Twisted Realm

Chapter 37 - esoteric

Black O Budokan, opposite training ground on the second floor.

People from Tianhe Swordsmanship Hall and Heiwei Martial Arts Hall began to retreat to both sides of the venue, leaving a large open space in the middle, which was reserved for Meng Xuan and Zhao Chuanwu as a competition venue.

“Is there any chance of winning?”

While backing away from the crowd, Searle asked Akto and the others worriedly.

“Sevia, tell me, the underground boxing stadium in the North District is mainly operated by your family. You should be more aware of the situation.”

Xia Kerou looked at Seviya and said.

“It’s hard to say. After all, Coach Meng’s swordsmanship practice time is too short. Although he is very strong, I estimate that he is only at the amateur level. It is difficult to win a professional level like Zhao Chuanwu.”

Sylvia shook her head.

“The difference is so big?”

Aktor frowned.

“Physical fitness, actual combat experience, martial arts skills, and most importantly, in this day and age, in order to reach the professional level, you generally need some esoteric meditation.”

Sylvia nodded and said.

“Meditation secrets? Sounds so mysterious?”

Akto’s mind is full of inexplicable, this is something he didn’t know before.

“It’s not so mysterious. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of psychological training. In fact, this is something that was made in modern times.”

“Practical techniques such as Chikun Daoshu are basically the evolution of battlefield killing techniques. In ancient times, soldiers learned these killing techniques, and under the mental stimulation between life and death, they might comprehend some wonderful intuitions. and skills to make the craft more powerful.”

“But in modern times, when guns are on the stage, these killing techniques are useless, and you can’t hack people with a knife all day long, right? So some psychological exercises have been derived to exercise these wonderful intuitions. And skills, these things are generally secrets of various schools, and I don’t know exactly how, Zhao Chuanwu should have such secrets.”

Servia briefly explained it, which made Akto and the others have an eye-opening feeling.

She didn’t wait for Sylvia to explain too much, because in the middle of the venue, Meng Xuan and Zhao Chuanwu had already started a confrontation.

“Let’s start, let me see your strength. To be honest, it’s a pity to destroy a genius.”

Zhao Chuanwu swung the wooden knife in his hand, played a beautiful knife, and then stood up in the knife-holding pose.

“I’m also very interested in the strength of the strongest leader of the Tianhe Sword Art Museum.”

About three meters away from Zhao Chuanwu, Meng Xuan also stood up with a knife.

Brush brush brush brush!

Zhao Chuanwu took the lead in launching the attack.

Dodged up and slashed in quick succession, causing a series of air-breaking sounds.

Slashes that seemed to have no trajectory rushed towards Meng Xuan from all directions, as if they had turned into a net of knives.

“So fast······”

Akto swallowed his saliva and felt that he could be cleaned up with his slashing.

But for Meng Xuan, such an attack has not reached his limit.

His premonition of crisis was fully open, and he waved the wooden knife in his hand to block, while slowly retreating to release the force, Zhao Chuanwu probably slashed more than 20 times in one breath, forcing Meng Xuan back seven or eight steps, and then stopped the slashing, a Jump back two meters.

“The warm-up is over.”

He looked at Meng Xuan, who was standing there without pursuing him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he let out a breath, twisted his neck, and moved his joints.

“This guy.”

Meng Xuan’s face was calm, but the hand holding the knife was slightly numb.

This guy’s physical fitness is much stronger than his own, but the good thing is that his speed is still within the range that his current sense of alienation can handle.

As long as he is within the range that his sense ability can handle, he is invincible.

“You are very good, with extraordinary intuition and responsiveness. When your body is facing an attack, it is almost instinctive to fight. I am curious, why this ability should appear in a hundred war veterans, why does it appear in a Ordinary high school students.”

Zhao Chuanwu smiled slightly.

“Because I’m a genius.”

Meng Xuan answered without changing his face.

“If this is the original talent of your body, you are indeed a genius in a sense, but unfortunately, the ability you rely on is not very useful to me.”

Zhao Chuanwu lowered his saber, his eyebrows lowered, his domineering aura that belonged to a warrior suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like a wicked man who put down his butcher’s knife and suddenly turned into a kind missionary.

Meng Xuan frowned, not knowing what Zhao Chuanwu meant.

Suddenly, Zhao Chuanwu moved.

Brush brush brush!

The speed is extremely fast, and it is slashed three times in a row.

Meng Xuan’s expression changed.

He didn’t even have time to remind him of his sense of abnormality, and the opponent’s wooden knife was already close to his side.

He hurriedly swung the knife to block, while retreating, the last knife could not block, and was almost slashed by Zhao Chuanwu in the shoulder.

Zhao Chuanwu seized the opportunity, and was arrogant. He continuously slashed at Meng Xuan, forcing Meng Xuan to retreat and dodge in a hurry, looking a little embarrassed.

Has the speed increased?

Meng Xuan frowned, and then realized that something was wrong. Zhao Chuanwu’s knife speed was still the same, and he didn’t speed up.

It was his sense of crisis that was weakened.

Only when his attack is close to his body will he release a malicious sense of crisis that stimulates him. This weakens his ability to sense a crisis by at least 50%, and greatly shortens his reaction time!

In the continuous embarrassed dodging, Meng Xuan quickly realized the reason.

What kind of skill is this?

“Why do you feel that Coach Meng has suddenly become weaker?”

Akto and Sear frowned. Meng Xuan was able to easily take Zhao Chuanwu’s attack just now, but now he seems to be unable to dodge, and his movements have become a little sluggish.

“I’m afraid it has something to do with Zhao Chuanwu’s esoteric meditation method.”

Servia said with a solemn expression.

“So mysterious?”

Xia Kerou’s beautiful face also showed an unbelievable look, is this still fighting?

“Sometimes it’s so mysterious. I don’t know how to explain it to you. It’s just a feeling, it doesn’t feel right, and I can’t even fully display my strength.”

Severia shook her head. People who understand this thing will understand it naturally, and people who don’t understand it can’t explain it clearly.

“If you think that you can beat the real powerhouse by relying on physical talent, then you are wrong.”

Zhao Chuanwu slashed Meng Xuan back two or three meters with a knife, with a mocking look in his eyes.

“I’ll teach you a lesson today, and it’s the last lesson…”

Looking at Meng Xuan, who was struggling to stabilize his figure, Zhao Chuanwu showed a cold smile on his face.

“What is real control!”

Zhao Chuanwu’s aura almost completely disappeared. The long-term mental training method helped him hypnotize himself at this moment, almost completely restrained his malice, and minimized Meng Xuan’s instinctive sense of crisis.

And the knife with all his strength was almost 30% faster than before.

Hidden Strike!

This is their esoteric skill in this genre of swordsmanship.

Their faction has been passed down from the ancient battlefield. The ancestors were famous in the army for the assassination skills of Chikun swordsmanship. They assassinated not many important people, relying on this secret stunt of restraining malicious outbreaks of swordsmanship!

The wooden knife quickly slashed through the air and slashed towards Meng Xuan’s right shoulder. He wanted to smash the bones of Meng Xuan’s right shoulder, so that he would not be able to swing the knife in the future!

Abolish Meng Xuan, this is the bottom line given by Aisia!

Clang! !

The strong sound of the collision of the two wooden knives reverberated in the training ground, Zhao Chuanwu’s pupils shrank, and his sure-kill strike was firmly blocked by Meng Xuan’s swinging knives.

At the same time, he met Meng Xuan’s terrifying eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

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