Twisted Realm

Chapter 434 - fully dispatched

The silhouettes of Lolita and Xu Longying flickered, passing through the sanctuary gap opened by Meng Xuan and entering the sanctuary.

As the host of the first generation of Heart Seeds, when Meng Xuan did not prohibit them, they had such authority.

After the two entered the sanctuary, they found that the sanctuary seemed to be more lively than usual. When they came to Meng Xuan, they looked at Cangyao Dorogu and the others behind him curiously. They were very keen. I felt some extraordinary breath from these guys.

They are all masters I have never seen before, but I don’t know how tall they are. Where did the adults find these guys?

Although they were curious, both Lolita and Xu Longying knew why they should not ask.

“What the **** happened?”

Meng Xuan looked at the two and said.

“It’s like this, while you’re away…”

Lolita briefly introduced Meng Xuan to the drastic changes in the real world during the time he left, and then told him about the current predicament that the Real Self Society was facing.

“This is the information we just received, the three bad news that the True Self is currently facing…”

After finishing speaking, Lolita took a deep breath and said.

“Additionally, the opponents this time are not as simple as before. The ‘Legion of Kings’ should be related to the seventy-two king pillars. Their number is huge, and as the seven doors in the golden cloud layer open, they are getting bigger and bigger. , The strength of these descendants seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and what we have to face at present may not be one or two saints, but dozens or even higher-level existences.”

Xu Longying said with a fat face and serious.

“If you want me to see it, it’s better to roll up and cover…”

As soon as he said something, he seemed to say something that shouldn’t be said, and then he felt Meng Xuan’s eyes fell on him, and changed his words in an instant: “Cough, let me see, we must find a focus, Some sacrifices are unavoidable.”

“‘The Legion of Kings’… distorts life, it seems that the real world is not peaceful…”

Hearing this, Cang Yao shook his head and sighed.

“In this world, under the troubled times, where can there be real peace?”

Meng Xuan said lightly.

“The sky and the earth are collapsing, and the world is in chaos. In the past, in the Nelson era, there were seventy-two king pillars that could hold up the sky. Now, they may have also become part of the original sin. They are no longer our pillars, but Our enemies use heaven and earth as chess, and when the twist comes again, who can protect us again?”

Clody sighed.

“The only one who can shelter us has always been ourselves. This world is the last piece of pure land, and it will be our next home after the Black Forest. Whoever wants to destroy it must step on my body first. “

With a heavy sword on his back, Dorogu, who had just recovered from the chaotic state, showed more sharpness in his eyes and will.

Freed from the distorted interference, the will that has been silent for many years has ushered in a big explosion.

“The current situation, we should be able to deal with it, let’s solve the current problem first, we are divided into three groups, Dean Cang Yao, you bring some students and mentors of the Black Devourer to intercept and annihilate the attacking group of distortions. Life, is it okay?”

Meng Xuan said to Cang Yao.

“No problem. Judging from the current situation, the opponent should not have reached the point where it cannot be dealt with. If there is a Zero Realm Apostle level, it cannot be just the current battle.”

Cang Yao nodded and said.

“Teacher Dorogu, how is your recovery? Can you lead the team for a trip?”

Then Meng Xuan turned his attention to Dorogu, who was carrying a heavy sword. Among the people with the Black Devourer, Dorogu and Cang Yao are currently the strongest. Therefore, the troops are divided into two groups, and they must be separated. lead the team.

“Of course.”

Dorogu nodded affirmatively.

“Okay, I’ll get rid of you over there. I’ll go to the Asia-Central region in person. My subordinates can’t be caught by anyone.”

Meng Xuan said lightly.

“Well, if there are no other questions, let’s go.”

Meng Xuan then said.

“Wait, they have plans, what about us?”

Lolita asked in surprise.

“You? Give them a guide, I’m afraid they will get lost.”

After Meng Xuan finished speaking, his figure quickly blurred, and finally turned into a white light, and quickly ran into the distance.

Our task is to arrange the guide?

