Time is slow

Chapter 832

Chapter 827: Extra 3 Unsuccessful

Chapter 827 Fanwai 3

This year’s winter in the capital was extremely cold, with pedestrians on the road in a hurry, but the business of the liquor store got better and better.

It’s freezing cold, and people who go out after work go to the restaurant to drink shochu with mutton stewed in a charcoal-fired copper stove. That’s the beauty of life.

Chunfenglou is full of drinkers, mixed with the aroma of meat and wine, there is a steaming lively.

The sound of horses’ hooves hitting the frozen bluestone road, making a crisp clicking sound, the blink of an eye is approaching.

The guy standing outside the Spring Breeze Building immediately greeted him, took the reins, bent over and said with a smile, “Master Chi, you are here.”

The young man who turned over and dismounted was wearing a brocade cotton robe with azurite pigmented surface, a black cloak, sharp eyebrows, red lips and white teeth. He was dressed so plainly, but as the waves in his eyes flowed, he was as dazzling as the scorching sun. Dare to stare.

He passed through the lobby of the restaurant, and the hall was silent. It was not until the tall and straight figure that brought out a few scattered figures disappeared at the end of the stairs, and the liveliness resumed.

“Tsk tsk, who is that little guy who just went up, he’s so **** handsome!” The speaker was obviously drunk, his eyes were obsessed with staring at the stairs, and the corners of his mouth were drooling, “You’re more handsome than a girl, if—”

The person at the same table hurriedly gave him a hand, and said with a discoloration: “Hurry up and stop talking nonsense, you just came to the capital to know something—”

The words had just begun, when two strong and strong men came over, supported the drunken man from left to right, and threw it out of the door neatly.

The people drinking in the lobby were not used to seeing it, and when the companion chased out, they all laughed.

“This is the third one, right? There are always a few blind ones thrown out like this within a month.”

“That’s right, don’t ask who the young master just now is. Could it be caused by ordinary people?”

Chi Can entered the private room on the second floor of the restaurant, and the people waiting inside laughed: “Xi Xi, was another one that was blindly thrown out?”

Chi Can came to Zhu Yan and sat down, raised his eyebrows and smiled: “What’s so strange about this.”

Zhu Yan couldn’t help sighing: “Let’s drink in the back, so we don’t have to have these troubles.”

Chi Can glanced at Zhu Yan and sneered: “I’m just like this, do I have to cover my face and be a man for some dirty bastards?”

“I didn’t mean that.” Zhu Yan smiled wryly.

“I don’t want to go to the back for a drink.” Chi Can reached out and picked up the white jade jug and poured himself a glass of wine.

The white and slender fingers clasped the wine glass of the same texture as the wine jug, but those fingers were more lustrous than the white jade wine glass.

“There used to be four people drinking there, but now it’s just the two of us, what’s the fun in going there?” Chi Can shook the glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Zhu Yan was silent when he heard the words.

The four of them have been friends since childhood, and now only he and Chi Can stay in the capital.

Yang Houcheng was too busy fighting against the Japanese to return to Beijing. Shao Mingyuan was conferred the title of King Beidi, and there is no hope of seeing him again in this life.

“By the way, when will your second son’s full moon wine be done?” Chi Can opened his mouth to break the silence.

“I’ll post a post for you then.” Hearing Chi Can mentioning his second son who was born not long ago, Zhu Yan smiled, glanced at his friend, and persuaded, “I have three children, and even Chongshan has already You became a relative in the south, why haven’t you moved.”

Chi Can squinted at his friend and smiled lazily: “Are you worried about this too?”

Zhu Yan sighed in his heart.

Among the three friends, Shi Xi can be regarded as a real loner, and no elder will worry about his life-long affairs.

And with the succession of the young master, the relationship between Shixi and the royal family has become weaker and weaker. If Xu Shoufu had not taken care of him in the past two years, I am afraid that he would not be so smooth in the court.

