax even a little, fearing that a single misstep could spell disaster in the next instant.

The cat, the mouse, and the dog trio, perhaps unfazed, but for Bai Song, a mere mortal, it was a different story. The stakes were high, and he felt like a split second's mistake could send him to the great beyond.

While the Cat-Dog-Mouse trio might be fine, he was certainly in trouble.

"Brake, Jerry! Step on the brakes, now!!!" Bai Song manipulated the steering wheel frantically while his face showed a mix of panic and urgency as he shouted at Jerry, who sat at the front seat.

To ask why he was so panicked, it was because right in front of him was a 90-degree bend in the alleyway. With his current speed, it felt like he was going faster than 100 miles per hour, if not 200.

If he could make this turn, he might just be able to steal the title of the Car King from Schrödinger for the day.

Facing Bai Song's terrified cries, Jerry, seated at the forefront, seemed to have complete trust in his owner. He turned toward Bai Song and gave him a thumbs-up, a confident smile on his face. Come on, it was just a bend in the road. Even Jerry the mouse and Tom the cat had passed through it with ease, let alone its owner.

Seeing Jerry's gesture, Bai Song was nearly shocked to his core. In this life-or-death moment, Jerry actually had the audacity to give him a thumbs-up. With the time and energy spent on that thumbs-up, he could have spared a moment to hit the brakes!

At this critical juncture, Bai Song was finally grasping the true meaning of the phrase, "The probability of a rat killing someone is not zero."

As the wall ahead loomed closer and closer, Bai Song let out a hopeless chuckle. "Oh well, it's over."

Facing imminent doom, Bai Song realized that he couldn't face life and death directly. So, he made a decisive choice to close his eyes.

"What to do when faced with difficulty? If I don't see it, then it's as if there's no difficulty at all!"

Bai Song didn't care anymore. If he was going to crash, so be it. Even the speedster Michael Schumacher couldn't maneuver through this. Let alone himself, a mere novice who could crash into a wall while driving in a straight lane.

But he couldn't do nothing either. Bai Song decided to take a gamble – even if he crashed, at least he would have shown effort.

"Swish!" With his eyes closed, Bai Song suddenly yanked the steering wheel to the left, taking a blind chance. The high speed brought about a massive inertia. Simultaneously, Jerry hit the brakes, causing the vehicle to drift like a hearse.

"Squeal~!!" While drifting, the tires scraped against the ground intensely, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

However, clearly, even though the vehicle was drifting, it continued to move in a straight line due to the high speed.

And then, something miraculous occurred – as if the laws of physics had gone awry. The car, originally drifting at a diagonal due to its excessive speed, and about to crash into the wall, suddenly halted its lateral motion just as it was about to hit the wall.

The distance was a mere 20 centimeters.

In this eerie state, the car completed a right-angle turn seamlessly. Without pausing, it surged forward, the entire process of the vehicle's movement flowing smoothly from start to finish.

If there had been spectators witnessing this scene, they might have wondered if the mushrooms they had for lunch were of the magical variety that allowed one to see tiny people.

Meanwhile, Bai Song's eyes remained tightly shut, ready to embrace the impending second brush with death.

However, despite keeping his eyes closed for several seconds, the expected impact had yet to occur. Time seemed to slow down.

"Hmm? Why haven't I crashed yet? Is this short distance taking an eternity?"

Finally, to confirm the situation, Bai Song summoned his courage and slowly opened his left eye.

But as he opened his left eye, what he saw wasn't the wall that should have been right in front of him. Instead, it was a burst of light at the end of the alley – the exit of this twisty, winding, and chaotic alley.

"Hmm???" Bai Song widened both of his eyes in astonishment. He first glanced at the exit ahead, then hastily touched his face, chest, and lower body to confirm that he hadn't lost anything, confirming that he hadn't crashed.

Then he turned his head to look behind him, tilting his head to see beyond Spike, who was sitting triumphantly in the shopping basket, sticking his tongue out in the wind. What Bai Song saw was the distant 90-degree corner.

"What the heck?" Turning back around, Bai Song looked at his own hands, muttering to himself in disbelief, "Am I really this awesome? I actually drifted my way over here?!"

"Slap!" To confirm if it was an illusion, Bai Song decisively slapped himself.

Feeling the pain on his face, Bai Song got excited. His skills were actually this awesome. "It hurts a bit, it's real!"

However, after basking in his excitement for a while, Bai Song realized that he was still in a state of having his hands off the wheel. The car was about to exit the narrow alley. Bai Song quickly grabbed the steering wheel with both hands.

It's not a big deal if you crash in the alley, but once you're out on the street – well, that's a different story. If he crashes and careens around out there, it might as well be a civilian space program.

Outside the alley, even though it was only 10 in the morning, the streets were already crowded with people. Clearly, the allure of freebies was enormous.

Just as the street was bustling with its normal activities, suddenly, a loud roar echoed, and a car with a sharp and somewhat exaggerated design shot out from a narrow alley.

In that instant, everyone's attention was drawn to the explosive roar.


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