Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: 8 After The Founding Queen Became Obsolete

Ten days can be considered urgent, Nie Yongnian suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked: “Behead tomorrow…”

“Don’t worry, father,” Ying Lan instantly understood what he meant, “I won’t be noticed.”

“My son has changed a lot.” Nie Yongnian’s eyes became a little complicated, but he actually discovered it when he first met in the prison. His daughter is smart, she is a boudoir girl in the end, and most of what she sees is the matter of the back house. Although she has her own style and bearing, she is not limited by her vision. If she was as usual, she would most likely die with her family when she encountered what happened today, but now she not only rescued the entire Nie family, but she even had clear eyes and a plan when facing him. This kind of bearing is rare among men, and now it appears on his daughter, he is a bit afraid to recognize it.

Nie Yinglan is her, but she is not just Nie Yinglan, of course it will be different, but these Yinglan cannot and do not intend to explain, so she lightly changed the topic: “What will my father do next? Intend?”

Nie Yongnian just sighed with emotion, and didn’t mean to go into it. After all, in his eyes, his daughter had a big chance when she suddenly had a bowel movement, and it was normal for her to change. “From my father’s point of view, there are only two ways for us now. One is to hide our name and go far away. It’s just that the world is so big that it is not the king’s land. After ten days, Zhao Yewei will definitely use all his strength to hunt down, unless I wait to go to the barren land. Earth, isolated from the world, otherwise there will be no peaceful days in the future.”

“It seems that my father wants to take the second way.” Although Ying Lan is not good at figuring out people’s hearts, he has already made the words so clearly, and his heart is already clear.

“Yes,” Nie Yongnian had no intention of betraying his son, and said directly, “If my son is still the same as before, more likely to choose the first path as a father, even if the Yan Dynasty does not destroy the clan, the children will be There will never be a day to come forward, but I can finally save my life. Since you are blessed by God, then as a father, I want to do my best to pull down the perfidious person to relieve the hatred in my heart! ”

Ying Lan nodded and said, “It’s not my strength to plan and calculate, if you need me to do something, just ask my father.”

Nie Yongnian smiled slightly, instead of directly arranging her to do things as she said, she explained the situation in the DPRK to her one by one, and when she did not understand, she even smashed and talked about it until she understood. . Ying Lan is not impatient. The fairy world respects strength. After all, all conspiracies and tricks are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute strength, and she was born as a fairy and has apathy. For tens of thousands of years, she only focused on training. , Now that she has become a mortal, she has lost her mana and her consciousness is limited, but she suddenly has the interest to follow her father in this small world.

He clung to his long hair and went out the door.

The capital of the Yan Dynasty was called Ningcheng, and it was also the capital of the former Dynasty. Five years have passed, but the traces of the war still left deep traces in this city. On the way, there are many people in a hurry, but there are only a few people who walk in the courtyard like Yinglan. In addition, she has a beautiful appearance. Although she has been working hard all day before and has aged a lot, after two days of diligent care, although her complexion has not fully recovered, her complexion has recovered. Much better, so very impressive.

Ying Lan ignored the sights that fell on her in the open and secret, Shi Shiran stepped into a restaurant, ordered a few good dishes and a small pot of wine, leaning on the railing to watch life on the street , very uncomfortable. She didn’t need to eat when she was in the fairyland before, and the spiritual energy was the source of their strength. Now she is a mortal, with a heavy body, hunger and sleepiness. It is a new experience for her, a delicious food that mortals respect. Also, quite delicious.

It was not a meal time, but the restaurant was unexpectedly very lively, because the criminal who was about to be executed at 3:30 today was executed in Dongshi. This restaurant is diagonally opposite the execution ground. At this time, a large number of literati have gathered here, surrounded by small discussions.

“Does Yushan King really intend to rebel?”

“How is it possible? King Yushan’s daughter is the queen, and his grandson is the crown prince. As long as he can sit back and enjoy prosperity and wealth, what reason is there to rebel? He has no son and robbed the country , will it be passed on to the grandson after a hundred years? This is simply thankless, and you have to fight for the lives of the entire clan, who would be so stupid?” This kind of remark has been recognized by most people, and rebellion in this era is punishable by the nine clan. If it weren’t for the big sin of being desperate, or the desire for power is overwhelming, few people really have the courage, and the lack of sons of Yushan King is the reason why most people believe that he will not rebel.

