To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 207: Hometown

Ray, having arrived at Silia Kingdom Castle in the afternoon, quickly packed a small bag and dashed out.

There was no time for escorts or any other arrangements.

Some commotion arose due to the Saint’s sudden disappearance, but it subsided after Iriel intervened.

“Always causing trouble,” she muttered.

What else could be done?

Returning to one’s hometown is always a thrill, no matter the circumstances.

After Ray’s departure, Iriel busied herself with preparations for the next pilgrimage.

Their next destination lay on a different continent.

Therefore, they needed to travel by ship.

She sighed while reviewing the parchment.

“Priyas Holy Kingdom, huh…”

If the Gaia Holy Kingdom lay in the eastern continent, then the Priyas Holy Kingdom was to the west.

Priyas, the Goddess of Trials and Tribulations, and sister to Gaia, presided over hardships, in contrast to Gaia’s abundance.

The distance between the continents seemed overwhelmingly vast, even if one were to exaggerate.

Faeya gently patted Iriel’s slumped shoulders.

“Think of it as just a slightly longer journey, and you’ll feel better.”

“A journey… I do like journeys… It’s just that it’s to the Priyas Holy Kingdom that bothers me…”

“Why? Do you have unpleasant memories in Priyas?”

At Faeya’s question, Iriel shuddered without responding.

“Unpleasant memories… Are you referring to when I was forced to fast to understand the hunger of the starving? Or when I had to spend an entire week in a cave to appreciate everyday comforts?”


“Or perhaps when I was plunged into a scalding hot spring to kindle fervent faith…? Which incident are you alluding to?”


Faeya found herself at a loss for words.

She had never imagined that such trials were inflicted upon a saint.

To her, always basking in Gaia’s protection and living in prosperity, the Goddess of Hardships, Priyas, was anathema.

Furthermore, since they were sisters, it was difficult to openly defy her.

What if she disappeared for protesting? How unfair would that be!

Thus, she silently bore whatever was demanded of her.

Several trials had shocked her, but the thought that she wouldn’t be alone this time offered some comfort.

In fact, it even made her laugh.

“Ray… You won’t be able to escape either. Let’s energetically face the fasting and hot springs together. Huhuhuhu.”

“Saint, you just sounded incredibly evil.”

The warm sunlight allowed no leisure for a relaxed walk.

Ray sprinted through the forest at an incredible pace.

Neither a goblin tribe nor an ogre village could deter him.

If a village stood in his way, he simply broke through it.

Ogres, whose homes someone had mercilessly demolished, wore looks of dismay.

After hours of rushing, he began to recognize familiar paths.

“It’s gotten quite lively?”

Where adventurers had been scarce before, the area had changed in just a year.

The local lord must have been pleased with such development.

The town had become a rising commercial hub, with adventurers and trade companies now mingling.

He passed the bustling village square and headed toward the dense forest that led home.

The paved road gradually roughened, eventually blending into a natural trail.

At the forest’s edge, near a large rock, Ray discreetly released some mana into his surroundings.

“This should be enough for a welcome.”

He sat casually on the rock, waiting for about ten minutes before a familiar face appeared.


An elf with bright brown hair and innocent eyes waved at him.

Ray returned the smile.

“Pia! How have you been?”

“What brings you here? Is your time up already?”

“No, I just stopped by during the pilgrimage.”

“Huh… Let’s talk in the village. Everyone’s waiting for you.”

Typical of an elf.

Could she sense it was him from the mana he had released, despite the considerable distance?

His mana sensitivity could rival even a dragon’s.

Following Pia, just as he had the first time they met, he made his way to the elf village.

Pia gazed at Ray and marveled.

‘He’s not wildly charging with mana under his feet like before…’

To achieve such growth in just a year.

She remembered hearing that humans had the most outstanding potential for growth among all races in the middle realm, but she hadn’t expected it to be this much.

“You can activate mana now?”

“Just picked it up by watching.”

“…For something learned by watching, it’s quite…”

It was proper mana activation.

He didn’t waste mana unnecessarily, and his power distribution was so efficient it surpassed hers.

Thanks to this, they were able to significantly shorten the time to the village.

