Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 164

Chapter 163: Stepmother Kicked Out 4

The house where the mother and daughter temporarily live is located at the end of the village.

There used to be an elderly couple who lived here without children. They passed away within a month more than five years ago, and then they were left vacant.


What’s worse is that most of the straw on the roof has rotted in the long-term blisters, exposing large holes in many places, and the rest has lost its function of sheltering from wind and rain.

But it is precisely because of this that no one has made an idea of this room, so it was preserved and provided them with a temporary residence.

Faced with such a predicament, the expression on Yinglan’s face was still light, and she rolled up her sleeves and was ready to start working.

The first thing is to tidy up the roof. Although she saw the astronomical phenomenon, it will not rain in the past ten days, but the rotten straw does not smell good, and it will attract some small bugs to settle in it. It needs to be cleaned out sooner.

Fortunately, Xiao Yinglan once supported the whole family by herself for five years, and she has mastered some life skills. Combined with the method of replacing straws in memory, and her own understanding, this is right It wasn’t difficult for her.

The rice was collected not long ago, and now there are haystacks piled up everywhere in the team, and there is enough material. Yinglan borrowed the two-wheel dump truck from the team, and pulled back enough after a few trips. straw.

Because she almost confronted everyone in the cafeteria in the morning, everyone is not very friendly to her now, but they have no face to cause her trouble, borrowing repair tools such as ladders and hammers are also very smooth.

There must be many inconveniences for missing a leg, but Yinglan has martial arts skills, so it is easy for her to master the balance.

Xiao Shitao obediently passed the straw below, she jumped on the roof with one leg, and it didn’t take long to change the straw on the small house.

With two stools, this home can barely be seen.

Put wild flowers on it.

Although the house is still very simple, it also has a little more vitality.

As soon as she was busy and survived, it was almost dusk, Ying Lan was on the table just set up, spread out the grid paper she bought, and wrote down her first in this world with a pen Article.

When she saw the newspaper at the brigade captain in the morning, this way of making a living came to her mind. Xiao Yinglan went to junior high school. Not abrupt.

It is impossible for her to be an official in her current situation, and it is not allowed to do business now, and the hard work in the farm work is not enough to pay back too little money to support them to live a better life, so to the newspaper Criminal submission has become a good choice.

Yinglan’s writing skills are very good. After all, she is a person who has taken the champion test. Combining Xiao Yinglan’s memory of this era and referring to the types of articles published in newspapers, she first made a draft in her mind, Write a short story in one go.

The text is simple and easy to understand, the content is humorous, and the thinking is positive.

After she finished writing, she read it through, and she was 90% sure that she would be hired, and the remaining 10% was not because she felt that there was something bad, but everything had variables and it was not easy to handle The word is dead.

“Mom, mom, your writing is so beautiful!” Xiao Shitao saw the words one by one taking shape in her mother’s pen, and she was very excited, but she was very sensible and didn’t interrupt, I waited until my mother stopped writing before she was full of little stars in admiration.

“Thank you, little Tao’er,” Yinglan gave the little girl a big smile, “After you go to school, you can write such beautiful words like your mother!”

Children don’t know how to hide, Wang Shitao suddenly showed a distressed look when she heard the words, she really wanted to go to school, but she also knew the situation at home, she couldn’t pay the tuition at all.

Ying Lan didn’t wait for the little girl to continue to struggle, she put her arms around her immature shoulders and asked, “Do you want to know what mother wrote?”

“Think!” Wang Shitao said loudly.

Ying Lan pulled another stool and patted it, motioned her to sit down and said, “Come on, Mom will read it to you.”

The little girl quickly climbed up and sat down obediently, staring at her with big eyes, looking eager.

Ying Lan smiled lightly, put the manuscript in front of her, put her fingers on the paper, read it to her in a soft voice, and pointed to her word by word.

She described interesting events in the countryside from the perspective of a little boy, which made people feel very immersive. After listening to Xiao Shitao, she was still not satisfied, and asked the boy what to do next.

“I haven’t written yet!” Ying Lan nodded her nose and said.

