To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 228: Sowing Discord (2)

Ever since then, news of the masked individual incessantly spread.

The masked one wandered around in a drunken state, openly displaying his longing for the outside world and gradually inciting the people.

He protested against injustice and criticized irrationality.

Acting as though he were on the side of justice, he captured the people’s attention without facing criticism.

Feeling the severity of the situation, the subordinates belatedly began to act.

As a countermeasure, the subordinates dispatched people to capture the unidentified masked individual, but he was so quick-witted that he simply ran away when capture seemed likely.

Catching him, who appeared and disappeared unpredictably, was a futile effort.

After a few days of stirring up the village, voices of protest began to emerge.

“Come to think of it… why must we be confined here?”

“If you think about it, we are children of the gods!”

“Wouldn’t it be more efficient to protect the outside than to stay in here?”

“To hell with the hero’s lineage! Should we try going outside ourselves?”

“Shh! If you say such things, the subordinates won’t sit idly by.”

There were whispered rumors, but their hearts gradually leaned towards the outside.

As the number of such people grew, and the subordinates’ control became ineffective, news about the masked individual ceased.

As if someone had intended it that way.

He took off the black mask and threw it into a bush.

“Phew, it’s too suffocating to use.”

Made of crude fabric, it had no ventilation.

Ray, who had played the masked individual, had planted the fantasy of the world beyond the sea in their minds.

Of course, eliciting such a response would have been impossible if he had spoken without any preparation.

The breakthrough he thought of was ‘politics,’ which he had extremely disliked when he lived in modern times.

He approached the current migration issue politically, indirectly striking at his subordinates.

Revolutions typically begin with someone’s incitement.

Scratch their itchy spot a little, and they will continue to scratch even without further prompting.

As the movement grows, they may eventually assert their own rights and establish sovereignty.

The most straightforward approach for the people now is justification.

The justification that they don’t have to remain confined here.

Unless the Goddess Priyas commanded, “Stay stuck here,” there’s no issue.

Thus, it can be said that justification has been established.

With desire and possibility, human action tends to increase proportionally.

The desire to venture outside.

The possibility of that desire becoming reality.

Now that both are heightened, the people will likely move on their own, even if the masked individual no longer appears.

With the chapter turned, he too had to alter his actions.

The masked individual wouldn’t always relinquish control so easily.

He etched into the ground the direction the subordinates should move, as though jotting down a quick note.

“If they think of an easy way out, they might try to suppress us by force. That would backfire, though. Or perhaps the subordinates will request a dialogue? Maybe they’ll come looking for me.”

Hael already knew about him.

So, he would also know that he was the masked individual.

But he had already devised a countermeasure for that.

All that was left was to wait for the people to rise up.

“That kid has finally stirred up trouble,”

Hael said, holding her forehead and sighing.

It was impossible to discern what he was thinking.

What did he want by entering this mad sea alone to lead everyone outside?

Partially aware of the whole story, she had no choice but to inform the subordinates.

As she convened a meeting and shared the issue, she noticed frowns forming here and there.

“Coming from outside… Do you expect us to believe that now?”

“No one can cross this sea. Well, maybe the Spirit Tribe Leader could.”

Hael shook her head at their words.

“I don’t know either. I can hardly believe it myself, but that’s all I can tell you.”

“If what Elder Hael says is true, then the masked individual must be that boy.”

“…I don’t understand why he would come to this island.”

“I don’t know either. Simply put, it seems he needs the existence known as the hero’s lineage…”

“First, let’s make sure this doesn’t reach the Spirit Tribe Leader. Given his deep affection for the island…”

In the hushed atmosphere, the elders nodded.

“Since the issue is not progressing, it might be faster to call the person concerned. Let’s bring that boy here. Elder Hael, you can handle this, can’t you?”

It’s your mess, you clean it up.

As the elders looked at her with such eyes, she had no choice but to agree.

“Let’s do that.”

Ray was comfortably lounging in Hael’s house.

After all, he had to face her soon.

Seeing him lying in a comfortable position with his legs crossed, Hael frowned as she opened the door.

“You look very comfortable, don’t you?”

“Ah, you’re here? If I’m lying down, I might as well relax.”

He spoke while yawning, showing a knack for irritating people.

“I feel like I’m getting more tired because of you. Let’s cut to the chase. You’re the masked individual, aren’t you?”

“That’s right. Want to try it on?”

He pulled out a sweaty piece of black cloth from his pocket, which seemed to emit a foul odor.

“No thanks. What’s your intention?”