An elf guard at the entrance greeted them.

“The human ally, right?”

“Hello. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“The mana outside the village was yours, huh? Well, welcome back.”

“I’ll be in your care again.”

“What care, haha! Stay as you like. At this point, you’re no longer a stranger to us.”

The elf guard stepped aside with a comment that could cause misunderstandings.

As soon as he entered the village, a refreshing breeze seemed to greet him.

Despite being surrounded by trees, it was a wonder how sunlight and wind passed through so well.

Passing the entrance and some houses, various elves greeted him.

“Human kid! Haven’t seen you in a while!”

“Lady Aira is waiting. Don’t be late.”

“Got it. Hahaha.”

A smile naturally spread across his face.

He felt at ease.

Of course, not all the elves were pleased with his visit.

As he passed through the village and glanced around, he saw many unfamiliar faces.

These must be from the recent event Aira mentioned.

The merging of two elf villages.

The upper elf village, lacking a High Elf, had requested a merger under Aira’s leadership, and it seemed to have gone smoothly.

That’s why the somewhat unwelcoming gazes couldn’t be helped.

The original elves knew him, but to the new ones, he was just another human child.

To them, the presence of a stranger like him in their village might have been uncomfortable.

Pia spoke with a slightly apologetic look.

“It’s a sensitive time for everyone, as the merger just finished.”

“It’s okay. Where’s Aira’s house?”

“Will Lady Aira? I guess she might not.”

“It’s good then. I just came to say hello lightly this time.”

He spoke and headed toward a beautiful large tree.

No matter when you looked at it, it was a tree of immense size.

Thinking back, it seemed foolish that I had climbed over it so recklessly.

Now that I could activate mana, I would lightly jump over it.

He lightly kicked the ground and propelled himself upward.

With just a few steps, he reached the high summit.

Seeing the old-fashioned wooden house, Aira’s home, brought back memories.

Like the time I stayed here for days to treat her, or the time I carefully washed myself in the lake behind.

It had been only a bit more than a year, yet it felt like a distant memory.

As he went to open the door, a familiar voice came from inside.

“Come in.”

She seemed calm, as if she knew he would come.

Of course, since he had spread his mana outside, she must have known.


Despite gently pushing it, the heavy door made a grand sound.

As soon as the door opened, Aira was seen with her white hair messily over her shoulders.

She smiled attractively and said,

“…It’s been a while. No… it hasn’t been long, but it feels like it. Is this what missing someone feels like?”

“Maybe. After coming to the village, I realized I missed living here.”

“That’s good then.”

As he stepped inside, Aira handed him tea she had prepared on the table.

The steam indicated it was freshly brewed.

Recently, he had been disgusted by tea that felt like filth collected from the world.

But smelling the tea Aira brewed calmed him down.

It was definitely the unique aroma of elven tea.

Taking a sip, a pleasant bitterness lingered in his mouth.

Iriel’s tea skills were excellent, but Aira’s were a step ahead.

After enjoying a moment of silence, she put down her teacup and asked,

“So… who is it?”


“You said there’s a woman you have in mind. I’m asking who it is.”

“H-how did you know that…”

Ray’s flustered face made Aira grin.

She tapped her left hand, which bore the same mark as his.

“Didn’t I tell you? This is the proof that I’m with you.”

“No, you never explained what this is!”

It was unfair.

She had vaguely explained it as just a mark!

To his words, Aira thoughtfully raised a finger.

“Hmm. I can see your situation, like what you’re saying or your expression, but only when you’re thinking of me.”

That meant…

She blushed and shyly smiled.

“You must have thought of me when you told the Emperor about the woman in your heart. I understand your feelings. That’s what it means… Hahaha.”

“…If you already knew, why did you ask?”

“Because I wanted to hear it directly from you.”

Everything was exposed.

He had never imagined the mark on his left hand had such a function.

It was his mistake.

“So, who’s the one you have feelings for?”

She asked playfully, her tone not fitting her usual demeanor.


He spoke, feeling his face heat up.

Seeing his different expression, Aira’s face turned serious.

She hadn’t expected an answer to her playful question.

She took a sip of her tea with a cold expression.

“One more time.”

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