“Can mom tell me again?” Xiao Shitao asked reluctantly.

“Okay!” Ying Lan took the opportunity to say, “Why don’t Tao’er follow her mother to read and write? When you learn it, you can read the articles written by your mother in the future.”

“Yeah! I want to read!” Xiao Shitao nodded quickly.

So in the following days, the mother and daughter basically spent the rest of the time in the house, except for eating in the cafeteria, fetching water and washing clothes, etc. ,Time flies.

Wang Shitao has a thirst for knowledge, coupled with the temptation of small stories, she studies very hard, and Ying Lan finds that she is very smart, under her reasonable teaching methods, basically a word After practicing two or three times, you will be able to remember it firmly.

It only took more than a month, the little girl has almost recognized the commonly used words, and she also stumbled to read the article written by her mother for the first time alone, and this time Ying Lan She also received the first manuscript fee in her life.

In these days, it is not as convenient as direct transfer as in later generations. The money is remitted through the post office.

And he has no sense of confidentiality. When someone asks him what the remittance is, he will tell the truth.

As a result, the news that Ying Lan received the newspaper agency fee was quickly spread, and everyone on the basic production team knew about it, which immediately caused quite a stir.

Cultural people have held an extraordinary position in the hearts of the common people since ancient times. Don’t look at many villagers who talk about the uselessness of reading all day long. In fact, most of the people who say this are from home The baby’s grades are not very good, and if you really see that the child may be promising, that is, you have to send it to school to sell iron.

Ying Lan can actually get the manuscript fee from the newspaper, that is a proper cultural person, and her image in everyone’s mind has been raised in an instant.

At this time, they forgot to say that Tie Zhu’s daughter-in-law was a lazy mother-in-law.

Everyone enthusiastically followed the postman to her house. After she got the remittance slip, they congratulated her and praised her in the most simple language.

Having experienced so many worlds, Ying Lan has a little understanding of human nature, she doesn’t care about everyone’s arrogant attitude, as if the invisible exclusion and isolation did not exist before , thanked them with a smile, and promised that if they needed to write a letter or couplet, they could come to her.

Everyone immediately became more enthusiastic, praising her like a flower, and the pragmatic one who saw her humble home and brought her things from home, she thought Don’t do it at all, just say a few more words and just drop the things and leave.

After the crowd dispersed, Ying Lan was dumbfounded to find that she had a lot of things in her house, such as benches, reclining chairs, baskets, baskets, etc., which she spent a few days sorting out. The front yard is a mess.

It took nearly an hour for the mother and daughter to put them in place, and Captain Wang came to hear the news.

“The captain is here?” Ying Lan greeted the person with a smile, took out a cup and made him a cup of homemade bamboo leaf tea.

Arranging the work, he felt that he had some grievances for a while, and he was a little embarrassed, so he dragged it over until now.

Ying Lan didn’t seem to notice his embarrassment, and said it naturally: “I don’t have anything to do, so I wrote some interesting stories on the team and sent it to the newspaper, I didn’t expect to be hired.”

“What did you write about the team?” Captain Wang was a little nervous, “What did you write?”

Is it written about the Wang family? He knew that he didn’t handle the matter well, and to allow a disabled woman to be kicked out of the house, if the people above found out, he might end up being killed.

Ying Lan briefly explained the content of the story and said, “The newspaper has replied to me saying that it will be published in the next issue. If Captain Wang is interested, he will be able to see it in a few days. .”

“I will definitely read it.” Captain Wang was relieved after hearing this, and turned to ask, “What are your plans next? Do you want to continue writing articles, or do you want to do some homework? ”

“The captain doesn’t mention this and I’m going to find you,” Ying Lan said, “I will continue to write the article, but I also want to do something for the team, after all, I have been eating idle meals. , I feel bad about it in my heart.”

This is her sincerity. Although the policy is there, she has been eating the fruits of other people’s labor for nothing. She can’t do such a shameless thing.

However, Captain Wang misunderstood, thinking that she was not giving her work before alluding to herself.

