Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 22

Chapter 21: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete 21

This backer is Yinglan, and all the other ladies handed over were greetings and begging. Employ as many female workers as possible.

This idea just coincides with her. The most uncomfortable thing in this world is that the status of women is so low. (Head) speaks, so she has always wanted to elevate the status of women.

And no matter what era, women still have to have money in their hands to be confident. If they have to ask men for money to buy a needle, how can they have status and dignity?

Unfortunately, after thousands of years of oppression, most women in this era have become accustomed to being treated unfairly in Ying Lan’s view, and even many women themselves have become part of the oppression of women, like There are very few thoughtful people like An Lezhen who want to resist, so she is happy to support her.

Although I have never seen the little emperor, An Lezhen easily guessed his identity when a 14- or 15-year-old boy appeared beside the Queen Mother. She didn’t panic in the slightest, but greeted Luoluo generously, and then simply acted as a guide and took the newly-baked curious baby around.

The Tiangong Workshop is divided into two parts. The front hall is to display the research results. If you are interested, you can negotiate with people to buy. To put it bluntly, it is a place to talk about business. The back is the place where the people in the workshop do research and live. It is not open to the public, but the two people with the highest status in the Yan Dynasty are definitely not in the “outside” ranks.

As the monarch of a country, although he has not yet been in power, Zhao Yanghua has always thought that he is knowledgeable. Who knows that after a circle in Tiangongfang, he instantly turned into a bunker who just entered the city . Can water actually ignite paper? Throw a stone into the water, and the warm spring actually freezes?

The little emperor cried and told his mother that he knew too little. Ying Lan patted his dog’s head and said, “You are the emperor, you know how to put the right people in the right place.” Seeing that he was quickly comforted, he excitedly ran to visit the house made of glass (actually glass), and Ying Lan calmly continued to listen to An Lezhen’s report on the next plan.

Now Gan Zhuyue has made a name for herself at the border, and Mu Zihuai has become the first woman to become an official in the court. Many people have been touched, and it is a good time to guide women out of their homes. Chang Xiaozhi has long researched a hydraulic spinning machine, a foot-operated sewing machine, etc. An Lezhen plans to take this opportunity to open a textile and garment workshop and recruit a large number of female workers.

Ying Lan also agrees, but inevitably reminds: “This will inevitably touch the interests of many people, and we must act cautiously.” Nowadays, cloth, like gold and silver, is also a hard currency, and it can be improved with machines. Productivity, the influx of a large number of sources, and the price of cloth will naturally be greatly impacted.

“No one dares to come forward with the Empress Dowager. As for the means in the dark, Lezhen is never afraid.” An Lezhen believes.

Ying Lan is not angry at all for her using herself as a shield, and her assistant protects herself, there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, she was also very assertive when asking people to do things: “Song Zhaozhao wants to open an orphanage, and Cui Erqin wants to open a women’s school. You can help them make a plan to balance their income and expenses.”

Yes. But the orphanage…” An Lezhen’s delicate brows furrowed, “The house is full of orphans and abandoned women, income… Donations alone are not a long-term solution, but they are all mouths to eat, but there is no profit…” She smiled bitterly. , “Niang Niang really looks down on me too much.”

“I believe you can do it.” Ying Lan gave her an encouraging thumbs up, grabbed the lingering little emperor and ran away.


What can I do? Of course, I was racking my brains and sweating to find a way! Not to mention that the goddess treats her like a mountain, it is just the friendship between the little sisters on weekdays, and she can’t stand by when she encounters difficulties.

The women’s school is indeed running smoothly as she said. In the early stage, she donated money to build the school in the name of the Tonghe firm she founded. After that, she basically doesn’t need to worry about it.

The Orphanage An Lezhen first encouraged some wives to donate money and materials to start it up first, but unlike schools, this requires long-term investment, so she simply used the name of a business to cooperate with the Orphanage After signing an employment contract, the firm first provides food, clothing, housing, and even education funds for the children in the hospital.

No one thinks there is anything wrong with her wanting to raise the children in the orphanage to repay the expenses when they grow up, but they praise her for her kindness and righteousness. After all, it takes many years for the children to grow up to be able to do things. Not to mention that she has specially hired someone to teach her. It is difficult to study in this era, and even ordinary people are reluctant to spend money to send all their children to school.

