Twisted Realm

Chapter 442 - wake

The power of the six kings was completely poured out at this moment, and under the illumination of the gate of the kingdom of God, it has reached the peak that this world can withstand today.

Huge power like mountains and seas oppressed Meng Xuan from all directions, constantly squeezing the power of the sanctuary, as if to completely exclude the power of the sanctuary from this area, making Meng Xuan a powerless person without a foundation of strength. The root of the tree, let anyone slaughter.

“Seventy-two king pillars…”

Meng Xuan tried his best to open the sanctuary, but the best result was a stalemate with the opponent. The power of the seventy-two king pillars was indeed beyond his imagination, and it was almost impossible to defeat them under the illumination of the gate of the kingdom of God. Unless he can reach the realm of the Apostles of the Zero Realm and forcibly cut off the connection between them and the Kingdom of God.

However, he came to Yisi Kingdom alone, and the purpose was not to remove all the power of the Seventy-two King Pillars. Obviously, this is not a realistic thing.

One of the reasons he came in person was to measure the first step in the strength of the representatives of the seventy-two king pillars, and another important purpose was to rescue Mungo.

Of course, after seeing the whereabouts, if possible, taking the whereabouts away this morning and grasping the whereabouts of the family, ensuring that they will not become tools used by Wang Zhu to threaten himself, is his new goal.

Therefore, on the one hand, while fighting against the power of the Six Kings Pillar, on the other hand, he is also doing some precise operations.

After entering Sayes City, breaking the prohibition on the city wall, and restoring the connection between himself and Mongo, Meng Xuan separated a part of his spiritual will and entered his own lineage. According to the relationship between himself and Mongo The connection between them, along the branch route of the source of the genealogy, to find the location of the sea of ​​​​Mungo’s mind.

Under the weakened state of the sad music, Mungo, whose mental will was in a trance, seemed to hear some kind of whispering into his ears.

“I gave you ‘anger’ and you gave me this in return?”

“Sinking in cowardice, like fish on a chopping board, left to be slaughtered by others.”

“Is this your measure?”

“It really disappointed me.”

This familiar voice, these words, pierced his heart like a sharp blade.

“No!!! It’s not like that!!!”

Mungo, who was in a trance, suddenly let out a hoarse roar.

“I’m not a coward!!”

“I’m not afraid of death!!!”

Mungo’s mental will fluctuated violently, like a string that was stretched to the extreme, and it seemed that it would suddenly break in the next moment.

A nameless anger completely covered his mind.

At this moment, countless images flooded into his mind.

These pictures are composed of countless human faces, all of which appear hideous and terrifying. From their eyes, one can feel all kinds of extremely suppressed anger.

Or suffer misfortune, or suffer injustice, or be despised, or suffer humiliation…

However, what makes people most angry is not the anger of these people themselves, but that although there is extreme anger in their eyes, they have to suppress, endure, and even greet them with a smile on the surface.

Some people, who were scolded by their bosses with blood on their heads and covered with red marks on their faces, could only suppress this anger and accompany them with a smile, like a dog wagging its tail.

Some people are conscientious and conscientious, but they are oppressed by unscrupulous behind-the-scenes black hands with rules, and they have nothing to lose. They can only knock down their teeth and swallow their blood.

Some people have been violated and despised, despised and insulted, but they can only endure anger and swallow their voices for the sake of life.

The picture continued to flash in front of his eyes, that is, the countless homes in this world have been destroyed, their lives are controlled like ants, and ordinary people who have no right to resist, their hoarse roars, blood and tears in their eyes, but helpless figures.

Mungo suddenly understood.

What makes people angry is often not anger itself.

But the helpless cowardice.

It is the unjust world and times that breed cowardice.

Anger is the driving force for the progress of human society.

Sad for its misfortune, anger for its indisputableness, so it needs to be changed.

The world is therefore a better place.

“Then prove it to me.”

“Break out, or perish.”

The indifferent voice echoed in Mungo’s will.

In a trance, he saw the top of his head, a huge door of light seemed to appear, and pure white light poured onto him. Provided him with infinite power.

Puff puff! !

Outside, the countless golden threads that had pierced through his body began to show signs of breaking. These golden threads also seemed to have a premonition of the crisis and were constantly tightening, as if they wanted to smash his body into countless pieces.

“I’m also… bathed in the radiance of God!!”

Mungo let out a roar, and his body was broken by golden threads, but a dazzling white light burst out from the wound.

His body followed the gap of the golden thread, and the body tissue began to deform and expand violently.

The Six Pillars of Stone mobilized most of the power of the kingdom of God to use the golden body of the Six Kings to suppress Meng Xuan, and the defense at Meng Ge weakened, giving him a chance to escape.

Roar! ! !

An angry roar came from the temple of Parsenlier, resounding throughout the city of Sayers.

A grim-faced monster with twelve wings growing behind it, a white flesh mass, exploded the entire Parsonlier Temple. On the monster’s body, there were countless angry faces, which seemed to be a little bit strange. Similar to the combination of the mark of the king of holy beasts and the king of red light.

boom! !

A large number of ritual lines appeared on the temple of Parsonlier, and even the six kings were shocked by the huge movement that suddenly broke out here.

