Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete 6

When a group of people disappeared silently in the prison, Zhao Yewei was meeting a person, it was the little plum who lost his bad luck charm by Yinglan. When he sees people, Rao Shi has practiced over the years so that his joy and anger are invisible, and he can’t help but show surprise. It is really miserable for the people who appear in front of him.

Xiao Lizi was selected by Nie Yinglan to serve her son close to him. On the one hand, he was young, and on the other hand, he looked good. Although he was thin and small and looked malnourished when he was rescued, Nie Yinglan has always been good to the palace servants. After a few years of good care, he has become white and tender, and with a handsome face, it is easy to see It’s quite pleasing to the eye. It’s just that now his nose is blue and his face is swollen, and a hole on his forehead is still bleeding slightly, revealing two hands on his sleeves, one is red and swollen twice as large, and the other has a few tooth marks on it.

“The servant knocks on His Majesty, long live His Majesty!” Little Li saluted inarticulately, and with one mouth, it was discovered that two of his front teeth were missing. When his head was touching the ground, his eyes were hot, and he almost cried out with a “wow”. Without him, the short journey from Fengze Palace to Qing’an Palace was really unfortunate!

First, he slipped as soon as he came out of Fengze Palace. The guard at the door saw it and went to help him. Who knew that when he was bending over, the belt on the side of the sword suddenly broke, and it happened to hit him. on the left foot. The sword was an epee, weighing a full twenty pounds. At that time, he thought that his bones were broken, and the pain was so painful that he couldn’t speak, and he couldn’t scold people. Could it be that others were kind enough to help him? His status in the palace has not yet reached the point where he can vent his anger recklessly, so even if he wants to scold his mother again, he will only say it’s okay in the guard’s apology, and he has to thank others for their kind help. The guards all have backgrounds, and he, a powerless little eunuch, can’t afford to offend him at all.

After a while, Xiao Li continued to walk with a limp, and fell suddenly when he fell less than ten feet away. Unfortunately, there happened to be a block where he fell. A stone, and more coincidentally, his forehead was just knocked on it, and his head was bleeding on the spot. This time, he scolded the cleaning palace maid, until the little palace maid was pale and couldn’t help kowtowing and admitting her mistake. After all, when the emperor summoned him, he did not dare to delay.

After suffering two crimes in a row, Xiao Lizi walked a lot more carefully, but it was useless for him to be careful, at the first turn, he was suddenly bumped into the stomach. , the pain caused him to fall to the ground and shrink into a ball, and then he had to kneel and kowtow to apologize, just because the person who hit him was someone he couldn’t afford to offend at all—the second prince from the imperial concubine. Now that the prince has been abolished, the second prince is very likely to be the next prince. He was a servant who could not walk with long eyes and bumped into the future prince. If he wisely said that he was in a hurry to see His Majesty, he bumped into the noble, maybe he would Was dragged down and rewarded with a board.

I cursed silently in my heart. When Xiao Lizi encountered a corner, he stopped first to make sure that no one dared to continue, but no one had a dog! After being bitten by a dog, he didn’t even dare to hit the beast. After all, it was the dog raised by Concubine Rong, the head of the four concubines. Hearing the dog’s minion saying that the beast shouldn’t bite dirty things, he also Only the anger in his heart was suppressed with his head down and his face grim.

Afterwards, the branches were scratched, and the **** who delivered the dishes poured hot soup all over the body. At that time, the guards at the gate of the palace and the maids and eunuchs serving outside were shocked.

This embarrassed appearance certainly can’t let him go to see the emperor. Xiaoli was pulled to clean and tidy up. He was scalded by hot water again in the middle, and the blood was wiped with a brush. When he finally knelt down in front of the emperor, he was in a trance – he was still alive!

After Yu Huaide, the **** director, whispered about what happened to Xiao Lizi, Zhao Yewei felt a little sympathetic to him, but he thought that this person’s fortune was so bad. It can’t be reused, so it’s still a long way to go after this time. The future has already been set in his heart, but he did not show it on his face, and asked in a deep voice, “I heard that the abolished prince is having nightmares again?”

Air leakage, although expressed as clearly as possible, still sounds very weird.

Zhao Yewei said with emotion: “Although Yushan King committed a big crime of treason, I had no choice but to abolish the crown prince to be angry with the common people,” his tone suddenly became severe, “But he is still my own after all. The eldest son, you should take good care of it, and make no mistakes.” He acted like a father who cared about his son, as if the symptoms of the person who didn’t know the answer were simply sick rather than frightening.

Little Li knew who gave the order she received, but now she acts like she doesn’t know anything, like an obedient servant: “Yes, I will obey His Majesty’s holy orders. “It’s just that his look is really hurtful.

