Through The Chat Group, Start Fighting To Break The Three-Year Agreement!

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 How Did Han Li Run So Fast?

“The Qingfengyi and Youlongbu given by the seniors are indeed the first-class life-saving secrets!”

Han Li was overjoyed to get rid of Long Chuan.

If Su Han hadn’t taught him the Green Wind Wings and Swimming Dragon Steps, and he was attacked by that inexplicable strange Golden Core cultivator today, I’m afraid he would be doomed!

At this moment, Han Li was very grateful to Su Han.

On the other side, after Long Chuan chased and lost Han Li, his whole body was lost, his eyes were lost, and he stared blankly at the direction in which Han Li was escaping.

Han Li used to be by his side, but he missed it.

If life could be repeated, Long Chuan would definitely say to Han Li: “Don’t go!”

If you want to give a time limit, Long Chuan will say, 10,000 years!

Half a day later, Long Chuan barely recovered from the heavy blow of missing the palm bottle, and opened the chat group to speak.

“I met Han Li.”

Liu Jun (2323): “What? Did you meet Han Li?”

In a certain city in Yue State, Liu Jun’s complexion changed, and a touch of jealousy rose in his heart.

When Long Chuan met Han Li, didn’t the Zhang Tian bottle fall into his hands?

Ye Sheng (5656): “Tsk, the palm bottle has fallen into your hands.”

Susan (250): “Congratulations, Long Chuan.”

Wang Mazi (10011): “The Zhangtian bottle plus the fairy root, this is the rhythm of taking off, envy.”

Liu Feifei (10088): “The palm of the hand bottle can give birth to elixir, a hundred-year-old elixir is worth hundreds of spirit stones, a thousand-year elixir is worth thousands of spirit stones, a ten-thousand-year elixir is worth at least tens of millions of spirit stones !

Hey, Longchuan big brother, can you feed me some spirit stones?”

“This kid has great luck.”

Ouyang Hu’s eyes were fixed, and he was very envious of Long Chuan. The Tianzhang Bottle is the treasure that even his heart is attracted to.

“He snatched the palm bottle?”

On the small island, Su Han’s eyes suddenly lit up with killing intent.

He regarded the Sky Palm Vase as something in his pocket, but it was only temporarily placed on Han Li’s body, and he did not take it away.

How dare Long Chuan snatch it?

Why is Su Han not angry?

“No way, I’m going to kill a group of friends today to add to the fun.”

Su Han’s voice turned cold, and he stood up to find Long Chuan.

[It is detected that group member No. 10086 has the idea of ​​killing group members, please stop immediately!

This chat group does not allow group friends to kill each other!]

The chat group mechanical notification sounded in Su Han’s mind.

“Why are there such pitfalls?”

Su Han’s face was ugly, and he suspected that the system was targeting him.

Wouldn’t the system just sit back and watch the bottle fall into the hands of the dragon? This result was absolutely unacceptable to him.

“No, the system shouldn’t favor a group member.

Su Han calmed down, his mind turned, and he came up with a way to bypass the system rules in a flash.

“Group members were not allowed to fight directly before, but it didn’t say that other people could not kill group members.

I can completely let other people kill Long Chuan and snatch the Heavenly Palm Bottle from him!”

There is no response in the chat group.

A smile appeared on Su Han’s face, knowing that his guess was right.

After all, the chat group is just a dead thing, mechanically rigid, it does not allow group members to kill each other, but Su Han arranged for other people to kill Longchuan, but was allowed.

This is the rule loophole!

Su Han was in a state of mind, thinking about how to send someone to kill Long Chuan.

At this time, Long Chuan spoke again in the group.

“I met Han Li, but I didn’t grab the Sky Palm Bottle.”


Everyone raised a question mark.

Long Chuan (10010): “I don’t know what happened to Han Li.

He actually mastered two powerful evasion techniques, and when combined, he can run faster than ordinary Golden Core cultivators, even approaching Nascent Soul cultivators!

I tried my best to chase him, but I couldn’t catch up, watching him run away, it’s just a song!”

Long Chuan poured bitter water, his face was full of depression, every time he thought of the scene where Han Li ran away, his heart ached.

The Zhangtian bottle was right in front of him, but he missed it.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

“Han Li escaped from Long Chuan’s hands by relying on two exquisite escaping speeds?”

Su Han stopped in his tracks with a strange expression on his face. Wasn’t he the one who handed over the two speed escapes to Han Li?

One is called Qingfengyi, and the other is called Youlongbu.

With the cooperation of the two, the escape speed is indeed astonishing.

When Su was in the Dou Ling realm, he escaped from Dou Fu’s pursuit.

In a sense, Su Han invisibly cheated Long Chuan, and it was the chief culprit who caused him to fail to handle Han Li and miss the Heavenly Ping Ping.

Ye Sheng (5656): “My sympathy `||!”

“Haha, I laughed so hard!”