Of course, it wasn’t because of someone’s face that Shi Xi could get Xu Shoufu’s care, but because he made great efforts to bring down Lanshan back then, and reached some kind of tacit understanding with Xu Shoufu.

“It’s not something to worry about, you’re not too young, do you want to keep doing this?”

“What’s wrong with this?” Chi Can drank another glass of wine and said with a smile, “No one cares, just drink if you want, and come back when you want. Unlike you, you have to ask Mrs. .”

“Xi Xi, don’t change the subject, after all these years you don’t have a girl you like?”

“No.” Chi Can gave the answer without hesitation, looking serious.

He has ever met the best, so why settle for the sake of starting a family? Ruining yourself as well as ruining others.

Seeing that Zhu Yan wanted to persuade again, Chi Can pouted: “People who have become relatives are so sticky and sticky, they drink when they drink, what are they talking about?”

Zhu Yan saw that it was not good to say more, raised the glasses and drank.

When the two went out, snowflakes floated outside, like catkins flying in the sky.

Looking at Chi Can with flushed cheeks, Zhu Yan instructed his staff, “Send Master Chi back to the manor.”

Chi Can’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he waved his hand: “No, I’m still not drunk with this wine, bring me the horse.”

When Shao Mingyuan left the capital, he transferred Chunfenglou to Chi Can, and Chi Can became the owner of Chunfenglou.

Chi Can neatly turned over and waved at Zhu Yan: “Let’s go.”

As the horse ran, the cold wind blew, and most of the people were awake.

Not long after seeing the familiar mansion, Chi Can dusted off the snowflakes on his body, dismounted from his horse and walked in. He heard the girl’s laughter just after passing the second door.

“Don’t have carrot noses, use potatoes!”

“Girl, snowmen all have carrot noses.”

The girl said crisply: “Everyone uses carrots for snowmen’s noses, so I can’t use potatoes for snowmen’s noses? How can there be such a reason!”

“Chi Jiao.”

Hearing the shouting, the girl couldn’t help but look around and saw Chi Can rushing over: “Brother, you are back.”

The girl is only five or six years old, not as tall as Chi Can’s waist, wearing a red cloak and stepping on a pair of deerskin boots, as cute as a powder ball.

“How many times have I said that, don’t hug my thighs!” Chi Can frowned in disgust.

The girl didn’t care at all, and instead took Chi Can’s hand and said, “Brother, do you think it looks good with carrots as a nose for a snowman, or with potatoes?”

“Use whatever you want. You built the snowman, not me.”

The girl patted her hands and smiled, “I’ll just say, my eldest brother also supports me using potatoes as a nose for the snowman.”

Chi Can watched the girl happily run over and stuff potatoes into the snowman’s face, and couldn’t help touching his nose.

Children are stupid.

I don’t know how a smart person like Reizan will give birth to a child?

I received a letter from Shao Tingquan not long ago that they are about to have a second child.

Chi Can touched his chin and thought about it, and waved to the girl: “Chi Jiao, come here.”

“What’s the matter, eldest brother?” The girl ran back, obviously admiring her handsome eldest brother.

“You’re not too young, do you want to go with me on a long trip?”

“Okay!” The girl nodded hurriedly, “Brother, where are we going?”

Chi Can cast his eyes into the distance: “When spring starts, let’s go north.”

Merry Christmas to everyone. Thanks to Lu Chuchu for the reward of the God of Wealth jar, lost Gulu, Li Le, and sister love the sachet rewarded by jumping needles, traveling in fantasy, kitten without a beard, little bookworm 2015, book friend 20170204220501578, Shuyuanji, love to read Niu Niuniu, Ning Zixu, Mo Xichen Xin, Wanwan like Water, Under the Orange Sky, Shandong Flower Mushroom, Tianding Fenghua, Zou Zhixiu, Jiangnan Wangjiangbei, BaBy, Xin, Hanbinger whd, Love ^^ Fu, thanks to the book lovers who voted.

(end of this chapter)

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