Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 503: No Chance Doffy

Chapter 503: No Chance Doffy

Doflamingo's cells are screaming at him to run and not fight Buggy now. But his heart & mind refuse to run away from this. He is someone who has Conqueror Haki, someone who wants to be a King, standing on top of everyone.

Although he is calculative and smart enough to avoid unnecessary fights, it doesn't mean that he is afraid to fight stronger opponents. He is never afraid of Buggy. It's just that he knows his chance to win is low, so he was building his power and force to defeat Buggy in the future.

But that is a big problem in itself, he is too calculative and cautious for someone who wants to reach the top. He rarely challenges himself to his limit like Buggy, so his growth is slower. High risk high return, and Buggy always takes more risks than anyone.

"Can't we talk it out, Clown Lord? What do you want?"

"Nothing to talk about here. You dared turn my mate into a toy, so you should dare to take the consequence. I've given you plenty of warnings and you should know better than touching my people."

Doffy grits his teeth as he knows he can't get away from this. He can only fight now if he wants to survive. And he knows he can't play around, he needs to go all-out from the beginning because his opponent is the one acknowledged as the strongest in the world.

The surroundings suddenly transform into countless white strings. Doffy uses his awakened devil fruit right off the bat to fight Buggy. He controls the numerous strings to attack Buggy from all sides and he coats them all with Armament Haki.

Buggy doesn't move and just stands there as the attacks are getting closer. There's no sign of fear in his eyes, it's Luffy instead who is worried. Luffy shouts at him to get away and he even tries to save Buggy using Gear 2.

"Careful kid, this is dangerous."

Buggy grabs Luffy's shoulder as the Straw Hat tries to grab his body. Then he pushes Luffy down as the string attacks are coming. Luffy can't retaliate and he looks up to see a very shocking scene he never expected.

The string attacks hit Buggy's body, but instead of damaging him, it's the strings that get destroyed. They break into small cubes and disperse upon contact with Buggy's body. Luffy is stunned seeing this unbelievable scene because he can feel how powerful those attacks were, but they couldn't hurt Buggy at all.

This is still under Doffy's speculations, but he is still surprised because his attacks were coated with haki and Buggy still chopped them up. It means that Buggy's ability can ignore haki. Or it just means that Doffy's haki is too weak for Buggy, but there's no way Doffy will admit that.

But well, Buggy's ability can ignore haki, even the strongest haki. He can cut even advanced haki which is the combination of both advanced armament and conqueror haki. That's why Doffy's normal haki attack won't even make him flinch.

Both Doffy & Luffy can't believe what they just saw. Doffy has gathered information about Buggy and other Emperors, so he knows quite a lot about Buggy's power. But the information he got doesn't describe Buggy's power well enough.

He always felt like he had overestimated Buggy's power a lot, but even his overestimation wasn't enough. Buggy's power is much more ridiculous than he thought. Now Doffy realizes that his chance is much lower than he thought it was.

"Don't you think you have looked down on me long enough, Flamingo?"

Buggy suddenly jumps towards Doflamingo who's still staying high in the air. He is moving up very fast and even uses Doffy's strings as footholds. It surprises Doffy so much because it's very hard for others to detect his strings as each one of them is too thin to be seen with naked eye, but Buggy sees them all.

"WAIT! I-,"

Doffy shouts when Buggy arrives right in front of him, but it's too late. Buggy's fist has been released. It's just a normal-looking punch with rather high speed. But it's a speed Doffy's senses can follow.

However, it's a different case for his movement speed. He isn't fast enough to dodge it, so he raises his arms and coats them with haki to block them. He also adds a thick layer of strings in front of his arms to help him block Buggy's punch.

"Haven't you realized it by now? It's useless, Doffy."

Buggy's punch lands on Doffy's string shield and unlike what Doffy predicted, Buggy's punch doesn't chop the string shield into small cubes. It's because Buggy just uses his physical power in this punch. He doesn't even use haki and only uses physical power & techniques, after all.