“Well, that’s it.” He took a sip of tea from the cup to hide his embarrassment, “I have two jobs that are more suitable for you, one is cattle herding, and the other is One is helping to organize and cut vegetables in the cafeteria, it doesn’t take long, and it doesn’t delay your writing, what do you think?”

You just need to pull the cows out, let go of the rope and let them graze on their own, and then bring them back when they are full. This kind of work can be done by children.

Chopping vegetables in the cafeteria is a little more tiring, but it is much easier to work on the ground, and as Captain Wang said, the time is short, so she does not delay her doing other things.

Both jobs are popular on the team and suitable for her to do. He actually took care of them for her to choose.

But Ying Lan shook her head and refused: “I think someone and the captain have already asked for these jobs, so I don’t want them to grab it, I want to do something else.”

“What do you want to do?” Captain Wang couldn’t think of anything better than these two.

Ying Lan said: “I found that I am very good at raising livestock, and I would like to ask the captain to assign two people to me to study and study. If you do well, you can also bring some new income to the team. ”

At this time, materials are scarce and people are living in hardship. Since she has the ability, she wants to do something.

Honor thing, so can only look elsewhere.

Technology is currently lacking, but her current resume is too eye-catching. She can try to promote it in the future. At present, she can only think of animal husbandry.

If someone else said this, Captain Wang would definitely reject it without thinking, but Yinglan is no longer an ordinary person in his eyes now, once his status in people’s heart changes, Of course, the volume of speech is also different.

So he did not immediately veto, but said patiently: “Although the team’s affairs are under my control, I can’t make decisions without authorization. No, I can’t explain it to the people on the team.”

Ying Lan smiled and took him to the backyard.

This place is very different from when the mother and daughter first moved in. The originally collapsed earth wall has been re-erected, the wild weeds have also been cleaned up, the ground is flat and clean, and a middle The jujube tree bears numerous fruits the size of the little finger, and it will ripen in a month or so.

But the most obvious is the place surrounded by bamboo fences at the corner of the wall. There are ten and a half chickens in it.

“You dare to raise so many?” Captain Wang was taken aback, “You are too bold!”

“I plan to eat at home.” Ying Lan explained.

Nowadays, private trading is prohibited, but it is not prohibited to raise poultry for home consumption, but the average person only raises two or three birds, and the family with a large population only raises seven or eight birds.

There are only two people in their family, and they have raised so much in one breath. No wonder the captain mistakenly thought that she was raised to be sold secretly.

But she never intended to make a fortune by raising poultry. These chickens are indeed raised from home, and there is no oil or water in the big pot of rice. She plans to open a small stove to nourish herself and Xiao Shitao.

“You know the severity.” The captain didn’t know if he really believed it, or if he turned a blind eye and didn’t want to pursue it. In short, he didn’t continue to ask, but said suspiciously, ” Are these chickens you brought me to see?”

“Yes,” Ying Lan said, “These are the chicks I caught a month ago. Do you think they are growing better than others?”

“One month?” Captain Wang went up and observed it carefully, but he didn’t see anything. Although he also kept chickens at home, his wife was always in charge of these matters. Haven’t noticed.

However, he gave face very much, and praised: “It seems to be bigger, and it looks very spirited.”

Ying Lan saw that he was not good at it, and did not dismantle it, and continued: “I caught twelve at that time, and all of them survived.”

“Ugh—” Captain Wang said perfunctorily, “You’re amazing.”

“I know captain, you have your difficulties, so it’s better to discuss it with everyone. After all, it’s a slack farm now. We can try to raise less first, and it won’t cost you much.”

Ying Lan said with a good temper: “If this can be done, the team will also make more money. Even if it doesn’t work, it may also enrich the food in the cafeteria. What do you think?”

Captain Wang agreed to go back and think about it.

Ying Lan politely sent him out of the house, and at the end did not forget to remind: “The captain can ask the people who have raised chickens and ducks. If they don’t believe it, welcome to come and see in person!”

