This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 22

Chapter 22, Is There A Possibility

Regarding the task of chasing and killing the rebellion, clear information is given in the task scroll.

Including the ability to betray Nakajima Koji, the behavior made on the day of the betrayal, and the direction of the betrayal detected by Anbu after the betrayal.

What’s more, there is also a confession from a nearby villager, which details the experience of Koji Nakajima staying at the villager’s house after he defected.

Chasing and killing betrayal, naturally, must be executed immediately.

As soon as the defectors were discovered, the village immediately took investigative actions.

So at this moment, it was only less than 24 hours after Koji Nakajima defected.

For any ninja, this task is very simple.

Based on the information in the mission scroll alone, it is enough to deduce the direction of Koji Nakajima’s defection.

In addition, Koji Nakajima is only a Chūnin, with Chūnin’s ability, it is impossible to run far, unless someone outside the village has already responded.

But where is this? This is Kirigakure, the hinterland of the land of water.

It is impossible to be in this position even if someone picks up.

Because once they meet the troops who are chasing the rebels, it is very likely that a battle will break out, and even a war with Mist Shinobi will occur.

Moreover, this quest scroll was handed over to Mizuki Ryosuke by Mizukage, and the information on it was extremely reliable.

In this way, the task of just chasing down an ordinary Chūnin seemed extremely simple.


But who is Mizuki Ryosuke?

In terms of stability, Kirigakure ranks second, and I am afraid no one dares to rank first.

Use the greatest malice to try to figure out all the possible situations in the mission, even if it is just helping the grandma to cross the road.

You must know that even in the world of ninjas, there are certain risks in helping grandma.

Of course, this old lady didn’t lie down suddenly and shout to go to the hospital, but is there a possibility that she is actually a killer who is hostile to Ninja Village?

Although the odds are slim… . . .

But what if?

Only by doing all the preparations and making sure that the success rate reaches 98%, then make a steady shot.

This is the kingly way!

After all, Mizuki Ryosuke promised Lian that he would never go back in a “coma” state.

So this is more stable and stable.

Mizuki Ryosuke still tried his best to find the hidden danger in a mission that seemed unsustainable to others.

So Mizuki Ryosuke substituted himself into the role of Betrayal.

If you were a traitor, what would you do?

In an instant, all the information in the quest scrolls flooded into his mind.

As a betrayal, it may happen suddenly, but before defecting, you must be prepared.

The first thing is to delay the time when the defector is discovered, so as to seek as much space as possible to escape.

According to the records on the mission scroll, Mizuki Ryosuke soon discovered the strangeness of Koji Nakajima’s behavior on the day of his defection.

The rebellious ninja did not make any disguise or bewilderment, but left Mist Shinobi with a quick purchase of some knives and ration pills.

It’s not so much a defection, it’s more like……

Go on a mission!

Furthermore, there are certain problems in the direction of Koji Nakajima’s defection.

As we all know, the Land of Water is an island independent of the ocean. If Koji Nakajima wants to leave the Land of Water safely, he must go through the ocean by boat.

Going west, not only the shortest path, but also the country of soup can be reached in a short time, and it is very convenient to transfer to Konoha and Cloud Shinobi.

But Koji Nakajima chose to run eastward, which is the inland area of the Land of Water.

This is really puzzling.

If it is said that this is just to confuse the chasing troops, the ‘staying in a villager’s house” mentioned in the scroll proves that this is not confusing.

Because Koji Nakajima did show up in the inland waters.

Thinking in this direction, Mizuki Ryosuke gradually frowned, and it seemed that he had originally looked at the unremarkable task, but suddenly became suspicious.

What about the chase troops? What would you do if you were overtaken by the chasing troops?

hide? Hiding slows the escape, and once spotted, the escape becomes exponentially more difficult.

Even repelling the chasing troop, or getting away with it, could anger Mist Shinobi and cause more chasing troops to be dispatched.

It will be worse then.

If it’s Mizuki Ryosuke, he’ll definitely be…

Kill all the chasing troops!

This will get you a lot of time, maybe when Mist Shinobi recovers, he has already run out of the waterland.

What? You said how could the mere Chūnin have the strength to kill the troops who came to chase them?

What happened to Chūnin, the so-called Chūnin is just an equal rank, and does not represent strength, Konoha’s Genin can kill the ancestor of Chakra.

Everything is possible.

Maybe, this Nakajima Koji has always been hiding his strength?

Mizuki Ryosuke began to evaluate in his heart, if Nakajima Koji hid his strength, where should the limit be?

Kage-level? It seems unlikely, except for Mizuki Ryosuke, I am afraid that no Kage-level powerhouse will feel this kind of thing…

Therefore, according to Mizuki Ryosuke’s estimation, the scope of the opponent’s hidden strength is at most the level of Elite Jōnin.

Elite Jōnin, with some secret techniques, also has the possibility of a certain Kage-level powerhouse.

Even if this probability is not high.

In the world of ninjas, it is not uncommon for the gutter to capsize.

Golden horns and silver horns can also kill Senju Tobirama, nothing is impossible, after all, ninjas are people too.

Even the most powerful ninja will die (except Hidan).

Taking it all into consideration, Mizuki Ryosuke had already thought of the safest way in his mind.

“Well, the success rate is 99 percent.”

After muttering to himself, Mizuki Ryosuke nodded in dissatisfaction.

(For flowers, for votes, for support!)*

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