To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 52: Beyond The Borders (1)

As soon as day broke, they finished their preparations to head to the Holy Kingdom.

Before leaving, they exchanged greetings with the Grand Duke and his relatives, including a customary farewell, and then they departed from the Silos Duchy.

The Grand Duke’s gaze on Ray was rather unusual, as if he harbored some unspeakable thoughts after yesterday’s splendid ‘fireworks’. Such an unnerving look from the Grand Duke made Ray break into a cold sweat.

‘There’s no way the Grand Duke has… such a hobby…’

The mere thought of it sent shivers down his spine, so he shook off the disturbing imagination.

After all, they had cured the princess, and even received an expensive bribe(?) - a ring, to be precise.

Thanks to the abundant supplies and financial support provided by the Grand Duke, their journey proceeded smoothly.

The ample supplies they had made it unnecessary to stop by any villages, which gave them a different feeling even when they had to sleep outdoors.

Sleeping in proper sleeping bags instead of just wrapping themselves in tents brought them unparalleled joy.

As time passed, most of the dispatched soldiers fell asleep, unable to stay awake. Or rather, it would be more appropriate to say they chose not to sleep.

They grouped up in threes and fives, engrossed in their chess games.

The intense matches, indifferent to gender, were reminiscent of a battlefield.

Watching the game from the modern world become increasingly popular in this otherworldly place felt quite surreal.

As he threw more firewood into the fire, female priests gathered around him as if they had been waiting for him.

“Saint, would you like to play a game with us?”

Their intention was obviously the game of chess. Rumors had spread from the Duchy, claiming that the saint had invented the game of chess.

Thus, the dispatched soldiers were always curious about his skills, but none dared to challenge the saint, choosing instead to simply observe from a distance.

But now, the female priests had taken the initiative to speak to the saint. It was a spectacle that couldn’t be missed.

Knights and priests from the surroundings put away their games and gathered to watch him.

Even Iriel had never seen his skills in person, so she too watched with interest.

Ray chuckled at the sight.

“Shall we?”


Swallowing their anticipation, they prepared to witness the saint’s skills firsthand.

Although no one had asked, a chessboard and seemingly hand-carved pieces appeared on the scene.

Ray pointed to the chessboard and asked.

“Did you make this yourself?”


A robust knight proudly answered.

“Well done. The shapes are quite similar.”

For a first attempt, it was quite commendable. Of course, he had never made one before, but since he was familiar with the shape of chess pieces, the result was more than satisfactory.

While admiring the chess pieces, they set up the game.

“Go, Siri! Do your best!”

“You can do it if you show your usual skills!”

A chorus of encouragement rang out, and the female priest named Siri spoke nervously.

“Saint, may I make the first move?”

Her competitive spirit was palpable. Ray nodded.

“Please go ahead.”

“Thank you.”

She greeted him and moved her piece.

Ray too advanced his pawn.

Everyone held their breath and watched.

But just as the game had started, Siri lost without even realizing what had happened.

The onlookers were astounded.

“Did Siri lose?”

“In just four turns…?”

Everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes at the unprecedented game.

With the cooperation of the bishop and the queen, Siri’s king was left with no choice but to offer its neck.

“The kingdom of Siri has fallen…”

What Ray used was a good move against beginners. There were even people who would be fooled by it two or three times depending on the opponent. It was a commonly used move.

Siri awkwardly organized her words and bowed her head.

“Good, good… fight.”

“It was a good match.”

Ray bowed once more and then sat down around the bonfire, just as he had in the beginning.

Respect filled their eyes as they looked at him.

Their expressions mirrored the look in Hopel’s eyes from the previous night.


“As expected from the inventor…”

“I never thought of such a tactic.”

But they didn’t stop there.

More challengers continued to appear.

“Saint! Please play with me this time!”

It wasn’t a difficult task. Moreover, playing games with them wasn’t unpleasant.

Ray readily nodded.


After that, he defeated all the priests and paladins who were somewhat good at chess among the dispatched soldiers.

He had enjoyed chess so much that he had won awards in tournaments when he was actively playing.

Even though he hadn’t played since he decided to go to medical school and began studying, his skills hadn’t diminished.

For a skilled player like him, the tactics of those who had just started playing chess were easy to dismantle.

Their armies were quickly defeated without even having the time to feel frustrated, and soon, there were no more challengers left for Ray.

He felt a sense of nostalgia playing chess after a long time.

‘Come to think of it, this was fun back then.’

He thought as he stoked the bonfire.

Whether he was lost in nostalgia or not, the proud dispatched soldiers of the holy kingdom were left scratching their heads.

“So many have challenged…”

“Undefeated in all games… that’s a fitting title for the Saint…”

At least twenty people had challenged the Saint, but none of them managed to put up a fight, let alone win.

The Saint’s army advanced relentlessly, pushing back the others.

It was as if he was a god of war born for battle.

The female priests were also in a frenzy.

“Siri lost…”

“She was the best among us.”

