Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Renhe Medical Center

The streets were crowded with people.

A not-so-luxurious carriage came from the far street.

“Eldest son, Renhe Medical Center is here!”

After the carriage stopped, Uncle Liu bowed respectfully towards the carriage.

“So many people?”

Liu Zhao got off the carriage and was speechless.

On the street under his feet, at the end of the street is the Renhe Medical Center, and this entire street is already full of people at this moment!

Renhe Medical Center offers free clinics, no money!

This made the people of the entire Xuan Dou County flock here!

In this era of low living standards, it is not easy to live, and there are almost nine out of ten people who are sick!

And Sun Simiao is a well-known genius doctor in the entire Xuan Dou County, and he does not accept medical fees for diagnosis!

This makes the poor people and rich people rush for furniture!

However, to Liu Zhao’s surprise, as far as he could see, except for a few carriages at the entrance of Renhe Medical Center, most of the street was filled with poor people in ragged clothes!

Many people are lying on the street to sleep, and they are all carrying dry food!

The crowd was bustling and noisy.

The whole street was crowded, giving the impression of a refugee camp.

Liu Zhao subconsciously frowned.

And at this time, obviously the people on the street also noticed Liu Zhao!

“My lord! It’s the prefect…”

In the crowd, I don’t know who shouted. Immediately, the whole street was full of people, and people gave in one after another, leaving a passage enough for two horses to run side by side!

Recently, the reputation of Liu Zhao’s bravery has been widely rumored in Youzhou, and Liu Zhao himself is the prefect of Xuantu County.

There was a look of awe in the eyes of the people.

“Get out of the way! Give Laozi some peace!”

“You bunch of bed bugs in the sewer, you still want to come to see Doctor Sun for a diagnosis, and you don’t want to see if you’re worthy…”

When the street was cleared by the people to make way for walking, the end of the street was immediately exposed. There were more than a dozen men holding swords and arrogantly blocking the street in front of them.

And among that group of people, the leader obviously hadn’t noticed the quiet changes in the crowd, and still scolded with disdain.


Liu Zhao frowned subconsciously, a look of displeasure in his eyes.

Seeing Liu Zhao’s reaction, Uncle Liu, who was beside him, had already understood it, and a coldness appeared on his face.

“You bastard, how dare you make trouble in Renhe Medical Center!”

“Take it for me…”

As Uncle Liu spoke, in an instant, several armoured men brought by Liu Zhao immediately stepped forward.

Liu Zhao’s accompanying escort is an elite who has experienced battle formation!

At this moment, an order was given, and in an instant, it was like a thunderbolt, and the murderous aura rose.

“The descendants do not kill!”

The leading guard shouted with murderous intent.


“Forgive your life! Lord Prefect, spare your life…”

After all, they were just gangsters in the market, who had never seen such a scene before, all of them were so frightened that their legs went weak, all the weapons in their hands fell to the ground, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

“what happened?”

Liu Zhao walked in from the outskirts of the street.

“Your Majesty, please spare your life…”

Among those men, the leader hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Facing Liu Zhao, the prefect of a county.

It can be said that these gangsters have encountered the biggest powers in their lives. At this moment, Liu Zhao asked, how dare they hide it.

After a while, Liu Zhao understood what was going on.

It turned out that the cause of this incident was because of the number of patients.

Sun Simiao’s strength is limited!

Renhe Medical Center can only diagnose more than 20 people a day!

But outside of this street, the poor people who came for the free clinic, I don’t know how many!

Therefore, Sun Simiao’s rule of queuing up for free clinics has led to the fact that the rich and noble people in the city can’t get in at all!

Because… the poor people all brought dry food and lined up all night!

A group of rich and powerful people, who can suffer such crimes!

However, they are nobles after all!

Therefore, those families who needed to seek Sun Simiao’s diagnosis, sent their servants one after another and stopped them directly outside the Renhe Medical Center, blocking all the poor people from the outside!

Then there was the scene that Liu Zhao saw…

“Who are you from?”

Liu Zhao’s eyes fell on the group of frightened servants kneeling on the ground.

“Reporting to the prefect, the youngest is from the Xu family of Governor Xu in the north of the city!”

“Small… The little one belongs to the Lin Changshi family in the south of the city…”

“The little one belongs to the Wang family…”

A dry servant replied timidly.

“Humph! Take them all!”

“Send a letter to each family and use money to redeem people…”

A cool color appeared on Liu Zhao’s face.

He supported Sun Simiao to open a medical center, not just to treat these powerful people, but to really want to improve the medical system and environment of this era!

And these powerful people in the city are good, dare to mess with his arrangement, so disrupt the order of Renhe Medical Center, do you really think that Liu Zhao doesn’t eat people?

Xuan Dou County wants to develop, but it is short of a lot of money!

This time, since this group of short-sighted things hit the muzzle of the gun, he will make them bleed enough…

No need for Liu Zhao to talk nonsense any more, Liu Bo who was on the side took the servants away with his personal guards.

And Liu Zhao, has already stepped into Renhe Medical Center…*

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