Do some light work, not to mention that many of the abandoned babies are disabled, it is difficult to say whether they can survive when they grow up.

Song Zhaozhao was almost ashamed to learn of the cost. She suffered a lot because she was abandoned since she was a child. Later, when the flood hit, she got the blue eye of the Queen Mother by chance. Abandoned children can’t help but think of themselves who used to be wandering around and couldn’t get enough food, and this is why they want to set up an orphanage. But how could she have thought that an idea of her own would cause such a big trouble to Sister An who has been taking care of her!

“Silly girl.” An Lezhen did not feel troubled. Although the six sisters have their own difficulties, Song Zhaozhao, the youngest, has suffered the most. She has always maintained a kind nature. She remembered that when she first met, the child was lying on a piece of driftwood with difficulty. The flood washed her to the brink, but she was still clutching the other child who had fallen into the water.

“The money is only a drop in the bucket for the current business, not to mention that since the news of helping the orphanage spread, the business has a good reputation, and the profit it made for me was much more than what I invested in it. ”

“Really?” Song Zhaozhao was afraid that she was just comforting herself.

“Of course,” An Lezhen raised her eyebrows and gave a vicious look, “My lady believes in my ability, how dare you doubt it?”

“Don’t dare.” Song Zhaozhao admired the Queen Mother the most. Hearing her say this, she felt relieved.

What An Lezhen said is indeed not a lie. The reputation of businessmen is very important these days. She has learned the ability of the navy without a teacher, and quietly spread the good deeds of Tonghe Trading. Soon, some people went to the business to buy items, and because of the high quality and low price of her family’s items, it established a good reputation among the people, and this also attracted many businessmen to donate to the orphanage.

Although Song Zhaozhao is young, years of hardship have forced her to be more mature than her peers. It was only busy for a while at the beginning, and soon she was on the right track in her management, and spread from the capital to the whole country.

The ninth year of Changshun is a year destined to be recorded in the annals of history. In this year, Mu Zihuai, the first female official in history to officially enter the dynasty, and in the next few decades In the ups and downs of the court, he slowly took a high position, until he was below one person and above ten thousand people.

Every family can afford paper, live in a bright room, sit in a comfortable car, and drive on a flat road. Basically, everything that is closely related to life is born into her hands.

It was also this year that the Yan Dynasty had its first real girls’ school, and the teaching content covered astronomy, geography, literary arithmetic, agriculture and water conservancy, etc. A few years later, the imperial court opened subjects and allowed scholars Women’s reference, what is shocking is that all the women in the reference of the girls’ school were selected. Cui Erqin has since started the legend of her life as a great educator.

Gan Zhuyue, the female general who will hold a heavy army in the future, also shined on the battlefield at the beginning of this year.

Compared to these assistants who are famous all over the country and have influenced later generations for thousands of years, Yinglan can be said to be ordinary, except that in the first year of Changshun, she was honored as the goddess of Shennong and became famous. In addition, after that, she only showed her face once during the Chu River flood, and then faded away again, so that some people even suspected that the original method of food improvement was simply her occupying the merits of others.

However, this statement was quickly overturned. After all, several women were dug up by her. If the name of the picture is given, the merits of whichever one she occupies will be enough to make her famous for future generations. In that era of imperial supremacy, no one could even resist.

In the thirteenth year of Changshun, Zhao Yanghua took charge of the government. During his thirty-year reign, he reformed the court selection system, attached importance to agriculture, encouraged commerce, and improved the social association of craftsmen. He also dispatched Qi Tianlu, who was called “the last **** in history” by later generations, to go out to sea.

The entire Yan Dynasty was in the hands of Zhao Yanghua for a year and a year, and his once ambitious father died two years before he took office. Zhao Yewei was strangled to death by Wei Yinghan.

Since Wei Yinghan went to Anle Palace, she has lived a life full of bullying by concubines. Although they are all in trouble, at least they still have a name, not like she is just a waste concubine, besides, In the past, she used to bully others because of her high status and favor, but now she has revenge for injustice and revenge for revenge?

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