This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 286

Chapter 286, Can Kill By Mistake, Can Not Let Go

As soon as Honda left, Mizuki Ryosuke recalled in his heart the information that Honda had just told him. He looked at the moonlight outside the window, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Mizuki Ryosuke brought himself Douren into the perspective of Rock Shinobi to look at the problem. If he was the commander of Rock Shinobi, how would he arrange the delivery of such an important material?

In other words, Rock Shinobi will try to choose to transport at night.

Even so, with these forces from Mist Shinobi, the overall combat power of both sides was barely even.

These 4,000 people have already done their best with benevolence and righteousness.

Because the night is the best screen to cover the figure for the ninja.

Compared with the tens of thousands of troops of Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi, Mist Shinobi as a third party has only 4,000 people combined.

And it is normal for such a situation to occur.

For the team responsible for transporting supplies, Rock Shinobi naturally has to camouflage, not only that, Rock Shinobi will also choose to do it as secretly as possible.

He never expected that the timing of his arrival would be so perfect. He thought he would dormant here and wait for a while, but he did not expect that the timing of his arrival was just right.

Waiting for the critical moment when Rock Shinobi’s supply is cut off, Mist Shinobi’s reinforcements will be the last weight to overwhelm Rock Shinobi.

The answer is simple – don’t put your eggs in one basket.

At present, the town where Mizuki Ryosuke and others are entrenched, although it may seem unremarkable, it is an important transportation hub connecting the north and south of the Land of Frost.

But what Ryosuke didn’t say was that the two teams each had only 2,000 people.

The stakes are very important, of course, it is better to kill by mistake than to let it go!

It is also a key area that determines the direction of the war.

So Mizuki Ryosuke judged that the supply of Rock Shinobi must pass through this town.

The total number of ninjas has recovered to 20,000, and the number of Jōnin has recovered to more than 300, which is roughly the same as that of Cloud Shinobi at this time.

At the moment, Cloud Shinobi’s army should have a total of about 20,000 ninjas, and the number of Jōnin should be roughly 200.

Ninja itself is a dark profession based on deception and assassination.

And these materials undoubtedly need ninjas to be responsible for escorting.

Next, Mizuki Ryosuke just needs to attack suspicious targets.

Previously, Mizuki Ryosuke asked Yuichi Honda about important information about the supply of Rock Shinobi.

And this lifeline is Rock Shinobi’s supply line!

As for what to do if you get it wrong?

Any large team that wants to travel through the Frostland has only a limited number of paths to choose from.

The key to whether the battle can be determined is that Mizuki Ryosuke can break the lifeline of Rock Shinobi!

At this moment, a sharp color flashed in Mizuki Ryosuke’s eyes, and it was already deep, and it was time for them to act…

The Land of Frost, a small country that is extremely transparent.

Thinking of this, a glint of light flashed in Mizuki Ryosuke’s eyes.

As long as he can block Rock Shinobi’s logistical transportation, then Rock Shinobi’s army of tens of thousands of ninjas will naturally be unshakable.

This is because of the tailed beast accident that occurred in Cloud Shinobi not long ago, resulting in a sharp drop in the number of Jōnin.

Second, this war has completely different meanings for Mist Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi, although Mizuki Ryosuke decides to help Cloud Shinobi agree to Rock Shinobi.

Mizuki Ryosuke came to the Land of Frost without saying a word, but he actually had another arrangement~.


And hardly need to think about it, in order to escort the convenience of materials, Rock Shinobi transport troops will of course choose to disguise as a caravan.

However, the previous overdraft still made Mist Shinobi’s combat power slightly weak.

However, if you carefully understand the specific military strength comparison of the two sides, you will actually find that the overall strength of the two sides is relatively balanced and not much outstanding.

Cloud Shinobi can’t do it, doesn’t mean Mizuki Ryosuke can’t do it.

Of course this is not true.

As a result, the roads in the Land of Frost are relatively simple.

This is why Mizuki Ryosuke chose to come to the Land of Frost.


The core of them is about five hundred Jōnin.

Since Mizuki Ryosuke has long been prepared to intervene in the war between Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi, naturally he will not rush into it, he already has a plan in his mind.

As a result, the ninja world is not very peaceful at present, and the country of water still needs a lot of military power to sit in. In addition, the country of water itself needs to operate internally, so it naturally needs a lot of power to maintain it.

After all, the supply of tens of thousands of ninjas, even if Rock Shinobi disperses the scale of the caravan disguised as a transport force, the scale must not be small.

There is absolutely no need for Mist Shinobi to sacrifice his own interests for the survival of Cloud Shinobi.

He is confident that even if he just dispatches these forces, he can win this war effortlessly.

Although there are not many people, each team has a hundred Jōnin as the backbone, and these 4,000 troops are all the elite combat power of Mist Shinobi, plus there are two Kage-level powerhouses as leaders. , These two troops naturally have extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

Looking at it this way, it is normal for Cloud Shinobi to be beaten by Rock Shinobi.

Furthermore, Mizuki Ryosuke has always believed that soldiers are more valuable than more.

And with Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, Mist Shinobi has recovered a little in recent years despite Ryosuke’s vigorous development.

In fact, Bee’s guess was not wrong.

The instructions given by Mizuki Ryosuke to the White Shark unit were also simple: to investigate everything that was chosen to transport damaged goods at night, and to report the situation to him in a large-scale caravan.

Under the intelligence network of the White Shark Army, they soon found several extremely suspicious caravans in the Frost Country.

But even if it is to help, it must be divided into what kind of “help” method.

At this moment, although Mist Shinobi joined Cloud Shinobi’s camp, a “two-on-one” situation was formed.

Mizuki Ryosuke naturally wanted to make sure that Mist Shinobi’s losses were minimized and stopped in time.

Mist Shinobi’s factory is producing massive quantities of combat supplies at all times, which will eventually be shipped to the Land of Wind, Land of Thunder, and Land of Rain.

Earlier, Mizuki Ryosuke said that Mist Shinobi’s Anbu Naguki Lantern and Hoshigaki Kisame, the head of the White Shark Unit, will each lead a team to support Cloud Shinobi.

According to the information in the hands of Mizuki Ryosuke, Rock Shinobi’s army has a total of about 30,000 ninjas at this moment.

0…for flowers…

If this happens, Mizuki Ryosuke can only say sorry.

But after understanding all this, the goal is actually very clear.

As a result, Rock Shinobi is likely to choose to divide the transport team into several teams for delivery, which can not only ensure timely stop loss in the event of an accident, but also reduce the target of the delivery team, so as to disguise.

At this moment, all of Cloud Shinobi’s main forces were trapped in the Land of Thunder, losing the ability to harass Rock Shinobi’s logistical supply lines.

But at this moment, it has become a must for Rock Shinobi to deliver supplies!

After all, if you want to escort a large number of materials forward reasonably, only the form of a caravan can be the most reasonable.

The ice and snow in the Land of Frost make the construction of roads in the Land of Frost extremely costly, and the development of traffic is extremely limited.

For a major event like delivering supplies, Rock Shinobi naturally wouldn’t be so stupid as to be open-minded, otherwise wouldn’t it be saying “Come and rob me”

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