In reality, Ye Sheng laughed so hard that his stomach hurts. Long Chuan managed to meet Han Li and let him run away. He missed such treasures as Zhang Tianping.

Liu Jun (2323): “My sympathy.”

In reality, Liu Jun took pleasure in other people’s misfortune, and Han Li ran away. He didn’t get the Sky Palm Vase, and Long Chuan didn’t get the Sky Palm Bottle, so that’s only fair.

Ouyang Hu: “Haha, Han Paopao really lived up to his reputation, and he was able to escape from your hands.”

Ouyang Hu laughed directly, he thought that the Zhangtian bottle had fallen into Long Chuan’s hands, and felt a little unhappy.

In the end, when Long Chuan was given a chance, he couldn’t grasp it, and was actually run away by Han Li.

The Sky Palm Vase is still in Han Li’s hands, and Ouyang Hu still has a chance to snatch it, which makes him happy.

Susan (250): “That’s not right, how could Han Li’s escape speed exceed that of an ordinary Golden Core cultivator, and approach that of a Nascent Soul cultivator? This doesn’t fit the plot of a mortal.

Long Chuan (10010): “That is to say, this is completely inconsistent with the plot line of mortals.

If I had known that Han Li had mastered the two escaping speeds, I would have set up a trap to trap him first, and then I would prepare it properly.

Where would you directly attack, so as to let him run away?”

Long Chuan regretted it in his heart.

Ouyang Hu (2): “The plot has changed, is it the way of heaven helping Han Li? He is the protagonist, with strong luck.

Tiandao sensed that our existence might be detrimental to Han Li, so he added some means to him so that he would not be manipulated by us at will.

Susan (250): “There is another possibility, apart from our traveler chat group, is there no other force that can travel through the world?

The main god space, the reincarnation, etc., these are all existences with the same reputation as the chatter!

Could it be that there are people in the mortal world who have the dimension of the main god, and they secretly helped Li? This created a butterfly effect?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s faces were solemn. Compared with the Heavenly Dao, the Lord God’s Space and other forces from the heavens and myriad worlds, it was even more difficult to deal with.

After all, those people, like them, know the plot of the mortal world!

“Since when did I become the Dao of Heaven? Is there still a person in the space of the Lord God?”

Su Han’s complexion became more and more strange. Han Li escaped at an astonishing speed, faster than ordinary Golden Core cultivators.

Ouyang Hu and the others speculated with solemn faces that there was a way of heaven, or that the people from the main god space intervened secretly to interfere with Han Li’s development.

This is quite a brain hole.

Su Han thought for a while before speaking.

“Everyone’s speculation is very likely, no matter what the situation is, it seems to be saying that it is impossible to snatch Han Li’s palm bottle.

I don’t think we should even try to grab Han Li’s Sky Palm Vase in the future.

Now it’s just that Han Li ran fast and didn’t grab it.

If we continue to rob, maybe Tiandao or the main god space hiding in the dark will attack us. ”

If you can use a lie to fool other members of the group not to snatch Han Li, that would be great.

After all, the palm of the hand bottle is on Han Li’s body.

Han Li is next to Su Han, which is equivalent to holding the sky bottle on his body. The other group members want to grab the sky bottle. Isn’t this grabbing him?

I have to say, Su Han’s flickering was quite effective.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt awe-inspiring, and their enthusiasm for snatching the sky bottle was reduced by most.

Although holding the sky bottle is good, it is not as important as your own life!

Su Han went offline, and Han Li came back not long after, with lingering fear on his face.

“Senior, a Golden Core cultivator attacked me out of nowhere today. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have fallen.”

Su Han knew the inside story, but he definitely couldn’t tell Han Li directly, so he asked with a serious expression.

“Tell me everything about you since you left the island.”


Han Li responded, and told the ins and outs.

After Su Han listened, pretending to understand something, Xiao Ran said.

“I see, it must be that you sold the thousand-year-old elixir, Lufu, and attracted the coveted attention of the golden core monks!”

“I think so too.”

Han Li nodded. After he got rid of Longchuan, after thinking about it, he would suddenly be attacked by the Jindan cultivator, and it was most likely because he became rich.

This made him startled and angry.

“It’s fine in the future, don’t use the millennium elixir, it’s too eye-catching, and it’s easy to arouse the greed of others.

In addition, when you are away from home, it is best to disguise yourself, so that it will be very difficult for others to find you.

In addition, don’t call yourself Li Feiyu in the future, and use a few fake names when you go out, and your safety will be improved to a higher level. ”

Su Han exhorted.

Let Han Li change his appearance to prevent Long Chuan from not giving up and still wanting to grab the sky bottle.

“Predecessors have great opinions, and I will listen to them.”

Han Li nodded, he would do the same without Su Han saying.

Staying by Su Han’s side during this time felt so secure that he lost some vigilance.

Now he understands that although the senior is powerful and is a reincarnated true immortal, it is impossible for him to be by his side all the time, and he still has to rely on himself for his own safety!

“I will give you a gift after a while, and your life-saving ability will be improved by then.”