“And to lose in just four turns… I can’t believe it…”

She twitched every time she heard those words.

Watching the game continuously, Iriel smiled with her unique smile.

She didn’t challenge him because she somehow knew this would happen. What would happen if she were thoroughly defeated and lost face as a saint?

It would undoubtedly be a huge embarrassment.

Three days had passed since they sent another letter to the holy kingdom and set off.

The road they took after crossing the border of the Siri kingdom was not well-made, so it took time to travel.

Moreover, monsters started appearing.

There weren’t many monsters that dared to touch such a large army, but it was a different story for hungry monsters.

Right then, with their stomachs growling as if they were about to die of hunger, there was no monster in this world that could suppress its appetite upon seeing humans appear before its eyes.

Three gigantic ogres, each over five meters tall, blocked their path.

Upon seeing this, the leading knights tensed up greatly.

“Everyone, get in line! It’s a monster!”



With a loud battle cry, the knights drew their swords.

The sight of their sharp swords being drawn all at once was truly magnificent.

Ray spoke to Iriel, who was leisurely sitting in the carriage.

“Do we have to go out there?”

Iriel tilted her head in confusion.

“It’s the army’s role to subdue the monsters, isn’t it…?”

“If we kill them quickly, we can start moving faster.”

“Just because we can kill them quickly doesn’t mean the command system will move faster. That could actually slow us down.”

Ray nodded in agreement to Iriel’s words.

Even if a commander could kill more enemies during a war, why would they step back? That was what military command was.

There was a big difference between commanding from the front lines and commanding while looking at the overall situation.

Moreover, to a large-scale military force like theirs, these three ogres seemed no different than monsters rushing to their deaths. That’s why Iriel also chose to remain seated.

Iriel’s actions, which seemed natural, were backed by clear thoughts and judgments.

Ray looked at the knights outside the window.

“I’ve heard that one ogre is as strong as one sword user… Should I go out and watch?”

In any case, Iriel was the one in command. There wouldn’t be a problem even if he wasn’t by her side.

Moreover, while they had passed by some monsters when they went through the elf forest, they hadn’t encountered them face-to-face, so he wanted to see them properly at least once.

As he stepped out of the carriage, Iriel asked from inside.

“Where are you going?”

“To see what the monster looks like.”

“You can see it from inside the carriage, though?”

“It feels more real when you look at it up close.”

Iriel nodded at his words.

There wasn’t a trace of worry on her face as she watched him.

After all, he was a leading figure in the field of magic for his age. He wasn’t someone she needed to worry about.

She politely bid him farewell.

“Take care.”


Looking around, Ray saw that the priests and clerics were casting blessings on the leading knights.

“May the grace of God be with you, and may your strength be at its fullest… Bless!”

With their blessings, the knights’ power surged greatly.

“Middle guards, protect the priests and clerics!”


Three ogres. Certainly, they weren’t weak monsters. But compared to their current military strength, they were nothing more than moths drawn to a flame.

Nevertheless, they fought earnestly despite the overwhelming difference in military strength.



The ogres threw whatever they could grab at them with loud roars.

Given their size, the force behind whatever they threw was not to be underestimated.

The middle guards slashed away everything that came flying at them with their swords.

The back guards carefully used their swords to ensure there was no damage.

This series of actions was indeed worthy of being called elite.

But it was strange.

There were only three ogres, but the group opposing them was having quite a hard time.

Ray tilted his head as he watched the scene unfold.

‘Were ogres always this strong?’

Even though ogres were known to be powerful among monsters, their current level of strength seemed inexplicable.

The group’s paladins radiated an aura and had even received blessings, yet they merely blocked the attacks with their hands.

The aura was strong enough to slice through rocks with ease, yet it was being deflected barehanded. It was impossible to gauge just how tough their skin was.

The formation of the paladins was significantly disrupted by a single gesture from an ogre.

At that moment, Helio, who commanded the group’s paladin brigade, shouted,

“Do not scatter! We must not let them break through our backlines! Behind us are the two saints… kugh!”

He couldn’t complete his sentence because an ogre charged at him immediately.


Seeing the ogre swing its large arm with a bizarre scream, no one dared to step in its path.

But if he were to dodge it, the clerics and priests behind him, along with the saints, would be in danger.

He, a proud paladin of the holy kingdom, couldn’t stand by and watch as something threatened the representatives of God.

So, he didn’t back down. Instead, he advanced, sword leading the way.

The ogre’s arm collided with Helio’s sword, sending him flying.


His intuition, honed on the battlefield and during countless encounters with monsters, warned him.

This attack was incredibly dangerous. If he faced it head-on, even his aura-enveloped sword wouldn’t be able to withstand the impact.

But the person he had been trying to protect appeared behind him.

“What a strong ogre, huh?”

Ray looked at the ogre’s hand with a curious expression.

It was as if he was saying, ‘Isn’t the puppy barking quite well?’ with a calm tone.

With those words, Ray positioned himself in the line of the ogre’s attack.

Helio felt his hair stand on end.

