Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 511: Defeating Straw Hats

Chapter 511: Defeating Straw Hats

Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates are on their way to challenge Whitebeard Pirates. They are going to Wano now after collecting some information. As usual, Luffy wanted to rush there, but the others somehow managed to convince him to collect information first, by promising food if he agreed.

Now they have enough information, but it doesn't mean they'll surely win. Whitebeard Pirates always welcome any pirate crews that want to challenge them. The reason is Whitebeard wants someone else to replace him as an Emperor as he is already too old and wants to retire.

However, he doesn't want just anyone to replace him. His pride won't allow just anyone to take that position for free because he retires. So he lets anyone try taking his position as an Emperor of The Sea and he even offers some of his wealth as a reward for defeating him if they succeed.

People often thought that he could just pass that title to one of his Division Commanders. But that is not what Whitebeard wants. He wants another crew stronger than his crew to take the position and if his children want it, they will need to defeat that crew in the future, but not as Whitebeard Pirates.

They need to take that position with their own crew if they want, not his crew. An Emperor of The Sea is the Captain of an Emperor's crew, not a Division Commander. So he would need to disband Whitebeard Pirates before any of his children can even try to be an Emperor.

"Wait! So does that mean if we manage to defeat Whitebeard Pirates, he would disband his crew? Then his members would form their own crews and may go after us to take the title of Emperor?"

"Yeah, that's the rumor that has been circulating for a long time and the chance of it being true is high. But even if it's not Whitebeard's children, once someone takes the Emperor title from him, many pirates will go after them. Being challenged for their title is something that happens almost every day to the Emperors."

"Ugh, sounds tiring. Why should I become an Emperor? I want to be the Pirate King."

"I told you being an Emperor is just a step to get closer to being the Pirate King. As an Emperor, we could get things we need much easier. For example, it's easier for an Emperor to get their hands on information regarding the way to find Laugh Tale because of their prestige & power. There are more benefits that I can tell you later. But for now, you just need to know that being an Emperor will help you become the Pirate King."

"Are you not interested in being the Pirate King, Torao?"

"Not at all. I'm more interested in opening all your bodies and seeing what's inside. Dissecting the Pirate King is more interesting than being the Pirate King itself."

Law grins evilly while looking at Luffy, making the Straw Hat-man shiver and hide behind Robin.

"Stop teasing him, brother. He might really believe you. Everyone, it's time to eat."

The one coming is Law's little sister, Lami, who was saved because of Buggy's actions in the past. Now she is the cook of Heart Pirates and she had just cooked a few dishes with Sanji. She has become a beauty that won't lose to Nami or Robin.

Both crews enjoy their meal on Thousand Sunny, but then their meal gets disturbed when they encounter an enemy ship. The enemy ship is 3 times bigger than Thousand Sunny with a flag of a 6 side star with a skull on each tip.

This is the crew of Sasaki, Ulti, Page One, Bege, Black Maria, & Who's Who. They wanted to move separately at first, but after their miserable defeat from Jack & Yamato, Alan forced them to be together in a crew because he thought they were too weak to move separately for this plan.

Of course, they tried to object to it, but Alan's crew suppressed them easily and forced them to agree. After forming the new crew, they named it 6-Stars. Then they planned to go to an island where many rookies were gathering to fight them, but they never thought to meet Straw Hat & Heart Pirates on their way there.

"Oho, what a coincidence. To meet the rookies who have just wrecked havoc in Punk Hazard and made Doflamingo get captured by Marines here. Our luck seems to be good."

"What should we do, Sasaki? You are the Captain now, so you make the decision."

"What else? Our mission is to beat up the rookies and now we found them, 2 crews at that."

"Are we going to fight here?"

"Heh, are you afraid of fighting on the sea, Who's Who? Well, can't really blame you. Cats are afraid of water, after all."

"Huh? The hell you say? Wanna go for a round?"

"Okay, stop, stop! You can fight later after we're done with them. So, who will go there to do the job."


Ulti, Page One, and Who's Who raise their hands quickly.

"Hmm, might be too much, but well, you 3 can go and have fun."

