Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 39: Snake’s Friend

Chapter 39: Snake's Friend

Buggy gets cut in half by the harpoon and lay 'dead' on the ground. Cricket didn't know what his captain is planning right now, but he know that it's his chance to move. The snake & soldiers think that Buggy is really dead though.



The snake takes her head closer to Buggy and seems sad. But then she realizes that Buggy is still breathing. She also realizes that there's no blood on where he get cut. She's confused and starts to inspect Buggy from every angle.

"What happens with that snake?"-Soldier 1

"Maybe he's trying to wake that dead guy up."-Soldier 2

"Don't worry, that guy is still alive, and that snake is a 'she', idiots."-Cricket suddenly appear behind them

""Huh?""-Soldier 1 & 2

*BANG BANG* Cricket shoots the 2 soldiers with his pistols on the chest and makes them fall.



"Since you guys get distracted by me."-Buggy

Buggy suddenly wakes up and throws some Muggy Balls to the soldiers. The soldiers can't process what happen and didn't realize the balls that Buggy threw at them.


The Muggy Balls explode and defeat many soldiers. Buggy then throws more Muggy Balls to the cannons and breaks their stands. Cricket also starts shooting many times toward the soldiers from behind. The 2 pirates have pinched the soldiers from 2 sides.

"SHIT! ATTACK! ATTACK THEM BACK!"-Dagel command his men

"Oi Snake, don't just stay there and attack these guys too!"-Buggy

The giant snake comes to her sense and attacks the soldiers with her tail. The soldiers get more panic and their formation is breaking apart. Dagel tries to calm his men, but they can't even hear him because they're too panicked.


"Yeah, just like their commander."-Buggy suddenly appear behind Dagel

"Wha- Ugh!"-Dagel turn around, only to meet with Buggy's punch on his face

Dagel flings back and flies in the air before crashing into a tree. Dagel's head is the only place that isn't covered with armor, so Buggy aims it. Dagel's face bruised very badly that it seems to dent a little and his nose is broken too.


Dagel tries to get up, but Buggy has walked up to him. Buggy squats in front of Dagel and laughs sinisterly.


"W-what do you want?"-Dagel seem frightened

"Nothing, I just wonder if your armor is expensive, it looks good after all."-Buggy


Buggy grabs Dagel's armor and takes it off from him. Dagel tries to fight back, so Buggy punches his head to knock him out. Then Buggy pick up Dagel that didn't have his armor & weapon by his leg.

"U-ugh, d-damn you!"-Dagel wake up

"Ooh, you wake up at the right time. OI SNAKE!"-Buggy call the snake that still attacking the soldiers with Cricket


"Can you make him fly?"-Buggy grin

"D-don't tell me?!"-Dagel

"Hisss!"-The snake nod


Buggy throws Dagel to the sky and the snake uses her tail to slap Dagel as hard as she could.



Dagel flies away toward the sea and disappears like a star.

"Ooh, a homerun."-Buggy

""COMMANDER!""-Remaining 13 soldiers

"Now, did any one of you want to continue?"-Buggy grin

The remaining 13 soldiers shiver and shake their heads very fast.

"Then, scram from here, and take your friends with you! But leave your weapons, bullets, & armors!"-Buggy said with a sinister smile

The soldiers shiver and nod like chickens. They immediately take off their armor & weapons. They also take off their defeated friends' armors & weapons before running away.

"You even have time to rob them in this situation."-Cricket

"We can't return empty-handed after all, this is better than nothing."-Buggy

"I guess you're right."-Cricket


"Don't worry! We won't take your treasure with us. However, I think that you need to leave this place. They will send more men to attack later."-Buggy

"Hiss hiss!"-The Snake shakes her head

"You can't? Because of that coffin?"-Buggy

"Hissss!"-Snake nod

"You want us to follow you?"-Buggy

"Hiss."-The snake nod

"Sigh, fine."-Buggy

The snake slithered back to the cave, and the 2 pirates follow her. They go to the big room and approach the crate & coffin. The snake asks Buggy to open the coffin, so he opens it.

Inside the coffin is a skeleton with a red pirate captain's attire. The skeleton is in bad condition with broken bones even though it still looks to be a few years old. There's also a paper inside, so Buggy takes it and reads the writing. The ink & paper's condition isn't that good, but he still can read it.

[To the one who opens the letter,

My name is Tarmad, the captain of Whistle Pirates. I'll make it short, my crew was destroyed, by those damn World Nobles who came across us on the sea. They see us as pests that passed through their way, so they order their men to attack us. We were powerless against the WG's agents.]

[Only I survived the incident, and by pure luck, I was drifted to this cave through the hole under the sea. I met a big snake & a treasure crate in here. The snake almost attacked me because she thought I will take the treasure.]

[However, it won't be needed because I was gravely injured. A dying man doesn't need treasures, and the snake knows it. So she didn't eat me, and slowly we became friends. I named her Salaki, and she like it. I'm glad that I will have a friend on my last days.]

[Still, my biggest regret is to not be able to return to my family, to not be able to see my wife & son again. If you read this letter, please send this to my family in Ruji Village. I can't offer anything, but I will be glad if you're willing to do it.]

"Hmm, the date of this letter is 5 years ago. No wonder he has turned into a skeleton."-Buggy

The snake, Salaki suddenly pushes the crate closer to Buggy.

"You want to give me the treasure crate as long as I send his corpse back to his family?"-Buggy

"Hisss."-Salaki nod

"Are you sure? You've been protecting this crate for a long time right?"-Buggy

"Hisss."-Salako nod firmly

Buggy look at the Snake's eyes that look firm with her decision.

"Fine, I'll help you. We're planning to visit every island on West Blue anyway, so carrying him along isn't a hard job."-Buggy Salaki gets happy, so she rubs her nose to Buggy's cheek, and lick him.

"Stop it! You're not a dog."-Buggy

"Are you sure, Captain?"-Cricket

"Yeah, she paid us with treasures to send his corpse, so we need to do it. There's nothing free in the world, we need to work for it."-Buggy

"Well, you're the captain, so you make the decision."-Cricket

"Alright snakey, you go to the west coast where our ship is located, but don't come out from the water or you'll scare my crew on the ship. You can keep the crate & coffin in your mouth to keep it safe. We will leave soon before the Kingdom chase us again."-Buggy

Salaki nod and take the crate & coffin to her mouth and dive to the lake. Buggy & Cricket also get out from the cave and take the loots before leaving. They return to their ship as fast as possible before the Kingdom gets them.

"Oh Captain, you've returned."-Mantis

"There's no time for it, we need to sail now."-Buggy

Buggy & Cricket get on the ship, pull up the anchor, and unfurl the sail. They sail away right on time when many soldiers march to the coast to attack them.

"Jude, set our destination to Ruji Village!"-Buggy

"Yes, Captain."-Jude

So with that, the Clown Pirates have a new task to send a corpse back to its home.


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