Lolita stared blankly at the direction in which Meng Xuan disappeared, a little bit lost.

“Little girl, don’t be in a daze, hurry up and make arrangements.”

Dorogu wore a big bald head and patted Lolita on the shoulder with a kind and kind face.

This kind of behavior similar to the elders appeasing the younger generation makes Lolita, who is now under one person in the True Self Society, very dissatisfied, and is preparing to use her own strength to resist.

However, what made her feel numb in her scalp was that the moment she exerted her power, all the power became invisible, and even her body could not make any movements, as if any action on her body The rules all collapsed in an instant, she couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, she could only stare blankly at the bald old man’s generous palm patted on her shoulder, completing all the movements.

Then, the stagnation in her body disappeared, and she regained the ability to move.

But at this time, she no longer dared to have any dissatisfaction, because she found that she was almost equal to the power of the holy envoy, and she was not even qualified to resist in front of this old man. If the other party wanted to kill her, she would Can only stand in place and wait to die, this is simply an unimaginable horror.

Where did the lord lose to get such a monster, is he still an envoy? ! Or is it a terrifying existence above the holy messenger level? !

Also, I heard adults call this old man a mentor before…

“Wait a minute, I’ll make arrangements right away.”

Lolita said respectfully, her attitude surprised Xu Longying, but she was as smart as him, and of course she could see some clues from the old man’s simple actions.

It’s not easy to mess with… These days are really getting worse and worse…

Xu Longying sighed in his heart, and quickly hung up a humble smile when facing Cang Yao and others. 


East Bairro, outside Layetti.

Beside Doma Keshromi, stood a tall creature wearing a mysterious patterned battle armor with ten pairs of white wings on its back.

Behind them, there are also a large number of armored and winged warriors. They are holding various weapons, and the number of wings on their backs is also very different. Some have only four wings, while others have six or eight wings, similar to that standing in Doma. There are eleven warriors in ten-winged armor around Keshromi.

Wings, to a certain extent, represent the power they possess.

The Legion of Kings is the power that the Seventy-two Kings use to seal the majestic power of existence and the power contained in the depths of the Kingdom of God. They used to be the personal guards of the Seventy-two Kings, and they are absolute loyalists. Before the seal, the seventy-two princes assimilated the power of these henchmen with their own kingdom of gods and became the life of the kingdom of gods, representing the power of the kingdom of the seventy-two princes, and became one of their trump cards for recovery.

These beings are awakened early and returned to the real world in a mammoth ceremony performed by Gia using the power of the mourning garden.

These armored and winged warriors, together with the extraordinary power of East Bayro, completely blocked the power of the East Baylor True Society with Layetti City as the center.

In the past few days, Doma Keshromi can be said to be in high spirits. With the help of the King’s Legion and the lure of the power of existence, he quickly integrated the power of Dongbairo and began to remove the true self. Will this dagger inserted in the heart of Dong Bai Luo.

However, although the power he has now is huge for the real world, he still does not dare to attack Layetti City at will, because the huge eye of the true self that appeared in the sky in the last battle, and the suspected god-like eye The terrifying power of the country’s embryonic form left a deep impression on him. The little evil dragon, the descendant of the Moro Temple, was also a saint, and in the embryonic form of the kingdom of God, he didn’t even hold a single face.

Although the strength of the guards of the King of Mora is not sure how much stronger than the original little dragon, it is still better to be careful.

“His Royal Highness, we shouldn’t spend so much time here, I can feel that the twisted power is getting more and more rampant, and the country to the west, the eye of the highest hanging in the air, that is the first king’s Bloodline power, if my guess is correct, originally, he should also be a member of His Royal Highness, but unfortunately there is an unknown change in the middle, his position has become a mystery, and there is a high probability that he belongs to the twisted side. Now, he wants to attack that layer. Barriers, the kingdom of God will rise in the real world. At that time, the entire real world will not have a place for us. Therefore, we should destroy his foundation and delay his promotion, instead of putting more Put your energy here.”