After Captain Wang agreed to leave, Xiao Shitao came over and said what she had been holding back for the whole afternoon: “Mom, congratulations, you are amazing!”

Although the little girl thinks that her mother’s article is very well written, she will definitely be selected by the newspaper, but when it really happens, she is still too happy to herself, and her little face turns red with excitement .

“Thank you, little Tao’er!” Ying Lan touched her little head and said, “Mom can make money now, don’t you worry?”

“So mother found out?” Xiao Shitao stuck out her tongue.

When she was in the Wang family, Xiao Yinglan was busy all day and had no time to take care of her little daughter. She was bullied and intimidated by her sister Wang Xiaohua for a long time, and her character gradually became timid.

In the past month or so, Ying Lan has been with her, taught her many things by telling stories, and finally regained a little bit of the lively nature of a little girl.

“I’m your mother!” Ying Lan smiled with some relief, and said, “When the next semester starts, I will send you to school, you don’t have to worry about money, I I have sent more than ten manuscripts, and the manuscript fee will be remitted one after another.”

Although her knowledge is definitely richer than the school teachers, but children still need to get along with their peers to be healthy physically and mentally, so she still plans to send her to school to study.

“Okay, Mom.” Xiao Shitao didn’t refuse this time, she really wanted to go to school.

As for her mother’s determination that the manuscript can be hired by the newspaper, she has no doubts. In her small heart, her mother is the best and most powerful!

As expected by Ying Lan, almost all the articles sent to other newspapers were adopted, and the only one that was rejected was not because of her bad writing, but because she submitted The place was wrong, the article that the newspaper published did not match the type of writing she wrote.

It was enough for the mother and daughter to live comfortably.

Just after Ying Lan sent the second batch of manuscripts, Captain Wang also responded, and the team agreed to assign two people to follow her to raise livestock.

Captain Wang told his daughter-in-law about this when he returned home that day. He has a large family and Aunt Li raises more than ten chickens to lay eggs every year. Hearing his words, he immediately became interested. .

She asked herself that she still has some experience in raising chickens, but chickens are prone to illness, and every time she buys them, two to four chickens will die. She has never heard of anyone who can All fed.

She must go see this! If it is true, even if the team decides not to raise it in the future, she will learn some experience and make money by raising her own chickens!

So Auntie Li arrived at Yinglan’s house in a hurry the next day.

Ying Lan was waiting for her, of course she would not refuse, and soon took her to see the chicken coop.

To those who know what she does, she is not as simple as responding to Captain Wang, from the temperature and humidity that need attention when chickens are easy to survive, to how to deal with common diseases, how to prepare feed, etc. , She nodded straight after saying this.

I took another look at the chickens that were obviously bigger than the chickens they raised at the same time. After returning home, Aunt Li tried her best to persuade her husband to agree to it, and praised Yinglan like she was brainwashed .

Although Captain Wang didn’t quite understand what the temperature she said had anything to do with raising chickens, he still trusted his lover who had been married for more than 20 years and agreed immediately. Discuss this with the people on the team.

The time was so settled.

Although I believe in the captain and the “cultural people” they think, but this is the first time to do this, this time is not large, and the final decision is to raise 100 animals. Increase it later.

Ying Lan has no opinion. She just wants to give everyone a head start. She will definitely not participate in these things in the future.

The team has drawn a bamboo forest and given enough work points. It took only one day for more than a dozen strong men to use local materials under her guidance to build a spacious chicken with bamboo Abandon.

Afterwards, Captain Wang came forward to buy chickens everywhere, and soon the chicken raising business of the production team was booming.

The two helpers were personally selected by Ying Lan. Sister An and Sister Yang are both diligent and kind-hearted people. She just needs to check it from time to time and move her lips.

Chicks grow very fast, and under careful care, they slowly lose their fluff and become robust. Although death is inevitable, it is still a percentage lower than that of ordinary people. Eighty out of 10, and the growth is obviously better than their domesticated ones.

This greatly inspired the confidence of Sister An and Sister Yang, and they were more attentive in serving them, and strictly implemented the breeding methods set by Ying Lan.

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