Su Han said again.

“Thank you senior!”

Han Li’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he quickly thanked him.

Afterwards, Han Li took out many materials purchased this time and gave them to Su Han.

Su Han accepted it, went back to the cave to retreat, began to refine the formation plate, and continued to brush up the skill proficiency of the formation technique!

In the world of fighting, on the top of Yunlan Peak, the little doctor, as usual, sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain every day, looking towards the direction of the Great Tagore Desert.

Meimou is full of anticipation, hoping to see Su Han return.

But the fourth month passed, the fifth passed, until half a year passed!

The sun and the moon rotate, day turns into night, and night turns into day.

Su Han still hasn’t come back!

Yun Yun mobilized all the power of the Misty Cloud Sect to find Su Han, and even went to the Tagore Desert to find Su Han herself.

However, Su Han seemed to have disappeared from this world, no matter how hard he searched, there was no trace of him!

The light in the little doctor’s beautiful eyes gradually dimmed until it disappeared, replaced by a touch of disappointment.

Her body was also waiting day by day, and gradually became thinner, her face was pale, and her expression was haggard.

As soon as the wind blows, it seems to be about to fall.

The little fairy doctor found Yun Yun and asked in a low voice.

~ Master, is something wrong?”

Yun Yun fell silent, not knowing what to say to Little Doctor Immortal.


Yun Yun opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything, and finally she spoke.

“Perhaps, Han’er left the Jia Ma Empire and the Great Tagore Desert and went to other places

“Liar! The master said before he left that he was going to get the different fire to treat my Enandu body. How could he go to another place like this?”

The little fairy doctor said calmly.

Yun Yun shut up. In fact, she also knew that even if Su Han went to other places, it was impossible for her to remain silent.

Even if something happened and they couldn’t return, they would find a way to send someone to notify her so that they could feel at ease.

“It’s all caused by Gu He and that boy! If they didn’t want to snatch Master’s Heavenly Flame and join forces to hunt him down, he wouldn’t be missing!”

The little fairy doctor’s expression was still calm, but there was a monstrous anger hidden in his eyes, and he became hatred towards Gu He, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao.

It was them who caused Master to disappear.

The little fairy doctor thought that when she was in the Warcraft Mountains, she encountered the sonic attack of the Amethyst Wing Master, and the master stepped forward and blocked her with his body.

When she was in the Misty Cloud Sect, the master accompanied her to go shopping and play around, just to make her happy and get out of the psychological shadow of the evil body.

What a beautiful day that was, thinking about it now, she can’t help but smile on her face.

However, now that the master has disappeared, the beauty of the past is like the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror, which can no longer be touched!

The little fairy doctor clutched her chest, her face became paler and her heart hurt so badly!

“Little Fairy Doctor, you…”

Yun Yun wanted to say something, but in the end she didn’t say anything, just said.

“I will increase the manpower to search for Han’er, and go to the surrounding countries of the Jia Ma Empire to search. (Yes Zhao)

Don’t worry, you must be alive. ”

The little fairy doctor didn’t say anything else, she turned her head and left, she went to the Sutra Pavilion to inquire about various classics on refining poisons.

Afterwards, the Little Doctor Fairy bought materials and began to refine the poison.

“Do you want to swallow poison and practice the body of Enandu?”

Yun Yun noticed the little doctor’s actions, and immediately appeared in front of her with a serious expression.

“Do you know that the more you practice the Enan Poison Body, the more harmful it will be.

If you cultivate to the later stage, no matter where you stand, thousands of miles around you will turn into a dead area!

In addition, cultivating the Eternal Poison Body will allow the toxins in your body to accumulate continuously. When it reaches a certain level, all the toxins will explode, and you will suffer from all the poisons and die!

Do you want to die early?”

“I’m going to find Master and avenge Master.”

The little fairy doctor said calmly.

These two things require sufficient strength, and swallowing poison happens to be the fastest way to cultivate the Enandu body, which can become a strong person in a very short time.

Even if this will greatly reduce the lifespan of the little fairy doctor, even if she will become a hated goddess.

But as long as she can find Master and avenge him, she doesn’t care anymore.

“When your master leaves the Misty Cloud Sect, let me take good care of you, I can’t let you practice the Evil and Poisonous Body.

Yun Yun said.

“I want to cultivate the Enan Poison Body.

The little fairy doctor smiled, and there was a stubbornness hidden under the smile.

Yun Yun’s heart trembled, she saw the crazy man under the smile of the little doctor.

“You, alas, why bother, if Han’er is here, I definitely don’t want you to do this for him.”

Yun Yun sighed.

Su Han is very important to Little Doctor Immortal, she knows it, but she never imagined that he is so important to her.

After Su Han disappeared, the kind-hearted little fairy doctor became paranoid and crazy.

The little fairy doctor’s eyes trembled, and soon became firm.

“You don’t need to persuade me any more.”

Yun Yun sighed, turned and left. .

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