Trapped in a gacha game, I will steal all the heroines.

Chapter 63 Dark Elf (4)

Nine minutes later inside Anna's room...

"So, how should I address you now? Master too? No, wait... I know, Owner, what do you think?" Anna spoke, sitting on the bed still completely naked, her back against the headboard.

"Owner, huh? I find it interesting, I like it, but I prefer you to keep calling me Dantalian," Dantalian spoke, standing in front of the bed, getting dressed again.

"Well, the best way would be to call you both then," Anna said, getting up from the bed and walking towards Dantalian.

"I accept. It will be exciting to see a princess proclaiming herself as my servant," Dantalian spoke, putting on the last piece of clothing, his gloves.

"You are such a pervert, Dantalian," Anna said, hugging him, pressing her breasts against his back, placing her hand on his abdomen and chest while resting her head on his right shoulder. "Now I understand why Echidna reacted that way. She knew we were heading down a path from which we couldn't turn back."

"I'm the pervert? You're the one trying to seduce me at this very moment," Dantalian spoke, turning his head to the side and giving Anna a kiss.

"It's all your fault. You made me like this. You took away all my purity and turned me into a... Hmm," Anna paused to think and then spoke, "a slut. Yes, that's the word. You made me a princess slut."

"Hahaha," between small kisses, Dantalian said, "I can't deny that, but I can tell you that you were very eager. It's as if you wanted to be mine from the moment I kissed you for the first time."

Anna smiled, moving in front of Dantalian, placing her hand on his right shoulder and jumping up.

Dantalian sighed, picking her up in his arms. "What's your brilliant idea now?"

"None. I just wanted to sit on your lap, but there's something I need to tell you about what I said earlier."

"Which part exactly?" Dantalian asked.

"It's a secret, but while I was talking to Echidna alone, we talked about you and the strange attraction we feel when we look at you."

Anna started walking, her left hand fingers tracing Dantalian's chest as she spoke. "You know, normally when I look at other men, whether they're elves or not, I feel nothing, and sometimes even repulsion, like with the elf at the warehouse door."

'By now he must be dead. The other kings and queens had already told me to get rid of the useless ones,' Anna lost herself in thought, not finishing what she would do, which earned her a flick on the forehead.

"Why did you do that?" Anna spoke with a tearful expression.

"You were telling me something important and then just stopped. So, the flick was actually quite mild. If it were someone else, it would have been worse," Dantalian replied.

"I'm sorry... Master Dantalian," Anna said, sticking her tongue out.

"Enough playing around. Get back to talking about the attraction," Dantalian urged.

"Alright, as I was saying, you are different from all the other men. You know how Echidna's senses are sensitive, right?"

"Yes, that's why I felt uncomfortable with her around you."

"More than a pervert, you were planning to fuck me from the beginning?" Anna spoke, pinching Dantalian's cheeks.

"Of course not. I only wanted to fuck you the moment I laid eyes on you," Dantalian replied.

"Basically, from the beginning," Anna laughed.

"Before I lose track again, going back to the original topic, Echidna... Her said your presence both terrifies her and makes her feel so calm that both emotions make her want to be subdued by you," Anna placed her right hand in front of her mouth, laughing. "She said it's not possible and it goes against not wanting a man who already has so many women."

'So, is this some kind of representation of protagonism? I didn't expect to be compared to something similar to the power of an Incubus,' Dantalian thought.

"Hey, now you're doing it," Anna said, flicking Dantalian's forehead.

"Alright, alright. You had your revenge," Dantalian said, tossing Anna towards the bed. As she landed face-first on the mattress, she quickly sat up and looked at Dantalian, saying, "Are you leaving already? How mean."

"What you told me gave me an idea, so I need to go and take care of it," Dantalian replied.

"Are you going after Echidna? You just got a princess, aren't you satisfied with four girls?" Anna asked.

"Anna, I'm addicted to gacha. I'll only be satisfied when I have everything," Dantalian said, opening the door to Anna's room and leaving.

Meanwhile, Anna sat on the bed, trying to understand what Dantalian had said. "Gacha? What could that be?"

[So, did you like your first elf? You stud.]

'Oh, you've appeared again. But in response to your intrusive question, yes, it's very different from a human. Now I'm even more interested in non-human heroines.'

[Wow, speaking so openly to me. Did you really like it that much?]

'Afterward, you complain that I treat you badly.'

[Alright, I stopped. But aren't you even going to rest and will you go after Echidna already?]

'And of course, especially considering what Anna said, I thought about how to combine Marian's destruction with the conquest of Echidna.'

[Oh, are you talking about that family problem?]

'Yes, let's combine the useful with the pleasant.'

Dantalian reached the top of the castle again, looking down. Activating the divine hand and covering his eyes with golden energy, he switched his vision to see only energy.

"More than convenient that Miss Echidna decided to stay outside the forest while Freytan and two others are there," Dantalian paused in his speech as he saw the poor creatures suffering at the hands of the three. "Poor little things, in both the game and reality, they only exist to be beaten."

[Should I give some Power UPS to your enemies? They're so lackluster. Even áclis, whom I thought would do something, was completely humiliated.]

'Don't talk about that pest. His regenerative ability was so irritating.'

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