Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 174

Chapter 173: Gu Master Princess 7

Zhuang Yiming’s strategy this time accidentally broke Yinglan’s plan to hide behind others, and completely exposed her to others, but it had little effect on her, the old emperor now needs to use her help Only by deterrence can the imperial power be stabilized. Although he raised unprecedented vigilance against her, he had to hold her in his arms.

After the turmoil of sacrifice to heaven, the old emperor deeply hated that everyone in the court had united to persecute him, and wished that everyone would be confiscated and exterminated, but for the stability of the court, he had to let it go lightly, and only executed a few The most evil, and punished a few princes who dared to commit crimes.

Emperor Jiaping had only seven princes in his life. The second, third, and fourth princes had planned to assassinate Yinglan and destroy the holy medicine, and were deprived of their status as princes and exiled to the bitter cold land.

This time, the fifth, sixth and seventh princes joined the courtiers to force the palace, and were exiled or imprisoned by the angry old emperor. So far, the royal family has withered, and it looks a bit bleak.

Only the eldest prince, because he was the eldest son, Zhuang Yiming was afraid that he would be cheap after the incident. He secretly imprisoned him before the incident, but he escaped.

Like an elder, it makes people wonder if he can live to the day he succeeds.

The eldest prince was also suspicious in his heart, so he avoided the eyes of the father and found Yinglan secretly.

Now she no longer lives in a small Baotong Hall in the palace, but moved into the National Teacher’s House specially built for her by the old emperor, knowing that she did not restrict her ability, The old emperor began to try his best to win over her.

, the most beautiful building.

When the eldest prince came in with the attendant, he was quite trembling. It is rumored that this national teacher has been in the company of snakes, worms, rats and ants all year round, and his actions are quite bizarre.

He was worried that he would lose his temper when he saw a strange woman with snakes all over her body and scorpions and centipedes crawling all over her body. This trip was really worth it.

However, unexpectedly, this star-viewing building not only did not have the terrifying scene in his imagination, but it was very quiet and clean, and it felt similar to the Taoist temple he had seen in the past.

He suddenly remembered the rumors spread by the fifth emperor’s younger brother that the demon girl said before, maybe these rumors were also his hands and feet, just to avenge him, the former princess who abandoned him to become the national teacher?

Not only was the woman not afraid, but she leisurely stretched out her fingers to touch its snake letter, as if teasing.

“I have seen the national teacher.” The eldest prince was stunned before reacting to salute.

The eldest prince comforted the frightened little heart secretly, and tried his best to walk to the opposite side of her and sit down, but his eyes were always peeking at her cuffs uncontrollably.

“Don’t be afraid of the prince, without my order, Xiaohong will not attack anyone.” Ying Lan patted it, probably hearing her name, and quietly stuck out her little head Red Snake, asked, “Prince came at night, I don’t know what’s the matter?”

The eldest prince was a little embarrassed by her peeking behavior, but he didn’t show any traces on his face, and said: “To be honest, I came here to seek medicine.”

He was ready for the other party’s rejection, and he was thinking about how to convince her next, but she unexpectedly agreed.

“I can give you the holy medicine,” Ying Lan said in his astonished eyes, “but this is probably what the emperor does not want to see, the prince is ready to tear his face with the emperor ?”

The eldest prince was silent for a while. After experiencing the previous turmoil of sacrifice to the sky, the father has urgently recalled the most trusted general at the border to Beijing, and replaced the leader of the Guards with his absolute confidant. , Now that the entire capital is firmly in his hands, under such circumstances, how dare he?

And what the national teacher said is true. Originally, the father and emperor could get three holy medicines every three months. He made one, obviously because he was worried that he, the newly established prince, was not going to share it with him.

& nbsp; Many grandsons.

“Yes,” Ying Lan smiled, “but what are you going to use in exchange, Prince?”

The eldest prince suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. What he was afraid of was that this unpredictable national teacher had no desires and no desires, but since she asked this, there was still room for negotiation.

“What does the national teacher want?”

After leaving the National Teacher’s Mansion, the eldest prince got on the carriage and walked away. He looked at the huge mansion in the dark from the gap of the floating curtain, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

After a long time, he sighed, wondering if his choice was correct.

However, the situation at hand seems to be unable to help himself to hesitate. Although the father has abolished several emperors, he has kept their children, and he was raised in the palace when they were young, obviously to restrict His prince.

Instead of waiting ten or two years, it is better to take this opportunity to fight!

Thinking of this, his eyes became firm again.

Since the national teacher prayed to the sky for rain and the capital rained down, it has rained several times in various parts of Dafeng, and the dry land has been nourished by the rain, seeing the dying crops Finally revived.

When the people saw this, they immediately realized that they had wronged the national teacher before, and they set up longevity cards at home to pray for her. .