"Oi, me alone is enough."

"That's my line. You will just get on my way."

"Stop arguing! The 3 of you should go and finish this quickly! Captain's order!"

"Tch, fine."

Ulti, Page One, & Who's Who jump to Thousand Sunny, alerting the Straw Hat & Heart Pirates.


"No need to know who we are. Just know that this is not your lucky day."

The 3 of them immediately transform into their ancient zoan forms. They are going all out from the beginning because they want to finish this quickly. Also, they know these rookies aren't people they can defeat easily with just the 3 of them.

"Tch, they aren't coming here to talk peace, huh?"

"Perfect time, I was getting bored already. Let's play a bit, shall we?"

The Straw Hat & Heart Pirates are getting ready to fight too. Luffy, Law, Leo, Zoro, & Sanji are standing at the front while the others stand behind them with the girls on the back. There are only 3 enemies that come, but they know it won't be easy.

Who's Who dashes to attack first with his claws. Zoro & Leo use their swords to stop his claw attacks, but they get thrown back and would crash onto the wall if Robin doesn't catch them with her hand net. The rookies are surprised by Who's Who's power that even both Zoro & Leo can't stop.

Ulti & Page One also move to attack the rookies. Ulti attacks with her usual headbutt while Page One attacks with a powerful bite. Luffy blocks Ulti's attack but gets flung too. Law also blocks Page One's attack with his sword and he also gets flung like Luffy.


Page One is unusually excited and taunts the 2 rookie pirate crews. But then he feels the space is too cramped with all 3 of them using their full zoan forms. They look at each other and then their bodies suddenly shrink as they use their human-beast forms.

The ones getting flung have moved forward again, ready to continue their battles. The others are also ready to fight now because the enemies are very strong, so they'll need to fight together. Also, there are still more enemies that haven't come, so they need to be extra careful.

The real battle breaks and both sides start fighting seriously. It's 3 vs many, so the 3 Ancient Zoan users are just rampaging, attacking with everything they have without care. The Straw Hat & Heart Pirates have more numbers, but it doesn't make the fight easy for them.

Who's Who suppresses both Leo & Zoro with overwhelming strength & speed. He is still dominating even when Nami assists them by attacking from behind with some lightning bolts. They are easily dodged by Who's Who and the ones that hit him aren't enough to even slow him down.

Law & Sanji are also pressured by Page One even with Chopper & Lami fighting together with them. Page One is also very agile & his Observation Haki is great. He can see through all of Law's Ope Ope Fruit's invisible attacks and avoid getting cut while still dealing with Sanji & Chopper.

The same thing also happens with Ulti who fights Luffy who gets assisted by Franky, Robin, & Usopp. She just breaks their attacks with her attacks, which are mainly just headbutts. Her headbutts are so strong that even Luffy gets knocked over and over.

"Hah! Is this really the level of the Worst Generation? I thought you guys were great after being called the Worst Generation since you've caused a lot of trouble for the Marines, but you are just this much. It seems like the 3 of us are actually too much for you."

"Then I will end this, it's getting boring, after all. Ulti, Page One, get back!"

"Tch, show off. But fine."

Ulti & Page One retreat after pushing the rookies back.


Who's Who jabs both his index fingers in rapid succession. He creates a lot of air bullets that fly toward the rookies at very high speed. His Rokushiki skills have gotten much stronger since he joined Clown Pirates' Fleet.

The rookies are defending the air bullets with their skills, haki, & bodies. But the air bullets are also very powerful, powerful enough to injure them even when their bodies are coated with haki. They can't even fight back to protect the others and after some minutes, the rookies are reaching their limits and get defeated.

This battle looks easy for the 3 because they were the ones who initiated the battle and they don't care about the ship's condition. Also, they kept taking the initiative, giving them a lot of advantages. He can keep attacking now, but Who's Who suddenly stops and smirks before returning to his ship with Ulti & Page One.

"Come find us when you have gotten stronger, rookies! Give us an interesting fight later."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 549. Ex-Celestial Dragons

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain (the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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