
Chapter 78: ~Milk shakes.~

***Norfolk, Sarn***


We children are having a small party in the garden. Liandra, Violetta, Arran, Fergus and me are present. There is nothing to celebrate, but we still decided to take our time to do something as a family.

I want to get closer to Liandra and Violetta. They are family after all, but I only see them for dinner. The rest of their time is reserved for training and learning

“Did you feel that? Why is the house shaking?” Arran sits down and touches the ground. He recently learned to walk.

“Yes, I felt it too. And these earth tremors are becoming stronger in regular intervals. I hope there won't be something like an earthquake? Or is one of the mountains a volcano?” Fergus looks at the mountain peaks around the city.

I wave my hand calm him down. “There is no problem. That's just mom. She is training to become stronger. She wants to become a god or something like that.”

“Yeah. Although I don't understand why my sister wants to get even stronger. It's already fearsome enough that she is able to create these tremors with her strength alone.” Liandra sips on her tea.

“I think it's her inferiority complex towards my brother.” Violetta tilts her head and looks towards the training hall.

“Inferiority complex?” My head turns towards Violetta.

“Yes. Didn't you realize? She has been trying to prove that she isn't just baggage for Ascathon ever since he saved us from the slavers. The upcoming battle is only a secondary reason. All the other adults are busy with preparations and coordinating the army. But she only thinks about getting stronger because Ascathon found a way for instant teleportation.” Violetta sighs and stuffs another cookie into her mouth. “That's called inferiority complex.”

I nod. “You could be right. But it isn't bad if she gets more power. The enemy is quite strong. It will be hard, even with the help of Phenex. They have more ships than us, that's why my parents want to intercept them at sea. They'll have to delay them until the fleet from Phenex arrives. Phenex has to sail around the continent, so two to three months of travel time have to be assumed.”

“You are very well informed of our parents' plan.” Arran looks at me and smiles. “Here, have another milk shake. This time I iced it.”

My expression lights up and I grab the glass. “You are so nice, always thinking of me.” I start to slurp on the drink. “And for your information. I am just so well informed because I have to keep an eye on them. Just in case that they have a fight with each other.”

“You are really concerned about my brother and his wife.” Violetta smiles and pats my head.

“Of course. I don't want them to have a relapse into old times. I have them under surveillance twenty four, seven.” I concentrate on my milk shake and ignore the attention on me.

“That sounds quite excessive.” Fergus finally comments the situation.

“Not at all. I swore to myself that I would have a nice family life. That means that they aren't allowed to fight.” My milk shake reaches the end and it's replaced by another one instantly. “Thanks Arran.”

He smiles and nods while concentrating on the three other glasses he is currently levitating in the air. He is spinning them like a juggler to mix the contents. Arran took the role of our bartender and he is quite good at his job. His training with telekinesis was fruitful and he is using it like another set of hands.

“I wish we could help them somehow.” Liandra sighs and looks towards the training hall which is attached to the mansion.

I shrug. “It's smartest to keep away from fights while our bodies are so small and weak.”

“Liandra and I aren't that small!” Violetta puffs her cheeks.

“You are still not adults yet. Wait five years, then you can think about helping them. If you would have concentrated on learning some administrative abilities, you could go and help them right now.” I point out the weak point in their training schedule.

“Ugh. We aren't like you. You could help them by taking care of the country's affairs.” Liandra complains.

“I would if I could. Tell me, who would follow my orders? I am in the body of a little child.” I empty my drink and it is promptly replaced. “Thanks, Arran.”

“You are certainly right, it was unfair of me.” Liandra looks at the horizon and then her attention turns towards the glass in my hands. “And you should stop feeding her so many milk shakes Arran! She will get fat!”

I stop slurping on my milk shake. “Indeed. I didn't realize it, but isn't this my eighth?”

“Tch!” Arran puts on a smile and hands me another one. “That's the last. You can't let it turn bad. And milk is good for your body's development.”

“Are you my mother?” I furrow my eyebrows and look at him.

“I am your husband. It is my duty to see to the perfect development of your body.” Arran has a desperate expression.

“Is there something wrong with my body?” I look down on myself. Strange. I thought I would develop nicely. And I am always doing workouts and train.

Arran looks at Liandra. “It's just that the family line seems to be affected by too much training.”

Liandra looks down at herself. “What do you want to imply?” “You are flat as a board. Even Violetta is bigger than you despite being younger. I want to prevent that happening to my wife. So let her drink her milk shakes.” *SMACK!*

Liandra deals immediate punishment to Arran by hitting him with the back of her hand. Our perverted bartender goes down and moves no more. I purse my lips. “Now he has shown his true colours.”

Then Liandra grabs my milk shake and empties it in one go. Her expression is furious. I willingly give up my other milkshake and shove it towards Liandra. She empties the second one too and slams the glass onto the table. “Next!”

“I have no more!” Then I look down at Arran on the ground.

“You stopped our supply.” Fergus points at Arran with a complicated expression on his face.

“Then I'll take over!” Liandra starts mixing milk shakes with her hands and telekinesis at the same time.

Violetta bends over and whispers. “The inferiority complex is rooted deeply in the family. Probably some kind of inheritance problem. You should try to question your own actions every now and then.”

I pull a face and show my tongue to her. “Won't happen to me!”


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