‘Saint! Why are you here?’

The saint was supposed to be inside the carriage with the saintess, so why had he emerged?

Certainly, he hadn’t come to help them. With his level of magic that, at best, could only light a fire, he wouldn’t be of much use against such a formidable opponent.

Grinding his teeth, Helio abandoned his defense. His sword was now solely devoted to ensuring the saint’s safety.

The ogre’s hand, powered by tremendous force, was about to crush him.

But it couldn’t be helped. Becoming minced meat for God’s representative was far better than the alternative.

Moreover, Helio had mentally submitted to the saint. He wanted to believe what the saint had said.

However, the attack that he thought was absolutely unstoppable halted at the saint’s single word.



A booming sound rang out, and the ogre’s arm, which was expected to blow away everything, was pitifully bounced off.

The rebounding force was so strong that the ogre’s shoulder dislocated.


The painful scream of the ogre drew the attention of the other ogres that were pressing the group.



Although it was unclear what they were saying, after a brief exchange, they charged at Ray.


Thump- Thump-

The ground shook as the massive bodies, over 5 meters tall, charged forward.

The group’s faces turned pale at the sight of the terrifying charge.

The ogres, ignoring even the sword aura, were rushing towards the saint.

Just as the group’s paladins, firmly gripping their swords, were about to step forward to protect the saint.


After tying the ogre’s feet with magic, the ogres, unable to maintain their balance due to their speed, fell to the ground.

Without missing the opportunity, he manifested his magic.

“Earth Spear.”

Pointed spears that sprouted from the ground pierced through the ogres’ faces and vital blood vessels as they fell.

The ogre, its shoulder dislocated, stood still, pierced from the sole of its foot to its thigh.



A truly cruel scene unfolded.

As the ogres flailed about, speared, Ray cast another spell.


Fire ignited on the wounds, and their hides began to burn. The ogres, who had been wailing in pain, soon fell silent.

The entire process flowed naturally, as though it had been preplanned.

Those who were directly confronting the ogres were speechless.

Although they had prepared for some degree of damage, given the ogres’ strength, Ray effortlessly killed all three ogres without so much as lifting a finger.

All in less than a minute.



Dumbfounded, they blankly stared at the person they were supposed to protect.

Protect? To hell with that.

That one person was likely stronger than all of the paladins of the detachment combined.

Who were they trying to protect? As they pondered this, Ray approached the ogre he had killed, poked its hide and remarked,

“It’s really tough.”

‘It would make a better bulletproof vest than the real thing, wouldn’t it?’

As he thought this and wondered what monster meat tasted like, Herio approached him and bowed.

“Sir, we have received your grace. Thank you.”

“Grace? We all help each other live.”

The sight of Ray casually waving his hand after turning the ogre into a bloody mess was hardly saintly.

But most of the detachment had seen it.

The fact that he had manifested a fourth-circle magic, Earth Spear, with just a trigger word.

‘At least a fifth-circle master?’

‘The saint is only fifteen years old…’

Their gaze was similar to when they saw Ray unfold an explosion with just a trigger word.

‘The saint doesn’t need divine power. In fact, divine power would only get in the way.’

If someone had heard this, they would have been reprimanded.

An incredible amount of divine power is bestowed upon a saint. Who would consider that a hindrance?

However, most of them couldn’t prevent such thoughts from arising.

After all, granting mana and divine power to a prodigy who became a fifth-circle master at the age of fifteen was a historical loss.

If gods could think, this should not have happened.

Without even having time to recognize the blasphemous thoughts that emerged in their minds, Ray spoke,

“We should depart quickly before other monsters arrive.”

Snapping back to reality, they promptly started to move.

“Everyone, mount up! We’re leaving immediately!”



“Hey, move that carriage!”

Concerned that more monsters might appear, they moved in perfect order.

Yet, the battle from just moments ago still echoed in their minds.

Ray, having encountered the ogre up close, calmly got into the carriage.

Watching him enter the carriage as if he had just returned from a leisurely walk, Iriel shook her head.

Now she understood the full extent of Ray’s magical power.

Of course, there was no need to conceal it, but there was also no benefit in it becoming widely known.

With that, Iriel sighed.

“Go ahead and spread the word all over town.”

That evening, the town was buzzing with stories about Ray.

Of course, they claimed to be speaking quietly, but with so many people talking, the events of the afternoon were vividly recounted.

“How many circles does the saint have, I wonder?”

“He must surely be a fifth-circle master at the very least, right?”

“No one knows for certain. What if he has surpassed the human limit of the sixth circle…”

“Indeed… He didn’t show any signs of struggle even when using fourth-circle magic…”

“What can you do about it… Now that his mana is disappearing and being replaced with divine power.”

Sighs of regret filled the air at the last comment.

The age of magic, when magic was at its peak, might have returned.

The mage tower might have been resurrected, and magic might have prevailed over swordsmanship.

But fate is a peculiar thing, and he was chosen to be a saint.

Despite the incredible title of God’s representative, their regret only deepened.

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