“But I heard that the jade seal and dragon robe were found in the secret room of his mansion.” Someone retorted.

“If you want to add a sin, why not have no words.”

“Your Majesty intends to kill the hero and gather the power in his hand.” Suddenly someone spoke, the voice was not loud, the tone was not intense, it was more like talking to himself, but the whole restaurant was clear. Hearing it, it was instantly silent.

Yinglan looked sideways, and the man who spoke was in his thirties, with a rough face, a sturdy body, and bright eyes. He was alone, but the table was full of food. And a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the opposite side, but it doesn’t look like waiting for others. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at him, but he was not at all uncomfortable. He filled the bowl with wine on his own, touched the wine glass opposite him in the air, and drank after a few gulps.

At the beginning of the world, the emperor began to kill the ministers of merit, today is the king of Yushan, how can we know that tomorrow will not be someone else.”

There may be more or less guesses like this, but there are absolutely few people who dare to say it out loud, and some people are even afraid of being implicated after hearing it. Halfway through, the rest of the people also stopped talking and talked about other things, but most of them seemed absent-minded, and their eyes lingered on the man who spoke before.

, just a lot slower. From time to time, loud exclamations erupted from Caishikou, which gradually subsided after half an hour.

Ying Lan called the man to settle the bill, and when she walked out of the restaurant slowly, she saw the figure of the man turning the corner, she was not in a hurry, she followed the past as if walking, and her eyes fell on the hawker from time to time On top, the mortal world is noisy but lively, and for her, who has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years, there is another taste, a smell of fireworks.


“Yes, Your Majesty, your subordinates have prepared a coffin and manpower. You can act only after an order.” He Yuan hesitated for a while, and then said, “Does Your Majesty think about it again? You Collecting corpses for Yushan King’s family means dissatisfaction with the emperor’s will, if the emperor is angry, then you…”

“Even if this king doesn’t do this, he is also dissatisfied with this king. It will be a matter of time to get angry,” the prince interrupted his persuasion, saying, “I just hope that there will be people watching at that time. With a bit of affection, let me collect the corpse for this king!”

“I beg your lord not to say such depressing remarks,” He Yuan knelt down anxiously, “You are famous, and you have a heavy army in your hands, even the emperor has to be afraid of three points, how can you end up with Yushan Will it end like a king?”

“Get up,” the prince sighed and said, “This prince has seen it clearly in the past two years, Zhao Yewei can only share weal and woe, not wealth and honor, and he has a heavy army in his hands. So what? Now that the world has been settled, and the people have finally lived in peace for a few years, can this king ignore the suffering of the people and start a war again?”

“But your lord, are you just waiting to die like this?” He Yuan said sadly, “You take care of the people of the world, who will take care of you? The little prince is only ten years old! Don’t you care for him? Think about it?”

The prince was silent for a moment, and said, “After a few days, the king will send Wen’er to Dingyang Mountain to learn the arts. You will go with you when the time comes.”

“Your Majesty—”

“Who?” The prince suddenly turned around and shouted sharply.

Ying Lan walked out slowly, met his defensive eyes, and said, “Thank you for the kindness of King Cheng’an, but there is no need to collect the corpse.”

“You?” King Cheng’an looked at her for a long time in doubt, and exclaimed, “The Empress!” After speaking, he couldn’t believe it. At that time, she was dignified and dignified, and later she became the queen, adding a bit of elegance and splendor. According to rumors, there have been many incidents in the harem in recent years. Every year when he visited, he found that the queen’s face was a bit more tired than the last time. After abolishing the post, although he has never seen it again, he can imagine how pale and powerless it must be. But the woman in front of her was calm and confident, and her actions were a bit more free and easy, and her appearance was more vivid than before. Maybe it was just people who were similar?

“It’s Nie Yinglan,” Yinglan said, “Prince Cheng’an’s actions make me puzzled, I know that my father and you have never had friendship, why would you rather be suspected of doing this by the emperor? Woolen cloth?”

More Cheng An Wang Yang Guangyuan was one of the first people who followed Zhao Yewei to revolt, and Yushan King Nie Yongnian was recruited when Zhao Yewei first appeared to dominate the world. The two groups of people in the court can say that each other is not pleasing to the eye. , The kind who don’t like to say hello when they meet on the road.

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