Twisted Realm

Chapter 437 - Find

The gate of the kingdom of God appeared, the winged “angels” swam fast in the air, and endless light gathered on the Parsonlier Temple at the commanding heights of Sayes City, as if a miracle had descended.

The mad believers in Sayes City knelt down one after another, looking at the high temple with fanatical eyes, chanting inexplicable prayers in their mouths, looking like a humble servant.

On the altar of “Hall’s Embrace”, Meng Ge’s burly body was pierced by countless golden threads. These golden threads radiated dazzling rays of light under the light of the gate of the kingdom of God, constantly moving towards Meng Ge’s body. Stab deep.

These golden threads penetrated every inch of his muscles, every inch of blood vessels, entered his heart along the blood flow, and eroded his brain along the heart.

He felt that each of these dense golden threads was like a pinhole probe, and it probed every corner of his body clearly.

Roar! !

A sense of humiliation of being treated as a guinea pig flooded his heart, he wanted to let out an angry roar, but although his consciousness was clear, his body was completely suppressed by those golden threads and the gate of the kingdom of God, making it difficult to move at all.

He could only watch the golden threads raging in his body, but he had no way to deal with it.

grown ups·······

However, what made him feel the most uncomfortable was not his own humiliation, but his arrest, which would definitely affect the plan of an adult and become a stumbling block to the True Self Society. This was unacceptable to him.

The moment he was attacked, he wanted to cut himself cleanly and neatly. Unfortunately, the opponent’s actions were too unexpected, and his strength also crushed him. Without successfully establishing a magic network node, Unable to invoke the power of the sanctuary, he lacked due resistance in the face of those terrifying winged “angels”.

“The material structure of the body seems to have produced some kind of inhuman alienation, similar to distorted life forms, and should be able to carry out large-scale alienation throughout the body. From the current point of view, the direction of alienation should be defensive power, destructive power and other directions. No further anomalies were seen.”

Ji Ya and others manipulated many golden threads together and quickly got feedback.

“It seems that the problem is not with the body, but with the mind.”

Hattuk said.

“This is also predictable. The body is just a shackle, and only the spirit is the foundation. All transcendence to the end actually comes from the detachment of the spirit.”

Kazuya nodded and said.

“Then let’s take a look at what’s in the sea of ​​​​his mind. There should be discoveries that interest us.”

Ron said with a smile.

“The sea of ​​​​mind is the core area of ​​the will and the residence of the soul. For their existence, the protection of the sea of ​​​​mind will be much stronger than that of other places. Forcibly opening it may even trigger a self-destruction mechanism in advance, which requires us. Let’s do it together.”

Heng’an River said in a hoarse voice.

“Actually, it doesn’t matter. I will mobilize the power of the ‘Sad Movement’, but it is indeed safer to do it together.”

Gia nodded.

Ding! ! Boom! !

An indescribable voice echoed in everyone’s ears. It didn’t sound like a musical instrument, but more like a naturally formed voice, whether it was crisp, dull, sharp, or peaceful, and each sound was different. There is no score, but it naturally forms a movement that makes people immersed in it like the sound of nature.

Hearing this sound-like movement, people’s hearts will inevitably be immersed in it, and the more immersed it is, the more intense and infectious emotions contained in the movement will be felt.

An extremely deep sadness, no heart-piercing struggle, no hoarse screams, no heart-rending murmurs, some, just a kind of compliment to sadness.

Under this movement, people’s spirit and will will be immersed, weakened or even dissolved, and even the laws of all things in the world will enter into a weakened and depressed “emotion”, which is easier to change and break.

This movement has no substance, but a sound wave. It is one of the powerful abilities of the King of Gray Light. It was summoned through a ritual composed of eight “tear crystals” carefully collected by seven people. It is said that all the sounds of this movement , are composed of the sound of tears falling on different objects.

This is the culmination of sadness.

The sea of ​​mind is no better than the body. It can be suppressed, but it is difficult to be completely convinced. Meng Ge has long been prepared in his heart. Once the other party forcibly opens the sea of ​​his soul, he will take advantage of the opportunity to cut it off on his own. The sea was detonated together, and the jade and stone were burned.

However, under the “Sorrowful Movement”, his spirit and will were “weakened” in that extreme sadness and entered a “dim” state, as if incarnated into a walking dead, his heart is dead, whether it is Both the body and the mental will are indifferent to any stimuli and will be slaughtered by others.

The idea of ​​resistance is disintegrating, the mental barrier is collapsing.

“It’s time to do it together, get into the sea of ​​​​his mind in one go.”

At this time, Jiya said, and the six people present nodded.

brush! !

They manipulated countless different golden threads, slammed into Mungo’s head, their eyes entered his brain, and touched a certain node between the soul and the body.

boom! !

Under the effect of the sad movement, Mungo’s self-will was not able to make much resistance at all, and the barrier of his mind was broken.

Countless informatized and volitional golden threads poured into Mungo’s sea of ​​mind through a certain node in his brain. These messy threads were entangled with each other, wriggling, and finally formed six human-shaped figures.

The appearance of these six human figures gradually stabilized in the constant squirming and entanglement of the golden silk threads, and they changed into the appearance of six pillars, which were vivid and beautiful.

“Is this the sea of ​​the soul of that guy?”

Hatuk looked around in amazement, and everyone else was doing the same thing as him.

What caught their eyes was a world that shone with seven colors of light. On the barrier of the sea of ​​​​Mungo’s mind, countless seven-color silk threads were intertwined and deeply penetrated into the barrier, as if absorbing nutrients, and like It is conveying the power of terror.

