Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 19

Chapter 18: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete 18

In the eighth year of Changshun, there was a long queue outside the east gate of the capital. It was a sweltering summer, and the sun was shining brightly when the young man was young. When entering the city, you need to check the road guide. The line moves slowly at a wriggling speed. The people in the line are constantly wiping their sweat and moving numbly with the crowd.

At this time, a horse team suddenly came running from outside the city. The sound of horse hoofs made many people in the team look back. woman. They were dressed in uniform red riding uniforms, with blue silk tied high behind their heads, and gauze that blocked dust on their faces. The woman in the lead raised a gold medal in her hand, and she did not slow down when she reached the city gate. The city official who guarded the gate not only did not intercept it, but instead quickly directed the soldiers to open the horse-rejecting fence, and the horse’s hooves almost brushed the edge of the fence.

The horse team of more than ten people soon disappeared from everyone’s sight, but the shock left to them did not stop for a long time.

The cavalry looked in the direction of disappearance.

“Humph! The country bumpkins don’t even know about the empress dowager’s personal guards.” It was a child of seven or eight years old who answered the question. Sitting next to the driver, two little feet swayed at the wheel of the car.

“It turned out to be to protect the goddess Shennong, no wonder.” Not only did the boy not get angry because of his contempt, but he danced with joy, “When I go back to the village and tell Xiaoshu and the others, it will definitely make them It’s so good to be so jealous! I’ve seen Empress Shennong’s escort!”

The child was a little unhappy: “You also know Goddess Shennong?”

“Of course, who in our village doesn’t know about Goddess Shennong! Goddess Shennong has sent us good seeds and taught us how to plant the fields. Now the harvest in the fields has doubled compared to before. , and taught us to grow beans on the stalks, and to raise fish in the rice fields… My mother told me since I was a child that it was because of the Goddess Shennong that our family could live a full and warm life, and our family provided the Goddess Shennong The longevity card has been around for many years!”

The child originally wanted to show off how much he knew, but he never thought that this stupid looking country boy said something he had never heard of before, so he kicked the car angrily, Accidentally got into the car, leaving the young man scratching his head for unknown reasons.

The guards did not know that they simply passed by and caused a small quarrel. The group quickly arrived at the palace, dismounted outside the palace gate, and then walked to the Taiping Hall.

The Hall of Taiping is next to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the early dynasties of the ministers. It was inconvenient to enter and leave the harem, so she simply requisitioned it to discuss matters. Anyway, the little emperor’s big wedding will take more than ten years, and the prince does not know where he is still!

Although it only used a palace, it aroused the opposition of most of the people in the court at that time. What they were worried about was that the queen mother would face chaos in the court, but Ying Lan made it clear that he had no interest in the government. Interested, I just planned to do some small research, and finally won it with the strong support of the little emperor and Yushan Wang’s lineage.

However, in the following days, the voice of opposition has not disappeared. Almost every few months, someone asks the queen mother to return to the harem to retire in peace. In the fourth year of Changshun, a large number of noble girls came to work under Yinglan’s hands, instead of following their parents’ advice to marry and marry.

After the news came, no one cared about arguing about the queen mother. The court was busy dispatching materials and manpower. Fortunately, this is a new dynasty after all. I sincerely hope that there are many people in the country. There are few corrupt officials, and the courage and power are not strong enough to deceive the top and the bottom.

It’s just that waterlogging has been a terrible thing since ancient times. Droughts can still yield a little harvest. Not only fertile fields were washed away, resulting in no harvest, but most of the people’s houses were also damaged, livestock and even people were Wash away and drown, and what is even more terrifying is that even after the flood recedes, there is still a high chance of a plague outbreak.

First, her status was noble enough to overwhelm the local officials to obey her orders; second, she had a high reputation among the people at that time, and her presence in person could greatly appease the emotions of the victims; I am very prepared, but I also look forward to it. After all, the grand occasion of the garden party has long been spread. Even if I don’t want to admit it, this empress dowager is indeed better than many of them.

Ying Lan did not disappoint, and even did better than they thought. The disaster affected three provinces and a radius of tens of thousands of miles. When she arrived, the flood was still raging. Looking around, the river turned into an ocean, with a large number of trees, debris, animals and even human corpses floating on it. Crowded and shivering in a wet and leaky makeshift shack.

Faced with such a natural disaster, Ying Lan, who is now a mortal, also laments her insignificance. It is the first time that the noble girls who followed her have seen such a tragic situation, and many people changed color. Yinglan didn’t have time to worry about their ability to accept them, so she quickly arranged manpower to distribute supplies to the people, sent doctors to treat the sick, and discussed flood relief plans with local officials.