Yet, that punch breaks through Doffy's string shield and hits his arms. The punch sends Doffy flying very fast to the back. He crashes and destroys a lot of buildings on his path. Then he gets stopped by his own technique, the Bird Cage.

Buggy then flies there using his awakened ability that allows him to fly up to 20 meters above the ground. His flying speed is low though, so he decides to use the modified Geppo to run in the air and chase Doffy.

It doesn't take long for Buggy to arrive. Doffy has just gotten up and his expression shows that he is in great pain. He has coated his arms with haki and even used a strong string shield. Even so, Buggy's punch still managed to crack his arm bones.

'What a monster! Just 1 punch was enough to crack my bones that were coated with haki. If I didn't use that string shield, that punch would break my bones without a doubt. Dammit! The gap between our power is still very wide.'

"What are you thinking so seriously? Hmm, it must be very important that you almost forget that I am here to beat you up. You should think of a way to defeat me instead of daydreaming like that."

Doffy grits his teeth while thinking of how to get out of this situation fast. He leans his back on the cage, but it gets away because the center of the cage is following him. It causes the other side to move faster and start cutting the buildings, making people panic.

His men are also in danger, but Doffy doesn't have time to worry about them with Buggy standing in front of him. The only thing on his mind is how he can get out of this situation alive because he knows Buggy won't let him go in one piece.

Again, Doffy turns his surroundings into strings and uses them all to attack Buggy. But instead of slamming them at Buggy, he makes the strings surround Buggy without touching them. He makes a big sphere of white strings with Buggy inside, it's like a round string cage with no gap.

After that, Doffy controls the Bird Cage and makes it stop moving. Now the bird cage doesn't get smaller and just acts like a real cage. Then Doffy dashes away from his spot. He runs in the air using the strings as fast as he can to get out of the cage and leave the island.

"Trying to escape from me? How funny."

Buggy can sense Doffy getting away at a high speed now. He isn't surprised at all because he knows Doffy is someone who will move when his chance of success is high. Right now, Doffy's winning chance is very slim, so he plans to escape first and will fight Buggy when he's ready.

But Buggy never planned to let him go after what he did to Flintstone. Buggy unsheathes one of his short swords and locks Doffy's presence with his Observation Haki. Then Buggy swings his short sword calmly toward Doffy.

There's no flashy slash energy blade coming out of his short sword. But the massive string ball suddenly gets cut, followed by the bird cage at the side of where Doffy is gone. Doffy's sense of danger is tingling, making him look back even though he has gone quite far from the island.

He is confused because there's nothing behind him. But then his body suddenly gets cut in half without any sign of getting hit. It shocks him, but he moves really fast to save himself. He uses his strings to tie his lower & upper body, avoiding falling into the sea. Even Buggy is impressed by Doffy's quick move to save himself. But Buggy doesn't just send 1 attack, he sends a few invisible slashes that manage to chop Doffy's body into a few big parts.

Amazingly, Doffy manages to tie his chopped body with strings he attaches to the clouds, so his body parts are hanging in the air now. He tries to reconnect them again, but his opponent has arrived before he finishes.

Buggy is floating in front of him using Chop Chop Fruit's awakened ability that allows him to float up to 20 meters above the ground. But he ran here using the modified Geppo that was created by Cricket the Martial Art Master.

"You think you can run from me, Doflamingo? I've let you go many times because I thought you could be an interesting opponent who would entertain me. But you just grew this much after all these years. Very disappointing."

Buggy grabs Doffy's head with his left hand before swiping his right hand at Doffy's chopped body, chopping it even smaller. He also cuts the strings that tie Doffy's body to the clouds so he can control the chopped body parts.

Buggy runs in the air again, back to the island with Doffy's head in his left hand and Doffy's chopped body parts floating behind him. But then he suddenly stops and looks back to the sea because he feels something approaching from afar.

"Oh? What a timing. They really know their stuff."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded Chapter 541. Hunting Criminals

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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