The entire sea of ​​mind, which should have been dark, was lit up by the rays of light emitted by these seven-color silk threads. Numerous seven-color silk threads crisscrossed like roots extending out from the barrier of the sea of ​​mind and connected to a certain person suspended in the middle of the sea of ​​mind. over such things.

And that kind of thing is precisely the most dazzling existence in the entire sea of ​​mind.

It was a dazzling flower emitting a dazzling light, twisted, twisted, and braided by countless seven-color silk threads, like the sun suspended in the void of the universe.

“It’s unbelievable…”

“Do you feel it? The power contained in this flower, mania, confusion, madness, desire… This is the essence of distortion, but these essences are firmly suppressed and do not appear The terrifying influence of distortion and alienation has instead become the nutrient of the flower, giving the flower an inconceivable cleanliness and sanctity. That feeling is like…like… ··”

Kazuki looked at the beautiful and dazzling flowers floating in the center of Mungo’s sea of ​​mind, and whispered in a trance with her eyes.

“It’s like a lotus growing out of the mud, the stark contrast between the rotten, dirty, black and the vibrant, beautiful and pure things, the ultimate beauty blooming in the extreme contradiction.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Ya’s voice also contained some kind of shock.

“It’s really beyond my expectations, this seven-color flower…should be similar to the core ‘secret pattern’ of twisted creatures? Or, this is a kind of secret pattern, you have heard of this A secret pattern?”

Ron frowned.

“There is no introduction about this kind of secret pattern in my inheritance knowledge, and I think there should be a big gap between this kind of secret pattern and the secret pattern in the traditional sense. In your inherited knowledge, I have seen Which secret pattern will suppress the negative effects of distortion? No, because the distortion side itself is the source of the power to distort life, the power that those at the top of the distortion lineage yearn for, the essence and foundation of their existence, you Do you think those beings will self-destruct?”

Heng’an River said slowly in a hoarse voice.

“But what if the lineage of this secret pattern is based on this?”

Where to speak.

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes turned to where they came from.

“It’s like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained. The mud is not a terrible thing for it, but a good nourishment, giving it strength and growth. Just like this seven-color flower, rooted in distortion, But it draws power from distortion, and this is the foundation and essence of the power of the master of the secret pattern lineage.”

Looking at the seven-colored flower, a familiar feeling rose in his heart, and his thoughts seemed to return to what happened when he was in Charlotte.

My eyes, is it really him? Is that person the source of this lineage, or just a member of the lineage?

“It is indeed possible. If that is the case, we will have a familiar but unfamiliar feeling about the power of the true self, which is a matter of course.”

Kazuya said thoughtfully.

“Compared to this, I care more about the meaning behind it. Draw nutrients from distortion, use it as a source of strength, and give birth to holy flowers. Do you know what this means?”

Heng An River said in a deep voice.

“New genealogy, new essence, new power, and… new hope!!”

“Something, including the supreme beings standing behind us, dreamed of.”

“This is not the power that should appear in this world!!”

Ji Ya looked at the seven-colored flower suspended in the sea of ​​Mungo’s mind in front of her, and her breathing gradually became a little heavy.

Having accepted part of the inheritance of knowledge and memory, she knows very well what this essence means.

Why did the seventy-two king pillars standing behind them become the current state, abandoning civilization, blocking the two worlds, and proclaiming themselves in their own kingdom of gods, isn’t the essential reason for the essence of the world?

The bottom layer of this world is like the consciousness of human beings. Under the self-consciousness, there is endless illogical and rational subconsciousness, full of instinct, desire and other chaotic information. The deeper you go into the essence of the world, the power of this power The impact is even more terrifying, and no one can escape.

The essence of the world is distortion. Trying to master the world will eventually merge with distortion.

But now, a new path seems to have emerged, which is like the key to opening Pandora’s Box. With the growth of Meng Xuan’s power, this key gradually fades away from the camouflage shell, revealing a dazzling edge.

hum! !

While everyone was still in a state of shock, they were in the outside world, and their bodies, which were shrouded in the light projected by the gate of the kingdom of God, suddenly shook, and an unknown message overflowed from the gate of the kingdom of God, following their path. The body poured into their will.

In the sea of ​​​​minds, their incarnations composed of golden threads also vibrated, and it seemed that they had received some news, which made their expressions all shake at the same time.

“Did you… have you received it?”

Ron asked in a low voice that received it, it was an ‘oracle’. “

Ji Ya took a deep breath and nodded.

“It seems that the situation here is really no trivial matter. Even those existences are paying attention. The current situation should not allow them to wake up excessively, right?”

Kazuya said.

“I also received the oracle, but it shouldn’t be from the one behind me. That one should still be in a state of silence at the moment, but our goals are probably the same.”

Where to frown.

“My situation is probably similar to where it came from. It should be the information from the ‘Guide’. What is the content of the oracle you received?”

Heng’an River said that the existence behind him is actually in a state of silence.

“The oracle let us understand and lock the source of this new secret pattern system, and cut a part of the secret pattern in front of us and send it to the gate of the kingdom of God. Correspondingly, within a period of time, the gate of the kingdom of God will give us enough strength and protection.”

Ron said.

“The same, this is also the oracle I obtained.”

Ji Ya also nodded.

The others looked at each other, and it was obvious that the oracles that everyone obtained should be different.

“This is very interesting, the source of this lineage. What kind of existence, the legendary eye of the true self, and what is the origin, it seems that we will be clear soon.”

A smile appeared on Kamiko’s sweet face. She used to be the strongest idol in the Kingdom of Heaven. She can be said to have a charming smile.

“If you want to find out the origin of this lineage, then you can only start with this secret pattern.”

Ron turned his attention back to the shockingly beautiful seven-color flower suspended in the center of the Sea of ​​Mind.

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