“Going around with a mask, telling people about the outside world.”

“Ah, I was just sharing my thoughts. Are we making a fuss over that?”

If he was just expressing his thoughts, there shouldn’t be a problem.

But if it moved people’s hearts, that was a different story.

“Isn’t that quite intentional! At this time, you had to cross this mad sea to share your thoughts?”

“Wherever I am, that’s my prerogative.”

He was stubborn and willful.

His attitude had distinctly changed from before.

“You’re like a slippery eel. The subordinates have been ordered to bring you in. Of course, it’s up to you, but I can’t guarantee your safety if you refuse.”

Ray nodded at her serious words.

It was as he had expected.

No one would choose a difficult path when there was an easy one.

‘I thought it would take a few more days to face the leaders. It seems like their system is well-organized?’

He slowly rose from his relaxed position.

“Then give me until tomorrow.”

“You wouldn’t answer even if I asked why, right?”

“Impressive. You’ve read my mind.”

“I can’t even guess what’s going on in your head.”

“Sometimes I can’t understand it myself.”

He left Hael’s house, spitting out those words.

The light-hearted face, chuckling and joking, had vanished; the expression he showed as he turned away from Hael was dead serious.

He began his final preparations.

Thud. Thud.

He kicked at three figures lying in the bushes, looking like beggars.

“…Who dares to kick the Saintess with their feet!”

Iriel snapped back sharply, only to receive a reply.

“It’s the Saint.”

“Ah, Ray!”

“Keep it down. If we get caught, it’s over.”

Speaking, they walked through a dark part of the forest they had previously learned.

“Follow me. Now is the time you’re needed.”

“That’s too much! After ignoring me until now! This beast! A fake Saint! Just a strong monster!”

Ray considered attending to Iriel for a moment but shook his head, dismissing the thought.

There was no time for that.

After walking for a while, Ray reached a gloomy, dark swamp and pulled out a black mask from his pocket.

He handed it to Soyeong and said, “Put this on your face.”


Soyeong asked, confused.

A piece of cloth, with a distinctly musty smell and more suitable for a rag than a mask, was pushed towards her, sparking resistance.

She pretended not to understand, but it didn’t work.

“It’s an order.”


Like a demon trapped by sacred metal, she grudgingly picked up the mask.

It felt as if her hand was rotting the moment she touched it.

The mask’s clammy texture was unbearably disgusting.

Carefully putting it on, she became a perfect masked figure.



Unable to hold back laughter at Soyeong’s grotesque appearance, Ray nodded.

“This is yours.”

“…My Lord.”

“It’s yours.”

“…I accept your command.”

Strangely, her mask was in worse condition.

“Be careful not to get caught by the surroundings. I dropped it in the swamp once, so you might want to wash your face after using it.”


Heukyeong looked disappointed.

Ray gave everyone their tasks.

“Soyeong and Heukyeong, wear the masks and scream as dawn breaks, saying how you long for the outside world and didn’t want to be born here.”

“…I apologize, but why must we do this?”

“To understand the nobleman’s intent, one must look ahead. You’ll understand in time.”

He didn’t hesitate to call himself a nobleman.

He must have sold the last bit of his conscience to the devil.

The receivers of the command bowed their heads in obedience.

“Soyeong, I clearly understand the command.”

“I accept the command of the Saint.”

As the two disappeared into the darkness wearing their ludicrous masks, Ray told Iriel,

“Follow me. Be careful not to get caught.”

“I feel like I’m going to end up in more danger.”

“If it’s Iriel, it’s always dangerous. Ah, don’t glare at me like that. I even made a hiding place myself.”

He led the way cautiously, deeper into the forest.

There, a crudely built wooden hut stood.

The hiding place, barely big enough for one person to lie down, could hardly be described as carefully built.

It was more like a few planks hastily thrown together.

As Iriel looked at him expectantly for an explanation, he just shrugged.

“It’s a bit small. Do you see that big tree house in front of us?”

“That’s a big tree house. Unlike this one.”

“Don’t complain. Just lie here and wait. When I signal, heal me.”

“Pfft. As if the Saint would get hurt.”

“Just in case. My life is precious.”

“Fine. If I lie down and fall asleep, that’ll be quite a sight.”

“Want me to cast a spell to keep you awake?”

“No thanks.”

After shoving Iriel into the self-made hiding place, Ray cast magic around it.


After taking several precautions, Ray hurried down the mountain.

There was a mountain of tasks to do in the middle of the night.

‘Now, it’s time for the people here to act, not me.’

His figure leaped down from the mountain.

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