Standing beside Doma Keshromi, the ten-winged armor warrior Netreu, holding a giant sword, said slowly.

“Zero Realm Apostle, is it really that strong?”

Doma Keshromi asked with a frown.

“Of course, that is no longer the same class as ordinary life. They have completed some kind of transition, and they even need to use ‘He’ to describe their existence. They already have ‘divineness’, you know, once, in the absence of Before the communication between the two worlds, even the great king pillars could not surpass this class.”

“On the other hand, our arrival has certainly enhanced your power, but the source of our own power comes from the kingdom of God itself, which is closely related to the seal of the two realms. The arrival has become more rampant these days, and we need to master the real world as soon as possible to deal with the arrival of the distortion force.”

Netreu said solemnly.

“Time is running out, and what’s in front of us now is just a little trouble.”

Netreu put the giant sword in his hand in front of him, and a strange light flashed from the giant sword, giving people an extremely majestic and terrifying feeling.

“What you are facing is likely to be the embryonic form of the kingdom of God. Even if it is likely to be incomplete, according to you, it is beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures, and some kind of ‘divine’ has been born.”

Doma Keshromi said with a frown.

“Your Highness thinks that we have given our freedom and life to become part of the kingdom of the great kings and pillars, and have we only gained a long life?”

Netreu said indifferently, the intense and extreme aura of life rose from his body, and the giant sword in his hand and the armor on his body showed a dense vision, and the space seemed to be distorted.

“We are already part of God, and we have the power to kill ‘God’.”



Inside Layetti City.

Lin Ya, Jiu Lao, Fianna, Adorod and other core members stood on the towering city wall, looking at the overlapping figures in the distance.

Those legion of kings with wings on their backs and wearing armor did not conceal their aura at all. The huge aura of life caused the heaven and earth to change, forming a colorful glow and a brilliant rainbow in the distance, which looked very beautiful.

But Lin Ya knew that behind this beauty lies a deadly danger.

“There is no news from the headquarters?”

Old Jiu took a deep breath and asked when he felt the huge aura of life.

“We can’t always count on others. Besides, we are not what we used to be. Even in the face of even the most powerful enemy, we can still fight.”

Lin Ya said lightly.

boom! !

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky of Layetti City, and a soft white light appeared in the air, showing the appearance of the Sanctuary in the white light.

When a blazing white light fell from the sky, it completely enveloped Layetti City.

The violent white light formed a pure white dress and crown on Lin Ya’s In her hand, a pure white scepter appeared. At the top of the scepter, It has a large vertical eye-shaped white ornament.

“Now, the authority of East Bayro Sanctuary is under my control.”

At this time, Lin Ya, who was like a goddess under the pure white ornaments, slowly turned around and looked into Layetti City.

At this moment, all the members of the True Self Society of Layetti City walked out of the building, holding various weapons, standing on the street, dark and dense.

“Someone wants to trample our pure land.”

Lin Ya’s voice filled with some indescribable arrogance and contempt spread through every corner of Layetti City.

Outside Layetti City, the distant rays of light are approaching, and the extraordinary power of Dongbairo and the winged warriors of the King’s Legion are overwhelming.

“Someone wants to enslave our freedom.”

Lin Ya’s voice continued to echo.

The coalition army led by Doma Keshlomi was already approaching, and it could be clearly seen that walking in the forefront was a man wearing a mysterious patterned battle armor, with ten pure white wings on his back, and holding a handle in his hand. The god-general of the mystical greatsword, Netreu.

“Someone wants to destroy our hopes!”

Lin Ya’s voice was still cold. The power of the East Bailuo Sanctuary node had been invoked to the extreme by her, and countless white lights fell on the people in the city, giving them unimaginable blessings and authority.

“What should we do?”

The pure white rays of light formed radiant armors on the bodies of all the members of the True Society in the city, and they continued to deliver majestic power to them. The endless heat seemed to ignite their blood. They raised their hands. weapons of the style, shouting in unison:




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