In the past few years, Yinglan has been committed to cultivating female doctors, and now there are nearly 100 people under her, ranging in age from eleven to seventeen or eighteen. But it’s okay to look at some common symptoms. This time she brought them all and taught them how to prevent the disease on the way.

At this time, a group of girls in light green clothes scattered among the crowd to guide each house to clean up the filth, burn dead animals and human corpses, sprinkle lime on the walls, and boil the water before drinking, boiling Vinegar disinfection and so on, the people who were already heartbroken seem to have been injected with new vitality. They no longer wait numbly for not knowing what the outcome will be, but act with them.

The dam was blown open, and the flood poured into Yunze County, and the flood that had alarmed the court for a long time was finally brought under control. And because of proper precautions, the epidemic that was guessed did not break out. The news reached the border, and the small movements of Leyi and Hu people also stopped, and everything was developing in a positive direction.

After that, Yinglan stayed in the three provinces and led the people to rebuild their homes. The destroyed farmland was reclaimed, and the houses were rebuilt according to the plan. Some villages with potential safety hazards were cancelled and merged into other villages… With various measures, two years later, the new three provinces have become the most prosperous places in the country outside the capital, and Yinglan is no longer doubted because of this achievement.

At this time, even if Ying Lan wanted to enter the court, no one could object, but as she promised before, she had no intention of interfering in the state affairs. After returning to Beijing, she returned to the past. day, focus on the development of people’s livelihood. Some of the noble girls in Chu He and his entourage have retreated, and some have firmed up their dreams. After returning to Beijing, Yinglan had six more assistants, four of whom were Mu Zihuai, Gan Zhuyue, An Lezhen and Cui Erqin, and Chang Xiaozhi came from prominent backgrounds. He and Song Zhaozhao are orphans abandoned by commoners.

Gan Zhuyue is one of the six auxiliary ministers and the eldest granddaughter of Taiwei Gan Liangji. She is probably inherited from her grandfather. She is the youngest of the girls. She is only sixteen years old this year, but she is the one who is the most determined in her choice. When she returned to Beijing two years ago, she was thinking about guarding the border.

Don’t say that her father and grandfather disagreed, even Yinglan couldn’t put a fourteen-year-old girl directly on the battlefield, but she found that the girl did have some points in military affairs Talented, she was assigned to form a female **** team.

At this time, although the restraints on women were relatively loose compared to the previous dynasty, very few good people would be willing to send their daughters to join the army, but Yinglan could not hold back her high reputation! I heard that this **** team was built to protect the queen mother, and it took only two months to recruit the team of 500 people.

Gan Zhuyue happily took over as the captain of the Guards, and taught her the method of training with her grandfather, and Yinglan occasionally gave her some fresh tactics. Hundreds of originally weak women were trained to look like they were.

But the outside world only thinks she is playing! Until they were provoked by their nemesis from childhood to adulthood, one with 20 You Xiaowei and the other with 20 Guards, the two sides wagered a few games, and a group of women managed to win three out of five games!

The Queen Mother’s Guards and Gan Zhuyue can be very famous now, and the little girl is thinking about going to the border, but Yinglan still refuses, but instead gives her a stack of blueprints and calls her a Zhuangzi It has been more than a year since I brought people to secret research. When I heard that it was her who asked for a meeting, Ying Lan guessed that there should be progress on her side.

Sure enough, after the little girl saluted, she couldn’t wait to present the wooden box she was holding in her arms: “I have made what was on the mother’s drawing, please taste it.”

Ying Lan gave her a drawing of a musket, but she didn’t have much memory of this aspect in her mind. The drawing was only a very simple shape and principle, and it was not a matter of whether they could make it. I didn’t hold out hope, and more wanted to find something for the little girl to do, to grind her temperament, but unexpectedly got a surprise.

This gun is more than two feet long, mainly composed of wood and iron. There is a metal hook on the gun. the matchlock.

Ying Lan looked at the little girl, her face was thinner than before, and her complexion was much darker. Obviously, she had suffered a lot this year, but she was full of energy and her eyes were full of sparkle look forward to it. He immediately smiled and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to the riding and shooting range to try.” It was almost time for the next court, so he sent someone to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to guard, and waited for the next court to invite the emperor and Yushan King over.

It’s so formal, Gan Zhuyue is a little nervous, but thinking that they have experimented countless times before, there is nothing to be afraid of, so she puffs up her chest proudly.

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