Zhuang Yiming was exiled to Linghua City under such circumstances. By the way, now he has been deprived of his identity as a prince, including his surname, and can only be called Yiming in the future.

Linghua City is a place with barren land. In the past, the people were stuck in the ground all year round, and they couldn’t produce much food. They were exploited by the government layer by layer. They only live with their trousers belted.

There are also more, and no one will starve to death.

All this was brought by the national teacher, but when the disaster came, they did not trust her, but listened to the rumors and cursed her with everyone!

How hard they scolded at that time, how much remorse after knowing the truth, and people always habitually excuse themselves, as the initiator of this incident, Yi Ming was immediately angered .

The Yi Ming family, which everyone is hostile to, has directly raised their life to a difficult mode.

The husband and wife do not have a large number of servants to serve, and they have to do everything by themselves, and the people around them are unwilling to help them after knowing their identities, and they even come to sabotage them every day.

Dish, these little things have made them miserable.

The most in the event.

I knew that the fifth prince was a doo who couldn’t help him, how much more would she do so many things? Isn’t it good to be a Princess Kang in peace?

She is such a charming young lady that she has been bullied by a group of vulgar women, and her life is worse than that of the servants in the family!

And her husband? Since being exiled here, the family has never been involved. As a big man, he has to rely on her to support him.

When they were kicked out of the capital, they were not allowed to bring any valuables, she still tried her best to hide some, but those were small things, which could not be exchanged for a few money, all day long Can’t get in and out, and soon began to be stretched.

How dare you turn around and start with her!

The five princesses are also cruel. Seeing that this day is really hard to live on, and there is no hope in the future, while he is too drunk to wake up, he simply takes the rest of the family. All the money left overnight.

Yi Ming woke up the next day with a dizzy head. He didn’t even pay attention to the calls for water. It’s a mess, and the woman’s clothes are gone. What else is there to understand?

He angrily smashed the things in the house to a smash, but he regretted it when he woke up, now he is not the one who smashed things, just need to give a command to someone to clean up the mess the lord.

The broken things have to be sorted out by himself, and he has no money to buy them, and finally he can only slump on a pile of debris and cry without tears.

When Yiming regretted smashing some cheap furniture, the old emperor who was far away in the capital just accidentally smashed a tea set worth thousands of gold from the previous dynasty, which was his favorite on weekdays , but now he didn’t give a single look, and all his attention was focused on the beauty in front of him.

The old emperor believed that he had seen a lot of beauties. Which of the people who could enter his harem was not carefully selected? But compared with the woman in front of him, all the women in his palace have become vulgar fans, not even worthy of her shoes.

The girl in front of her eyes is pure and bright, with a little tenderness, her hands are as soft as a weed, and her skin is as thick as fat, as if growing on the threshold of his heart, adding one point is too high, minus one A score is too short, a score more is too fat, a score less is too thin.

The nearly 70-year-old heart of the old emperor was beating non-stop, and he could not wait to discuss the great harmony of life with him immediately.

The old **** who had served him for decades understood his heart and winked left and right, and everyone quietly withdrew.

The meeting did not appear.

Came to see him with a scalp.

The old emperor now has all his heart on the newly sealed Concubine Rong, and was disturbed, and said two words directly: “No.”

The ministers can only return without success, but there are many things to be dealt with in the DPRK every day, they may make their own decisions on small things, but they dare not for big things, so they have to run over and over again to find the complete The old emperor who was immersed in the gentle village.

Concubine Rong not only has a beautiful life, but also has a charming and cute temperament, which attracted the old emperor to do a lot of things with her as a young man, and the two were fighting. Fiery, very impatient, these ministers keep interrupting like flies.

This is repeated several times, the two sides are in a deadlock, the court cannot function normally, the courtiers sigh, and the old emperor is also annoyed.

At this time, the prince presented a memorial and proposed a solution – forming a cabinet.


The old emperor thought that he was slack in the government during this period of time, and he, the prince, would take the opportunity to encourage the courtiers to take power for him, and they also took the opportunity to see who would move closer to the new prince. Unexpectedly, not only did he not do anything out of the ordinary, but he also came up with ideas to solve problems for his father.

Is it really so pure and kind, or is there another small calculus? The old emperor was suspicious for a while.

He was noncommittal, and instead asked: “Who gave you the idea of this method?”

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment, and then he said honestly: “Back to the father, it is the new champion Tan Ruida, who was previously assigned to serve in the Erchen Palace.”

“Well—” the old emperor said, “He is a good seedling, but his idea is still a little naive. There are only six members of the cabinet, which can be increased to twenty…”

He picked out the problems, and taught the prince how to select personnel, how to make them restrain each other instead of uniting to make up his emperor He was moved to tears by his earnest teaching.

