Twisted Realm

Chapter 465 - experience

Old Hei couldn’t understand what he saw in Suhai.

First of all, the Apostles of the Zero Realm are very strong, they hold the kingdom of God, they can fabricate simple wills, and they have the power of a creator.

However, the Zero Realm Apostle, no matter how strong it is, has a limit. The power of the kingdom of God is a very precious and limited resource, not a power that can be squandered.

The power of the kingdom of God requires the Zero Realm Apostles to extract power from the will of the world, and it is an extremely slow process to accumulate.

Therefore, no matter which apostle of the Zero Realm, actually cherishes his own power of the kingdom of God and will not use it recklessly. Once used excessively, it is likely to cause the collapse of the kingdom of God, and even affect the self-imprint implanted in the will of the world. .

ideal country.

This term does not only appear in this era, but also in Nelson’s time, someone once made such an assumption.

Material is abundant, there is no conflict, everyone is equal and full of freedom, and everyone has the opportunity and ability to pursue and realize their dreams.

It sounded like heaven, but Hei Lao knew that it was actually hell.

The inferiority of human beings can never be changed. Absolute comfort is definitely not happiness, but all kinds of degeneration influenced by instinct. There is no fatigue, no tempering, no crisis, and no pressure. Then not only individuals, Even entire civilizations would stagnate and eventually collapse.

Therefore, even the peak of the great Nelson era failed to realize this supreme social vision and still adopted a civic hierarchy.

Many times, we have to admit that with competition, tempering, oppression, and setbacks, human beings will have the desire to progress and explore.

Human beings are such a vile species.

But now, someone actually wants to build an ideal country in the real world? This is the current era, or is it a goal that the remaining human beings with extremely degenerate attributes cannot achieve at all. Is this crazy?

He couldn’t wait to see what kind of depraved life ordinary people in this world were living.

However, the scene he saw once again exceeded his expectations.

Humans in the real world have not only not fallen into depravity, but have instead shown strong self-motivation and vigor.

He saw that everyone had a smile on their faces. They were actively engaged in their daily quantitative short-term work. After work, they immediately threw themselves into the study of extraordinary basic knowledge without even taking a break. After completing the study task, he immediately entered a certain state of meditation, as if he was engaged in some kind of meditation and practice.

They didn’t even see a trace of material abundance and the laziness and depravity that appeared after they had no worries about food and clothing, as if the natural depraved attributes of human beings did not exist in them.

If only one or two people made such a performance, Hei Lao would not be surprised. After all, there are always people who are different from others who can restrain the instinctive desire and inertia of human beings, and such people often achieve extraordinary achievements. achievements, can be called outstanding.

But what puzzled the old man is that everyone in this city is like this? !

That kind of feeling is like the degenerate attributes of these people’s own human nature, which have been separated from life, leaving them with only positive, positive, rational emotions and desires.

Looking at the people who were working hard and making progress, looking at the faces full of hope and smiles, Old Hei suddenly felt a chilling and creepy feeling.

Humans are human not only because they have reason and wisdom, but also because they have desires and instincts.

Those who are flawed are people, and what seems to be separated from desires and instincts in front of them can still be called people?

Maybe they can’t feel the difference themselves, but in the eyes of outsiders, what is the difference between them and the walking dead who have lost most of their desires and instincts?

Who was it that did such a cruel thing? ! What kind of method was used to extract human desires on such a large scale? This ability is simply unheard of!

His eyes were solemn, and he seemed to realize that the water in the real world was deeper than he imagined.

The power to block the supreme being to bring the two worlds closer, the power to silence the seventy-two king pillars, and the terrifying ability to change the real world and extract human desires and instincts…

The things hidden behind this are already shocking enough.

“What kind of existence is it?”

Hei Lao looked solemn, turned his head and looked in the direction of the headquarters of the Shahe City True Self-Association. He could clearly feel that there was the greatest power in the world gathered in that place.

“Is it really the core of my club? Let’s start with some basic information first.”

Hei Lao pondered for a while, his body flashed with light, imitating the clothing style of the elderly in the sea, showing a loose elderly suit, holding a cane in his hand, and a kind smile on his face, Quite tremblingly, he walked from the beach to the city block, preparing to infiltrate the Suhai Sea to obtain some basic information.

blah blah blah! !

However, before he could take two steps, his figure suddenly stopped.

Because, I don’t know when, a young man in simple casual clothes was leaning against a big tree not far from the beach at this moment, watching him quietly.

Before seeing this young man with his own eyes, he didn’t even notice the existence of the other party.

In other words, even if he witnessed it with his own eyes, he still felt that the young man in front of him was a phantom, without any real presence.

“I didn’t expect that there are really fish that slip through the net and can pass through the barriers I set up. Among the apostles of the Zero Realm, they should be considered strong. Well, there is no twisted breath, otherwise I will be the first. Time should have found out, it seems to be from Serio.”

Then, Old Hei saw the young man in casual clothes standing up straight in front of him, and said to him with great interest.

“You are the master of the True Self? The Eye of the True Self?”

Hei Lao was not panicked because his whereabouts were exposed, but he was also looking at the other party with a very calm look.

As long as he doesn’t exceed the limit of the Zero Realm Apostle, even if he can’t beat it, he has enough confidence to retreat.

“Yes, it seems that you are here for me.”

The young man in front of him nodded.

“How did you find out about me? I don’t think I’m showing any flaws.”

The old man asked with some doubts.

“You are very special. Your strength is inherently lacking in existence, and it is easy for people to ignore it. You are a natural hider. Even the barriers I set up have not been discovered.”

“However, as long as it is a living body and enters this world, it will definitely be discovered by me.”