Zhao Yewei, who was injured in the eye, was not interested in talking to him any more, and ordered directly; “Go back.”

“Yes, the servant retire.”Li Ziqiang endured the pain and stood up and reverently stepped out, but although he was careful again and again in his heart, he still tripped when he stepped out of the threshold After one hand, he fell with blood all over his mouth.

Zhao Yewei lazily cared about his crime of disobedience, waved his hand and told people to fork him out quickly, and then ordered Yu Huaide, who was standing by the side, ‘send the news out.”

“Yes,” Yu Huaide bowed his head and said, “The servant will do it immediately.”

“Wide,” Zhao Yewei suddenly asked at this moment: “Do you think I am too cruel?”

Yu Huaide’s fingers trembled in his sleeve: “Your Majesty is also helpless.”

Zhao Yewei waved his hand, Yu Huaide breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly retreated after salute.

What happened in Qing’an Palace today quickly reached the place where the emperor wanted to spread it in the palace, and the reaction of these concubines who “finally” got the news was exactly what he expected.

“What? The emperor personally summoned the **** of the abolished prince, and asked about his diet and daily life!”

“Could it be that the emperor can’t let go of the father-son relationship and still miss the abolished prince?”

“The son is more valuable than the mother, and the mother is more valuable than the child. No way! Never give a woman with the surname Nie a chance to turn over!”

There was an undercurrent in the palace for a while, all kinds of means poured out to Fengze Palace and Changxia Palace, only Rong’an Palace where the concubine was located did not make any movement, Zhao Yewei inspected each After the feedback from the department, he sighed with relief: “Han’er is just too kind. Nie Shi has made things difficult for her many times in the past, but now she has no intention of taking revenge at all. Let me know, I will rest in Rong’an Palace tonight.”

The imperial concubine Wei Yinghan, who was trapped in Changxia Palace, felt like she was about to collapse. Today should be her day to be proud. For this reason, she deliberately got up early, took a comfortable petal bath, She had meticulously dressed herself up brightly, and specially put on the big red gauze dress she had been ordered to wash and incense the day before, in order to show off her might in front of Nie Yinglan, so that she would be suppressed for six months. Years of evil.

But how did things turn out like this? She was taken as Nie Yinglan and imprisoned in the cold palace. No matter how she explained or cursed the woman with her face on her face, no one believed what she said, and everyone thought she was crazy, or deliberately pretended to be crazy to avoid being locked up. The fate of entering the cold palace, and even people mocked her face to face. These people are all serving by her side, but none of them recognize her!

Wei Yinghan was about to die of anger, and she was even slapped twice by the most important personal maid! When she goes out and regains her identity, none of these people will want to live, especially the one who beat her. She has never suffered this kind of pain in her life. And the one who ordered her to be arrested against her face, no matter if she was Nie Yinglan or the evil ghost who came from somewhere, they must be thrown into pieces and fed to the dogs!

No matter how many vicious thoughts Wei Yinghan has in her heart, it is a pity that she is now locked in the cold palace. If she wants to send information to her father and ask him to save people, she will not find a channel for a while, after all, she is “I” personally took care of her, and the guards of the Leng Palace took her firmly in order to please the future queen. She thought it was hard enough to have such a life where every day should not be used and the earth was not working, but she didn’t expect that she would live even more miserably.

Changxia Palace was the place where concubines and concubines who made mistakes were imprisoned in the previous dynasty, because it was located in the most remote place in the entire palace. When the previous dynasty fell, the last emperor set fire to the palace, but it was preserved here. At the beginning of the new dynasty, there was a shortage of funds and materials. Rebuilding the palace would naturally not repair a cold palace. You can imagine how dilapidated the palace was.

The queen is down, except for the empress dowager Wei Yinghan, who is the highest-ranking concubine in the harem. She used to humiliate and torture Nie Yinglan, and the order was not to renovate, not to clean, and only send it to the cold palace every day One time to eat, and if it is the worst kind of rancid, and now the bitter fruit she made herself is her own taste.

When she entered the door, she was choked with dust and choked with tears and snot. The loud noise startled the small animals in the room. Shi accidentally bumped into a cabinet standing by the wall, that thing fell apart on the spot after being too old, and smashed her head down, almost killing her on the spot, lying on the ground for half an hour before slowing down. Breathe out slowly.

This day passed in shock and anger. When night fell, Wei Yinghan was already hungry, but when she saw the food stuffed through the crack of the door, she kicked it in anger. It was just a broken bowl—a pile of unidentified mushy objects in it, a few rotten vegetable leaves mixed together, the stinky smell was so disgusting that she would spit out the meal overnight!

At this moment, Wei Yinghan didn’t know whether to hate Nie Yinglan for making her become like this, or hate herself who gave those orders.

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