“Yes, my son understands.” The eldest prince was moved, “Thank you for your teaching.”

The emperor comforted him for a while before he stopped his tears, and then said: “I think this method is feasible, then you will join the cabinet and learn to handle political affairs, sooner or later this world will be handed over to you in hand.”

The eldest prince was very grateful again, and the old emperor also revealed his true feelings. The father and son of the heavenly family seemed very harmonious, but only they knew what they were doing in their hearts. .

Afterwards, the old emperor selected 20 people from the court to form a cabinet to take care of government affairs for him, including old ministers and newcomers who had just entered the court. When choosing, be sure to let them hold each other in check, rather than hold them together.

Of course, as the emperor, no matter what the cabinet decides, as long as he does not agree, it must be according to his will.

The old emperor has arranged everything, and after thinking that everything is safe, he can finally indulge in the gentle village happily. I don’t know that from this moment, under the control of people in the dark, the imperial power has begun to slow down. Slowly weakened.

Li Yinglan resented not only Zhuang Yiming who was ungrateful and deceived her feelings, but also the old emperor who wanted to be detrimental to her clan for his own selfish desires, and then hated the entire royal family.

She hates these people for being high above, playing with them like pawns in her palm, and wants them to taste the taste of being manipulated by others.

Now Zhuang Yiming has fallen to the bottom, and if there is no accident, she will not be able to turn over in her life. As for the old emperor and the entire royal family, she does not want to raise military affairs to kill evil.

That’s why she came up with this roundabout way to wear away the imperial power little by little, until there is no longer the privilege of life and death in this world.

She is undoubtedly successful. After five years of infiltration, almost all the original cabinet members have been replaced by clansmen who have been influenced by her ideas, as well as the younger generation.

Even the military power has been in her hands, and both the old emperor and the prince have always been ignorant and thought that he was in control of the overall situation.

Holy medicine.

“When Gu ascends the throne, the honor of the national teacher will never change, and Gu will also make people from all over the world build fairy temples and appreciate the kindness of the national teacher.” The prince promised.

for the benefit.

Ying Lan stroked Xiaohong’s icy scales with her fingers, smiled faintly, and said, “There is no need for this, the emperor’s life is approaching, and the oil is exhausted.”

“How could this be so?” The prince heard the words, but his face was not happy, and he said in horror, “Isn’t the father taking the holy medicine all the time? Could it be that you have done something?”

It was only then that he regretted trusting the woman in front of him too much. She was so mysterious that neither the father nor himself could control her. The only thing that could be called a weakness was Just those clansmen, but only if she cares.

Such a powerful woman who cannot be at his mercy, once she becomes malicious, they will have no power to fight back!

Now she can murder her father, and she can also count him in the future!

The prince’s heart suddenly rose with strong vigilance.

“Holy medicine can only make people healthy and keep their face forever, but it can’t keep people from dying.” Ying Lan gave him a strange look and said, “Otherwise the person in my clan developed this medicine How could the ancestors of my ancestors have long since passed away?”

The prince was suddenly choked by her words, but although he had believed her words rationally, it was still difficult to accept emotionally. Refine the holy medicine for him, and he can sit on the throne for a long time in the future.

But she told him to stop dreaming about spring and autumn, even if he took the holy medicine, he would still die, how could he accept it for a while?

“Can’t the national teacher make the elixir of life?” The prince asked unwillingly, “Aren’t you an immortal?”

“Who said I was an immortal?” Ying Lan wondered, “I just know some means that ordinary people don’t have, and sooner or later I will die like everyone else.”

In the end, he left with a look of great shock on his face. The officials waiting outside were startled and asked: “His Royal Highness, is it the national teacher who refused?”

The prince nodded and shook his head again.

His request was indeed rejected, but his purpose was achieved, the father did not have many days to live, and his original expectations were shattered by half.

The officer couldn’t understand what he meant and looked at him in confusion, but he was not in the mood to explain more and left with heavy steps.

A few days later, news of the old emperor’s serious illness came out in the palace.

He suddenly fell to the ground when he was playing with Concubine Rong, and in a short time when he was hurriedly carried back to the bedroom by the palace staff, his black hair became white, smooth and tight His skin also became slack, and he looked like a goose-haired old man who truly matched his age.

Concubine Rong followed the trot all the way, she wanted to show concern, so as to get more favor, but she scrambled to come forward, but she saw the change with her own eyes and shouted “There’s a ghost.” He rolled his eyes and fainted.

The old emperor was awakened by her screams. He didn’t know the changes in his body. He wanted to help his concubine, but he raised his hand tremblingly for a while.

When I saw that my five fingers became like chicken feet, I was greatly stimulated and asked someone to bring a mirror. When I saw the old man who was about to die, he shouted in horror: “Master Chuan, Hurry up, national teacher!”

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