The crisp sound of the sad movement automatically appeared around the Parsonlier Temple, shaking the space, but most of the power was contained by Meng Xuan, and it was difficult to prevent Meng Ge’s alienation.

Ji Ya and others frowned. Although the Parsonlier Temple is not the core center of their power, its symbolic meaning is of great significance to the entire Iss country and cannot be ignored.

“Move all the angels to stop him! Hold on first, I will block him with a sad movement.”

Ji Ya said in a deep voice, turning around and preparing to devote her energy to mobilize the power of the sad movement to suppress Mongo.

“When I don’t exist?”

Meng Xuan’s expression was calm, the pure white slasher in his hand slammed out, the power of the sanctuary exploded, the sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the collision power was instantly upgraded, so that Ji Ya couldn’t pull it out at all.

Damn, how can this guy’s strength be so strong? ! !

His prototype of the kingdom of God is almost complete, and he is only one step away from crossing the limit and reaching the level of the apostle of the Zero Realm.

They are very clear that this can already be called the strongest combat power in the real world, and even they can only rely on the brilliance of the gate of the kingdom of God to suppress each other and cannot completely eliminate it!

Roar! ! !

boom! ! !

The roar came again, and this time it was accompanied by a violent explosion. I saw the Parsonlier Temple, which was shrouded in ritual patterns, and was blown up by Mungo, who was constantly proliferating, and lost its restraint. Mongo incarnates. The monsters are getting bigger and bigger.

His voice seemed to have some kind of ability to awaken the hidden anger in people’s hearts.

This anger does not originate from oneself, but from anger towards the times and the world.

The so-called Wang Zhu sets up a cage to imprison the world, all living beings are chess pieces, and the distorted virtual **** is hidden behind the scenes, ready to bring destruction and distortion to reality at any time.

It’s a sad time, it’s a desperate time.

The more such an era is, the less cowardice is and the more anger is needed.

Only with anger can we have the courage to change.

At this moment, under the influence of Mungo’s ability, the people who were kneeling on the ground and praying in Sayes City seemed to have some strangeness.

They seemed to remember a certain thought, a wrong thought, a big lie that they had been indoctrinated from birth.

God is the supreme and the ruler of everything. Dedicating piety and life to God is the highest glory. Death is not the end. The devout will live forever in the kingdom of God and gain eternal happiness.

Under this lie, they lost their backbones, they lost their true self, they were like slaves, like walking corpses, struggling to survive under the lie.

Countless relatives and compatriots died because of this term, and an unspeakable anger rose in their hearts, like a flood that burst a dyke, breaking through hundreds of thousands of forged walls in the name of faith, and a terrifying explosion erupted. strength.

Roar! ! !

Countless roars rose from all over Sayers City, and countless emotions converged on the twelve-winged flesh ball transformed by Mongo, making his body more alienated and inflated, showing even greater power.

He was like a sun suspended above Sayers City, and the white light he emitted not only enveloped Sayers City, but also moved towards the distance of Iss country beyond Sayers City.

The face of the Six Kings Pillar suddenly changed color, and they could clearly feel that some kind of foundation seemed to be shaken in the entire Iss country.

Only at this time did they truly understand the true horror of this pathway.

This kind of terrifying contagion and emotional mobilization ability should be the most taboo for them.

If they continue to toss like this, I am afraid that the foundation of the entire Issian country will have major problems. This kind of spiritual hidden danger cannot be completely eliminated by simple means.

Meng Ge did better than Meng Xuan expected.

Originally, he chose to go alone because he expected that it would be very difficult under the illumination of the other party’s gate of the kingdom of God. Even if Dorogu and Cang Yao followed, it would only be a drag, not to mention others.

And this time, he also had the idea of ​​fighting hard. If Mungo couldn’t wake up, then he could only abandon the other party and detonate the other party’s seven-color flower secret pattern through the source of the pedigree.

However, Mongo didn’t let him down after This restraint shook the foundation, and instantly put the other party into a state of dilemma. At this time, Mongo could be regarded as a ray of life.

“We have to find a way!! It can’t go on like this!!”

Ron said with a stern expression, those devout believers shouted angrily at them one by one, and the sky-shattering voice made him feel a little chilly.

“For a while, we won’t be able to take this guy down. Even if we can succeed, it’s just a lose-lose situation!! If this goes on like this, the country of Yi Si will be destroyed!!”

Heng’an River roared and said.

“Anyway, we already know his identity and the true nature of the power of the True Self Society. There is no need to entangle with him! Mungo’s role is not big anymore, and they will be expelled from the country!!”

Kazuya shouted in a low voice.

Others also have the same idea. Isis is the foundation and headquarters that they managed to manage. If it is destroyed like this, it will have a great impact on their plans.

However, just as they were about to use their strength to expel Meng Xuan from the territory of Yi Si country, Meng Xuan suddenly looked into the sky with a feeling.

There, the wind and clouds were surging, and behind a dense black light, a bright starry sky was reflected.

A huge body like a creator appeared in the center of the starry sky holding the blue planet in his hand. This figure had white bandages wrapped around his eyes.

The huge air force and oppressive force fell to the side of the Six Kings Pillar like a mountain and sea.

“It’s kind of interesting. I want to send me away now, but it’s not that easy.”

Seeing the figure in the sky, Meng Xuan’s mouth showed a smile.

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