Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 3: The Great Pirate Era

Chapter 3: The Great Pirate Era

Buggy's training on Polestar Island, where Loguetown is located have started. He have 1 year to train in here before Roger's execution. He plan to go somewhere else after that.

Buggy train following the routine that were used by Rayleigh to train him & Shanks. He just raise the difficulty by adding weights or increasing the set number. He also try to hunt animals for his food to save up money and train his skills.

For weapon, Buggy use single edged shortsword now instead of knife. The old Buggy is proficient at knife, but knife isn't to his current self's liking. He like shortsword more, as it's longer, bigger, and tougher. Beside, when he try the short sword, he instantly like it.

"Hmm, these swords are cheap, so the quality is standard, but i think it's enough for now. I need to save up money for the future too."-Buggy

Buggy have a lot of money now after Roger divided their wealth among the crew. He know he can spend it, but Buggy want to save it first. If he want to make a crew, he will need money to buy a ship, which is not cheap at all, so he'll save up money as much as he can.

"I'm not Luffy that have the luck to get a free ship after saving a village, so i'll need to buy one, which is very expensive. Sigh, this thinking about money really hurt my head."-Buggy

Buggy forget about that and continue his training. He'll think about it when the time have come. For now, he need to train and be strong, so he'll be able to protect himself & his crew.

Buggy train his body, his knife skills, and of course his devil fruit. He try to explore his devil fruit's ability by trying many things. Now he know that he can split himself into a very thin layer like a paper. However, he still can't split himself into too many parts because the more he split, the more concentration he need.

Buggy will raise his devil fruit proficiency by splitting himself into more parts from now on. The more parts that he split, also mean smaller parts. His goal is to be able to split his body into cellular level. If he can split into cellular level, he will be like a logia.

Of course his ultimate goal is not just that, but awakening. He can predict what his devil fruit awakening will be. He might be able to split other things around him. He just doesn't know to what extent his ability will work.

Buggy also find some strength & weakness of his devil fruit. For strength, it's mainly his splitting, & levitation. For weakness, it's his levitation range, he need to leave his feet on the ground to levitate, and of course seawater & seastone. He also can be said to be immune to sharp weapons, but not blunt weapons.

Buggy plan to keep training his devil fruit for six months. He will start training haki for the next 6 months. He know haki training is very hard, but at least he want to know the basic on his 6 months of haki training. At the very least, he want to be able to use a little observation haki, and maybe colourless armament that allow him to touch devil fruit user's real body.

~1 Year Later~

The world is in turmoil because of Roger's capture. Then today, Pirate King Roger will be executed on his birthplace, Loguetown. Many people come here to watch this legendary event with their own eyes.

Shanks also came yesterday, and he already met with Buggy. He spent the night in Buggy's shack, but they didn't talk much. This event is not a happy event for them after all.

At the execution day, everyone gather on the plaza. Execution platform has been built specially for this. Everyone anticipated the arrival of Pirate King. Then soon after that, Roger come, he's handcuffed and have a lot of guards. Everyone watch intensely & they hold their breath as Roger walk. The man who have everything in this world, is walking on his end of road. Shanks & Buggy also watch this, but they're standing rather far behind, near a building.

"Buggy, are you sure about this?"-Shanks

"Of course, this is Captain's last voyage, so we will part with smile. Because Pirate King's crew will never cry."-Buggy

Buggy have prepared something special for this day. He want to send Roger on his last voyage with something that he'll love. He have prepared this since last month before the Marine announce about this execution.

Soon, the execution will start, and Roger have sit on the platform. Buggy & Shanks have their eyes wet, but they try to hold it in. Roger is still smiling even in the face of death. This is the man that both of them respect a lot, never waver in the face of death and keep smiling.

"Let's get over this!"-Roger

The executioner get ready to start their execution. Buggy know it's the time, before someone from the crowd shout and ask Roger about One Piece. Buggy control his wrist that fly high above him to pull a rope that attached to a wide cloth roll.

When Buggy pull the rope, the cloth roll open and show it's content. The location of the cloth is on the building in front of the execution platform, so Roger will be able to see it. The cloth is actually the worn out sail that have all Roger pirates' autographs. Buggy even add something on the top of the autographs.

"Hmm? What's that?"-Executioner A

The cloth have a sentence like this:


Roger see this and widen his eyes, then he see 2 figure run away from under the cloth and blend to the crowd.



The crowd is in turmoil when they see this. They look around themselves and try to find Roger Pirates members. They know that it must be from Roger's crew.

The Roger Pirates that came & hide themselves cursed at Buggy & Shanks. They've hide themselves well, but those 2 are creating trouble. However, they're happy too because they can give a proper farewell to their Captain with this.

The Marine then burn the cloth and the execution will resume. Now they need to start over again with the procedure. The Marine want to try searching for Roger's crew, but they need to start the execution first. They just need to raise their guard to avoid trouble again.

The execution is about to start, but then someone shout from the crowd. He ask about the legendary treasure that Roger found. Buggy then see this legendary moment with his own eyes, this is even more epic than what he watch in the anime.

"My treasures? If you want it, i'll give it to you. FIND IT! I LEAVE EVERYTHING IN THAT PLACE."-Roger

The executioner can't let him say anything else, and immediately stab him. However, they're late, because Roger have finished his sentence. The crowd then cheer at Roger's last words about the One Piece. The Marine & WG aren't happy by this though, and know it will be bad.

Then contrast to the cheering crowd, the Roger Pirates who came cry silently. Buggy & Shanks also have tears on their eyes. But they can't stay there any longer now, because the Marine will try to search for Roger's crew.

"Buggy, do you want to sail with me?"-Shanks

"Sorry, but i want to make my own crew."-Buggy

"Is that so? Alright then, see you again, Buggy."-Shanks

"Yeah, see you again, Shanks. Let's show the world what Pirate King's apprentices can do."-Buggy

Buggy and Shanks then go to their separate ways. They leave Loguetown and go to their own destination. Everyone else also leave the Loguetown, and many people have a new goal now.

Roger's words will change the world and create a new era. Many people start to become pirates in search for Pirate King Roger's treasure, One Piece. Thus, The Great Pirate Era, have started.


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