“My tentacles are everywhere, and they help the people of this world stay sane while exploring everything around them all the time.”

“Just now, they were near here and detected a very subtle fear.”

“This is a normal human mood swing. It’s nothing unusual and won’t attract attention. But now it’s different. The fear of all life in the whole world should be under my control, even if it is a newborn, as long as it is in reality. If you are born in the world, you will immediately be detected by me.

So much came out, even if there was only a trace, it was as dazzling as a firefly in the dark. This extra fear cannot come from the real world, so it can only come from intruders from the zero world and the virtual world. “

Meng Xuan said lightly to the old man Hei.

Listening to Meng Xuan’s calm remarks, for some unknown reason, a long-lost fear suddenly appeared in Old Hei’s heart.

Hold all the emotions of the whole world in your hands, and even the clues will be discovered…

What kind of power is this?

What he didn’t know was that the original Meng Xuan’s strength could not reach such a level at all, but he was promoted to the Zero Realm Apostle, and after realizing the unity of the kingdom of God in the eastern and western hemispheres and the initial transformation of the real world, after a lot of emotions Under the feedback of strength and pure will, Meng Xuan’s ability has once again evolved to a new level.

There is no need for the troublesome “baptism” ceremony. Now, driven by his majestic power, the magic net itself has also undergone tremendous changes.

The magic web has evolved.

Its network is more dense and complex, and it has a certain autonomy and life characteristics.

It has grown countless “tentacles”, covering every corner of the real world, without the need for “baptism”, these tentacles will automatically search the entire world and connect those lives and wills that have not been included in the magic net system. In the magic net, it is controlled by the sanctuary and the magic net.

Therefore, if there are beings who are not connected to the magic net and enter the real world, it is good that they remain calm and rational, and the magic net tentacles cannot detect much. Beneath the ubiquitous magic net tentacles, it is indeed like a firefly in the dark night.

Hei Lao has no specific understanding of Meng Xuan’s ability, and it is reasonable to be recruited.

“You are afraid again. What is it that makes a character like you feel fearful? You have a confrontation with the vocational high school. You should know that in front of them, any negative emotions are likely to lead to unhappiness. The consequences of redemption.”

Meng Xuan looked at Hei Lao with some puzzlement and asked.

“The power you possess may be more terrifying than those supreme beings. Their power is only to make people crazy, alienate them into monsters, lose their minds and become beasts that only know **** and create chaos. And your ability , but can turn people into these fearsome monsters. Is this city, this world, your masterpiece?”

The old man said in a low voice.

“You said they were monsters?”

Meng Xuan asked interestingly.

“Isn’t it? You extract their desires and instincts, leaving them only positive emotions and reason, it’s like splitting a person in half, in my opinion, they seem to have lost their real The walking dead of the soul, the smiles on their faces are fake, the progress they show is fake, all their behaviors are just illusions fabricated by you, they live in the world you created, compared to those crazy This kind of false rationality makes people feel even more terrifying.”

The old black said rudely.

“What is true? What is false? Maybe your judgment is only based on your experience. The complete state of human beings that you think is only the state of human beings since ancient times. But things that have been like this since ancient times must be right?”

“Even if I don’t do this, how many people in this world can truly be themselves without being affected? I don’t affect them, I don’t change them, they will still be subconsciously inherited from the emergence of creatures to the present. Affected by desire, they will still be affected by various organ functions in the body, they will still be affected by different types and degrees of hormones in the body, and at what moment, their will is truly unaffected to live, Thinking really unaffected.”

“There is no doubt that human beings have limits. With human beings, it is very likely that we will never be able to truly think independently. We are always bound by our bodies, materials, history and experience, and make all kinds of things we think are correct. Things, they are like this, even if they reach your current realm, it is the same.”

“But my help made it possible for them. Besides, I didn’t completely deprive them of their desires. They still have the right to find their own desires, but only if they have the reason and ability to control their desires.”

Meng Xuan said calmly.

“You said you didn’t completely deprive them of their desire?”

The old black questioned.

“If you don’t mind, I can show you.”

Meng Xuan said to Hei Lao.

Hei Lao heard the words, frowned slightly, and fell into silence.

This is the enemy’s territory, and the ability of the enemy seems to be beyond imagination. It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to follow the rhythm of the enemy.

He raised his head and looked at Meng Xuan’s There was no expression on that face at this time, it seemed that he would not be shaken by any decision he made.


He finally agreed and he didn’t know why, but he suddenly had some anticipation in his heart, wanting to see what step this guy could achieve.

Meng Xuan nodded when he heard the words. With a wave of his hand, a white light covered the two of them. The next moment, they appeared in front of a ten-story black tower.

“This is the Tower of Desire, I can take you to experience it.”

Meng Xuan said to Old Hei, he went straight forward, opened the door of the black tower, and walked into the black tower.

Hei Lao pondered for a while, and then followed into the black tower.

He had the feeling that he had stepped into the ocean of the collective subconscious.

There is no concept of space here, there is only will and thought, which is a stage of thought.

In this space of thought, there is a thin layer of negative consciousness information, which contains some relatively shallow human desires and instincts.

The next moment, he felt the invasion of negative consciousness information permeating this space.

The aimless laziness after material abundance, the urge to seek depravity and stimulation while doing nothing, the depression caused by too much leisure…

Almost real scenes and illusions flashed in his mind, as if tempting him to fall, but it was almost a thought, these desires and instincts belonging to ordinary people were pinched by his tenacious will in the consciousness of Hei Lao extinguish.

“This is······”

His huge thoughts and will spread around this space of consciousness, and the shocking feeling reflected in his thinking was the countless hearts and souls that were being tested in this space of consciousness.

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